988 resultados para Scatter plot


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FiSAT program was used to estimate population parameters of Rastrelliger kanagurta from length frequency data. Loc and K were found to be 27.4 em and 0.90 year1 respectively. The Wetherall plot provided an estimate of Loc and Z/K were 26.7 cm and 4.683 respectively. The annual rate of natural and fishing mortality were estimated as 1.71 and 3.21 respectively. The exploitation rate was 0.652. The selection pattern L50 was 18.09 cm. Recruitment pattern suggests two seasonal pulses one in March-May and another in September-October. Peak recruitment appeared in March-May. Maximum yield could be achieved by decreasing length at first capture to 13.0 em. The relationship between total length and body weight was found to be W = 0.01583 L8952. Yield and stock prediction analysis suggested that highest yield and price could be achieved by decreasing the fishing mortality to 2.0 coefficient rate.


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Carbon fibres are a significant volume fraction of modern structural airframes. Embedded into polymer matrices, they provide significant strength and stiffness gains by unit weight compared with competing structural materials. Here we use the Raman G peak to assess the response of carbon fibres to the application of strain, with reference to the response of graphene itself. Our data highlight the predominance of the in-plane graphene properties in all graphitic structures examined. A universal master plot relating the G peak strain sensitivity to tensile modulus of all types of carbon fibres, as well as graphene, is presented. We derive a universal value of - average - phonon shift rate with axial stress of around -5ω0 -1 (cm -1 Mpa-1), where ω0 is the G peak position at zero stress for both graphene and carbon fibre with annular morphology. The use of this for stress measurements in a variety of applications is discussed. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the results of a study that specifically looks at the relationships between measured user capabilities and product demands in a sample of older and disabled users. An empirical study was conducted with 19 users performing tasks with four consumer products (a clock-radio, a mobile phone, a blender and a vacuum cleaner). The sensory, cognitive and motor capabilities of each user were measured using objective capability tests. The study yielded a rich dataset comprising capability measures, product demands, outcome measures (task times and errors), and subjective ratings of difficulty. Scatter plots were produced showing quantified product demands on user capabilities, together with subjective ratings of difficulty. The results are analysed in terms of the strength of correlations observed taking into account the limitations of the study sample. Directions for future research are also outlined. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Photodegradation of three types of polyethylene twines namely, polyethylene fibrillated tape twine, polyethylene flat tape twine and polyethylene monofilament twines were studied by exposing them to sunlight and artificial UV radiation. The percentage residual strength varied in the samples, the monofilament with the highest residual strength followed by fibrillated tape twine and flat tape twine. A plot of the difference between the breaking strengths of the fibrillated tape twine and the mono filament twines against any given period of exposure exhibited a linear relationship


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A study of the height-depth relation in the Indian backwater oyster Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) was carried out. The plot of height against depth showed an exponential trend and a relationship of the form H = ADB. Plot of height against depth also showed larger deviations in height for oysters with greater depth. Analysis showed that variations in height do not result in corresponding variations in depth, particularly in oysters with increased height.


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The permeability of asphalt concrete has been the subject of much study by pavement engineers over the last decade. The work undertaken has tended to focus on high air voids as the primary indicator of permeable asphalt concrete. This paper presents a simple approach for understanding the parameters that affect permeability. Principles explained by Taylor in 1956 in channel theory work for soils are used to derive a new parameter-representative pore size. Representative pore size is related to the air voids in the compacted mix and the D75 of the asphalt mix grading curve. Collected Superpave permeability data from published literature and data collected by the writers at the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads is shown to be better correlated with representative pore size than air voids, reducing the scatter considerably. Using the database of collected field and laboratory permeability values an equation is proposed that pavement engineers can use to estimate the permeability of in-place pavements. © 2011 ASCE.


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The analysis of scientific data is integral to materials engineering and science. The correlation between measured variables is often quantified by estimating the coefficient of determination or the r2 value. This is the recognised procedure for determining linear relationships. The authors review the derivation of the r2 value and derive an associated quantity, termed the relative deviation (RD), which is the ratio of the root mean square of the deviations about the fitted line to the root mean square of the deviations about the y bar line expressed as a percentage. The relative deviation has an advantage over the coefficient of determination in that it has greater numerical sensitivity to changes in the spread of data about the fitted line, especially when the scatter is small. In addition, the relative deviation is able to define, in percentage terms, the reduction in scatter when different independent variables are correlated with a common dependent variable. Four case studies in the materials field (aggregate crushing value, Atterberg limits, permeability and creep of asphalt) from work carried out at the Queensland Main Roads Department are presented to show the use of the new parameter RD.


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We present an alternative method of producing density stratifications in the laboratory based on the 'double-tank' method proposed by Oster (Sci Am 213:70-76, 1965). We refer to Oster's method as the 'forced-drain' approach, as the volume flow rates between connecting tanks are controlled by mechanical pumps. We first determine the range of density profiles that may be established with the forced-drain approach other than the linear stratification predicted by Oster. The dimensionless density stratification is expressed analytically as a function of three ratios: the volume flow rate ratio n, the ratio of the initial liquid volumes λ and the ratio of the initial densities ψ. We then propose a method which does not require pumps to control the volume flow rates but instead allows the connecting tanks to drain freely under gravity. This is referred to as the 'free-drain' approach. We derive an expression for the density stratification produced and compare our predictions with saline stratifications established in the laboratory using the 'free-drain' extension of Oster's method. To assist in the practical application of our results we plot the region of parameter space that yield concave/convex or linear density profiles for both forced-drain and free-drain approaches. The free-drain approach allows the experimentalist to produce a broad range of density profiles by varying the initial liquid depths, cross-sectional and drain opening areas of the tanks. One advantage over the original Oster approach is that density profiles with an inflexion point can now be established. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.


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The polycrystalline manganite La0.75Sr0.25MnO 3 prepared by an alternative carbonate precipitation route reveals the rhombohedral perovskite structure. Magnetization isotherms measured up to 2 T are used to determine Curie temperature of 332 K by means of Arrott plot. Maximum of magnetic entropy change is found at Curie temperature. The relative cooling power equal to 64 J/kg for 1.5 T magnetic field, is superior as compared to the manganite with the same chemical composition from the solgel method. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper demonstrates the application of laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) techniques to a particle-laden reacting flow of pulverized coal. A laboratory-scale open-type annular burner is utilized to generate velocity profiles of coal particles and micrometric alumina particles. Pair-wise two-component LDV measurements and high-speed stereo PIV measurements provide three-dimensional velocity components of the flow field. A detailed comparison of velocities for alumina and coal particle seeding revealed differences attributed to the wide size distribution of coal particles. In addition, the non-spherical shape and high flame luminosity associated with coal particle combustion introduces noise to the Mie scatter images. The comparison of mean and RMS velocities measured by LDV and PIV techniques showed that PIV measurements are affected by the wide size distribution of coal particles, whereas LDV measurements become biased toward the velocity of small particles, as signals from large particles are rejected. This small-particle bias is also reflected in the spectral characteristics for both techniques, which are in good agreement within the range of frequencies accessible. PIV measurements showed an expected lack of response of large coal particles to the turbulence fluctuations. The overall good agreement between LDV and PIV measurements demonstrates the applicability of the high-speed PIV technique to a particle-laden, high luminosity coal flame while highlighting some of its limitations. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Measurements of particulate matter (PM) from spark ignition (SI) engine exhaust using dilution tunnels will become more prevalent as emission standards are tightened. Hence, a study of the dilution process was undertaken in order to understand how various dilution related parameters affect the accuracy with which PM sizes and concentrations can be determined. A SI and a compression ignition (CI) engine were separately used to examine parameters of the dilution process; the present work discusses the results in the context of SI exhaust dilution. A Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) was used to measure the size distribution, number density, and volume fraction of PM. Temperature measurements in the exhaust pipe and dilution tunnel reveal the degree of mixing between exhaust and dilution air, the effect of flowrate on heat transfer from undiluted and diluted exhaust to the environment, and the minimum permissible dilution ratio for a maximum sample temperature of 52°C. Measurements of PM concentrations as a function of dilution ratio show the competing effects of temperature and particle/vapor concentrations on particle growth dynamics, which result in a range of dilution ratios-from 13 to 18-where the effect of dilution ratio, independent of flowrate, is kept to a minimum. This range of dilution ratios is therefore optimal in order to achieve repeatable PM concentration measurements. Particle dynamics during transit through the tunnel operating at the optimal dilution ratio was found statistically insignificant compared to data scatter. Such small differences in number concentration may be qualitatively representative of particle losses for SI exhaust, but small increases in PM volume fraction during transit through the tunnel may significantly underestimate accretion of mass due to unburned hydrocarbons (HCs) emitted by SI engines. The fraction of SI-derived PM mass due to adsorbed/absorbed vapor, estimated from these data, is consistent with previous chemical analyses of PM. © 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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An analysis is presented of a database of 67 tests on 21 clays and silts of undrained shear stress-strain data of fine-grained soils. Normalizations of secant G in terms of initial mean effective stress p9 (i.e., G=p9 versus log g) or undrained shear strength cu (i.e., G=cu versus log g) are shown to be much less successful in reducing the scatter between different clays than the approach that uses the maximum shear modulus,Gmax, a technique still not universally adopted by geotechnical researchers and constitutive modelers. Analysis of semiempirical expressions forGmax is presented and a simple expression that uses only a void-ratio function and a confining-stress function is proposed. This is shown to be superior to a Hardin-style equation, and the void ratio function is demonstrated as an alternative to an overconsolidation ratio (OCR) function. To derive correlations that offer reliable estimates of secant stiffness at any required magnitude of working strain, secant shear modulus G is normalized with respect to its small-strain value Gmax, and shear strain g is normalized with respect to a reference strain gref at which this stiffness has halved. The data are corrected to two standard strain rates to reduce the discrepancy between data obtained from static and cyclic testing. The reference strain gref is approximated as a function of the plasticity index.Aunique normalized shear modulus reduction curve in the shape of a modified hyperbola is fitted to all the available data up to shear strains of the order of 1%. As a result, good estimates can be made of the modulus reduction G/Gmax ±30% across all strain levels in approximately 90% of the cases studied. New design charts are proposed to update the commonly used design curves. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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A turbulent boundary-layer flow over a rough wall generates a dipole sound field as the near-field hydrodynamic disturbances in the turbulent boundary-layer scatter into radiated sound at small surface irregularities. In this paper, phased microphone arrays are applied to the experimental study of surface roughness noise. The radiated sound from two rough plates and one smooth plate in an open jet is measured at three streamwise locations, and the beamforming source maps demonstrate the dipole directivity. Higher source strengths can be observed in the rough plates than the smooth plate, and the rough plates also enhance the trailing-edge noise. A prediction scheme in previous theoretical work is used to describe the strength of a distribution of incoherent dipoles over the rigid plate and to simulate the sound detected by the microphone array. Source maps of measurement and simulation exhibit encouraging similarities in both source pattern and source strength, which confirms the dipole nature and the predicted magnitude of roughness noise. The simulations underestimate the streamwise gradient of the source strengths and overestimate the source strengths at the highest frequency. © 2007 by Yu Liu and Ann P. Dowling.


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We present a simple and semi-physical analytical description of the current-voltage characteristics of amorphous oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors in the above-threshold and sub-threshold regions. Both regions are described by single unified expression that employs the same set of model parameter values directly extracted from measured terminal characteristics. The model accurately reproduces measured characteristics of amorphous semiconductor thin film transistors in general, yielding a scatter of < 4%. © 1980-2012 IEEE.


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Five Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and hybrid RANS-NLES (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes-Numerical-LES) methods are used to simulate flow through a labyrinth seal geometry and are contrasted with RANS solutions. Results show that LES and RANS-NLES is capable of accurately predicting flow behaviour of two seal flows with a scatter of less than 5 %. RANS solutions show the potential to perform poorly for the turbulence models tested. LES and hybrid RANS-NLES are found to be consistent and in agreement with measurements, providing a flexible numerical platform for design investigations. It also allows greater flow physics insights. © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013.