953 resultados para Reliable Computations
During the last two decades screen-film (SF) systems have been replaced by digital X-ray systems. The advent of digital technologies brought a number of digital solutions based on different detector and readout technologies. Improvements in technology allowed the development of new digital technologies for projection radiography such as computed radiography (CR) and digital radiography (DR). The large number of scientific papers concerning digital X-ray systems that have been published over the last 25 years indicates the relevance of these technologies in healthcare. There are important differences among different detector technologies that may affect system performance and image quality for diagnostic purposes. Radiographers are expected to have an effective understanding of digital X-ray technologies and a high level of knowledge and awareness concerning the capabilities of these systems. Patient safety and reliable diagnostic information are intrinsically linked to these factors. In this review article - which is the first of two parts - a global overview of the digital radiography systems (both CR and DR) currently available for clinical practice is provided.
Este Trabalho refere-se ao Projecto de Execução de Fundações e Estruturas de uma Ponte Rodoviária em betão armado pré-esforçado, realizado no âmbito do Trabalho Final de Mestrado em Engenharia Civil – Especialização em Estruturas, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. O Projecto de Execução é composto de Peças Escritas e Peças Desenhadas. Nas Peças Escritas estão incluídos: Memória Justificativa e Descritiva; Cálculos Justificativos e Anexos. A ponte é composta por dois tabuleiros paralelos com 10,28m de largura cada um e afastados entre si de 0,10m. A obra é constituída de 8 tramos; os tramos correntes com 31m de comprimento e os tramos extremos com 25 e 20m de comprimento, perfazendo um comprimento total de 231m. A obra foi parcialmente isolada dos sismos pela introdução, em todos os pilares, de aparelhos de apoio de elevado amortecimento sísmico do tipo HDRB (High Damping Rubber Bearings). Encontram-se particularmente discriminadas e detalhadas neste projecto as seguintes situações: - Cálculo do Pré-esforço e respectivas perdas; - Acção das sobrecargas rodoviárias; - Diferença de comportamento da obra na entrada em serviço e no longo prazo; - Análise sísmica e do isolamento sísmico; - Estudo dos efeitos diferidos: retracção e fluência. Tendo as abordagens de cálculo e as verificações de segurança seguido a regulamentação nacional em vigor, nomeadamente RSA e REBAP, foi no entanto feita uma aproximação às regras do “Capacity Design” previstas no EC8, em que se privilegia a actuação do projectista sobre o comportamento da estrutura, procurando uma resposta não linear da mesma, visando garantir que: - A rotura não ocorrerá nos elementos de fundação; - Nos pilares a dissipação de energia se faz através de rótulas plásticas, evitando-se roturas associadas a esforços transversos. A aplicação destas regras neste Projecto demonstrou haver um agravamento substancial na definição dos esforços a que devem resistir alguns dos componentes da estrutura, designadamente os pilares e as fundações, originando soluções de secções de betão e armaduras bem mais exigentes do que aqueles que resultariam da simples verificação de segurança, pela comparação entre esforços actuante e esforços resistentes “secção a secção”, imposta pela actual regulamentação nacional.
A maioria das infra-estruturas de transportes, nomeadamente os pavimentos rodoviários e aeroportuários, são constituídas por misturas betuminosas, o que permite um bom desempenho e uma adequada durabilidade, nas condições usuais de serviço. As misturas betuminosas são ainda amplamente utilizadas na construção de zonas de estacionamento de veículos, tendo-se verificado recentemente a sua aplicação também em infra-estruturas ferroviárias. Face à necessidade de melhorar o desempenho das vias-férreas, permitindo uma concepção mais durável de linhas de alta velocidade e uma redução dos custos da sua manutenção, tem-se vindo a desenvolver diversos estudos para promover a utilização de novos materiais, principalmente através da incorporação de misturas betuminosas. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo a caracterização do comportamento mecânico de misturas betuminosas a aplicar em infra-estruturas de transportes. Como metodologia para o estudo do comportamento mecânico das misturas betuminosas foram realizados em laboratório ensaios de cargas repetidas, nomeadamente, ensaios de flexão em quatro pontos para determinação da rigidez e da resistência à fadiga e ensaios de compressão triaxiais cíclicos para avaliação do comportamento à deformação permanente. A resistência à fadiga das misturas betuminosas em estudo foi avaliada através do ensaio de flexão em quatro pontos, com extensão controlada, e aplicação de um carregamento sinusoidal com diferentes frequências, de acordo com o procedimento de ensaio da norma europeia EN 12697-24 (2004 + A1: 2007). A resistência à deformação permanente das misturas betuminosas foi analisada através de ensaios de compressão triaxiais cíclicos, submetendo-as a uma tensão de confinamento estática pela aplicação parcial de vácuo e a uma pressão axial cíclica sob a forma rectangular, de acordo com a norma europeia EN 12697-25 (2004). O conhecimento destas propriedades mecânicas assume particular importância ao nível da formulação das misturas betuminosas, do dimensionamento de uma estrutura ou do estabelecimento de uma adequada solução para uma obra de reabilitação duma infra-estrutura de transportes. Para este estudo foi utilizado um modelo físico construído numa fossa no LNEC, com o propósito de serem testadas três substruturas ferroviárias não convencionais, utilizando sub-balastro betuminoso. A selecção das substruturas foi efectuada após uma análise de várias secções de estruturas já testadas e aplicadas noutros países, de forma a proporcionar comparações fiáveis entre elas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a mistura betuminosa AC20 base 50/70 (MB) aplicada na camada de sub-balastro é adequada para ser aplicada nas infra-estruturas de transportes pois apresenta um bom desempenho à fadiga e à deformação permanente. Através dos ensaios efectuados foi ainda possível entender a importante influência das características volumétricas, principalmente da porosidade para o bom comportamento da mistura betuminosa.
The devastating impact of the Sumatra tsunami of 26 December 2004, raised the question for scientists of how to forecast a tsunami threat. In 2005, the IOC-UNESCO XXIII assembly decided to implement a global tsunami warning system to cover the regions that were not yet protected, namely the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean and the North East Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas (the NEAM region). Within NEAM, the Gulf of Cadiz is the more sensitive area, with an important record of devastating historical events. The objective of this paper is to present a preliminary design for a reliable tsunami detection network for the Gulf of Cadiz, based on a network of sea-level observatories. The tsunamigenic potential of this region has been revised in order to define the active tectonic structures. Tsunami hydrodynamic modeling and GIS technology have been used to identify the appropriate locations for the minimum number of sea-level stations. Results show that 3 tsunameters are required as the minimum number of stations necessary to assure an acceptable protection to the large coastal population in the Gulf of Cadiz. In addition, 29 tide gauge stations could be necessary to fully assess the effects of a tsunami along the affected coasts of Portugal, Spain and Morocco.
A primary tool for regional tsunami hazard assessment is a reliable historical and instrumental catalogue of events. Morocco by its geographical situation, with two marine sides, stretching along the Atlantic coast to the west and along the Mediterranean coast to the north, is the country of Western Africa most exposed to the risk of tsunamis. Previous information on tsunami events affecting Morocco are included in the Iberian and/or the Mediterranean lists of tsunami events, as it is the case of the European GITEC Tsunami Catalogue, but there is a need to organize this information in a dataset and to assess the likelihood of claimed historical tsunamis in Morocco. Due to the fact that Moroccan sources are scarce, this compilation rely on historical documentation from neighbouring countries (Portugal and Spain) and so the compatibility between the new tsunami catalogue presented here and those that correspond to the same source areas is also discussed.
Knowledge on forced magma injection and magma flow in dykes is crucial for the understanding of how magmas migrate through the crust to the Earth's surface. Because many questions still persist, we used the long, thick, and deep-seated Foum Zguid dyke (Morocco) to investigate dyke emplacement and internal flow by means of magnetic methods, structural analysis, petrography, and scanning electron microscopy. We also investigated how the host rocks accommodated the intrusion. Regarding internal flow: 1. Important variations of the rock magnetic properties and magnetic fabric occur with distance from dyke wall; 2. anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization reveals that anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) results mainly from the superposition of subfabrics with distinct coercivities and that the imbrication between magnetic foliation and dyke plane is more reliable to deduce flow than the orientation of the AMS maximum principal axis; and 3. a dominant upward flow near the margins can be inferred. The magnetic fabric closest to the dyke wall likely records magma flow best due to fast cooling, whereas in the core the magnetic properties have been affected by high-temperature exsolution and metasomatic effects due to slow cooling. Regarding dyke emplacement, this study shows that the thick forceful intrusion induced deformation by homogeneous flattening and/or folding of the host sedimentary strata. Dewatering related to heat, as recorded by thick quartz veins bordering the dyke in some localities, may have also helped accommodating dyke intrusion. The spatial arrangement of quartz veins and their geometrical relationship with the dyke indicate a preintrusive to synintrusive sinistral component of strike slip.
INTRODUCTION: Self-reported weight and height were compared with direct measurements in order to evaluate the agreement between the two sources. METHOD: Data were obtained from a cross-sectional study on health status from a probabilistic sample of 1,183 employees of a bank, in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Direct measurements were made of 322 employees. Differences between the two sources were evaluated using mean differences, limits of agreement and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Men and women tended to underestimate their weight while differences between self-reported and measured height were insignificant. Body mass index (BMI) mean differences were smaller than those observed for weight. ICC was over 0.98 for weight and 0.95 for BMI, expressing close agreement. Combining a graphical method with ICC may be useful in pilot studies to detect populational groups capable of providing reliable information on weight and height, thus minimizing resources needed for field work.
INTRODUCTION: Morbidity information is easily available from medical records but its scope is limited to the population attended by the health services. Information on the prevalence of diseases requires community surveys, which are not always feasible. These two sources of information represent two alternative assessments of disease occurrence, namely demand morbidity and perceived morbidity. The present study was conceived so as to elicit a potential relationship between them so that the former could be used in the absence of the latter. METHODS: A community of 13,365 families on the outskirts of S. Paulo, Brazil, was studied during the period from 15/Nov/1994 to 15/Jan/1995. Data regarding children less than 5 years old were collected from a household survey and from the 2 basic health units in the area. Prevalence of diseases was ascertained from perceived morbidity and compared to estimates computed from demand morbidity. RESULTS: Data analysis distinguished 2 age groups, infants less than 1 year old and children 1 to less than 5. The most important groups of diseases were respiratory diseases, diarrhoea, skin problems and infectious & parasitical diseases. Basic health units presented a better coverage for infants. Though disease frequencies were not different within or outside these units, a better coverage was found for diarrhoea and infectious & parasitical diseases in the infant group, and for diarrhoea in the older age group. Equivalence between the two types of morbidity was found to be limited to the infant group and concerned only the best covered diseases. The odds of a disease being seen at the health service should be of at least 4:10 to ensure this equivalence. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that, provided that health service coverage is good, demand morbidity can be taken as a reliable estimate of community morbidity.
A ressonância magnética funcional (RMf) é hoje uma ferramenta fundamental na investigação funcional do cérebro humano, quer em indivíduos saudáveis quer em pacientes com patologias diversas. É uma técnica complexa que necessita de uma aplicação cuidada e rigorosa, e uma compreensão dos mecanismos biofísicos a ela subjacentes, de modo a serem obtidos resultados fiáveis e com melhor aceitação clínica. O efeito BOLD (Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent) é o método mais utilizado para medir e estudar a actividade cerebral e baseia-se nas alterações das propriedades magnéticas da molécula hemoglobina. Com este Projecto propomo-nos optimizar um protocolo de RMf realizada com o efeito BOLD, em voluntários saudáveis, de modo a que este possa ser aplicado em futuros estudos de pacientes com patologias. ABSTRACT - Nowadays functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a fundamental tool for the research of human brain function of healthy subjects or patients with several pathologies. It is a complex technique that requires a careful and rigorous application, and an understanding of its biophysical mechanisms, so that reliable results can be obtained with better clinical acceptance. The BOLD effect (Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent) is the most widely used method to measure and study the brain activity and its based on changes in magnetic properties of the hemoglobin molecule. The aim of this project was to optimize a BOLD fMRI protocol on healthy subjects, so it can be applied in future studies of patients with pathologies.
Once in a digital form, a radiographic image may be processed in several ways in order to turn the visualization an act of improved diagnostic value. Practitioners should be aware that, depending on each clinical context, digital image processing techniques are available to help to unveil visual information that is, in fact, carried by the bare digital radiograph and may be otherwise neglected. The range of visual enhancement procedures includes simple techniques that deal with the usual brightness and contrast manipulation up to much more elaborate multi-scale processing that provides customized control over the emphasis given to the relevant finer anatomical details. This chapter is intended to give the reader a practical understanding of image enhancement techniques that might be helpful to improve the visual quality of the digital radiographs and thus to contribute to a more reliable and assertive reporting.
Introdução – A medição da pressão arterial (PA), utilizando dispositivos automáticos, é frequentemente realizada na prática clínica e na automedição, permitindo adquirir informação fiável para o diagnóstico, controlo e tratamento da hipertensão arterial. Porém, muitos dos dispositivos automáticos disponíveis no mercado não estão validados segundo protocolos existentes para o efeito. O objetivo do estudo foi confirmar a validação do dispositivo de medição automática da PA, OMRON® M6 Comfort, segundo o Protocolo Internacional da European Society of Hypertension (ESH), de 2010, para a validação de dispositivos de medição automática da PA em adultos. Metodologia – Foram estudados 33 indivíduos, aos quais foram realizadas 9 medições sequenciais da PA, no braço esquerdo, com um esfignomanómetro aneróide alternando com o dispositivo automático. Seguidamente avaliaram-se as diferenças entre os valores obtidos pelos dispositivos para a pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD), classificando-as em três níveis (≤ 5, ≤ 10 ou ≤ 15 mmHg). O número das diferenças em cada nível foi comparado ao requerido pelo Protocolo (fase 1.1). Para cada sujeito foi ainda determinado o número de diferenças com valores ≤ 5 mmHg. Pelo menos 24 dos 33 indivíduos devem ter 2 ou 3 diferenças com valores ≤ 5 mmHg e no máximo 3 dos 33 indivíduos podem apresentar as 3 diferenças com valores > 5 mmHg (fase 1.2). Resultados – O dispositivo OMRON® M6 Comfort foi aprovado nas fases 1.1 e 1.2 para a PAS e PAD. A média das diferenças entre as medições da PA, determinada pelos dispositivos automático e manual, foi de -0,82 ± 5,62 mmHg para a PAS e 2,14 ± 5,15 mmHg para a PAD. Considerações Finais – O dispositivo OMRON® M6 Comfort é válido para a medição da PA em adultos, de acordo com o Protocolo Internacional da ESH, de 2010. - ABSTRACT - Introduction – The measurement of blood pressure (BP) using automatic devices is often performed in clinical practice and self-measurement allowing the acquisition of reliable information for the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of hypertension. However not all of the automated devices available in the market are validated in accordance with the existing protocols for this purpose. The purpose of this study was to confirm the validation of the automatic measuring device of the BP, OMRON® M6 Comfort, according to the “European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 for the validation of blood pressure measuring devices in adults”. Methodology – The study involved 33 subjects, in each one of them, 9 sequential measurements of BP were performed, in the left arm, with the aneroid sphygmomanometer alternating with the automatic device. Afterwards, the differences on the values obtained by the different devices were evaluated, for systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic (DBP), and these differences were then classified into three levels (≤ 5, ≤ 10 or ≤ 15 mmHg). The number of differences at each level was compared to the number required by the protocol (phase 1.1). For each subject the number of differences with values ≤ 5 mmHg was also determined. At least 24 of the 33 subjects should have 2 or 3 differences with values ≤ 5 mmHg and a maximum of 3 of the 33 subjects may have all differences with values > 5 mmHg (phase 1.2). Results – The device OMRON M6 Comfort ® was approved in phases 1.1 and 1.2 for SBP and DBP. The average difference between measurements of BP, as determined by automatic and manual devices, was -0.82 ± 5.62 mmHg for SBP and 2.14 ± 5.15 mmHg for DBP. Conclusion – The device OMRON M6 Comfort® is valid for measuring BP in adults, according to the ESH International Protocol of 2010.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientada por: Doutora Alcina Dias
A validação metodológica permite evidenciar se os resultados obtidos por um método são confiáveis, tornando-se um elemento essencial na qualidade. Neste estudo, cujo objectivo é validar a metodologia enzimática para determinação de oxalato na urina, incluíram-se 30 amostras de urina de 24horas, pré-tratadas e estudadas em dois auto-analisadores. Os valores dos limites de detecção e quantificação foram 0,98 e 0,79 mg/L, respectivamente. Para a exactidão obteve-se p=0,713. Na precisão intermédia entre corridas não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas, em oposição às repetições. Para a linearidade obteve-se r=1 e a sensibilidade foi 0,6%. Conclui-se que o método se mostrou exacto e linear.
Neonatal anthropometry is an inexpensive, noninvasive and convenient tool for bedside evaluation, especially in sick and fragile neonates. Anthropometry can be used in neonates as a tool for several purposes: diagnosis of foetal malnutrition and prediction of early postnatal complications; postnatal assessment of growth, body composition and nutritional status; prediction of long-term complications including metabolic syndrome; assessment of dysmorphology; and estimation of body surface. However, in this age group anthropometry has been notorious for its inaccuracy and the main concern is to make validated indices available. Direct measurements, such as body weight, length and body circumferences are the most commonly used measurements for nutritional assessment in clinical practice and in field studies. Body weight is the most reliable anthropometric measurement and therefore is often used alone in the assessment of the nutritional status, despite not reflecting body composition. Derived indices from direct measurements have been proposed to improve the accuracy of anthropometry. Equations based on body weight and length, mid-arm circumference/head circumference ratio, and upper-arm cross-sectional areas are among the most used derived indices to assess nutritional status and body proportionality, even though these indices require further validation for the estimation of body composition in neonates.
The conventional methods used to evaluate chitin content in fungi, such as biochemical assessment of glucosamine release after acid hydrolysis or epifluorescence microscopy, are low throughput, laborious, time-consuming, and cannot evaluate a large number of cells. We developed a flow cytometric assay, efficient, and fast, based on Calcofluor White staining to measure chitin content in yeast cells. A staining index was defined, its value was directly related to chitin amount and taking into consideration the different levels of autofluorecence. Twenty-two Candida spp. and four Cryptococcus neoformans clinical isolates with distinct susceptibility profiles to caspofungin were evaluated. Candida albicans clinical isolate SC5314, and isogenic strains with deletions in chitin synthase 3 (chs3Δ/chs3Δ) and genes encoding predicted Glycosyl Phosphatidyl Inositol (GPI)-anchored proteins (pga31Δ/Δ and pga62Δ/Δ), were used as controls. As expected, the wild-type strain displayed a significant higher chitin content (P < 0.001) than chs3Δ/chs3Δ and pga31Δ/Δ especially in the presence of caspofungin. Ca. parapsilosis, Ca. tropicalis, and Ca. albicans showed higher cell wall chitin content. Although no relationship between chitin content and antifungal drug susceptibility phenotype was found, an association was established between the paradoxical growth effect in the presence of high caspofungin concentrations and the chitin content. This novel flow cytometry protocol revealed to be a simple and reliable assay to estimate cell wall chitin content of fungi.