914 resultados para Recycled steel fibre reinforced concrete
"Report no. ITRC FR 94-3".
"March 1998."
Vol. 1, no. 1-4 are single monographs by F. Emperger.
Includes: Indicateur du congres.
"Unter Mitwirkung hervorragender Fachmänner hrsg. von der Zeitschrift 'Beton u. Eisen'."
At head of title: Concrete craftsman series.
This paper reports on the development of an artificial neural network (ANN) method to detect laminar defects following the pattern matching approach utilizing dynamic measurement. Although structural health monitoring (SHM) using ANN has attracted much attention in the last decade, the problem of how to select the optimal class of ANN models has not been investigated in great depth. It turns out that the lack of a rigorous ANN design methodology is one of the main reasons for the delay in the successful application of the promising technique in SHM. In this paper, a Bayesian method is applied in the selection of the optimal class of ANN models for a given set of input/target training data. The ANN design method is demonstrated for the case of the detection and characterisation of laminar defects in carbon fibre-reinforced beams using flexural vibration data for beams with and without non-symmetric delamination damage.
The flat plate system is currently widely used in construction. It permits architectural flexibility, more clear space, less building height, easier formwork, and shorter construction time. However, there remains the problem of brittle punching failure due to the transfer of shearing forces and unbalanced moments at the flat plate-column connection. It is the purpose of this paper to investigate the effects of various interdependent factors that govern the punching shear resistance and behaviour of the flat plate-column connection, as well as their inclusion in current Codes.
The principal objective of this work was to improve the mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced polypropylene (PP) composites by the mechanochemical modification of the PP. The modification of the PP was carried out by reactive processing of the PP with a modifier in a Buss Ko-Kneader. Two main types of modifier were evaluated one type based on N-substituted maleimides the others based on 2-allylamino-4,6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazine (ACCT). The modification of the PP was carried out in two stages. Firstly the PP was reactively processed with the modifier and a free radical initiator. The objective of this stage was to bind the modifier to the PP. In the second stage the modified PP was reactively processed with the glass fibre. The objective in this stage was to form a chemical bond between the bound modifier and the silane coupling agent on the surface of the glass. Two silane coupling agents were evaluated these had a aliphatic chloro group and an aliphatic amino group respectively available for reaction with the modifier. The modifiers synthesised for this work had two main functional groups. The first was a double bond for free radical addition to the PP. The second was an organic group chosen for its potential reactivity to the silane coupling agent. A preliminary investigation was carried out using maleic anhydride (MA) as the modifier, this is reactive to the amino silane coupled glass. Studies of a commercially available system were also carried out for comparison purposes. During the work it was found that the amino silane coupled glass fibres produced, without any modification being made to the PP, mechanical properties comparable to the commercial system. Further any modification added to the amino silane system failed to improve the mechanical performance and in some cases acted in the opposite fashion. This failure was evident even when a chemical bond between glass fibre and PP could be shown. In the case of the chloro silane coupled glass fibres the mechanical properties of the composite without modification were poorer than those of the commercial system. It was found that the mechanical properties of these systems could be enhanced by the modifiers, however, no system tested significantly out performed the commercial system. Of the two modifier systems tested those based on the n-substituted maleimides were more successful at enhancing mechanical properties than those based on ACCT. This was attributed to the Poor chemical binding of the ACCT based modifiers to the PP. During the work it was found that several of the modifiers improved the properties of the PP when no glass fibres were present, particularly the % elongation and impact strength. It is possible that these modifiers could be used to improve the impact performance of PP, this may be of particular interest in recycling. These modifiers have only been tested for improving the properties of glass fibre composites. The N-substituted maleimide based modifiers could be used as compatibleisers for alloys of PP and other polymers. These could function by the formation of the bond with PP via the double bond whilst the group attached to the nitrogen atom could react with the alloying polymer.
The reduction in the useful-service life of reinforced concrete construction in the Arabian Gulf is attributed to reinforcement corrosion. While this phenomenon is primarily related to chloride ions, the concomitant pressure of sulfate salts may accelerate the deterioration process. Another factor which might influence reinforcement corrosion is the elevated ambient temperature. While few studies have been conducted to evaluate the individual effect of sulfate contamination and temperature on chloride binding and reinforcement corrosion, the synergistic effect of these factors on concrete durability, viz.-a-viz., reinforcement corrosion, needs to be evaluated. Further, the environmental conditions of the Arabian Gulf are also conducive for accelerated carbonation. However, no data are available on the concomitant effect of chloride-sulfate contamination and elevated temperature on the carbonation behaviour of plain and blended cements.This study was conducted to evaluate the conjoint effect of chloride-sulfate contamination and temperature on the pore solution chemistry and reinforcement corrosion. The effect of chloride-sulfate contamination and elevated temperature on carbonation in plain and blended cements was also investigated. Pore solution extraction and analysis, X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy, DC linear polarization resistance and AC impedance spectroscopy techniques were utilized to study the effect of experimental parameters on chloride binding, reinforcement corrosion and carbonation.The results indicated that the concomitant presence of chloride and sulfate salts and temperature significantly influences the durability performance of concrete by: (i) decreasing the chloride binding, (ii) increasing reinforcement corrosion, and (iii) accelerating the carbonation process. To avoid such deterioration, it is advisable to minimize both chloride and sulfate contamination contributed by the mixture ingredients. Due to the known harmful role of sulfate ions in decreasing the chloride binding and increasing reinforcement corrosion, limits on allowable sulfate contamination in concrete should also be established.
Replacement of the traditional coil spring with one of more fibre-reinforced plastic sulcated springs is a future possibility. Spring designers of metallic coil springs have design formulae readily available, and software packages specific to coil spring design exist. However, the sulcated spring is at the prototype stage of development, so literature on these springs is very sparse. The thesis contains information on the market for sulcated springs, and their advantages and disadvantages. Literature on other types of fibre reinforced plastic springs has also been reviewed. Design software has been developed for the sulcated spring along similar lines to coil spring design software. In order to develop the software, a theoretical model had to be developed which formed the mathematical basis for the software. The theoretical model is based on a choice of four methods for calculating the flexural rigidity; beam theory, plate theory, and lamination theory assuming isotropic and orthoropic material properties. Experimental results for strain and spring stiffness have been compared with the theoretical model, and were in good agreement. Included in the design software are the results of experimental work on fatigue, and design limiting factors to prevent or warn against impractical designs. Finite element analysis has been used to verify the theoretical model developed, and to find the better approximation to the experimental results. Applications and types of assemblies for the sulcated spring were discussed. Sulcated spring designs for the automotive applications of a suspension, clutch and engine valve spring were found using the design computer software. These sulcated spring designs were within or close to the space of the existing coil spring and yield the same performance. Finally the commercial feasibility of manufacturing the sulcated spring was assessed and compared with the coil spring, to evaluate the plausibility of the sulcated spring replacing the coil spring eventually.
Design methods and tools are generally best learned and developed experientially [1]. Finding appropriate vehicles for delivering these to students is becoming increasingly challenging, especially when considering only those that will enthuse, intrigue and inspire. This paper traces the development of different eco-car design and build projects which competed in the Shell Eco-Marathon. The cars provided opportunities for experiential learning through a formal learning cycle of CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate) or the more traditional understand, explore, create, validate, with both teams developing a functional finished prototype. Lessons learned were applied through the design of a third and fourth eco-car using experimental techniques with bio-composites, combining the knowledge of fibre reinforced composite materials and adhesives with the plywood construction techniques of the two teams. The paper discusses the importance of applying materials and techniques to a real world problem. It will also explore how eco-car and comparing traditional materials and construction techniques with high tech composite materials is an ideal teaching, learning and assessment vehicle for technical design techniques.
A wide range of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for the monitoring the health of concrete structure has been studied for several years. The recent rapid evolution of wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies has resulted in the development of sensing elements that can be embedded in concrete, to monitor the health of infrastructure, collect and report valuable related data. The monitoring system can potentially decrease the high installation time and reduce maintenance cost associated with wired monitoring systems. The monitoring sensors need to operate for a long period of time, but sensors batteries have a finite life span. Hence, novel wireless powering methods must be devised. The optimization of wireless power transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) to sensors embedded in concrete is studied here. First, we analytically derive the optimal geometric parameters for transmission of power in the air. This specifically leads to the identification of the local and global optimization parameters and conditions, it was validated through electromagnetic simulations. Second, the optimum conditions were employed in the model for propagation of energy through plain and reinforced concrete at different humidity conditions, and frequencies with extended Debye's model. This analysis leads to the conclusion that SCMR can be used to efficiently power sensors in plain and reinforced concrete at different humidity levels and depth, also validated through electromagnetic simulations. The optimization of wireless power transmission via SMCR to Wearable and Implantable Medical Device (WIMD) are also explored. The optimum conditions from the analytics were used in the model for propagation of energy through different human tissues. This analysis shows that SCMR can be used to efficiently transfer power to sensors in human tissue without overheating through electromagnetic simulations, as excessive power might result in overheating of the tissue. Standard SCMR is sensitive to misalignment; both 2-loops and 3-loops SCMR with misalignment-insensitive performances are presented. The power transfer efficiencies above 50% was achieved over the complete misalignment range of 0°-90° and dramatically better than typical SCMR with efficiencies less than 10% in extreme misalignment topologies.
An increase in the demand for the freight shipping in the United States has been predicted for the near future and Longer Combination Vehicles (LCVs), which can carry more loads in each trip, seem like a good solution for the problem. Currently, utilizing LCVs is not permitted in most states of the US and little research has been conducted on the effects of these heavy vehicles on the roads and bridges. In this research, efforts are made to study these effects by comparing the dynamic and fatigue effects of LCVs with more common trucks. Ten Steel and prestressed concrete bridges with span lengths ranging from 30’ to 140’ are designed and modeled using the grid system in MATLAB. Additionally, three more real bridges including two single span simply supported steel bridges and a three span continuous steel bridge are modeled using the same MATLAB code. The equations of motion of three LCVs as well as eight other trucks are derived and these vehicles are subjected to different road surface conditions and bumps on the roads and the designed and real bridges. By forming the bridge equations of motion using the mass, stiffness and damping matrices and considering the interaction between the truck and the bridge, the differential equations are solved using the ODE solver in MATLAB and the results of the forces in tires as well as the deflections and moments in the bridge members are obtained. The results of this study show that for most of the bridges, LCVs result in the smallest values of Dynamic Amplification Factor (DAF) whereas the Single Unit Trucks cause the highest values of DAF when traveling on the bridges. Also in most cases, the values of DAF are observed to be smaller than the 33% threshold suggested by the design code. Additionally, fatigue analysis of the bridges in this study confirms that by replacing the current truck traffic with higher capacity LCVs, in most cases, the remaining fatigue life of the bridge is only slightly decreased which means that taking advantage of these larger vehicles can be a viable option for decision makers.
The acceleration of technological change and the process of globalization has intensified competition and the need for new products (goods and services), resulting in growing concern for organizations in the development of technological, economic and social advances. This work presents an overview of the development of wind energy-related technologies and design trends. To conduct this research, it is (i) a literature review on technological innovation, technological forecasting methods and fundamentals of wind power; (ii) the analysis of patents, with the current technology landscape studied by means of finding information in patent databases; and (iii) the preparation of the map of technological development and construction of wind turbines of the future trend information from the literature and news from the sector studied. Step (ii) allowed the study of 25 644 patents between the years 2003-2012, in which the US and China lead the ranking of depositors and the American company General Electric and the Japanese Mitsubishi stand as the largest holder of wind technology. Step (iii) analyzed and identified that most of the innovations presented in the technological evolution of wind power are incremental product innovations to market. The proposed future trends shows that the future wind turbines tend to have a horizontal synchronous shaft, which with the highest diameter of 194m and 164m rotor nacelle top, the top having 7,5MW generation. The materials used for the blades are new materials with characteristics of low density and high strength. The towers are trend with hybrid materials, uniting the steel to the concrete. This work tries to cover the existing gap in the gym on the use of technological forecasting techniques for the wind energy industry, through the recognition that utilize the patent analysis, analysis of scientific articles and stories of the area, provide knowledge about the industry and influencing the quality of investment decisions in R & D and hence improves the efficiency and effectiveness of wind power generation