999 resultados para Ridgway, Jacob, 1767-1843.
El presente trabajo expone el análisis de El Gratis, diario de anuncios publicado en 1842-43, algunas de cuyas características (aplicación de la ley del doble mercado, distribución gratuita de parte de los ejemplares, edición de un diario-cartel…) representan una verdadera novedad para la época y para la historia del periodismo decimonónico en España.
El presente trabajo trata sobre la reacción del clero secular y regular ante la expulsión de los jesuitas de la monarquía hispánica en 1767. Veremos las opiniones de algunos de los obispos favorables a la política regalista de Carlos III, y cómo actuaron antes la operación mejor diseñada y más eficaz contra la Compañía de Jesús en los amplios territorios del monarca Borbón. Al mismo tiempo, analizaremos los comentarios de los propios expulsos sobre el clero español y las consecuencias que tuvieron ambas reacciones.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Moses Parsons on behalf of his son, signed by Thomas Foxcroft, Charles Chauncey, Thomas Waite, and Daniel Marsh.
8-page pamphlet.
8-page pamphlet bound in hardcover binding.
Leather hardcover volume containing a draft of the 1767 College Laws with portions crossed out and edited. The volume appears to be a working copy and includes page references in the front of the volume and additional notes inserted between pages.
Handwritten copy of the 1767 College laws, lacking its original covers. The volume is identified as "original" and a note with five changes to the Laws is bound at the front of the volume. A note accompanies the item: "Mr. Wigglesworth compliments to the Librarian ~ Tutors to desire they would meet with the Professor at his House at 12 o Clock. Monday 11 o clock."
Handwritten soft-cover copy of the 1767 College laws labeled as "Part II" and consisting of chapters VI to X.
Handwritten soft-cover copy of the 1767 College laws includes an ornately drawn title and was marked "Corrections, Additions, etc." The volume contains many emendations, some in the hand of Edward Wigglesworth.
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Jacob Cushing Merrill signed by President Joseph Willard on September 28, 1803.
The date of this list is written on the document in pencil, possibly in the hand of John Langdon Sibley. Its source and the reason for its attribution are not currently known.
The date of this list is written on the document in pencil, possibly in the hand of John Langdon Sibley. Its source and the reason for its attribution are not currently known. Document indicates that books arrived "in the two Boxes marked R. O."