993 resultados para Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. Library


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Eine detaillierte geochemische und geochronologische Studie an Gesteinen der Monte Rosa Decke (MR; Westalpen) wurde durchgeführt. Die MR wurde während der alpinen Orogenese zunächst eklogitfaziell und nachfolgend grünschieferfaziell überprägt.Eine detaillierte U-Pb geochronologische Studie an Zirkonen und Monaziten des MR Granits ergab ein Permisches Intrusionsalter (270 ± 4 Ma). Der MR Granit gehört zu den post-variszischen magmatischen Einheiten, welche die Instabilität der variszischen kontinentalen Kruste andeuten. Für die MR kann eine paläogeographische Position als Teil der 'Briançonnais-Schwelle' angenommen werden.Innerhalb des MR Granits treten Talk-Kyanit-Chloritoid-Gesteine ('Weißschiefer') auf. Diese stellen wesentliche Indikatoren für eine alpine Hochdruckmetamorphose in der MR dar. Massenbilanzberechnungen wurden durchgeführt, um den Massentransfer zu quantifizieren, welcher für die Bildung eines Weißschiefers aus einem granitischen Protolith notwendig ist. Ein Modell für die Entwicklung der Weißschiefer wurde entwickelt.Es wurde eine in-situ 40Ar/39Ar UV-Laser-Ablationsstudie an Hellglimmern der alpinen Mineralparagenese durchgeführt. Sie ergab eine heterogene Altersverteilung. Diese Alter können durch Glimmerrekristallisation unter relativ 'trockenen' hochdruckmetamorphen Bedingungen begleitet von partiellem Verlust von radiogenem Argon während der alpinen Metamorphose erklärt werden. Eine ähnlich komplexe Entwicklung mit partieller Homogenisierung des Isotopensystems kann in der Strontium-Isotopie beobachtet werden. Diese Isotopenstudien liefern Hinweise auf das Schließverhalten von Isotopensystemen unter hochdruckmetamorphen Bedingungen.


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The object of this work has been the analysis of natural processes controlling the geological evolution of the Montenegro and Northern Albania Continental Margin (MACM) during the Late Quaternary. These include the modern sediment dispersal system and oceanographic regime, the building and shaping of the shelf margin at the scale of 100 kyr and relative to the most recent transition between glacial and interglacial periods. The analysis of the new data shows that the MACM is a shelf-slope system formed by a suite of physiographic elements, including: an inner and an outer continental shelf, separated by two tectonically-controlled morphological highs; a lobated drowned mid-shelf paleodelta, formed during the last sea level fall and low stand; an upper continental slope, affected by gravity-driven instability and a system of extensional faults with surficial displacement, featuring an orientation coherent with the regional tectonics. The stratigraphic study of the MACM shows a clear correspondence between the Late Pleistocene/Holocene mud-wedge and the low reflectivity sectors of the inner shelf. Conversely, most of the outer shelf and part of the continental slope expose deposits from the last sea level low stand, featuring a general sediment starving condition or the presence of a thin postglacial sediments cover. The MACM shows uplift in correspondence of the Kotor and Bar ridges, and subsidence in the outer shelf and upper slope sectors. In fact, seaward of these tectonic ridges, the sparker seismic profile show the presence of four well-defined seismo-stratigraphic sequences, interpreted as forced regression deposits, formed during the last four main glacial phases. In this way, the MACM records the 100 kyr scale sea level fluctuations on its seismo-stratigraphic architecture over the last 350 kyr. Over such time range, through the identification of the paleoshoreline deposits, we estimated an average subsidence rate of about 1.2 mm/yr.


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Background Surgical risk scores, such as the logistic EuroSCORE (LES) and Society of Thoracic Surgeons Predicted Risk of Mortality (STS) score, are commonly used to identify high-risk or “inoperable” patients for transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). In Europe, the LES plays an important role in selecting patients for implantation with the Medtronic CoreValve System. What is less clear, however, is the role of the STS score of these patients and the relationship between the LES and STS. Objective The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between LES and STS scores and their performance characteristics in high-risk surgical patients implanted with the Medtronic CoreValve System. Methods All consecutive patients (n = 168) in whom a CoreValve bioprosthesis was implanted between November 2005 and June 2009 at 2 centers (Bern University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland, and Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) were included for analysis. Patient demographics were recorded in a prospective database. Logistic EuroSCORE and STS scores were calculated on a prospective and retrospective basis, respectively. Results Observed mortality was 11.1%. The mean LES was 3 times higher than the mean STS score (LES 20.2% ± 13.9% vs STS 6.7% ± 5.8%). Based on the various LES and STS cutoff values used in previous and ongoing TAVI trials, 53% of patients had an LES ≥15%, 16% had an STS ≥10%, and 40% had an LES ≥20% or STS ≥10%. Pearson correlation coefficient revealed a reasonable (moderate) linear relationship between the LES and STS scores, r = 0.58, P < .001. Although the STS score outperformed the LES, both models had suboptimal discriminatory power (c-statistic, 0.49 for LES and 0.69 for STS) and calibration. Conclusions Clinical judgment and the Heart Team concept should play a key role in selecting patients for TAVI, whereas currently available surgical risk score algorithms should be used to guide clinical decision making.