980 resultados para Recuento de linfocitos CD4
A study was conducted on 16 patients with pemphigus foliaceus, ten of them with the localized form (group G1) and six with the disseminated form (group G2). These patients were submitted to full blood counts, quantitation of mononuclear cell subpopulations by monoclonal antibodies, study of blastic lymphocyte transformation, and quantitation of circulating antibodies by the indirect immunofluorescence test, in order to correlate their clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory data with their immunological profile, and to determine the relationship between circulating autoantibody titers and lesion intensity and course of lesions under treatment. Leucocytosis was observed especially in group G2. All patients showed decreased relative CD3+ and CD4+ values and a tendency to decreased relative values of the CD8+ subpopulation. Blastic lymphocyte transformation indices in the presence of phytohemagglutinin were higher in patients (group G1+G2) than in controls. The indirect immunofluorescence test was positive in 100% of G2 patients and in 80% of G1 patients. The median value for the titers was higher in group G2 than in group G1. Analysis of the results as a whole permits us to conclude that cell immunity was preserved and that there was a relationship between antibody titers detected by the direct immunofluorescence test and extent of skin lesions.
Serum samples from 242 HIV-positive persons were studied for the detection of capsular polysaccha-ride antigen of Cryptococcus neoformans; 193 of these patients presented less than 300 CD4+ cells/µl of blood and 49 patients had more than 300 CD4+ cells/µl. None of them had symptoms or signs characteristic of cryptococcosis. The capsular antigen of C. neofarmans was detected by latex agglutination technique with pronase pre-treatment (IMMY, Crypto-Latex Antigen Detection System, Immunomycologics Inc., OK, USA); in 61% of the samples, ELISA technique was also used (Premier, Cryptococcal Antigen, Meridian Diagnostic Inc., Cincinatti, Oh, USA). The comparative study of both methods showed that the results obtained were similar in 96.9% of the cases. The capsular antigen was detected in 13 out of 193 (6.7%) patients with less than 300 CD4+ cells/µl. Cryptococcosis was confirmed mycologically in 3 of these 13 cases (23%) by the isolation of C. neoformans in CSF or blood cultures. Three patients, who had presented negative results of both tests for capsular antigen, suffered disseminated cryptococcosis 4 to 8 months later. The predictive diagnostic value of capsular antigen detection of C. neoformans seems tobe low and we believe that it should not be done routinely in asymptomatic HIV-positive persons.
Some epidemiological and immunological characteristics and the methodology of diagnosis of 44 cases of histoplasmosis (HP); 36 (27 males and 9 women) associated with AIDS (HP+AIDS) and 8 (7 males and 1 female) with other predisposing factors (HP+non AIDS), diagnosed in the Muñiz Hospital (MH) during 1994, were retrospectively studied. The median age (MA) of HP+AIDS patients was 28 years; 25.5 (22-40) in the women and 28.5 (20-42) in the men and 50 (22-58) years in the HP+non AIDS patients. The more frequent risk factors for HIV infection were intravenous drug addiction (55%) and homo/bisexuality (19%). The MA of these groups were 28 (20-39) and 41 (26-42) years, respectively. Tobaccoism was a predisposing factor in 83% of HP+non AIDS patients. The muco-cutaneous lesions scraping and blood-cultures established the initial diagnosis in 53% and 36% of HP+AIDS patients, respectively and the muco-cutaneous lesions biopsies in 75% of HP+non AIDS cases. At time of diagnosis, all HP+AIDS patients had <200 while HP+non AIDS patients had > 200 CD4 + lymphocytes/µl. Seventy two per cent of HP+AIDS patients were born in Buenos Aires (Bs As) city and 62% of HP+non AIDS patients were born in provinces of Argentina other than Bs As. At moment of diagnosis, 87.5% of HP+AIDS and 62.5% of HP+non AIDS patients lived in Bs As city and Bs As outskirts.
Experimental murine L. major infection is characterized by the expansion of distinct CD4+ T cell subsets. The Th1 response is related to production of IFN-g and resolution of infection, whereas Th-2 response with production of IL-4 and IL-10 and dissemination of infection. The objective of this study was to measure the circulating levels of IFN-g, IL-10 and TNF-a in patients with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) before, during and at the end of therapy and to examine the association between cytokine levels and activity of VL. Fifteen patients with VL were evaluated. The cytokine determinations were done by using the enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) before, during and at the end of therapy. At baseline, we detected circulating levels of IFN-g in 13 of 15 patients (median = 60 pg/ml); IL-10 in 14 of 15 patients (median = 141.4 pg/ml); and TNF-a in 13 of 14 patients (median = 38.9 pg/ml). As patients improved, following antimonial therapy, circulating levels of IL-10 showed an exponential decay (y = 82.34 e0,10367x, r = 0.659; p < 0.001). IFN-g was no longer detected after 7/14 days of therapy. On the other hand, circulating levels of TNF-a had a less pronounced decay with time on therapy, remaining detectable in most patients during the first seven days of therapy (y = 36.99-0.933x, r = 0.31; p = 0.05). Part of the expression of a successful response to therapy may, therefore, include reduction in secretion of inflammatory as well as suppressive cytokines. Since IL-10 and IFN-g are both detected prior to therapy, the recognized cellular immune depression seen in these patients may be due to biological predominance of IL-10 (type 2 cytokine), rather than lack of IFN-g (type 1 cytokine) production.
Enterocytozoon bieneusi is the most prevalent microsporidian parasite that causes gastrointestinal infection in persons with AIDS. Microsporidia are increasingly recognized as important opportunistic pathogens all over the world but in Brazil only few cases have been reported due either to the non awareness of the clinical presentation of the disease or to difficulties in the laboratory diagnosis. We report a 3-year follow-up of a Brazilian HIV-positive patient in whom microsporidial spores were detected in stools and were identified as E. bieneusi using electron microscopy and PCR. The patient presented with chronic diarrhea, CD4 T-lymphocytes count below 100/mm3 and microsporidial spores were consistently detected in stools. Albendazole was given to the patient in several occasions with transient relief of the diarrhea, which reappeared as soon as the drug was discontinued. Nevertheless, a diarrhea-free period with weight gain up to 18 Kg occurred when a combination of nucleoside and protease inhibitors was initiated as part of the antiviral treatment.
The records of the first two Colombian patients with AIDS and paracoccidioidomycosis are presented. Both patients were males and had no known risk factors for HIV although in the past they had worked in the field where they could have been infected with the fungus. They exhibited the juvenile type of disease with multiple organ system involvement and symptoms of short duration. They were deeply immunodepressed as indicated by less than 100 CD4 T lymphocytes per mL; however, serologic tests revealed circulating anti-Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antibodies and in one patient the first diagnostic clue came from such tests. In one case, the mycosis preceded the AIDS diagnosis while in the other, both pathologies were discovered simultaneously. Antimycotic therapy with itraconazole was administered for over 10 months, with an initial dose of 200 mg/day followed by 100 mg/day; marked improvement of the mycotic signs and symptoms was soon noticed an there have been no signs of relapse. The patients´ improvement was also due to the combined retroviral treatment that was instituted. In spite of the rarity of the AIDS-paracoccidioidomycosis association, physicians practicing in endemic areas should consider the presence of the mycosis in immunosuppressed patients, since a prompt diagnosis and institution of combined antimycotic-anti-retroviral treatments would result in patient improvement and survival. It appears possible that the longer survival time of today's AIDS patients would give the quiescent fungus the opportunity to revive, multiply and cause overt disease.
The medical records of patients with AIDS admitted to a general hospital in Brazil from 1989 to 1997 were reviewed retrospectively with the aim at defining the frequency and etiology of fever of undetermined origin (FUO) in HIV-infected patients of a tropical country and to evaluate the usefulness of the main diagnostic procedures. 188 (58.4%) out of 322 patients reported fever at admission to hospital and 55 (17.1%) had FUO. Those with FUO had a mean CD4+ cell count of 98/ml. A cause of fever was identified for 45 patients (81.8%). Tuberculosis (32.7%), Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (10.9%), and Mycobacterium avium complex (9.1%) were the most frequent diagnoses. Other infectious diseases are also of note, such as cryptococcal meningitis (5.5%), sinusitis (3.6%), Salmonella-S. mansoni association (3.6%), disseminated histoplasmosis (3.6%), neurosyphilis (1.8%), and isosporiasis (1.8%). Four patients had non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (7.3%). We conclude that an initial aggressive diagnostic approach should be always considered because biopsies (lymph node, liver and bone marrow) produced the highest yield in the diagnosis of FUO and the majority of the diagnosed diseases are treatable. The association of diseases is common and have contributed to delay the final diagnosis of FUO in most cases. In our study area the routine request of hemocultures for Salmonella infection and the investigation of cryptococcal antigen in the serum should be considered.
A pair matched case/control study was conducted from January 1991 to 30 June 1992 in order to define clinical and laboratory findings associated with DMAC infection in AIDS patients. Since DMAC infection is usually associated with advanced immunodeficiency, and therefore also with other opportunistic illnesses, in addition to the number of CD4+ lymphocytes, cases and controls were matched using the following criteria: date of AIDS diagnosis and antiretroviral therapy, number and severity of associated opportunistic infections and, whenever possible, type of Pneumocystis carinii prophylaxis, age and gender, in this order of relevance. Cases (defined as patients presenting at least one positive culture for MAC at a normally sterile site) and controls presented CD4+ lymphocyte counts below 50 cel/mm3. A significantly higher prevalence of general, digestive and respiratory signs, increased LDH levels, low hemoglobin levels and CD4+ cell counts were recorded for cases when compared to controls. Increases in gGT and alkaline phosphatase levels seen in cases were also recorded for controls. In conclusion, the strategy we used for selecting controls allowed us to detect laboratory findings associated to DMAC infection not found in other advanced immunossupressed AIDS patients without DMAC.
A infecção pelo VIH/SIDA constitui um dos principais problemas de saúde no Mundo e em África. A África Sub-sahariana detém actualmente 67% das infecções a nível global. Angola, localizada na sub-região central de África (OMS) tem uma prevalência actual média estimada em 2.4%, estando rodeada a Sul e Leste por países de prevalências mais elevadas. Em Angola, predomina o VIH-1. Os dados publicados sobre a epidemiologia molecular do VIH em Angola mostram uma grande diversidade de subtipos e formas recombinantes circulantes (CRF), recombinantes circulantes únicas (URF) e amostras não tipificadas. A motivação para o estudo presente foi o conhecimento ainda limitado sobre a infeção por VIH em Angola, desde a epidemiologia molecular às características clínicas, imunológicas, virológicas, resposta à terapêutica anti-retrovírica combinada (TARVc) e perfil de resistência do VIH à TARVc. Foi estudado um coorte de 300 doentes adultos, com infecção por VIH, de 15 de Junho de 2006 a 15 de Junho de 2010. Predomina o género feminino, 65% (194/300) e o grupo etário dos 25 aos 39 anos, 62% (186/300). A mediana de idades é 33 anos, residem em Luanda 98% (295/300), 94% são angolanos, sendo os estrangeiros de S. Tomé e RDC. A Classificação CDC de 1993 na linha de base mostrou um predomínio de doentes da categoria clínica C, 53% (160/300), com uma ou duas doenças definidoras; 34% (101/300) dos doentes eram da Categoria C3 do CDC e 49% (147/300) tinham linfócitos T CD4+ abaixo das 200 cel/l. A doença definidora mais frequente foi a Tuberculose, em 39% dos doentes (117/300). A mediana de linfócitos T CD4+ na linha de base foi de 195 cel/μl [1-1076]. Apenas 12,2% dos doentes (37/302) tinha T CD4+ de base superior a 500 células/l. Determinou-se a carga vírica na linha de base, em 213 dos doentes (71%), verificando-se que 46% destes doentes (97/213) tinham cargas virícas superiores a 100.000 cp/ml, 32% (69/213) entre 10001 e 100000, 21% (45/213) entre 400 e 10000, 0,9% (2/213) abaixo de 400 cp/ml. Iniciaram terapêutica anti-retrovírica no período de estudo 206 doentes (69%) com esquemas terapêuticos baseados em NNRTI, sendo 131 (64%) medicados com a associação d4t+3TC+ NVP. Ao fim de 4 anos, em Junho de 2010, havia 126 doentes monitorizados com contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ e CV, estando 62% dos doentes com CV indetectável (79/126). Os doentes em falência virológica corresponderam a 16% (20/126), 9% (11/126) tinham resultados discordantes (boa resposta imunológica mas carga viral detectável) e 13% (16/126) foram inconclusivos. Foi mudada a terapêutica para esquema de 2ª linha em 5 doentes, 4 dos 5 doentes com critérios de falência virológica e 1 sem critérios de falência virológica, por toxicidade ao EFV. Os doentes com critérios de falência imunológica ou virológica segundo a OMS e os doentes com dados inconclusivos foram seleccionados para testes genotípicos de resistência aos anti-retrovíricos (TR). Foram realizados TR e subtipagem em 37 doentes. Nos doentes que realizaram TR sob TARVc, as mutações de resistência mais frequentemente encontradas foram a M184V, em 16 doentes, a K103N em 12 doentes e a Y181C em 7 doentes. O subtipo C, foi o subtipo predominante em 30% (11/37) dos casos. Para avaliar a adesão à TARVc, foram estudados 63 doentes, faltosos a consultas ou demonstrado sinais de falência clínica, imunológica ou virológica. O método realizado foi o auto-relato por entrevista. Verificou-se uma adesão à TARVc de 100% em 33% (21/63), adesão entre 100% e 90% em 7% (4/63), de 50 a 90% em 7% (4/63) e inferior a 50% em 54% (34/63). Como factores de não-adesão, predominavam a mobilidade no emprego Opções de utilização sequencial de anti-retrovíricos em doentes com falência terapêutica em Angola X e factores familiares e sociais, apontados como razão para a falta às consultas que davam acesso aos medicamentos ARV. Fazendo corresponder os resultados dos testes de resistência realizados à adesão de todos os doentes entrevistados, verifica-se que o grupo de 34 doentes com menos de 50% de adesão, 19 realizaram TR e desses, 13 mostraram mutações de resistência, sendo 10 resistentes a 2 classes de ARV, NITR e NNITR, 2 a NNITR e 1 a NITR. Os restantes 6 doentes deste grupo eram aparentemente susceptíveis às 3 classes de ARV. Actualmente, estão em seguimento 58% dos doentes (176/300), 26 % (77/300) perderam-se no seguimento e 16% (47/300) faleceram. O estudo realizado salienta a fase tardia da chegada aos cuidados médicos; mostra a tuberculose como doença indicadora mais frequente e mostra que a maioria dos doentes foi medicada com D4T+3TC+NVP. Os critérios de sucesso terapêutico descem ao longo do estudo de 71% para 62%. Indica a necessidade de acções urgentes para acesso mais precoce aos cuidados de saúde e intervenção social para ultrapassar as limitações à adesão à TARVc e tornar esta mais eficaz. As opções de segunda linha já disponíveis são muito reduzidas (tenofovir, lopinavir potenciado com ritonavir e saquinavir), havendo necessidade de continuar estes estudos para uma avaliação mais profunda da eficácia destas terapêuticas.
Diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infections by qualitative and quantitative PCR in HIV infected patients
A high incidence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections is observed in Brazil. These viruses are causatives of significant morbidity and mortality among patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. This work, shows the application of a PCR on determination of CMV load in the buffy coat and plasma. We analyzed the samples of 247 HIV infected patients in order to diagnose CMV infection and disease. We developed a semi-quantitative PCR that amplifies part of the glycoprotein B (gB) gene of CMV. The semi-quantitative PCR was carried out only in positive clinical samples in a qualitative PCR confirmed by a nested-PCR. CD4 lymphocyte count, HIV viral load and CMV disease symptom were correlated with CMV load. CMV genome was detected in the buffy coat of 82 of 237 (34.6%) patients, in 10 of these the CMV load was determined varying between 928 and 332 880 viral copies/mug DNA. None of these 237 patients developed any suggestive manifestation of CMV disease. For the other 10 HIV infected patients selected based on the suspicion of CMV disease, CMV genome was detected in only one case. This patient presented a high CMV load, 8 000 000 copies/mug DNA, and developed a disseminated form of CMV disease including hepatitis and retinitis. Our results were greatly influenced by the impact of the highly active antiretroviral therapy that reduced incidence of CMV viremia and occurrence of CMV disease in the HIV infected patients.
Opportunistic diseases (OD) are the most common cause of death in AIDS patients. To access the incidence of OD and survival in advanced immunodeficiency, we included 79 patients with AIDS treated at Hospital Evandro Chagas (FIOCRUZ) from September 1997 to December 1999 with at least one CD4 count <=100 cells/mm³. The incidence of OD was analyzed by Poisson's regression, and survival by Kaplan Meier and Cox analysis, considering a retrospective (before CD4 <=100 cells/mm³) and a prospective (after CD4 <=100 cells/mm³) period, and controlling for demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics. The confidence interval estipulated was 95%. Mean follow-up period was 733 days (CI = 683-782). During the study 9 (11.4%) patients died. Survival from AIDS diagnosis was a mean of 2589 days (CI = 2363-2816) and from the date of the CD4 count CD4 <=100 cells/mm³ was a mean of 1376 (CI = 1181-1572) days. Incidence of OD was 0.51 pp/y before CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³ and 0.29 pp/y after CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³. A lower number of ODs before CD4 < 100 cells/mm³ was associated with lower incidence rates after CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³. AIDS diagnosis based on CD4+ counts <= 200 cells/mm³ was associated with lower incidence rates after CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³. Baseline CD4 counts above 50 cells/mm³ (HR = 0.13) and restoration of baseline CD4+ counts above 100 cells/mm³ (HR = 0.16) were associated with a lower risk of death. Controling both variables, only restoration of baseline counts was statistically significant (HR = 0.22, p = 0.04). We found a very low incidence of OD and long survival after CD4 < 100 cells/mm³. Survival was significantly associated with restoration of baseline CD4 counts above 100 cells/mm³.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is one of the most frequent systemic and endemic mycoses of Latin America caused by a dimorphic fungus. In AIDS patients, paracoccidioidomycosis appears as a severe and disseminated disease with a wide spectrum of clinical findings. The CD4 counts are usually less than 200 cell/mu L. We present a case of disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis with peripleuritis and subcutaneous abscesses on the chest wall as initial manifestation of AIDS. In endemic countries, paracoccidioidomycosis should be included as an opportunistic infection in AIDS.
In the last years, new techniques of neuroimages and histopathological methods have been added to the management of cerebral mass lesions in patients with AIDS. Stereotactic biopsy is necessary when after 14 days of empirical treatment for Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis there is no clinical or neuroradiologic improvement. We report a woman with AIDS who developed a single focal brain lesion on the right frontal lobe. She presented a long history of headache and seizures. After two weeks of empirical treatment for toxoplasma encephalitis without response, a magnetic resonance image with spectroscopy was performed and showed a tumoral pattern with a choline peak, diminished of N-acetyl-aspartate and presence of lactate. A stereotactic biopsy was performed. Histopathological diagnosis was a diffuse oligodendroglioma type A. A microsurgical resection of the tumor was carried out and antiretroviral treatment was started. To date she is in good clinical condition, with undetectable plasma viral load and CD4 T cell count > 200 cell/uL.
During the year of 2001, a retrospective, descriptive study in order to determine the influence of the antiretroviral therapy received by 111 HIV-HCV coinfected patients who had undergone at least one liver biopsy was conduced, 74 of them were treated with a protease inhibitor regimen (WPI), and 37 with a non-protease inhibitor regimen (NPI). The main characteristics found were: a young patient population (mean age 41 years old in both groups), composed in most part of male individuals (74.3% WPI and 51.4% NPI) with previous risk factors for both infections (WPI 93.2% and NPI 89.2%). The most significant findings included AIDS-defining disease (WPI 18.9% and NPI 13.5% of the cases), elevated hepatic enzyme levels (WPI: SGOT 52.1 and NPI 53.2), absence of liver disease-related symptoms (16.2% for both groups), average CD4 count > 350 for both groups (WPI 362.2 and NPI 378.1), predominantly low-grade fibrosis in both populations (0-2 in 63.6% of WPI patients and in 80% of NPI patients), with necro-inflammatory activity ranging from 5-7 in 51.3% and 42.9% of WPI patients and NPI patients, respectively. It is suggested a sequential biopsy to better evaluate the evolution of the hepatic disease, according to the HAART regimen received.
A total of 24 patients with syphilis and HIV infection were treated from January 1997 to March 2003 at the Infectious Dermatology Outpatient Clinic of the Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The caseload consisted of 20 males (83.3%) and four females (16.7%), with a mean age of 38.04 years and mean T CD4+ count of 389.5 cells/mL. Syphilis was diagnosed as secondary in 16 (62.5%) patients, late latent in eight (33.3%), and tertiary in one (4.2%). Manifestations of secondary syphilis were palmar and plantar erythematopapulous cutaneous lesions in nine (37.5%), papulous exanthema in four (16.7%), patchy alopecia in 3 (12.5%) and osteochondritis in one patient (4.2%). Tertiary syphilis was characterized by verrucous lesions. Neurosyphilis was diagnosed in four patients (16.7%), with headache as the only manifestation in two patients. Drugs used in treatment included benzathine penicillin, ceftriaxone, erythromycin, and crystalline penicillin. Cure was achieved in 18 patients (75%). Five patients (20.8%) were retreated, three of whom presented a history of re-exposure. This study confirms the importance of establishing the diagnosis of neurosyphilis in patients with HIV infection, in addition to performing follow-up on treatment for syphilis.