986 resultados para Satire, Hebrew
La tesi ha per oggetto la cultura ebraica cretese nei secoli XIV-XVI e, in particolare, l’influsso esercitato su di essa dalla cultura e dalle tradizioni degli ebrei sefarditi e ashkenaziti che cominciarono a stabilirsi sull’isola a partire dalla metà del Trecento. La tesi si basa da un lato su fonti amministrative e notarili e, dall’altro, sui manoscritti ebraici prodotti o portati a Candia nel periodo considerato. Il primo capitolo tratta della comunità ebraica nel primo Cinquecento e porta nuove notizie a proposito della geografia della zudeca, delle sue sinagoghe, della sua composizione sociale, dell’entità della sua popolazione e della biografia del principale leader spirituale e culturale attivo a Candia a quell’epoca: Elia Capsali. Il secondo capitolo offre una panoramica sull’immigrazione ebraica a Candia nei secoli XIV-XV. Il terzo capitolo esplora alcune particolarità della liturgia sinagogale elaborata dagli ebrei candioti sotto l’influsso della tradizione ashkenazita. Il quarto capitolo tratta di due liste di libri databili alla seconda metà del Quattrocento (Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, ms. 3574 B) e suggerisce di considerarle come indicative del peso che ebbero alcuni immigrati ebrei catalani nella diffusione della cultura medica sefardita a Candia. Il quinto capitolo è dedicato al medico, filosofo e astronomo Mosheh ben Yehudah Galiano, il quale visse a Candia tra la seconda metà degli anni Venti del Cinquecento e il 1543. L’ultimo capitolo tratta degli effetti provocati dall’epidemia di peste del 1592-95 all’interno della zudeca di Candia.
Tajikistan is judged to be highly vulnerable to risk, including food insecurity risks and climate change risks. By some vulnerability measures it is the most vulnerable among all 28 countries in the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia Region – ECA (World Bank 2009). The rural population, with its relatively high incidence of poverty, is particularly vulnerable. The Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) in Tajikistan (2011) provided an opportunity to conduct a farm-level survey with the objective of assessing various dimensions of rural population’s vulnerability to risk and their perception of constraints to farming operations and livelihoods. The survey should be accordingly referred to as the 2011 PPCR survey. The rural population in Tajikistan is highly agrarian, with about 50% of family income deriving from agriculture (see Figure 4.1; also LSMS 2007 – own calculations). Tajikistan’s agriculture basically consists of two groups of producers: small household plots – the successors of Soviet “private agriculture” – and dehkan (or “peasant”) farms – new family farming structures that began to be created under relevant legislation passed after 1992 (Lerman and Sedik, 2008). The household plots manage 20% of arable land and produce 65% of gross agricultural output (GAO). Dehkan farms manage 65% of arable land and produce close to 30% of GAO. The remaining 15% of arable land is held in agricultural enterprises – the rapidly shrinking sector of corporate farms that succeeded the Soviet kolkhozes and sovkhozes and today produces less than 10% of GAO (TajStat 2011) The survey conducted in May 2011 focused on dehkan farms, as budgetary constraints precluded the inclusion of household plots. A total of 142 dehkan farms were surveyed in face-to-face interviews. They were sampled from 17 districts across all four regions – Sughd, Khatlon, RRP, and GBAO. The districts were selected so as to represent different agro-climatic zones, different vulnerability zones (based on the World Bank (2011) vulnerability assessment), and different food-insecurity zones (based on WFP/IPC assessments). Within each district, 3-4 jamoats were chosen at random and 2-3 farms were selected in each jamoat from lists provided by jamoat administration so as to maximize the variability by farm characteristics. The sample design by region/district is presented in Table A, which also shows the agro-climatic zone and the food security phase for each district. The sample districts are superimposed on a map of food security phases based on IPC April 2011.
Tajikistan, with 93% of its surface area taken up by mountains and 65% of its labor force employed in agriculture, is judged to be highly vulnerable to risks, including climate change risks and food insecurity risks. The article examines a set of land use policies and practices that can be used to mitigate the vulnerability of Tajikistan’s large rural population, primarily by increasing family incomes. Empirical evidence from Tajikistan and other CIS countries suggests that families with more land and higher commercialization earn higher incomes and achieve higher well-being. The recommended policy measures that are likely to increase rural family incomes accordingly advocate expansion of smallholder farms, improvement of livestock productivity, increase of farm commercialization through improvement of farm services, and greater diversification of both income sources and the product mix. The analysis relies for supporting evidence on official statistics and recent farm surveys. Examples from local initiatives promoting sustainable land management practices and demonstrating the implementation of the proposed policy measures are presented.
The Druze community in Israel is a distinct religious community currently undergoing important ethnolinguistic shifts. The government's implementation of an official policy has led to the deconstruction and reshaping of the Druze political and national identity to one that differs substantially from that of the Palestinian minority in Israel. In this study, I argue that the visibility, vitality and appreciation of Hebrew in the Druze linguistic landscape are indicative of new ethnolinguistic boundaries of the Druze identity in Israel. The fact that the Druze in Israel are dispersed throughout the Galilee and Mount Carmel area and experience varying levels of language contact as well as divergent economic relations with their Palestinian–Israeli and Jewish–Israeli neighbors suggests that one cannot expect uniformity in the Druze linguistic markets or the processes of social, cultural and linguistic identification. This study will show that Hebrew has become a dominant component of the linguistic repertoire and social identity of the Druze in the Mount Carmel area since it has become the first choice of communication as the linguistic landscape indicates.