984 resultados para Ross, Fiona


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This paper has two main objectives. First, it provides a stylised descriptionof the Catalan industrial path of the period 1830-1861. Second, it reviewsthe evolution of the Catalan industry in the Spanish context and, thus, canserve to describe the relative importance of the Catalan industrialexperience. Consequently, it is mainly devoted to computing and analysing thegrowth rates of Catalan industries during the early phase of industrialisation.The results show that Catalonia experienced a true process ofindustrialisation during the period 1830 to 1861, but that its contributionin rapid increase in Spanish GDP was relatively small.


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O objetivo do estudo é analisar a influência dos fatores da associação à marca na satisfação dos espetadores de kickboxing. Para tal, criou-se um questionário de acordo como modelo de Ross, Russell e Bang (2008) considerando-se o estudo de Kim, Andrew, e Greenwell (2009). Recolheram-se 252 questionários em eventos de kickboxing, dos quais214 foram validados. Após uma análise fatorial exploratória dos dados, identificou-se que os fatores organizadores, história, violência, restauração, combates, fãs, interação social, marca, sucesso do evento e apreciação estética são os que melhor explicam a associação à marca. Através da regressão linear verificou-se que os fatores de associação à marca têm um bom impacto na explicação da satisfação dos espetadores. Podemos destacar os fatores organizadores, história, restauração, combate, fãs, a interação social, marca e qualidades estéticas como explicativos da satisfação dos espetadores. Relativamente à análise sociodemográfica, verificou-se que não existem diferenças nos níveis de satisfação entre grupos. Alguns dos fatores de associação à marca que mais influenciaram a satisfação, como os de organizadores, fãs, história, interação social e sucesso do evento, tiveram diferenças de acordo com o género, habilitações literárias e se é ou não praticante da modalidade.


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Os flebotomíneos são os vetores naturais de alguns agentes etiológicos de doenças humanas e de animais, tais como protozoários do gênero Leishmania Ross, 1903. A fauna flebotomínica no Mato Grosso do Sul é relativamente bem conhecida e até o momento compõe-se de 54 espécies. O presente estudo baseia-se no levantamento de flebotomíneos em área urbana de 18 municípios com transmissão de leishmaniose visceral no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, com objetivo de verificar as principais espécies e fornecer subsídios para o programa de controle das leishmanioses. As coletas foram realizadas com armadilhas automáticas luminosas, instaladas mensalmente durante três noites consecutivas, das 18:00 horas às 6:00, no período de dois anos. Foram coletadas 36 espécies dentre os 34.799 exemplares identificados. Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) e Nyssomyia whitmani (Antunes, 1939) foram as espécies mais dispersas, a primeira foi encontrada em 16 e a segunda em 15 dos 18 municípios investigados, contudo, Lu. longipalpis foi predominante em todos esses municípios Ny. whitmani não predominou em nenhum deles. Corumbá contribuiu com 40.92% de todos flebotomíneos capturados e nesse município Lutzomyia cruzi (Mangabeira, 1938) respondeu por 92.50% dos exemplares coletados. Ressalta-se que as espécies do gênero Lutzomyia e Nyssomyia whitmani podem estar envolvidas com a transmissão de leishmanioses no Mato Grosso do Sul.


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A new species of Cernotina (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae) from the Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. Cernotina Ross, 1938, with 64 extant species, is a New World genus of caddisflies. In Brazil, there are 31 described species of which 28 are recorded from the Amazon basin. Cernotina puri sp. nov. is described and figured based on specimens collected in the Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The new species can be distinguished by the shape of the intermediate appendages and tergum X. The immature stages of C. puri are unknown.


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Recent research has examined the factors controlling the geometrical configuration of bifurcations, determined the range of stability conditions for a number of bifurcation types and assessed the impact of perturbations on bifurcation evolution. However, the flow division process and the parameters that influence flow and sediment partitioning are still poorly characterized. To identify and isolate these parameters, three-dimensional velocities were measured at 11 cross-sections in a fixed-walled experimental bifurcation. Water surface gradients were controlled, and systematically varied, using a weir in each distributary. As may be expected, the steepest distributary conveyed the most discharge ( was dominant) while the mildest distributary conveyed the least discharge ( was subordinate). A zone of water surface super-elevation was co-located with the bifurcation in symmetric cases or displaced into the subordinate branch in asymmetric cases. Downstream of a relatively acute-angled bifurcation, primary velocity cores were near to the water surface and against the inner banks, with near-bed zones of lower primary velocity at the outer banks. Downstream of an obtuse-angled bifurcation, velocity cores were initially at the outer banks, with near-bed zones of lower velocities at the inner banks, but patterns soon reverted to match the acute-angled case. A single secondary flow cell was generated in each distributary, with water flowing inwards at the water surface and outwards at the bed. Circulation was relatively enhanced within the subordinate branch, which may help explain why subordinate distributaries remain open, may play a role in determining the size of commonly-observed topographic features, and may thus exert some control on the stability of asymmetric bifurcations. Further, because larger values of circulation result from larger gradient disadvantages, the length of confluence-diffluence units in braided rivers or between diffluences within delta distributary networks may vary depending upon flow structures inherited from upstream and whether, and how, they are fed by dominant or subordinate distributaries. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We show that the Heston volatility or equivalently the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process is Malliavin differentiable and give an explicit expression for the derivative. This result assures the applicability of Malliavin calculus in the framework of the Heston stochastic volatility model and the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model for interest rates.


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Infectious and inflammatory diseases have repeatedly shown strong genetic associations within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC); however, the basis for these associations remains elusive. To define host genetic effects on the outcome of a chronic viral infection, we performed genome-wide association analysis in a multiethnic cohort of HIV-1 controllers and progressors, and we analyzed the effects of individual amino acids within the classical human leukocyte antigen (HLA) proteins. We identified >300 genome-wide significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the MHC and none elsewhere. Specific amino acids in the HLA-B peptide binding groove, as well as an independent HLA-C effect, explain the SNP associations and reconcile both protective and risk HLA alleles. These results implicate the nature of the HLA-viral peptide interaction as the major factor modulating durable control of HIV infection.


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Aim: 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd) depletes the endogenous 5'-deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP) pool. We hypothesized whether uptake of exogenous dThd analogues could be favoured through a feedback enhanced salvage pathway and studied the FdUrd effect on cellular uptake of 3'-deoxy-3'-18F-fluorothymidine (18F-FLT) and 5-125I-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (125I-IdUrd) in different cancer cell lines in parallel. Methods: Cell uptake of 18F-FLT and 125I-IdUrd was studied in 2 human breast, 2 colon cancer and 2 glioblastoma lines. Cells were incubated with/without 1 µmol/l FdUrd for 1 h and, after washing, with 1.2 MBq 18F-FLT or 125I-IdUrd for 0.3 to 2 h. Cell bound 18F-FLT and 125I-IdUrd was counted and expressed in % incubated activity (%IA). Kinetics of 18F-FLT cell uptake and release were studied with/without FdUrd modulation. 2'-3H-methyl-fluorothymidine (2'-3H-FLT) uptake with/without FdUrd pretreatment was tested on U87 spheroids and monolayer cells. Results: Basal uptake at 2 h of 18F-FLT and 125I-IdUrd was in the range of 0.8-1.0 and 0.4-0.6 Bq/cell, respectively. FdUrd pretreatment enhanced 18F-FLT and 125I-IdUrd uptake 1.2-2.1 and 1.7-4.4 fold, respectively, while co-incubation with excess thymidine abrogated all 18F-FLT uptake. FdUrd enhanced 18F-FLT cellular inflow in 2 breast cancer lines by factors of 1.8 and 1.6, respectively, while outflow persisted at a slightly lower rate. 2'-3H-FLT basal uptake was very low while uptake increase after FdUrd was similar in U87 monolayer cells and spheroids. Conclusions: Basal uptake of 18F-FLT was frequently higher than that of 125I-IdUrd but FdUrd induced uptake enhancement was stronger for 125I-IdUrd in five of six cell lines. 18F-FLT outflow from cells might be an explanation for the observed difference with 125I-IdUrd.


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Colony social organization in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta appears to be under strong genetic control. In the invasive USA range, polygyny (multiple queens per colony) is marked by the presence of the Gp-9(b) allele in most of a colony's workers, whereas monogyny (single queen per colony) is associated with the exclusive occurrence of the Gp-9(B) allele. Ross and Keller, Behav Ecol Sociobiol 51:287-295 (2002) experimentally manipulated social organization by cross-fostering queens into colonies of the alternate form, thereby changing adult worker Gp-9 genotype frequencies over time. Although these authors showed that social behavior switched predictably when the frequency of b-bearing adult workers crossed a threshold of 5-10%, the possibility that queen effects caused the conversions could not be excluded entirely. We addressed this problem by fostering polygyne brood into queenright monogyne colonies. All such treatment colonies switched social organization to become polygyne, coincident with their proportions of b-bearing workers exceeding 12%. Our results support the conclusion that polygyny in S. invicta is induced by a minimum frequency of colony workers carrying the b allele, and further confirm that its expression is independent of queen genotype or history, worker genotypes at genes not linked to Gp-9, and colony genetic diversity.


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Soil water storage of Central Amazonian soil profiles in upland forest plots subjected to selective logging (in average, 8 trees or 34, 3 m³ of timber per hectare were removed) was measured in four layers, down to a depth of 70 cm. The study lasted 27-months and was divided in two phases: measurements were carried out nearly every week during the first 15 months; in the following year, five intensive periods of measurements were performed. Five damage levels were compared: (a) control (undisturbed forest plot); (b) centre of the clearing/gap; (c) edge of the gap; (d) edge of the remaining forest; and (e) remaining forest. The lowest values for water storage were found in the control (296 ± 19.1 mm), while the highest were observed (333 ± 25.8 mm) in the centre of the gap, during the dry period. In the older gaps (7.5-8.5 year old), soil water storage was similar to the remaining and the control forest, indicating a recovery of hydric soil properties to nearly the levels prior to selective logging.


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A colheita seletiva de madeira pode vir a ser uma forma sustentável de uso da terra para ecossistemas florestais da Amazônia, uma vez que permite a manutenção de parte considerável da biomassa florestal, diminuindo, assim, a perturbação nas áreas exploradas. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da exploração seletiva de madeira sobre as características físicas de um Latossolo Amarelo. A área de estudo localiza-se a cerca de 80 km ao norte de Manaus e a vegetação é do tipo Floresta Ombrófila Densa. O número de árvores retiradas com um trator de esteiras D6, por arraste, em 1993, variou de sete a dez árvores/ha (DAP > 55 cm). O delineamento experimental foi do tipo blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Seis tratamentos foram avaliados, equivalendo às seguintes classes de perturbação identificadas na área: trilha de trator, centro de clareira, borda da clareira/floresta, borda da floresta/clareira, floresta remanescente e floresta-controle. A colheita seletiva de madeira provocou modificações nas características físicas do solo, principalmente nas trilhas de trator, e representou, em média, 13,8 % da área total explorada. Os valores de densidade do solo e resistência à penetração foram maiores para o solo sob estas áreas, enquanto a macroporosidade e o volume de água disponível para as plantas apresentaram-se menores do que nas demais classes de perturbação. Estas classes foram menos afetadas, não se estabelecendo diferenças significativas para as características físicas do solo entre estas e a floresta-controle, indicando, assim, a colheita seletiva como uma prática de menor impacto para o solo dos ecossistemas florestais da Amazônia.


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To better understand the biological controls that regulate sea urchin dynamics, we studied the effects of potential inter- and intra-specific competition for food on several biological variables of the main sea urchin in the Mediterranean (Paracentrotus lividus). We carried out a caging experiment in which we manipulated sea urchin density (natural vs. high density) and herbivorous fish (Sarpa salpa) accessibility (free access vs. exclusion) in a Posidonia oceanica meadow. No evidence of competition between fish and urchins was detected. Neither density-dependent mortality nor changes in the somatic variables were found; however, we detected that intra-specific competition affected the reproductive potential of P. lividus. The gonad index of urchins at high population densities was ca. 30% lower than that of urchins at natural densities. As a spawning event had just occurred when urchins were collected, these differences probably reflect differences in reserve content, which may compromise the following reproductive period and decrease survival in the long term, as the gonads are also used as storage organs. For the time period studied, mortality rates appeared to be independent of local densities. The results indicate that a long-term negative feedback mechanism appears to take place in P. lividus in response to increased population density.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to establish a standardized procedure for postmortem whole-body CT-based angiography with lipophilic and hydrophilic contrast media solutions and to compare the results of these two methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Minimally invasive postmortem CT angiography was performed on 10 human cadavers via access to the femoral blood vessels. Separate perfusion of the arterial and venous systems was established with a modified heart-lung machine using a mixture of an oily contrast medium and paraffin (five cases) and a mixture of a water-soluble contrast medium with polyethylene glycol (PEG) 200 in the other five cases. Imaging was executed with an MDCT scanner. RESULTS: The minimally invasive femoral approach to the vascular system provided a good depiction of lesions of the complete vascular system down to the level of the small supplying vessels. Because of the enhancement of well-vascularized tissues, angiography with the PEG-mixed contrast medium allowed the detection of tissue lesions and the depiction of vascular abnormalities such as pulmonary embolisms or ruptures of the vessel wall. CONCLUSION: The angiographic method with a water-soluble contrast medium and PEG as a contrast-agent dissolver showed a clearly superior quality due to the lack of extravasation through the gastrointestinal vascular bed and the enhancement of soft tissues (cerebral cortex, myocardium, and parenchymal abdominal organs). The diagnostic possibilities of these findings in cases of antemortem ischemia of these tissues are not yet fully understood.