952 resultados para Rubisco small subunit gene ( rbcS) Promoter


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<p>Interleukin 2 (IL2) is the primary growth hormone used by mature T cells and this lymphokine plays an important role in the magnification of cell-mediated immune responses. Under normal circumstances its expression is limited to antigen-activated type 1 helper T cells (T<sub>H</sub>1) and the ability to transcribe this gene is often regarded as evidence for commitment to this developmental lineage. There is, however, abundant evidence than many non-T<sub>H</sub>1 T cells, under appropriate conditions, possess the ability to express this gene. Of paramount interest in the study of T-cell development is the mechanisms by which differentiating thymocytes are endowed with particular combinations of cell surface proteins and response repertoires. For example, why do most helper T cells express the CD4 differentiation antigen?</p> <p>As a first step in understanding these developmental processes the gene encoding IL2 was isolated from a mouse genomic library by probing with a conspecific IL2 cDNA. The sequence of the 5' flanking region from + 1 to -2800 was determined and compared to the previously reported human sequence. Extensive identity exists between +1 and -580 (86%) and sites previously shown to be crucial for the proper expression of the human gene are well conserved in both sequence location in the mouse counterpart.</p> <p>Transient expression assays were used to evaluate the contribution of various genomic sequences to high-level gene expression mediated by a cloned IL2 promoter fragment. Differing lengths of 5' flanking DNA, all terminating in the 5' untranslated region, were linked to a reporter gene, bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) and enzyme activity was measured after introduction into IL2-producing cell lines. No CAT was ever detected without stimulation of the recipient cells. A cloned promoter fragment containing only 321 bp of upstream DNA was expressed well in both Jurkat and EL4.El cells. Addition of intragenic or downstream DNA to these 5' IL2-CAT constructs showed that no obvious regulatory regions resided there. However, increasing the extent of 5' DNA from -321 to -2800 revealed several positive and negative regulatory elements. One negative region that was well characterized resided between -750 and -1000 and consisted almost exclusively of alternating purine and pyrimidines. There is no sequence resembling this in the human gene now, but there is evidence that there may have once been.</p> <p>No region, when deleted, could relax either the stringent induction-dependence on cell-type specificity displayed by this promoter. Reagents that modulated endogenous IL2 expression, such as cAMP, cyclosporin A, and IL1, affected expression of the 5' IL2-CAT constructs also. For a given reagent, expression from all expressible constructs was suppressed or enhanced to the same extent. This suggests that these modulators affect IL2 expression through perturbation of a central inductive signal rather than by summation of the effects of discrete, independently regulated, negative and positive transcription factors.</p>


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A leishmaniose visceral (LV) ou calazar uma doena endmica, crnica, grave e de alta letalidade se no tratada. Os estudos apontam a protena Lectina Ligante de Manose (MBL), codificada pelo gene MBL2, como uma pea-chave na imunidade inata, dada a sua funo no reconhecimento microbiano, na eliminao, inflamao e morte celular. Neste trabalho realizamos um estudo do tipo caso-controle que teve como objetivo investigar a associao entre variantes no gene MBL2 e a suscetibilidade LV em indivduos residentes em reas endmicas da Ilha de So Lus-MA. A amostra foi constituda por 322 indivduos, sendo 161 casos com LV, no aparentados, de ambos os sexos, residentes em reas endmicas da doena na Ilha de So Lus e 161 controles saudveis, no infectados e no aparentados da mesma regio. A identificao dos casos de LV se deu por meio do contato constante com os principais hospitais e ambulatrios de referncia para a doena na cidade. Tambm foram feitas buscas de pacientes com LV em ambiente domiciliar, a partir de registros da FUNASA-MA. A anlise molecular consistiu na genotipagem de 6 variantes localizadas na regio promotora [posies -550 (C>G), -221(G>C), +4(C>T)] e codificadora [cdons 52 (C>T), 54 (G>A) e 57 (G>A)] do gene MBL2, atravs da reao em cadeia da polimerase e sequenciamento automtico. A dosagem da protena MBL no soro foi realizada pelo teste de ELISA. Verificamos que os fentipos MBL dependem do conjunto de alelos presentes no gene MBL2, sendo ntido o efeito que as variantes defectivas causam nos nveis da protena. No encontramos diferena significativa entre casos e controles em relao distribuio dos gentipos MBL2 e dos nveis sricos de MBL. As frequncias allicas das variantes exnicas na amostra total mostram que o alelo A o mais comum (74,8%) e que os alelos defectivos (B, C e D) se encontram principalmente em heterozigose (36,6%), o que refora a ideia de que alelos MBL2 defectivos so mantidos na populao por conferirem vantagem seletiva aos heterozigotos. Em relao aos 3 principais polimorfismos existentes na regio promotora, verificamos ser a variante -221G (Y) a mais frequente (88%) seguida de +4C (P) (73%) e de -550C (L) (67%). Identificamos oito hapltipos em MBL2 num total de 644 cromossomos avaliados, em 30 combinaes diferentes, sendo HYPA e LYQA os mais frequentes e HYPD e HYPB os mais raros. Todos os portadores de combinaes de hapltipos homozigotos para alelos defectivos apresentaram nveis sricos de MBL indetectveis. Os gentipos LYQA/LYQA e HYPA/HYPA apresentaram as maiores concentraes mdias de MBL no soro. A combinao entre SNPs no xon 1 e na regio promotora do gene MBL2 resulta em grande variao nas concentraes de MBL em indivduos saudveis. Consideramos que o conjunto de dados gerados uma contribuio valiosa que poder ser expandida para outros cenrios.


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Age of onset (AO) of Huntington disease (HD) is mainly determined by the length of the CAG repeat expansion (CAGexp) in exon 1 of the HTT gene. Additional genetic variation has been suggested to contribute to AO, although the mechanism by which it could affect AO is presently unknown. The aim of this study is to explore the contribution of candidate genetic factors to HD AO in order to gain insight into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying this disorder. For that purpose, two AO definitions were used: the earliest age with unequivocal signs of HD (earliest AO or eAO), and the first motor symptoms age (motor AO or mAO). Multiple linear regression analyses were performed between genetic variation within 20 candidate genes and eAO or mAO, using DNA and clinical information of 253 HD patients from REGISTRY project. Gene expression analyses were carried out by RT-qPCR with an independent sample of 35 HD patients from Basque Country Hospitals. We found suggestive association signals between HD eAO and/or mAO and genetic variation within the E2F2, ATF7IP, GRIN2A, GRIN2B, LINC01559, HIP1 and GRIK2 genes. Among them, the most significant was the association between eAO and rs2742976, mapping to the promoter region of E2F2 transcription factor. Furthermore, rs2742976 T allele patient carriers exhibited significantly lower lymphocyte E2F2 gene expression, suggesting a possible implication of E2F2-dependent transcriptional activity in HD pathogenesis. Thus, E2F2 emerges as a new potential HD AO modifier factor.


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Diabetes mellitus e doenas periodontais so altamente prevalentes na populao mundial. Doenas periodontais (DPs) compreendem um grupo de condies crnicas inflamatrias induzidas por microorganismos que levam inflamao gengival, destruio tecidual periodontal e perda ssea alveolar. Diabetes mellitus (DM) o termo utilizado para descrever um grupo de desordens metablicas associadas intolerncia glicose e ao metabolismo inadequado de carboidratos. Uma vez que DPs poderiam agir de forma similar a outros estados infecciosos sistmicos, aumentando a severidade do diabetes, uma possvel relao entre ambas tem sido considerada em todo o mundo. Polimorfismos genticos de um nico nucleotdeo (SNPs) tm sido estudados em diversas doenas. Nas periodontites, acredita-se que possam estar envolvidos na exacerbao da resposta inflamatria frente ao desafio bacteriano, modificando a susceptibilidade do hospedeiro. Neste estudo, a prevalncia de periodontite foi avaliada em portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo I. Posteriormente, o SNP localizado na regio promotora do gene TNFA (-1031T>C) foi analisado e sua importncia para a doena periodontal destrutiva foi avaliada. O grupo teste foi constitudo por diabticos tipo I (DGT, n=113) enquanto o grupo controle por indivduos no diabticos (ND, n=73). Para as anlises dos polimorfismos genticos, um subgrupo foi retirado do grupo teste (DG, n=58) e comparado ao grupo ND. Os seguintes parmetros clnicos e demogrficos foram avaliados: percentual de stios com profundidade de bolsa &#61619; 6,0 mm (%PBS&#61619;6,0 mm); ndice gengival (IG); perda ssea radiogrfica (POR); fumo; durao do diabetes ; idade; ndice de massa corprea (IMC), n&#61616; de internaes e n&#61616; de dentes presentes. Amostras de sangue e/ou esfregao bucal foram colhidas de 58 pacientes do grupo teste e de 73 controles. Aps a extrao do DNA genmico e amplificao da regio genmica de interesse por PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), o polimorfismo TNFA 1031T>C foi analisado por BbsI RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism). A anlise dos produtos de digesto foi feita por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida 8%. A anlise estatstica das freqncias allica e genotpica juntamente com os dados clnicos e epidemiolgicos entre os 2 grupos foi feita atravs do teste do Mann-Whitney e do Qui-quadrado. Os grupos de estudo obedecem ao princpio de Hardy-Weinberg. No grupo ND, as seguintes freqncias genotpicas foram encontradas: 78,1% (T/T); 20,5% (T/C) e 1,4% (C/C) enquanto no grupo D foram: 42,4%(T/T); 37,3% (T/C) e 20,3% (C/C). A frequncia do alelo T no grupo diabtico (D) foi de 0,610 ao passo que no grupo ND foi de 0,883. No foi possvel encontrar uma relao entre o polimorfismo -1031 T>C do gene TNFA e a presena de periodontite em diabticos tipo I. Entretanto, o polimorfismo estudado se mostrou significativamente relacionado (p<0,0001 e OR= 4.85 95%IC 2,271-10,338) presena do diabetes tipo I.


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/(Rubisco, EC,;;Ntransit peptide Rubisco (Anacyslis nidulans) R2RubiscoLSU80%(Leu 456)(Sys, 459)CO2rbcLrbcS93bpDNArbcL rbcLrbcSpUC119pANP11550.7kbrbcSPstI-HindIIIpUC119lacZpTAS28Reverse primerrbcSpTAS28pZmc460rbcL1.7kbBglII-HincIIpTAS28Hinc-BamHpTMN3;pTMN71.7kb0.1kbPstI-HaeIIIDNArbcL1218-1251Oligonucleotide probeRNANorthern Blot;WesternE. coli A. nidulans R2


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CpG islands (CGIs) are often considered as gene markers, but the number of CGIs varies among mammalian genomes that have similar numbers of genes. In this study, we investigated the distribution of CGIs in the promoter regions of 3,197 human-mouse ortholo


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The recent release of the domestic dog genome provides us with an ideal opportunity to investigate dog-specific genomic features. In this study, we performed a systematic analysis of CpG islands (CGIs), which are often considered gene markers, in the dog


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More than ten bradykinin-related peptides and their cDNAs; have been identified from amphibians, but their genes are unknown. In present study, four cDNAs encoding one, two, four and six copies of bradykinin-related peptides were cloned from the frog (Odorrana grahami) skin cDNA library, respectively. Three bradykinin-related peptides (bradykinin, Thr6-bradykinin, Leu5Thr6-bradykinin) were deduced from these four cDNA sequences. Based on the cDNA sequence, the gene sequence encoding an amphibian bradykinin-related peptide from O. grahami was determined. It is composed of 7481 base pairs including two exons and two introns. The first exon codes signal peptide and the second exon codes acidic spacer peptide and Thr6-bradykinin. The promoter region of the bradykinin gene contains several putative recognition sites for nuclear factors, such as SRY, GATA-1, LYF-1, DeltaE, CDXA, NKX-2.5, MIF1 and S8. The current work may facilitate to understand the regulation and possible functions of amphibian skin bradykinin-related peptides. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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ARGONAUTE4 (AGO4) and RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV) are required for DNA methylation guided by 24 nucleotide small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here we show that AGO4 localizes to nucleolus-associated bodies along with the Pol IV subunit NRPD1b; the small nuclear RNA (snRNA) binding protein SmD3; and two markers of Cajal bodies, trimethylguanosine-capped snRNAs and the U2 snRNA binding protein U2B''. AGO4 interacts with the C-terminal domain of NRPD1b, and AGO4 protein stability depends on upstream factors that synthesize siRNAs. AGO4 is also found, along with the DNA methyltransferase DRM2, throughout the nucleus at presumed DNA methylation target sites. Cajal bodies are conserved sites for the maturation of ribonucleoprotein complexes. Our results suggest a function for Cajal bodies as a center for the assembly of an AGO4/NRPD1b/siRNA complex, facilitating its function in RNA-directed gene silencing at target loci.


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In addition to the three RNA polymerases (RNAP I-III) shared by all eukaryotic organisms, plant genomes encode a fourth RNAP (RNAP IV) that appears to be specialized in the production of siRNAs. Available data support a model in which dsRNAs are generated by RNAP IV and RNA-dependent RNAP 2 (RDR2) and processed by DICER (DCL) enzymes into 21- to 24-nt siRNAs, which are associated with different ARGONAUTE (AGO) proteins for transcriptional or posttranscriptional gene silencing. However, it is not yet clear what fraction of genomic siRNA production is RNAP IV-dependent, and to what extent these siRNAs are preferentially processed by certain DCL(s) or associated with specific AGOs for distinct downstream functions. To address these questions on a genome-wide scale, we sequenced approximately 335,000 siRNAs from wild-type and RNAP IV mutant Arabidopsis plants by using 454 technology. The results show that RNAP IV is required for the production of >90% of all siRNAs, which are faithfully produced from a discrete set of genomic loci. Comparisons of these siRNAs with those accumulated in rdr2 and dcl2 dcl3 dcl4 and those associated with AGO1 and AGO4 provide important information regarding the processing, channeling, and functions of plant siRNAs. We also describe a class of RNAP IV-independent siRNAs produced from endogenous single-stranded hairpin RNA precursors.


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In this study, the region corresponding to the Thr-Gly region of the period (per) gene in the Drosophila nasuta subgroup of species was sequenced. The results showed, that this region was highly conserved in the D. nasuta subgroup. There were only nine variable sites found in this 300-bp-long region, all located in two small regions highly variable among Drosophila species. No length variation was observed either within this subgroup or in the Yunnan (YN) population of D. albomicans. The deduced amino acid sequences were identical for all 14 taxa in the D. nasuta subgroup, and a stretch of alternating Thr-Gly pairs was not observed in this subgroup. A phylogenetic tree was constructed. The clustering of some species was in general agreement with previous works, but it also raised some question on the phylogenetic relationship between the nasuta species. The data did not implicate the Thr-Gly region playing a role in behavioral isolation in this subgroup of Drosophila.


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We have evaluated the molecular evolution of the chemokine receptor CCR5 in primates. The chemokine receptor CCR5 serves as a major co-receptor for human immunodeficiency virus/simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV/SIV) infection. Knowledge of evolution of the CCR5 molecule and selection on the CCR5 gene may shed light on its functional role. The comparison of differences between intraspecific polymorphisms and interspecific fixed substitutions provides useful information regarding modes of selection during the course of evolution. There is marked polymorphism in the CCR5 gene sequence within different primate species, whereas sequence divergence between different species is small. By using contingency tests, we compared synonymous (SS) and nonsynonymous (NS) CCR5 mutations occurring within and between a broad range of primates. Our results demonstrate that CCR5 evolution did not follow expectations, of strict neutrality at the level of the whole gene. The proportion of NS to SS at the intraspecific level was significantly higher than that observed at the interspecific level. These results suggest that most CCR5 NS polymorphisms are slightly deleterious. However, at domains more closely correlated with its known biological functions, there was no obvious evidence to support deviation from neutrality.


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In this report, we studied on a homoplasmic T12338C change in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which substituted methionine in the translational initiation codon of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene (ND5) with threonine. This nucleotide change was originall


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The human D2 dopamine receptor gene (DRD2) plays a central role in the neuromodulation of appetitive behaviors and is implicated in having a possible role in susceptibility to alcoholism. We genotyped an SNP in DRD2 Exon 8 in 251 nonalcoholic, unrelated, healthy controls and 200 alcoholic Mexican Americans. The DRD2 haplotypes were analyzed using the Exon 8 genotype in combination with five other SNP genotypes, which were obtained from our previous study. The ancestral origins of the DRD2 polymorphisms have been determined by sequencing the homologous region in other higher primates. Twenty DRD2 haplotypes, defined as H1 to H20 based on their frequency from high to low, were obtained in this major minority population. The ancestral haplotype "I-132-G-C-G-A1" and two one-step mutation haplotypes were absent in our study population. The haplotype H1, "I-B1-T-C-A-A1", with the highest frequency in the population, is a three-step mutation from the ancestral form. The first five or eight major haplotypes make up 87% or 95% of the entire population, respectively. The prevalence of the haplotype H1+ (H1/H1 and H1/Hn genotypes) is significantly higher in alcoholics and alcoholic subgroups, including early onset drinkers and benders, than in their respective control groups. The Promoter -141C allele is in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with five other loci in the nonalcoholic group, but not in the alcoholic group. All of the other five loci are in LD in both the alcoholic and control groups. The DRD2 TaqI B allele is in complete LD with the allele located in intron 6. Five SNPs, Promoter -141C, TaqI B (or Intron 6), Exon 7, Exon 8, and TaqI A, are sufficient to define the DRD2 haplotypes in Mexican Americans. Our data indicate that the DRD2 haplotypes are associated with alcoholism in Mexican Americans. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Two three-dimensional structure models of the 21nt oligodeoxyribonucleotides, CPI (G3TG-2TGT2G5TG2TGT) and CP3 (TGTG2TGST2GTG2TG3), were constructed by InsightII (MSI) software in IRIS Indigo2 (SGI) workstation using the crystal structure of TAT tripler formation as the template. The initial structures subsequently were minimized by molecular mechanics. The final structures were believed as the dominant conformation. The results showed that the energy of CP1 is lower than that of CP3, and the former is more stable than the latter. Moreover, the results further proved that the 21nt oligodeoxyribo-nucleotide CP1 stably combines with the core promoter (Cp) fragment of hepatitis B virus (HBV) to form a tripler DNA, and CP1 specifically inhibits a specific cellular factor (DNA binding protein) binding to Cp fragment. These results indicated that specific repression of gene transcription of HBV DNA might be possible by tripler-formation DNA.