883 resultados para Salakari, Anita
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY The epidemiology of maternal perinatal-psychiatric disorders as well as their effect on the baby is well recognised. Increasingly well researched specialised treatment methods can reduce maternal morbidity, positively affect mother-baby bonding and empower women's confidence as a mother. Here, we aimed to compare guidelines and the structure of perinatal-psychiatric service delivery in the United Kingdom and in Switzerland from the government's perspective. METHODS Swiss cantons provided information regarding guidelines and structure of service delivery in 2000. A subsequent survey using the same questionnaire was carried out in 2007. In the UK, similar information was accessed through published reports from 2000-2012. RESULTS Guidelines for perinatal psychiatry exist in the UK, whereas in Switzerland in 2000 none of the 26 cantons had guidelines, and in 2007 only one canton did. Joint mother-baby admissions on general psychiatric wards were offered by 92% of the Swiss cantons. In the UK, pregnant women and joint mother-baby admissions are only advised onto specialised perinatal-psychiatric units. In Switzerland, in 2007, three specialised units (max. 24 beds) were in place corresponding to 1 unit per 2.5 million people, while in the UK there were 22 mother-baby units (168 beds) in 2012 (1 unit per 2.8 million). In the UK, less than 50% of trusts provided specialised perinatal-psychiatric health care. CONCLUSIONS The main difference between the UK and Switzerland was the absence of guidelines, regular assessment and plans for future development of perinatal psychiatry in Switzerland. There are still geographical differences in the provision of perinatal-psychiatric services in the UK.
1. Einleitung 2. Die SVP und ihre Wählerschaft 3. Wer wählt die SVP? Ein Vergleich der Wahlen 2003 und 2011 4. Einstellungen gegenüber Immigranten und die Wahrscheinlichkeit, die SVP zu wählen – eine vertiefte Analyse der Wahlen von 2011 5. Schlussbetrachtungen
Rund ein Viertel der Personen über 15 Jahren engagiert sich in der Schweiz unentgeltlich in einer Organisation, zehn Prozent besetzen ein gewähltes Ehrenamt. Und fast 40 Prozent wirken als Freiwillige ausserhalb von Vereinen. Insgesamt leisten die Menschen in der Schweiz etwa 700 Millionen Stunden Freiwilligenarbeit pro Jahr. Dies entspricht etwa neun Prozent der geleisteten 7700 Millionen Stunden Erwerbsarbeit. Die Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner der Schweiz sind aber je nach Geschlecht, Alter, Region, Grösse des Wohnorts, Religionszugehörigkeit, Bildungsniveau, Einkommen, Zivilstand und beruflicher Stellung unterschiedlich stark freiwillig engagiert. Nach 2007 und 2010 wurde das freiwillige Engagement in der Schweiz mit diesem Monitor zum dritten Mal erforscht. Neben Analysen zum Verlauf und zu den Beweggründen wie möglichen Anreizen unbezahlter Arbeit liefert die Studie auch erstmalig Informationen zum freiwilligen Engagement im Internet und untersucht spezifisch die Situation junger Erwachsener und Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund. Zudem werden Einsichten zum Persönlichkeitsprofil von Freiwilligen und deren politischen und sozialen Einstellungen präsentiert.
Background Several indicators of heightened vulnerability to psychosis and relevant stressors have been identified. However, it has rarely been studied prospectively to what extent these vulnerability factors are in fact more frequently present in individuals with an at-risk mental state for psychosis. Moreover, it remains unknown whether any of these contribute to the prediction of psychosis onset in at-risk mental state individuals. Methods There were 28 healthy controls, 86 first-episode psychosis patients and 127 at-risk mental state individuals recruited within the Basel “Früherkennung von Psychosen” project. Relative frequencies of selected vulnerability factors for psychosis were compared between healthy controls, psychosis patients, those at-risk mental state individuals with subsequent psychosis onset (n = 31) and those without subsequent psychosis onset (n = 55). Survival analyses were applied to determine associations between time to transition to psychosis and vulnerability factors in all 127 at-risk mental state individuals. Results The vulnerability factors/indicators such as “difficulties during school education or vocational training”, “difficulties during employment”, “being single”, “difficulties with intimate relationships” and “being burdened with specific stressful situations” were more commonly found in the at-risk mental state and first-episode psychosis group than in healthy controls. Conclusions At-risk mental state and first-episode psychosis individuals more frequently present with vulnerability factors. Individual vulnerability factors appear, however, not to be predictive for an onset of psychosis.
Noise peaks are powerful distractors. This study focuses on the impact of noise peaks on surgical teams' communication during 109 long abdominal surgeries. We related measured noise peaks during 5-min intervals to the amount of observed communication during the same interval. Results show that noise peaks are associated with less case-relevant communication; this effect is moderated by the level of surgical experience; case-relevant communications decrease under high noise peak conditions among junior, but not among senior surgeons. However, case-irrelevant communication did not decrease under high noise level conditions, rather there was a trend to more case-irrelevant communication under high noise peaks. The results support the hypothesis that noise peaks impair communication because they draw on attentional resources rather than impairing understanding of communication. As case-relevant communication is important for surgical performance, exposure to high noise peaks in the OR should be minimised especially for less experienced surgeons. Practitioner Summary: This study investigated whether noise during surgeries influenced the communication within surgical teams. During abdominal surgeries, noise levels were measured and communication was observed. Results showed that high noise peaks reduced the frequency of patient-related communication, but did not reduce patient-irrelevant communication. Noise may negatively affect team coordination in surgeries.
169 Briefe zwischen Franz Neumann und Max Horkheimer; 4 Briefe von Franz Neumann an Frederick Pollock, 1937 - 1941; 7 Briefe zwischen Franz Neumann und Walter L. Dorn, 1941 - 1942; 2 Briefe zwischen Walter L. Dorn und Max Horkheimer, März 1943; 1 Brief von Tom an Franz Neumann, 09.09.1941; 1 Brief von Phillip C. Jessup an Franz Neumann, 22.08.1941; 1 Brief von Athur und Wicky Goldschmidt an Franz Neumann, 22.08.1941; 2 Briefe von Goodwin Watson an Franz Neumann, 1941; 1 Brief von Harold Lasswell an Franz Neumann, 07.07.1941; 2 Briefe von Eugene N. Anderson an Franz Neumann, 1941; 1 Brief von C. J. Friedrich an Franz Neumann, 18.06.1941; 1 Brief von Alfred E. Cohn an Max Horkheimer, 30.01.1941; 1 Brief von Alfred E. Cohn an Franz Neumann, 30.01.1941; 3 Briefe von Leo Löwenthal an Franz Neumann, 1940; 1 Brief von Thurman Arnold an Max Horkheimer, 21.12.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Ernst Kahn und Franz Neumann, 1938; 1 Brief von Franz Neumann an Walter Socoloff, 21.06.1938; 1 Brief von Franz Neumann an Flegenheimer, 31.06.1935; 1 Brief von Anita [Schwester von Felix Weil] an Felix Weil, 24.08.1937; 2 Briefe zwischen Franz Neumann und C. D. Medley, 1935/1936; 7 Briefe zwischen The Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced German Scholars (New York) und Max Horkheimer, 1936; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Guerreo, 08.09.1936; 1 Brief (Abschrift) von der Columbia University (New York) an United States of America, Consul General (London), 05.03.1936; 1 Brief von Franz Neumann an Juliette Favez, 11.12.1935;
The unprecedented attacks of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent anthrax-related events thrust our nation's often forgotten public health system into the forefront of public attention. A strong public health system with a well-prepared workforce plays a critical role in preparing for and responding to the threat of bioterrorism and other disasters and emergencies. Technical expertise is critical as is a basic awareness and understanding of core public health competencies especially as they relate to disaster and emergency response is also imperative for a public health agency to function as a vital Emergency Response team member. Ideally this training should begin at the Public Health graduate level so as to provide the baseline core tools to be able to function as a vital team member when they are practicing out in the real world. Online learning is an efficient and effective method for providing public health education to in a flexible format to meet the needs of busy student-professions. This Public Health Disaster Preparedness online course developed during an Emergency Response state program practicum is a practical and proficient approach to accomplish this endeavor. ^
Twenty-three abusing couples were compared with a matched group of 23 non-abusing couples in terms of stress levels and family environment factors (cohesion, expressiveness, conflict, independence, achievement orientation, organization, control) which might mediate the response of abuse to stress. Parents who had physically abused their children were found to have significantly greater stress, conflict, and control and a significantly lower level of cohesion, independence, and achievement orientation than non-abusing parents. However, none of the mediating effects of the family environment factors reached the level of significance. ^
There is currently much interest in the appropriate use of obstetrical technology, cost containment and meeting consumers' needs for safe and satisfying maternity care. At the same time, there has been an increase in professionally unattended home births. In response, a new type of service, the out-of-hospital childbearing center (CBC) has been developed which is administratively and structurally separate from the hospital. In the CBC, maternity care is provided by certified nurse-midwives to carefully screened low risk childbearing families in conjunction with physician and hospital back-up.^ It was the purpose of this study to accomplish the following objectives: (1) To describe in a historical prospective study the demographic and medical-obstetric characteristics of patients laboring in eleven selected out-of-hospital childbearing centers in the United States from May 1, 1972, to December 15, 1979. Labor is defined as the onset of regular contractions as determined by the patient. (2) To describe any differences between those patients who require transfer to a back-up hospital and those who do not. (3) To describe administrative and service characteristics of eleven selected out-of-hospital childbearing centers in the United States. (4) To compare the demographic and medical-obstetric characteristics of women laboring in eleven selected out-of-hospital childbearing centers with a national sample of women of similar obstetric risk who according to birth certificates delivered legitimate infants in a hospital setting in the United States in 1972.^ Research concerning CBCs and supportive to the development of CBCs including studies which identified factors associated with fetal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, obstetrical risk screening, and the progress of technological development in obstetrics were reviewed. Information concerning the organization and delivery of care at each selected CBC was also collected and analyzed.^ A stratified, systematic sample of 1938 low risk women who began labor in a selected CBC were included in the study. These women were not unlike those described previously in small single center studies reported in the literature. The mean age was 25 years. Sixty-three per cent were white, 34 per cent Hispanic, 88 per cent married, 45 per cent had completed at least two years of college, nearly one-third were professionals and over a third were housewives. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of school.) UMI ^
This paper presents an example of assessing treatment integrity as part of an experimental study of home-based, intensive family preservation services (IFPS). Participants were 103 IFPS workers and 24 state public child welfare agency workers (FC). The structured, self-report questionnaire included questions about specific components of the services, as well as the characteristics of the family and the workers themselves. Findings suggest that IFPS workers delivered services according to the treatment model guidelines. The procedure yielded a good estimate of whether the structural components of treatment were delivered according to the model as delineated in the treatment manual. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to assessing treatment integrity.