832 resultados para Salt marsh and semi-arid
SEMAINE has created a large audiovisual database as a part of an iterative approach to building Sensitive Artificial Listener (SAL) agents that can engage a person in a sustained, emotionally colored conversation. Data used to build the agents came from interactions between users and an operator simulating a SAL agent, in different configurations: Solid SAL (designed so that operators displayed an appropriate nonverbal behavior) and Semi-automatic SAL (designed so that users' experience approximated interacting with a machine). We then recorded user interactions with the developed system, Automatic SAL, comparing the most communicatively competent version to versions with reduced nonverbal skills. High quality recording was provided by five high-resolution, high-framerate cameras, and four microphones, recorded synchronously. Recordings total 150 participants, for a total of 959 conversations with individual SAL characters, lasting approximately 5 minutes each. Solid SAL recordings are transcribed and extensively annotated: 6-8 raters per clip traced five affective dimensions and 27 associated categories. Other scenarios are labeled on the same pattern, but less fully. Additional information includes FACS annotation on selected extracts, identification of laughs, nods, and shakes, and measures of user engagement with the automatic system. The material is available through a web-accessible database. © 2010-2012 IEEE.
This paper reports the findings of an evaluation of the ‘Housing Support, Outreach and Referral’ service developed to support people living with HIV who were homeless or at risk of homelessness. The service was set up as part of the Supporting People Health Pilot programme established to demonstrate the policy links between housing support services and health and social care services by encouraging the development of integrated services. The paper considers the role of housing support in improving people's health, and considers the challenges of working across housing, health and social care boundaries. The evaluation of the health pilot employed two main sources of data collection: quarterly project evaluation reports, which collected process data as well as reporting progress against aims and objectives, and semi-structured interviews with professionals from all key stakeholder groups and agencies, and with people who used services. Over the course of 15 months, 56 referrals were received of which 27 were accepted. Fifteen people received tenancy support of whom 12 were helped to access temporary accommodation. At the end of the 15 months, all of the tenancies had been maintained. In addition, 18 people registered with a general practitioner and 13 registered with an HIV clinic. Interviews with professionals emphasised the importance of the local joint working context, the involvement of the voluntary sector and the role of the support workers as factors that accounted for these outcomes. Those using services placed most emphasis on the flexibility of the support worker role. Importantly, interviews with professionals and those using services suggest that the role of support worker incorporates two dimensions – those of networker/navigator as well as advocate – and that both dimensions are important in determining the effectiveness of the service.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the consequences that medical practitioners’ decisions about whether or not to be candid about terminal prognosis have for those suffering from refractory cachexia and their families. It presents the findings of a qualitative study which used focus groups and semi-structured interviews of a volunteer sample of doctors, nurses and dieticians in a cancer centre of a large teaching hospital in Northern Ireland. Respondents reported that some physicians tended to avoid discussing terminal prognosis in a direct manner with their patients. Nurses and dieticians tended to be reluctant to engage in conversations about weight loss with patients with cachexia. One of the reasons they reported for their lack of acknowledgement of weight loss concerned the close association between refractory cachexia and terminal prognosis. Because they viewed the telling of bad news as an exclusive prerogative of medical practitioners, they did not feel in a position to discuss cachexia because they were concerned that this had the potential to raise end-of-life issues that lay outside the boundaries of their professional role. This meant patients and their families were provided with little information about how to cope with the distressing consequences of cachexia.
Measurements of ultraviolet line fluxes from Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer spectra of the K2-dwarf e Eri are reported. These are used to develop new emission measure distributions and semi-empirical atmospheric models for the chromosphere and lower transition region of the star. These models are the most detailed constructed to date for a main-sequence star other than the Sun. New ionization balance calculations, which account for the effect of finite density on dielectronic recombination rates, are presented for carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and silicon. The results of these calculations are significantly different from the standard Arnaud & Rothenflug ion balance, particularly for alkali-like ions. The new atmospheric models are used to place constraints on possible first ionization potential (FIP)-related abundance variations in the lower atmosphere and to discuss limitations of single-component models for the interpretation of certain optically thick line fluxes. © 2005 RAS.
Plant roots can establish associations with neutral, beneficial and pathogenic groups of soil organisms. Although it has been recognized from the study of individual isolates that these associations are individually important for plant growth, little is known about interactions of whole assemblages of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms associating with plants. We investigated the influence of an interaction between local arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal and pathogenic/saprobic microbial assemblages on the growth of two different plant species from semi-arid grasslands in NE Germany (Mallnow near Berlin). In a greenhouse experiment each plant species was grown for six months in either sterile soil or in sterile soil with one of three different treatments: 1) an AM fungal spore fraction isolated from field soil from Mallnow; 2) a soil pathogen/saprobe fraction consisting of a microbial community prepared with field soil from Mallnow and; 3) the combined AM fungal and pathogen/saprobe fractions. While both plant species grew significantly larger in the presence of AM fungi, they responded negatively to the pathogen/saprobe treatment. For both plant species, we found evidence of pathogen protection effects provided by the AM fungal assemblages. These results indicate that interactions between assemblages of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms can influence the growth of host plants, but that the magnitude of these effects is plant species-specific.
Humans inhabit environments that are both social and physical, and in this article weinvestigate if and how social identity processes shape the experience and negotiation ofphysically demanding environmental conditions. Specifically, we consider how severe coldcan be interpreted and experienced in relation to group members’ social identity. Ourdata comprise ethnographic observation and semi-structured interviews with pilgrimsattending a month-long winter Hindu religious festival that is characterized bynear-freezing conditions. The analysis explores (1) how pilgrims appraised the cold andhow these appraisals were shaped by their identity as pilgrims; (2) how shared identitywith other pilgrims led to forms of mutual support that made it easier to cope with thecold. Our findings therefore extend theorizing on social identity processes to highlighttheir relevance to physical as well as social conditions.
The prevalence, phenomenology aetiology and correlates of four forms of challenging behaviour in 32 children and adults with Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) were investigated.
Cognitive assessments, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used to gather data on intellectual disability, verbal and physical aggression, destructive behaviour and self-injury and on characteristics known to be associated with aggression.
Aggression in SMS was more prevalent (87%), but not more severe than aggression in contrast groups. Aggressive behaviour was more frequently associated with environmental contingencies (e.g. attention, escape and access to tangibles) than self-injury and destructive behaviours. Severity of challenging behaviours was associated with high impulsivity.
Aggression is seen in the majority of people with SMS. Results suggest that behavioural disinhibition and operant social reinforcement are associated with the manifestation of aggression.
Next-generation sequencing technologies with markers covering the full Glomeromycota phylum were used to uncover phylogenetic community structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated with Festuca brevipila. The study system was a semi-arid grassland with high plant diversity and a steep environmental gradient in pH, C, N, P and soil water content. The AMF community in roots and rhizosphere soil were analyzed separately and consisted of 74 distinct operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in total. Community-level variance partitioning showed that the role of environmental factors in determining AM species composition was marginal when controlling for spatial autocorrelation at multiple scales. Instead, phylogenetic distance and spatial distance were major correlates of AMF communities: OTUs that were more closely related (and which therefore may have similar traits) were more likely to co-occur. This pattern was insensitive to phylogenetic sampling breadth. Given the minor effects of the environment, we propose that at small scales closely related AMF positively associate through biotic factors such as plant-AMF filtering and interactions within the soil biota.
Recruitment to school-based randomised trials is challenging; even more so when the focus of the study is a sensitive issue such as sexual health. The Jack Feasibility Trial aims to determine the facilitators and barriers to recruitment and retention to a school-based sexual health trial and identify optimal multi-level strategies for a full trial.
The Jack Trial is an NIHR-funded feasibility study of a film-based sexual health intervention, recruiting over 800 adolescents from 8 post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. In order to examine the feasibility of piloted recruitment and retention methods and assess acceptability of participation across the range of schools and individuals approached, we analysed qualitative data from triangulated sources including a parents’ survey and semi-structured interviews with principals, vice-principals, teachers and parents recruited to the study.
With reference to Social Learning Theory, we identified a number of individual, behavioural and environmental level factors which influenced recruitment and retention. Commonly identified facilitators included the perceived relevance and potential benefit of the intervention to adolescents, the credibility of the organisation running the study, support offered by trial staff, and financial incentives. Key barriers were prior commitment to other research, lack of time and resources, and perceptions that the intervention was incompatible with adolescent needs or school ethos.
This study highlights pertinent general and trial-specific facilitators and barriers to recruitment to a sexual health trial in a school setting, which will prove useful for successful conduct of future trials with schools, adolescents and parents.
Stone surfaces are sensitive to their environment. This means that they will often respond to exposure conditions by manifesting a change in surface characteristics. Such changes can be more than simply aesthetic, creating surface/subsurface heterogeneity in stone at the block scale, promoting stress gradients to be set up as surface response to, for example, temperature fluctuations, can diverge from subsurface response. This paper reports preliminary experiments investigating the potential of biofilms and iron precipitation as surface-modifiers on stone, exploring the idea of block-scale surface-to-depth heterogeneity, and investigating how physical alteration in the surface and near-surface zone can have implications for subsurface response and potentially for long-term decay patterns. Salt weathering simulations on fresh and surface-modified stone suggest that even subtle surface modification can have significant implications for moisture uptake and retention, salt concentration and distribution from surface to depth, over the period of the experimental run. The accumulation of salt may increase the retention of moisture, by modifying vapour pressure differentials and the rate of evaporation.
Temperature fluctuation experiments suggest that the presence of a biofilm can have an impact on energy transfer processes that occur at the stone surface (for example, buffering against temperature fluctuation), affecting surface-to-depth stress gradients. Ultimately, fresh and surface-modified blocks mask different kinds of system, which respond to inputs differently because of different storage mechanisms, encouraging divergent behaviour between fresh and surface modified stone over time.
Background: The European badger (Melesmeles) is involved in the maintenance of bovine tuberculosis infection and onward spread to cattle. However, little is known about how transmission occurs. One possible route could be through direct contact between infected badgers and cattle. It is also possible that indirect contact between cattle and infected badger excretory products such as faeces or urine may occur either on pasture or within and around farm buildings. A better understanding of behaviour patterns in wild badgers may help to develop biosecurity measures to minimise direct and indirect contact between badgers and cattle. However, monitoring the behaviour of free-ranging badgers can be logistically challenging and labour intensive due to their nocturnal and semi-fossorial nature.We trialled a GPS and tri-axial accelerometer-equipped collar on a free-ranging badger to assess its potential value to elucidate behaviour-time budgets and functional habitat use. Results: During the recording period between 16:00 and 08:00 on a single night, resting was the most commonly identified behaviour (67.4%) followed by walking (20.9%), snuffling (9.5%) and trotting (2.3%).When examining accelerometer data associated with each GPS fix and habitat type (occurring 2 min 30 s before and after), walking was themost common behaviour in woodland (40.3%) and arable habitats (53.8%), while snuffling was themost common behaviour in pasture (61.9%). Several nocturnal resting periods were also observed. The total distance travelled was 2.28 km. Conclusions: In the present report, we demonstrate proof of principle in the application of a combined GPS and accelerometer device to collect detailed quantitative data on wild badger behaviour. Behaviour-time budgets allow us to investigate how badgers allocate energy to different activities and how thismight change with disease status. Such information could be useful in the development of measures to reduce opportunities for onward transmission of bovine tuberculosis from badgers to cattle.
OBJECTIVE: Assess efficacy and acceptability of reduced intensity constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) in children with cerebral palsy (CP).
METHODS: Single-subject research design and semi-structured interviews. Children (9-11y) with hemiplegia underwent five baseline assessments followed by two weeks CIMT. Six further assessments were performed during treatment and follow-up phases. The primary outcome was the Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function (MUUL). Quantitative data were analysed using standard single-subject methods and qualitative data by thematic analysis.
RESULTS: Four of the seven participants demonstrated statistically significant improvements in MUUL (3-11%, p < .05). Two participants achieved significant improvements in active range of motion but strength and tone remained largely unchanged. Qualitative interviews highlighted limitations of the restraint, importance of family involvement, and coordination of treatment with education.
CONCLUSIONS: Reduced intensity CIMT may be effective for some children in this population; however it is not suitable for all children with hemiplegia.
A ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde é uma ilha de origem vulcânica, constituída basicamente por lavas e piroclastos, localizada no Oceano Atlântico ao lado da costa ocidental de África. A ilha é caracterizada por três unidades hidrogeológicas, sendo estas a Formação de Base (semi-confinada), a Formação Intermédia (freática) e a Formação Recente (freática), que apresentam características geológicas e comportamentos hidráulicos que as diferenciam, recebendo recarga directa e/ ou diferida por infiltração das águas de chuva e descarregam ao mar, na rede hidrográfica ou, ainda, em outros níveis aquíferos subjacentes, desde que induzidos por gradientes hidráulicos favoráveis. O clima de Santiago é árido a semi-árido, com precipitações muito escassas e irregulares, condicionadas na sua distribuição pela altitude, ventos e orientação das vertentes, dando por vezes origem a períodos de seca prolongados. Em anos de ‘boa’ chuva, as precipitações propiciam a existência temporária de recursos hídricos superficiais e a recarga dos recursos de água subterrânea. Foi realizado um estudo hidrogeoquímico detalhado da ilha que incluiu a recolha de amostras em 133 pontos de água, entre furos, poços e nascentes. A composição química das águas analisadas na ilha de Santiago apresenta significativas variações em função da geologia e do tempo de residência. Na ausência de episódios de contaminação, as águas subterrâneas têm uma composição do tipo bicarbonatada-sódica (HCO3-Na) nas zonas mais altas da ilha, onde afloram as formações da Unidade Aquífera Intermédia. Nas zonas mais próximas da costa ocorrem águas de composição cloretada-magnesiana (Cl-Mg) ou cloretada-sódica (Cl-Na). Estas últimas predominam nas partes terminais das ribeiras, onde afloram materiais de elevada permeabilidade, e o excesso de bombagem para irrigação tem conduzido a um avanço da cunha de intrusão marinha. A ocorrência da fácies Cl-Na é neste caso o resultado de processos de intercâmbio catiónico que ocorrem durante o processo de intrusão e é concordante com os elevados teores de cloretos e de condutividade eléctrica observados. Os resultados das análises de isótopos estáveis de oxigénio-18 e deutério, realizadas em amostras recolhidas a distintas altitudes, revelam um gradiente negativo com a altitude, que já tinha sido verificado em outras ilhas com declives acentuados, permitindo assim determinar altitudes de recarga de água subterrânea. Os estudos hidrogeoquímicos até agora realizados permitiram caracterizar os principais níveis aquíferos da ilha de Santiago, colocando em evidência a limitada recarga do aquífero e o risco de gradual degradação dos recursos de água subterrânea por fenómenos de intrusão salina e contaminação agrícola. Estes resultados revelam a importância da gestão integrada da qualidade e quantidade dos parcos recursos de água subterrânea na ilha de Santiago.
No presente trabalho foram estudadas as variações na composição, estrutura e comportamento das substâncias húmicas sedimentares (SHS), promovidas pela presença de duas espécies de plantas da família Chenopodiacea, presentes nos sapais da Ria de Aveiro: a Halimione portulacoides e a Arthrocnemum fruticosum. Para além das variações espaciais horizontais, foram investigadas as variações ao longo de um perfil de profundidades. Desta forma, para além da camada superficial (0-10 cm) de sedimentos com diferentes espécies de plantas e sem plantas, também foram investigadas camadas de sedimentos intermédia (20-25 cm) e profunda (45-50 cm). Para a extracção das SHS recorreu-se a uma pequena modificação do método proposto pela International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) para extracção e purificação de substâncias húmicas de solos. As SH extraídas foram caracterizadas através dos métodos espectroscópicos de absorção no ultravioleta visível, de fluorescência molecular síncrona, de absorção no infravermelho com transformadas de Fourier (FTIR) e de RMN 13C em estado sólido. Estas técnicas de caracterização foram complementadas pela análise elementar e termogravimetria. Em algumas amostras, foram ainda determinados o conteúdo em alguns metais por ICP-AES e o conteúdo funcional ácido por titulações potenciométricas. Após exaustiva caracterização das amostras de AH, procedeu-se ao estudo da sua capacidade de complexação com o cobre, recorrendo a titulações monitorizadas por fluorescência molecular síncrona. Os resultados revelaram que a colonização de sedimentos por plantas vasculares superiores conduz a uma alteração profunda no ambiente sedimentar e que esta é reflectida na diagénese das substâncias húmicas sedimentares, tendo-se observado variações a uma pequena escala espacial. O estudo deste tipo de variações nunca tinha sido efectuado em trabalhos anteriores. Nos ácidos fúlvicos detectaram-se diferenças na composição e estrutura das amostras correspondentes às camadas superiores de sedimentos, reflectindo a presença de diferentes colonizações vegetais. Relativamente aos ácidos húmicos, foi possível classificá-los em dois tipos distintos. Os AH do tipo I correspondem aos sedimentos superficiais e intermédios dos locais com plantas. Neste tipo de AH verificou-se uma incorporação de polissacarídeos e estruturas peptídicas, em estados de humificação pouco desenvolvidos. Os AH do tipo II correspondem aos sedimentos mais profundos de todos os locais e aos intermédios do local sem plantas e caracterizam-se por um maior grau de humificação e polimerização, um maior conteúdo aromático e de estruturas conjugadas e um maior conteúdo de grupos carboxílicos. Essas diferenças estruturais conduzem a diferentes comportamentos ácido/base e de complexação com o cobre. Assim, os AH do tipo I, que apresentam sinais espectroscópicos mais baixos associados a grupos carboxílicos e fenólicos, têm menor conteúdo de grupos funcionais ácidos e menor capacidade de complexação com o cobre quando se consideram ligandos característicos de unidades aromáticas conjugadas. Relativamente aos valores de log K dos complexos de AHS com o cobre, as amostras representativas da camada superficial dos sedimentos com plantas apresentaram valores superiores aos das restantes amostras de AH estudadas, cujos valores de log K são similares entre si. Atendendo aos resultados de análise elementar e espectroscópica, este facto pode estar associado à presença de compostos de azoto não peptídicos. Quanto a outros ligandos para o cobre, nomeadamente os representativos de estruturas peptídicas contendo o aminoácido triptofano e estruturas aromáticas simples, não foi possível obter resultados conclusivos. Dado que os ácidos húmicos do tipo I demonstraram um maior conteúdo peptídico e menor conteúdo aromático, o estudo destes ligandos torna-se importante para compreender melhor o efeito da presença de plantas nos sedimentos de sapal sobre o comportamento dos ácidos húmicos sedimentares como ligandos para o cobre. Refere-se ainda que foram detectadas certas especificidades na variação das características do sedimento e das substâncias húmicas com a profundidade nos diferentes locais estudados que não podem ser explicadas meramente com a presença de material vegetal oriundo de diferentes espécies de plantas, requerendo um conhecimento mais aprofundado das comunidades bentónicas e do ambiente físico-químico do sedimento.