1000 resultados para Reabilitação estética


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Psychoanalysis and Aesthetics Reception: disagreements and crosslinkings. This paper aims to discuss certain intersections and discrepancies between the theories of aesthetic reception, as we can see in Jauss and Iser writings, and Freudian psychoanalysis. As we know, the theorists of the aesthetic reception read Freud, but that doesn't mean that the authors have well understood their positions related to the reading action of the artwork. Thus, this work intends to describe some of this relationship features.


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Although one cannot prevent the birth of human beings with cleft palate lesions one can adopt attitudes and various procedures entirely viable to rehabilitate and recuperate these persons through a team work composed of the facilities of a hospital, physician, dentist, psychotherapist, epeech pathologist, pedagogue and a social worker. In order to reduce the suffering of these patients we took up this work to prove that even if not in an ideal manner nevertheleses in an acceptable one we can reintegrate these persons to their families, friends and social milieu, offering them more security in their social, psychic and human relationships. We have made a review of the literature during the last three decades where we found many possibilities of prosthetic recuperations which concerns esthetics, mastication and maxillomandibular relationships beyond allowing these pacients conditions to perform satisfactory the functions of deglution and speech. We have selected and executed 5 clinical cases out of 15 pacients formely choosen looking to different prosthetic plannings. We have also shown the major contribution that the osseous integrated implants can offer to the rehabilitation and recuperation of pacients whith congenitall labio palatal lesions. To simplify the understanding we tried to discuss the most varied types of prosthesis in well defined subjects having a separate approach for each of them and we still showed that the specificity of each case leads to a specific type of rehabilitation founded om esthetics, occlusion, osseous suport, edentulous space, and above all based in the common sense and Professional integrity


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Autobiographical storytelling workshops were created with the purpose of providing elderly patients at the Rehabilitation Laboratory for Body Balance and Social Inclusion the opportunity to talk about themselves and reinterpret their own life experiences as a means of support for their treatment process.


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The rehabilitation of oropharyngeal dysphagia has a new therapeutic tool, the neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), and the most renowned researchers have been studying the applicability and the results of this approach. The aim of this study was to present a literature review regarding the applicability of NMES in the rehabilitation of oropharyngeal dysphagia. An extensive literature review was carried out, considering the last two decades of research in the area. The review showed that there is still no consensus on the use of NMES in the rehabilitation of dysphagia. It was found that most studies described the use of NMES in isolation, did not describe the techniques associated with speech-language therapy associated to electrotherapy, and used heterogeneous samples that clustered mechanical and neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia. Only recently specific programs have been designed and tested in more homogeneous populations.


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The following work had as one of major goals to summarize everything that was learnt and experienced during the Geography Graduation Course and doing it the beginning of a journey towards understanding the phenomena relevant to individuals in society and the urban space over the nature. This work has the background one of the poorest places in South America, but that comes up reflections and interpretations regarding the life and geographical science. To understand this, it was necessary to rescue the local historic process, report their specificities, thus, drawing a parallel with the geographical theories. There was an attempt, therefore, to encompass the theoretical knowledge to understand the different socio-spatial identities, territories and socioeconomic contexts


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As edificações devem ser adequadas aos usos aos quais se destinam independente de serem públicas ou privadas, e devem ainda contemplar a mobilidade nos ambientes sem que haja riscos físicos ou quaisquer impedimentos que deneguem ou restrinjam a integridade da utilização e vivência das pessoas com deficiência. Neste sentido, este trabalho possui essa preocupação ao propor uma intervenção arquitetônica na Escola Especial para Deficientes Visuais “Prof. Faradei Boscoli” e Sede da Associação Filantrópica de Proteção aos Cegos (AFPC). Como existe um número considerável de deficientes visuais não só no município de Presidente Prudente como na região, verifica-se a importância do papel exercido por essa instituição, principalmente no âmbito da inclusão social. Assim, inicia uma investigação sobre a questão da deficiência visual relacionando a percepção dos indivíduos cegos e com baixa visão. Depois examina projetos arquitetônicos referenciais nessa área de estudo, bem como faz diagnóstico da situação existente da Escola. Na sequência, analisa o potencial do lugar e seu entorno urbano. Por conseguinte, a síntese das etapas anteriores estabelece diretrizes projetuais para apresentar ao final um projeto arquitetônico de reabilitação do espaço da escola/sede, a qual objetiva a melhoria no desempenho de suas funções e ampliação das mesmas. Desse modo, essa proposta visa constituir num auxílio na inclusão social das pessoas com deficiência visual, bem como contribuir no seu desenvolvimento pessoal


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O presente trabalho trata da importância da concepção e manutenção de espaços públicos destinados ao lazer e a prática esportiva sob a óptica da designação de agentes promotores de qualidade de vida urbana, por intermédio do desenvolvimento do projeto de proposta arquitetônica de Reabilitação do Centro Olímpico de Presidente Prudente – SP, atual sede da SEMEPP (Secretaria Municipal de Esportes de Presidente Prudente – SP). Destarte, a definição do tema justifica-se e apresenta-se basicamente como síntese de estudos direcionados a integração de dois aspectos: a prática de esporte como indicador de qualidade de vida e a existência de uma área em potencial inserida no principal parque linear da cidade, o Parque do Povo, e, portanto; em um contexto urbano em processo progressivo de valorização imobiliária, cujo aproveitamento e ocupação dos espaços revelam-se inadequados