931 resultados para School Background
Other Audit Reports - Regent Institutions
Community School District Audit Report
Community School District Audit Report - Special Investigation
Survey-based study what purpose was to analyse respondents’ opinions about contacts with HIV/AIDS-affected people. It was performed using a paper-pencil method during visits of respondents at primary care centres and on-line through a link to the questionnaire distributed among patients of primary care physicians. The study involved 302 respondents, 80% of whom were women; the average age was 34.48 years. The majority of respondents did not know anyone with HIV/AIDS (89.6%). About 83.3% claimed that they would not decrease contacts with HIV/AIDS-affected people. According to 64.1% of respondents, children with HIV/AIDS should go to kindergarten/public or non-public school. We selected a group of respondents, who previously were not but now are inclined to limit such contacts. These respondents can be a potential target group for HIV/AIDS educational programmes. Most respondents think that there is insufficient information about the HIV/AIDS in the mass media.
Community School District Audit Report
Community School District Audit Report
The study aimed to analyze the nursing interventions related to the competencies of health promotion of overweight children and adolescents in the school context, in light of the Galway Consensus through an integrative review. Articles published between 1988 and June, 2013 were found in the databases CINAHL, SCOPUS, MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane, LILACS and SciELO. A total of 139 publications were obtained from indexed descriptors. Ten articles were selected after reading. The most evident competencies for health promotion were: catalyzing change, needs assessment and impact assessment. The highlights were activities of health education and partnerships with other health professionals and the families of students. It was found that the skills of health promotion developed by nurses can contribute to the adoption of healthy habits by overweight children and adolescents.
After the economic reforms of 1978, China started rising very fast and started engaging other countries in the region which has served to increase its confidence in the region. In the post cold war period, China was seen as a big threat for the region because of its claims on the South China Sea. Nevertheless, this image was eliminated when China engaged ASEAN and other multilateral and regional organizations. This paper is studying China’s economic and security policies towards ASEAN. Globalization Theory is the theory being used to explain the nature of China-ASEAN relations. This research paper argues that China’s rise is promoting peace in the region. With the engagement policy, China started promoting trade and security co operations based on mutual benefits and dialogues for the peaceful resolutions of the disputes in the region. This contributed greatly to improve China’s image in the region. Additionally, China’s posture during the economic crises of 1997 also greatly contributed to improve its image. Thus, the rise of China is providing opportunity to the other countries in East Asia. Chapter One: Background On China-ASEAN Relations The use of Soft Power and engagement policy by the Chinese government has helped to change China’s image in the region. By using these policies China has been able to clear the feeling of suspicion and mistrust among the Asian states. China has increased its participation in multilateral and regional organizations, such as ASEAN. Due to this China has been able to promote economic and security co-operation among countries in the region. Thus, from being a potential threat China became a potential co-operative partner. Chapter Two: A Look into ASEAN ASEAN was originally formed on 8th August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Nevertheless, ASEAN was not the first regional group created to act as forum for dialogue between the leaders of different countries. Thought, it is the only one which could work in the region. The aim of the foundation of ASEAN was to promote peace and stability in the Abstract 2 region and also contain the spread of communism in Southeast Asia. For this reason, China did not engage ASEAN until 1990. However, in 1978 with the establishment of the open up policy China started engaging other countries. It started building trust among its neighboring countries by using soft power. By 1992, China formalized its diplomatic ties with ASEAN as a group. The diplomatic ties between China and ASEAN focus on multilateralism and co-operation as the best way for a more peaceful Asia and the search for common security. Thus, security in the region is promoted through economic co-operation among the states. Therefore the relation between China – ASEAN emphasizes the five principles of peaceful coexistence, mutual benefits in economic co-operation, dialogue promoting trust and the peaceful settlement of disputes. Chapter Three: China-ASEAN Economic Relations Since 1978 The economic reform of 1978 has greatly contributed to the economic development of China. After the adoption of the open up policy, China has been able to establish economic and trade relations with the outside world. The realist school of thought had predicted that Asia will not be stable in the post cold war period. Nevertheless, this has not been the case in Asia. China is growing peacefully with the co-operation of countries in the region. China is establishing strong ties with its neighboring countries. China and ASEAN relations focus on mutual benefit instead of being a zero sum game. Thus these relations are aimed at encouraging trust and economic co-operation in the region. China and ASEAN have agreed on Free Trade to assure that the two parties benefit from the co-operation. The ACFTA will have a great impact on economic, political and security issues. This will enable China to increase its influence in Asia and counterbalance the influences that Japan and U.S have in the region. Chapter Four: China ASEAN Relations in the Security Perspective This Chapter is about China and ASEAN relations on security issue. The new security issues of the post cold war period need to be solved in multilateral way. China as a major power in the region, through its engagement policy has solved most Abstract 3 of the disputes in the region using multilateral means. China has also found ways to solve the dispute over Spratly Islands peacefully, through dialogue using ASEAN. Additionally, China signed the Treaty of Amity in 2003, promoted security initiatives through ARF, Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and documents covering non-traditional security threats, economic co-operation and agricultural co-operation in November 2002, and the Joint Declaration on Strategic. Chapter Five: Finding and Analysis This chapter provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the date collected throughout this research. It provides an analysis of how the rise of China is promoting peace in the region. China has been promoting mutual beneficial trade and security co-operation which has increased its influence in the region. China has also been able to solve most of the territorial and border dispute in the region through ASEAN. Thus, ASEAN has amended China’s relations with other countries in the region. Therefore, China’s foreign policy in the region has a big impact in shaping the dynamic relations in East Asia. Conclusion and Recommendations This paper concluded that the relationships between China and ASEAN are contributing to peace in the region. After China engaged ASEAN, it has been able to promote multilateral trade based on mutual benefit. This is clearly emphasized by the CAFTA. Additionally, China has solved most of the dispute in the region. It has also found way for a peaceful resolution of the dispute over Spratly Island. Nowadays, the ASEAN countries don’t see China as a threat to the region. Nevertheless, they’ve adopted deterrence measures such as establishing diplomatic relations with other big powers in the region to assure that the region continues to grow peacefully. Concerning this deterrence measures, I recommend as another way for a continued peaceful growth, the resolution of the outstanding dispute.
Community School District Audit Report - Reaudit
Community School District Audit Report - Special Investigation
This study identified transportation safety issues at existing Iowa school sites through on-site observations, traffic data collection, and through interviews with schools, law enforcement, and traffic engineers. Frequently observed problems, such as crossing at unmarked crosswalks, unloading and loading students on the street side, inattentive student safety patrols, and illegal parking, were documented and solutions were recommended for implementation. The results of the study also conclude that regular communications between school officials, traffic engineers, law enforcement, parents, and school transportation personnel are all critical to promoting safe operations within school zones.
Community School District Audit Report
The history of this research found a suitable ethos not only by the route of the researcher, but also by the current public policies of modernization and reform that are capable of regulating and transforming the educational and health systems, as well as their professional groups. The reflection meantime developed had raised a clear perception of the organizational change processes by which they interfered with the interorganizational coordination between School of Nursing and Hospital, where internship supervision would be the main protagonist, supported by the meanings that intervening actors have assigned to them. In this context, the search for explicit epistemological and methodological choices leads to look more attentively at the problem, ascertaining it, taking into account the organizational dimensions. In this regard, the choice of a case study was related to the fact that the method allowed to answer the purpose of knowing and understanding the interorganizational coordination phenomenon between School of Nursing and Hospital, namely through the supervision of internships.
II Resumo Cabo Verde é um país que tem acompanhado as grandes mudanças políticas, sociais, económicas e educativas, atribuindo um papel preponderante aos professores na educação/formação dos indivíduos. Neste sentido a formação inicial não pode constituir um acto “acabado” que não tem em linha de conta as mudanças que decorrem no seu seio. A formação contínua aparece com um processo de construção da mudança, apoiado no desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. A avaliação de necessidade de formação em professores do ensino secundário em Cabo Verde é o tema do trabalho de investigação, realizado nas escolas secundárias da ilha de Santo Antão, em Cabo Verde, no sentido de identificar questões problemáticas na formação inicial e contínua de professores e as suas implicações na qualidade educativa. Neste sentido, ao longo de 5 capítulos apresentamos os pontos desta investigação, estruturados de forma a se poder acompanhar a sua evolução. No 1º capítulo, apresenta-se a Problemática de Investigação, que constitui a parte inicial da dissertação, pela exposição do quadro conceptual do ensino secundário em Cabo Verde através da contextualização e identificação do problema, da formulação dos objectivos e questões de investigação. No 2º capítulo faz-se o percurso histórico/educativo de Cabo Verde, desde a época colonial, passando pela educação após a independência em 1975, à constituição da Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo e a Reforma Educativa dos anos 90. No 3º capítulo, intitulado “A Formação Inicial e Continua de Professores em Cabo Verde”, é abordado o enquadramento teórico desta investigação, com referência à contextualização geral da formação e modelos de formação de professores, evoluindo para a realidade Cabo-verdiana, tendo em consideração as instituições de formação de professores e o contexto actual do ensino secundário em Cabo Verde. No 4º capítulo faz-se a apresentação da Metodologia de Investigação, adoptada num estudo extensivo, do qual abordamos a natureza da investigação e caracterizamos a amostra e respondentes. Como técnicas de recolha de dados, são utilizados: o inquérito por questionário (n=77), a professores do ensino secundário e o inquérito por entrevista (n=9), aos directores das escolas secundárias da ilha de Santo Antão e a formadores de professores em São Vicente. Como técnica de análise de dados, são utilizados diversos procedimentos estatísticos e a análise de conteúdo. O 5º capítulo corresponde a apresentação e discussão dos resultados da investigação desses três públicos analisados. Para finalizar, apresenta-se uma conclusão que corresponde a síntese dos resultados obtidos, propostas de sugestões de melhoria e limitações do estudo. Cabo Verde is a country willing to follow the great political, social, economic and educational changes. This important role have attributed to teachers to educate and train individuals. In this sense the initial training cannot be considered as a “finished” task without taking into consideration those changes. The in service training appears as a scientific and pedagogic autonomization towards the growing change. The Evaluation of Secondary School teacher training Needs in Cabo Verde constitutes an investigation work, carried out in Santo Antão's island Secondary schools, aiming to identify problems in initial and continuous teachers' training and their implications in the educational quality. In this sense, along five chapters we will present the points of this investigation, structured to facilitate the understanding of its evolution. In the first chapter we present the Problem of Investigation which is an introductory part of the dissertation, the conceptual theory of the Cabo Verde secondary education through the contextualization and identification of the problem, the formulation of the objectives and investigation issues. In the second chapter we present the Cabo Verde historical/educational background, from the colonial time, going through after independence in 1975, to the constitution of the Basic Educational Law of the System and the nineties Educational Reform. In the third chapter entitled “The Initial and in-service Teacher´s Training in Cabo Verde” brings the theoretical framework of this investigation, where we present a general contextualization of teachers' training and models, developed from the reality of Cabo Verde. In this regard we will consider the teachers' training institutions and the current secondary education context in Cabo Verde. In the fourth chapter we present the Research Methodology, adopted in an extensive study, of which we draw the nature of the investigation and we characterized the sample. We carried out questionnaire (n=77) to teachers, interviews (n=9) to headmasters from Santo Antão's island secondary schools and trainers from São Vicente. We used statistical analyses and content analyses as data analyse techniques. The fifth chapter deals with presentation the discussion of results of those three analyzed publics' investigation. Finally, we present a summary of the obtained results, suggestions for improvement and limitations of study.