775 resultados para Ruta


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Ruta Aidis, Julia Korosteleva and Tomasz Mickiewicz 1. Introduction to Russia Russia is the world’s largest country, a nuclear superpower with unsurpassed energy resources. It is also a country which finds itself at the crossroads of possible development paths. Market-oriented mechanisms have been introduced but Soviet era laws remain on the books. Corruption has become a way of life and freedom of the press has been gradually eliminated in the early 2000s. Within this backdrop, private entrepreneurship has emerged, albeit in a distorted way. As the heart of the Soviet empire, Russia had tremendous control of enormous amounts of natural resources and human capital. Yet, 20 years ago, in the late 1980s, it was a country where entrepreneurship was marginal, the economy was stagnant and the ruling communist hierarchy had no clear formula for solving the deepening crisis. Unfortunately the reforms characterizing Russia’s attempts at rebuilding statehood after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, first under Mikhail Gorbachev and then Boris Y’eltsin, were inconsistent and did not foster macroeconomic stabilization. However, since 2000, under Vladimir Putin’s leadership, macroeconomic stabilization as well as institutional stability has been achieved. In addition, an unprecedented increase in the price and demand for oil and gas resources has resulted in a rapid growth of Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP). Russia now has a large private sector, though not without its limitations. At first glance, ‘de jure’ regulations often seem reasonable, yet it is the selective and arbitrary manner by which they are...


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This paper presents an account of the environment faced by entrepreneurs in Russia. In section one we give a brief introduction to the country which is followed by the overview of a public policy on small and medium enterprises in the next section. The current state of SMEs and some particularities of the entrepreneurial environment are discussed in section three, whereas section four focuses on the prospects of internationalisation of Russian SMEs. In section five we draw some conclusions.


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By applying regulatory focus theory, this paper investigates the impact of both initial confidence and of exactness of growth expectations on subsequent financial performance of the small firms. Drawing on the unique data set based on the repeated survey design, we make one of the first attempts to explore the complexity of this relationship empirically. Overall the findings suggest that controlling for other relevant factors, including actual growth, the entrepreneurs having higher growth expectations perform significantly better later on in terms of profitability. In addition, education has a strong modifying effect: the impact of high growth expectations on subsequent profit performance is stronger for entrepreneurs with lower level of education.


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In this paper we use a comparative perspective to explore the ways in which institutions and networks have influenced entrepreneurial development in Russia. We utilize Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data to study the effects of the weak institutional environment in Russia on entrepreneurship, comparing it first with all available GEM country samples and second, in more detail, with Brazil and Poland. Our results suggest that Russia's institutional environment is important in explaining its relatively low levels of entrepreneurship development, where the latter is measured in terms of both number of start-ups and of existing business owners. In addition, Russia's business environment and its consequences for the role of business networks contribute to the relative advantage of entrepreneurial insiders (those already in business) to entrepreneurial outsiders (newcomers) in terms of new business start-ups.


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Does entrepreneurial optimism affect business performance? Using a unique data set based on repeated survey design, we investigate this relationship empirically. Our measures of ëoptimismí and ërealismí are derived from comparing the turnover growth expectations of ...133 owners-managers with the actual outcomes one year later. Our results indicate that entrepreneurial optimists perform significantly better in terms of profits than pessimists. Moreover, it is the optimist-realist combination that performs best. We interpret our results using regulatory focus theory.


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Does entrepreneurial optimism affect business performance? Using a unique data set based on repeated survey design, we investigate this relationship empirically. Our measures of ‘optimism’ and ‘realism’ are derived from comparing the turnover growth expectations of 133 owners-managers with the actual outcomes one year later. Our results indicate that entrepreneurial optimists perform significantly better in terms of profits than pessimists. Moreover, it is the optimist-realist combination that performs best. We interpret our results using regulatory focus theory.


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This article applies a multinomial logit estimator to investigate which factors affect SME owners' expectations to grow their businesses in Lithuania. Our findings provide evidence that SME owners' human capital (education) matters and that growth expectations are positively related to exporting. In addition, we analyse the link between the perceptions of business constraints and growth expectations and find that the factors, which are perceived as main business barriers, are not necessarily those which are associated with reduced growth expectations. However, perceptions of corruption seem to affect growth expectations the most.


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This paper presents an empirical study based on a survey of 399 owners of small and medium size companies in Lithuania. Applying bivariate and ordered probit estimators, we investigate why some business owners expect their firms to expand, while others do not. Our main findings provide evidence that SME owner's generic and specific human capital matter. Those with higher education and 'learning by doing' attributes, either through previous job experience or additional entrepreneurial experience, expect their businesses to expand. The expectations of growth are positively related to exporting and non-monotonically to enterprise size. In addition, we analyse the link between the perceptions of constraints to business activities and growth expectations and find that the factors, which are perceived as main business barriers, are not necessary those which are associated with reduced growth expectations. In particular, perceptions of both corruption and of inadequate tax systems seem to affect growth expectations the most.


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The 5th framework programme research project ACCESSLAB researches the capability of candidate countries’ regions to deal with asymmetric shocks. Its goal is to provide analysts and policy makers with research results relevant to the process of enlargement. The project takes a broad and comparative view of labour market adjustments to address these issues. It examines the topic from both a macroeconomic and microeconomic viewpoint. It considers different adjustment mechanisms in depth and compares results with the European Union. It draws on a) the experiences in transition countries in the last decade, b) the experience of German integration and c) the experiences of border regions to gain insights on the likely regional labour market effects of accession of the candidate countries.


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En la actualidad, como consecuencia de los avances tecnológicos, hay una gran cantidad de sistemas de recomendación que proporcionan demasiada sobreinformación, y, sobre todo, los dedicados al sector turístico y de ocio, que cada vez están más en auge, y las personas recurren cada vez más a ellos para organizar planes, individuales o grupales. Sin embargo, sólo muestran información estática y no acorde con las preferencias de usuario, además de no poder ofrecer recomendaciones para grupos. Olétrip surge como un sistema que permite la elaboración de planes de ocio individuales y/o grupales en la comunidad autónoma de Andalucía (España), basados en preferencias de usuario, y retroalimentación de todos los participantes en él. Llegando a conseguir el plan idóneo para todos. Olétrip se ha diseñado e implementado mediante una serie de servicios REST, donde se recabarán datos de preferencias de viaje de los usuarios, retroalimentación de las diferentes actividades, etc., y así conseguir recomendar el plan deseado por el usuario. Para probar el uso de estos servicios, se ha diseñado una interfaz web, independiente del sistema, implementada con tecnologías idóneas para tal fin, HTML y JavaScript, así como una evaluación con usuarios, para poder conocer el grado de usabilidad de la web, y los servicios que ofrece. Además, se han explorado, analizado, y diseñado algoritmos que han permitido ofrecer una ruta final idónea. Por lo tanto, se describirá como se ha llevado a cabo el proceso de elaboración del sistema, así como la implementación de los algoritmos, los resultados y conclusiones obtenidas tras todo el desarrollo.


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El Síndrome Metabólico (SM) es un conjunto de factores de riesgo asociados con el incremento del riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular y diabetes mellitus de tipo 2 (DM2). Dichos factores son obesidad (OB), resistencia a la Insulina (RI), hiperglucemia, dislipidemia e hipertensión (HTA) e interactúan entre sí sobre las anomalías vasculares, el estrés oxidativo, la grasa visceral, la inflamación y el cortisol en un entorno de OB y RI y bajo la influencia de las predisposiciones genéticas y condiciones ambientales, tales como hábitos de alimentación y actividad física. Según una hipótesis, la RI y la OB son los factores que más contribuyen en la manifestación de anormalidades metabólicas y las manifestaciones más tempranas del desarrollo de SM en niños. Mientras el páncreas compensa adecuadamente la RI mediante una mayor secreción de insulina, las concentraciones de glucosa en sangre se mantienen normales. Sin embargo, en algunos pacientes la capacidad de las células β del páncreas disminuye con el tiempo, lo que conduce al desarrollo de DM2. Otro factor a tener en cuenta en el diagnóstico del SM es la dislipidemia, caracterizada por el aumento de los triglicéridos (TG) y del VLDL‐colesterol, bajas cifras de HDL‐colesterol, así como por la presencia de partículas de LDL‐colesterol más pequeñas y densas de lo normal. Otro factor de riesgo de padecimiento de SM es la presión arterial elevada, que suele aparecer ligada a la presencia de OB, ya que el aumento de algunas adipoquinas que en esta se produce, entre las que se encuentran el AGE, PAI‐1, IL‐6, TNF‐α y leptina, pueden llevar a disfunción endotelial a través de la ruta del óxido nítrico. Debido a que el sobrepeso y el incremento de los valores de insulina plasmática son componentes clave del SM, es importante tener en cuenta los hábitos alimentarios y otros estilos de vida que influyen en los mismos...


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En el marco de la integración de las TIC en la educación general se conciben - como una instancia para enriquecer los propósitos y los contenidos en las propuestas de enseñanza artística en el nivel primario, secundario y superior- acciones de capacitación y aprendizaje colaborativas, articulando los saberes disciplinares de la Danza con el manejo de los recursos y contenidos digitales en el aula. Se propone construir espacios de experimentación, análisis y reflexión que den lugar a propuestas de enseñanza situada y coherente con las orientaciones propuestas en los Diseños Curriculares en conjunción con el uso de tecnologías de fácil acceso. El material teórico/práctico que se plantea, servirá como guía y ruta de trabajo contribuyendo a: la vinculación del cuerpo, lo disciplinar con los dispositivos digitales y software de visuales, y sonido en tiempo real, enriqueciendo así el despliegue de experiencias, procesos y prácticas


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En el marco de la integración de las TIC en la educación general se conciben - como una instancia para enriquecer los propósitos y los contenidos en las propuestas de enseñanza artística en el nivel primario, secundario y superior- acciones de capacitación y aprendizaje colaborativas, articulando los saberes disciplinares de la Danza con el manejo de los recursos y contenidos digitales en el aula. Se propone construir espacios de experimentación, análisis y reflexión que den lugar a propuestas de enseñanza situada y coherente con las orientaciones propuestas en los Diseños Curriculares en conjunción con el uso de tecnologías de fácil acceso. El material teórico/práctico que se plantea, servirá como guía y ruta de trabajo contribuyendo a: la vinculación del cuerpo, lo disciplinar con los dispositivos digitales y software de visuales, y sonido en tiempo real, enriqueciendo así el despliegue de experiencias, procesos y prácticas


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News agencies compete for a foothold as providers of information and mass media. Covered by a technological class infrastructure, Associated Press, Reuters, Agence FrancePresse (AFP) and EFE are leaders of the global media system because they introduce revolutionary changes in their production routines, professional culture, journalistic genres and styles; also for its innovative product offerings and services. This article also focuses on the strategies of the agencies to get closer to their audiences, from the agreements established and the treatment of very specific themes. Some solutions that contribute to the future survival of these entities are also proposed.