1000 resultados para Sábato, Ernesto R.
It is commonly argued that in recent years pharmaceutical companies have directed theirR&D towards small improvements of existing compounds instead of more risky drastic innovations. In this paper we show that the proliferation of these small innovations is likely to be linked to the lack of market sensitivity of a part of the demand to changes in prices. Compared to their social contribution, small innovations are relatively more profitable than large ones because they are targeted to the smaller but more inelastic part of the demand. We also study the effect of regulatory instruments such as price ceilings, copayments and reference prices and extend the analysis to competition in research.
This paper provides some first empirical evidence on the relationshipbetween R&D spillovers and R&D cooperation. The results suggest disentangling different aspects of know-how flows. Firms which rate incoming spillovers more importantly and who can limit outgoing spillovers by a more effective protection of know-how, are more likely to cooperate in R&D. Our analysis also finds that cooperating firms have higher incoming spillovers and higher protection of know-how, indicating that cooperation may serve as a vehicle to manage information flows. Our results thus suggest that on the one hand the information sharing and coordination aspects of incoming spillovers are crucial in understanding cooperation, while on the other hand, protection against outgoing spillovers is important for firms to engage in stable cooperative agreements by reducing free-rider problems. Distinguishing different types of cooperative partners reveals that while managing outgoing spillovers is less critical in alliances with non-commercial research partners than between vertically related partners, the incoming spillovers seem to be more critical in understanding the former type of R&D cooperation.
Grandeur et décadence de Ratatin... : histoire d'un géant / texte de R. Lightone ; dessins par Lanos
External morphology of the immature stages of Neotropical heliconians: IX. Dione glycera (C. Felder & R. Felder) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae). The biology of the Andean silverspot butterfly Dione glycera (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1861) is still poorly known. This species is restricted to high elevations in the Andes, where the immature stages are found in close association with species of Passiflora belonging to the section Tacsonia (Juss.) Harms, especially P. tripartida var. mollissima (Kunth), which is grown for subsistence by villagers. Herein we describe and illustrate the external features of the egg, larva and pupa of D. glycera, based on light and scanning electron microscopy.
O trabalho que ora se apresenta tem como tema “controlo interno e gestão dos correios de Cabo Verde S.A.RL” e enquadra-se no âmbito do curso de licenciatura em Economia e Gestão, variante Auditoria Financeira, realizado pela Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde. O controlo interno tem sido implementado pelas empresas como modelo de gestão com o objectivo de auxiliar a administração na tomada de decisões. Perante esta situação, as dificuldades enfrentadas para criar e gerir essas áreas de acordo com os princípios da sustentabilidade, constituem constrangimentos e desafios que requerem medidas de políticas adequadas.O presente trabalho tem por objectivo analisar o sistema de controlo interno dos Correios Cabo Verde e evidenciar a importância do controlo interno como instrumento que contribua para uma melhor gestão da Empresa. Para a realização deste trabalho foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa e exploratória, com enfoque para análise interna e externa, de forma a identificar os pontos fortes e fracos, as oportunidades e ameaças sobre o controlo interno e gestão dos correios cabo verde. Com a realização deste trabalho conclui-se com base na análise SWOT, que para além das suas potencialidades, possuem fraquezas e ameaças que condicionam a sua gestão, o que deve ser superado recorrendo a implementação de políticas de sustentabilidade, aproveitando assim, as oportunidades a esse respeito ser criativo e inovador.Pelo exposto, aconselha-se o reforo de medidas, politicas e estratégias que contribuam para a eficácia do controlo interno.