971 resultados para Rotational inertia


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A utilização de treliças para o escoramento de elementos estruturais de concreto armado e aço é considerada uma solução eficaz para o atual sistema de construção de engenharia civil. Uma mudança de atitude no processo de construção, associado com a redução dos custos causou um aumento considerável na utilização de treliças tridimensionais em aço com maior capacidade de carga. Infelizmente, o desenho destes sistemas estruturais baseia-se em cálculos muito simplificados relacionadas com vigas de uma dimensão, com propriedades de inércia constantes. Tal modelagem, muito simplificada, não pode representar adequadamente a resposta real dos modelos estruturais e pode levar a inviabilidade econômica ou mesmo inseguro desenho estrutural. Por outro lado, estas estruturas treliçadas estão relacionadas com modelos de geometria complexa e são desenhados para suportar níveis de cargas muito elevadas. Portanto, este trabalho de investigação propôs modelos de elementos finitos que representam o caráter tridimensional real do sistema de escoramento, avaliando o comportamento estático e dinâmico estrutural com mais confiabilidade e segurança. O modelo computacional proposto, desenvolvido para o sistema estrutural não linear de análise estática e dinâmica, aprovou as habituais técnicas de refinamento de malha presentes em simulações do método de elementos finitos, com base no programa ANSYS [1]. O presente estudo analisou os resultados de análises linear-elástica e não linear geométrica para ações de serviço, físicos e geométricos para as ações finais. Os resultados do presente estudo foram obtidas, com base na análise linear-elástica e não linearidade geométrica e física, e comparados com os fornecidos pela metodologia simplificada tradicional de cálculo e com os limites recomendadas por normas de concepção.


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Ao contrário do período precedente de criação da chamada ciência moderna, o século XVIII parece não desempenhar um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da física. Na visão de muitos autores, o século das luzes é considerado como uma fase de organização da mecânica que teve seu coroamento com as obras de Lagrange, imediatamente precedidas por Euler e dAlembert. Muitos autores afirmam que na formulação da mecânica racional houve uma eliminação gradual da metafísica e também da teologia e que o surgimento da física moderna veio acompanhado por uma rejeição da metafísica aristotélica da substância e qualidade, forma e matéria, potência e ato. O ponto central da tese é mostrar que, no século XVIII, houve uma preocupação e um grande esforço de alguns filósofos naturais que participaram da formação da mecânica, em determinar como seria possível descrever fenômenos através da matemática. De uma forma geral, a filosofia mecanicista exigia que as mudanças observadas no mundo natural fossem explicadas apenas em termos de movimento e de rearranjos das partículas da matéria, uma vez que os predecessores dos filósofos iluministas conseguiram, em parte, eliminar da filosofia natural o conceito de causas finais e a maior parte dos conceitos aristotélicos de forma e substância, por exemplo. Porém, os filósofos mecanicistas divergiam sobre as causas do movimento. O que faria um corpo se mover? Uma força externa? Uma força interna? Força nenhuma? Todas essas posições tinham seus adeptos e todas sugeriam reflexões filosóficas que ultrapassavam os limites das ciências da natureza. Mais ainda: conceitos como espaço, tempo, força, massa e inércia, por exemplo, são conceitos imprescindíveis da mecânica que representam uma realidade. Mas como a manifestação dessa realidade se torna possível? Como foram definidos esses conceitos? Embora não percebamos explicitamente uma discussão filosófica em muitos livros que versam sobre a mecânica, atitudes implícitas dessa natureza são evidentes no tratamento das questões tais como a ambição à universalidade e a aplicação da matemática. Galileu teve suas motivações e suas razões para afirmar que o livro da natureza está escrito em liguagem matemática. No entanto, embora a matemática tenha se tornado a linguagem da física, mostramos com esta tese que a segunda não se reduz à primeira. Podemos, à luz desta pesquisa, falarmos de uma mecânica racional no sentido de ser ela proposta pela razão para organizar e melhor estruturar dados observáveis obtidos através da experimentação. Porém, mostramos que essa ciência não foi, como os filósofos naturais pretendiam que assim fosse, obtidas sem hipóteses e convenções subjetivas. Por detrás de uma representação explicativa e descritiva dos fenômenos da natureza e de uma consistência interna de seus próprios conteúdos confirmados através da matemática, verificamos a presença da metafísica.


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We present full volumetric (three-dimensional) time-resolved (+one-dimensional) measurements of the velocity field in a large water mixing tank, allowing us to assess spatial and temporal rotational energy (enstrophy) and turbulent energy dissipation intermittency. In agreement with previous studies, highly intermittent behavior is observed, with intense coherent flow structures clustering in the periphery of larger vortices. However, further to previous work the full volumetric measurements allow us to separate out the effects of advection from other effects, elucidating not only their topology but also the evolution of these intense events, through the local balance of stretching and diffusion. These findings contribute toward a better understanding of the intermittency phenomenon, which should pave the way for more accurate models of the small-scale motions based on an understanding of the underlying flow physics.


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An extended computational model of the circulatory system has been developed to predict blood flow in the presence of ventricular assist devices (VADs). A novel VAD, placed in the descending aorta, intended to offload the left ventricle (LV) and augment renal perfusion is being studied. For this application, a better understanding of the global hemodynamic response of the VAD, in essence an electrically driven pump, and the cardiovascular system is necessary. To meet this need, a model has been established as a nonlinear, lumped-parameter electrical analog, and simulated results under different states [healthy, congestive heart failure (CHF), and postinsertion of VAD] are presented. The systemic circulation is separated into five compartments and the descending aorta is composed of three components to accurately yield the system response of each section before and after the insertion of the VAD. Delays in valve closing time and blood inertia in the aorta were introduced to deliver a more realistic model. Pump governing equations and optimization are based on fundamental theories of turbomachines and can serve as a practical initial design point for rotary blood pumps. The model's results closely mimic established parameters for the circulatory system and confirm the feasibility of the intra-aortic VAD concept. This computational model can be linked with models of the pump motor to provide a valuable tool for innovative VAD design.


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Identification of the spatial scale at which marine communities are organized is critical to proper management, yet this is particularly difficult to determine for highly migratory species like sharks. We used shark catch data collected during 2006–09 from fishery-independent bottom-longline surveys, as well as biotic and abiotic explanatory data to identify the factors that affect the distribution of coastal sharks at 2 spatial scales in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Centered principal component analyses (PCAs) were used to visualize the patterns that characterize shark distributions at small (Alabama and Mississippi coast) and large (northern Gulf of Mexico) spatial scales. Environmental data on temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), depth, fish and crustacean biomass, and chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration were analyzed with normed PCAs at both spatial scales. The relationships between values of shark catch per unit of effort (CPUE) and environmental factors were then analyzed at each scale with co-inertia analysis (COIA). Results from COIA indicated that the degree of agreement between the structure of the environmental and shark data sets was relatively higher at the small spatial scale than at the large one. CPUE of Blacktip Shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) was related positively with crustacean biomass at both spatial scales. Similarly, CPUE of Atlantic Sharpnose Shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) was related positively with chl-a concentration and negatively with DO at both spatial scales. Conversely, distribution of Blacknose Shark (C. acronotus) displayed a contrasting relationship with depth at the 2 scales considered. Our results indicate that the factors influencing the distribution of sharks in the northern Gulf of Mexico are species specific but generally transcend the spatial boundaries used in our analyses.


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Robotic manipulanda are extensively used in investigation of the motor control of human arm movements. They permit the application of translational forces to the arm based on its state and can be used to probe issues ranging from mechanisms of neural control to biomechanics. However, most current designs are optimized for studying either motor learning or stiffness. Even fewer include end-point torque control which is important for the simulation of objects and the study of tool use. Here we describe a modular, general purpose, two-dimensional planar manipulandum (vBOT) primarily optimized for dynamic learning paradigms. It employs a carbon fibre arm arranged as a parallelogram which is driven by motors via timing pulleys. The design minimizes the intrinsic dynamics of the manipulandum without active compensation. A novel variant of the design (WristBOT) can apply torques at the handle using an add-on cable drive mechanism. In a second variant (StiffBOT) a more rigid arm can be substituted and zero backlash belts can be used, making the StiffBOT more suitable for the study of stiffness. The three variants can be used with custom built display rigs, mounting, and air tables. We investigated the performance of the vBOT and its variants in terms of effective end-point mass, viscosity and stiffness. Finally we present an object manipulation task using the WristBOT. This demonstrates that subjects can perceive the orientation of the principal axis of an object based on haptic feedback arising from its rotational dynamics.


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Utilization of wastewater in fish culture is based on nutrient recycling, which enhances primary productivity, planktonic biomass, macrophytes and benthic organisms which determine fish production. Production of fishes could be enhanced to 10 ton/ha through wastewater recycling by judicial stock manipulation and management. The fallow lands around a sewage fish farm could be utilized for agri-horticultural production by recycling both sludge and sewage water, resulting in a total agro production of about 110 ton/ha through rotational vegetable cropping. The potential for additional production of vegetables not only enhances revenue but also creates employment.


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A suite of computer subroutines is described which allows rapid analysis of most types of planar mechanism by the writing of a simple computer programme. The analytical techniques of these subroutines are explained, and a worked example is presented to illustrate the use of the package, and to demonstrate its advantages in the calculation of inertia forces within a mechanism.


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In multi-spool engines, rotating stall in an upstream compressor will impose a rotating distortion on the downstream compressor, thereby affecting its stability margin. In this paper experiments are described in which this effect was simulated by a rotating screen upstream of several multistage low-speed compressors. The measurements are complemented by, and compared with, a theoretical model of multistage compressor response to speed and direction of rotation of an inlet distortion. For co-rotating distortions (i.e., distortions rotating in the same direction as rotor rotation), experiments show that the compressors exhibited significant loss in stability margin and that they could be divided into two groups according to their response. The first group exhibited a single peak in stall margin degradation when the distortion speed corresponded to roughly 50% of rotor speed. The second group showed two peaks in stall margin degradation corresponding to distortion speeds of approximately 25-35% and 70-75% of rotor speed. These new results demonstrate that multistage compressors can have more than a single resonant response. Detailed measurements suggest that the two types of behavior are linked to differences between the stall inception processes observed for the two groups of compressors and that a direct connection thus exists between the observed forced response and the unsteady flow phenomena at stall onset. For counter-rotational distortions, all the compressors tested showed minimal loss of stability margin. The results imply that counter-rotation of the fan and core compressor, or LP and HP compressors, could be a worthwhile design choice. Calculations based on the two-dimensional theoretical model show excellent agreement for the compressors which had a single peak for stall margin degradation. We take this first-of-a-kind comparison as showing that the model, though simplified, captures the essential fluid dynamic features of the phenomena. Agreement is not good for compressors which had two peaks in the curve of stall margin shift versus distortion rotation speed. The discrepancy is attributed to the three-dimensional and short length scale nature of the stall inception process in these machines; this includes phenomena that have not yet been addressed in any model.


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Characterization of damping forces in a vibrating structure has long been an active area of research in structural dynamics. In spite of a large amount of research, understanding of damping mechanisms is not well developed. A major reason for this is that unlike inertia and stiffness forces it is not in general clear what are the state variables that govern the damping forces. The most common approach is to use `viscous damping' where the instantaneous generalized velocities are the only relevant state variables. However, viscous damping by no means the only damping model within the scope of linear analysis. Any model which makes the energy dissipation functional non-negative is a possible candidate for a valid damping model. This paper is devoted to develop methodologies for identification of such general damping models responsible for energy dissipation in a vibrating structure. The method uses experimentally identified complex modes and complex natural frequencies and does not a-priori assume any fixed damping model (eg., viscous damping) but seeks to determine parameters of a general damping model described by the so called `relaxation function'. The proposed method and several related issues are discussed by considering a numerical example of a linear array of damped spring-mass oscillators.


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Modern high performance motorcycles often employ a steering damper producing a moment that opposes the angular velocity of the steering assembly relative to the main frame. When modeling the motorcycle in a conventional manner, the steering damper is included as an integral part of the machine. The reduction in the wobble-mode frequency is caused by the effective increase in the steering system's moment of inertia. The compensators show the potential to significantly improve the damping of both wobble and weave modes simultaneously. The dynamic characteristics of high-performance motorcycles can be improved by replacing the conventional steering damper with a passive mechanical steering compensator. The design methodology adopted uses Nyquist frequency response ideas, root-locus analysis and loop-shaping design to obtain a preliminary choice of parameters.


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The control of a wind turbine to the mean wind speed in a gusty wind results in very poor performance. Fluctuations in wind speed with time constants shorter than the response time of a wind turbine results in operation away from optimum design conditions. The effectiveness of a turbine operating in a gusty wind is shown though the use of an unsteady performance coefficient, C e. This performance coefficient is similar in form to a power coefficient. However in order to accommodate unsteady effects, Ce is defined as a ratio of energy extracted to the total wind energy available over a set time period. The turbine's response to real wind data is modelled, in the first instance, by assuming a constant rotational speed operation. It is shown that a significant increase in energy production can be realized by demanding a Tip Speed Ratio above the steady state optimum. The constant speed model is then further extended to incorporate inertial and controller effects. Parameters dictating how well a turbine can track a demand in Tip Speed Ratio have been identified and combined, to form a non-dimensional turbine response parameter. This parameter characterizes a turbine's ability to track a demand in Tip Speed Ratio dependent on an effective gust frequency. A significant increase in energy output of 42% and 245% is illustrated through the application of this over-speed control. This is for the constant rotational speed and Tip Speed Ratio feedback models respectively. The affect of airfoil choice on energy extraction within a gusty wind has been considered. The adaptive control logic developed enables the application of airfoils demonstrating high maximum L/D values but sharp stalling characteristics to be successfully used in a VAWT design.


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Common-rail fuel injection systems on modern light duty diesel engines are effectively able to respond instantaneously to changes in the demanded injection quantity. In contrast, the air-system is subject to significantly slower dynamics, primarily due to filling/emptying effects in the manifolds and turbocharger inertia. The behaviour of the air-path in a diesel engine is therefore the main limiting factor in terms of engine-out emissions during transient operation. This paper presents a simple mean-value model for the air-path during throttled operation, which is used to design a feed-forward controller that delivers very rapid changes in the in-cylinder charge properties. The feed-forward control action is validated using a state-of-the-art sampling system that allows true cycle-by-cycle measurement of the in-cylinder CO2 concentration. © 2011 SAE International.


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Over recent years academia and industry have engaged with the challenge of model testing deepwater structures at conventional scales. One approach to the limited depth problem has been to truncate the lines. This concept will be introduced, highlighting the need to better understand line dynamic processes. The type of line truncation developed here models the upper sections of each line in detail, capturing wave action and all coupling effects with the vessel, terminating to an approximate analytical model that aims to simulate the remainder of the line. A rationale for this is that in deep water transverse elastic waves of a line are likely to decay before they are reflected at the seabed because of nonlinear hydrodynamic drag forces. The first part of this paper is centered on verification of this rationale. A simplified model of a mooring line that describes the transverse dynamics in wave frequency is used, adopting the equation of motion of an inextensible taut string. The line is submerged in still water, one end fixed at the bottom the other assumed to follow the vessel response, which can be harmonic or random. A dimensional analysis, supported by exact benchmark numerical solutions, has shown that it is possible to produce a universal curve for the decay of transverse vibrations along the line, which is suitable for any kind of line with any top motion. This has a significant engineering benefit, allowing for a rapid assessment of line dynamics - it can be useful in deciding whether a truncated line model is appropriate, and if so, at which point truncation might be applied. This is followed by developing a truncation mechanism, formulating an end approximation that can reproduce the correct impedance, had the line been continuous to full depth. It has been found that below a certain length criterion, which is also universal, the transverse vibrational characteristics for each line are inertia driven. As such the truncated model can assume a linear damper whose coefficient depends on the line properties and frequency of vibration. Copyright © 2011 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).


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Submarines are efficient sources of low frequency radiated noise due to the vibrations induced by the rotation of the propeller in a non uniform wake. In this work the possibility of using inertial actuators to reduce the far field sound pressure is investigated. The submerged vessel is modelled as a cylindrical shell with two conical end caps. Complicating effects such as ring stiffeners, bulkheads and the fluid loading are taken into account. A harmonic radial force is transmitted from the propeller to the hull through the stern end cone and it is tonal at the blade passing frequency (rotational speed of the shaft multiplied by the number of blades). The actuators are attached at the inside of the prow end cone to form a circumferential array. Both Active Vibration Control (AVC) and Active Structural Acoustic Control (ASAC) are analysed and it is shown that the inertial actuators can significantly reduce the far field sound pressure.