1000 resultados para Rambla del Raval (Barcelona, Catalunya) -- Condicions socials
Institutions affect key dimensions of the political process –policy, stability, and conflict. The choice of institutions is thus consequential. I argue that transition modes affect the choice of institutions in predictable and systematic ways. The more balanced power is between the two main bargaining forces –regime elite and opposition– the likelier that the resulting institutions will be pluralistic. Contrarily, the more unbalanced power is in favour of regime elites vis a vis the opposition, the likelier that institutions will be majoritarian. The argument is tested for El Salvador and Guatemala.
Vint-i-sis desprès de la promulgació de la Constitució espanyola, l’autor fa balanç i arriba a un seguit de conclusions. Entre d’altres, que Espanya viu una etapa de clara partitocràcia que, juntament amb el poder desmesurat dels sindicats, lesiona la vida democràtica; que cal reduir la dualitat suposadament legitimadora entre el Parlament i el carrer; i que malgrat les lloances rebudes, la Constitució de 1976 no ha aconseguit una de les funcions essencials de tota constitució: la tasca integradora.
La región metropolitana de Barcelona ha experimentado durante los últimos veinte años un intenso proceso de suburbanización e integración metropolitana. La combinación de ambos procesos ha dejado una profunda huella en el territorio conformando una conurbación policéntrica a la vez que dispersa. Esta nueva realidad plantea algunas preguntas interesantes: (a) ¿cuáles son las características de los municipios que atraen población, (b) ¿cómo se ha redistribuido espacialmente la renta debido al proceso de suburbanización? y (c) ¿se ha intensificado el carácter especializado segregado- de los municipios de la RMB?.
The metropolitan spatial structure displays various patterns, sometimes monocentricity and sometimes multicentricity, which seems much more complicated than the exponential density function used in classic works such as Clark (1961), Muth (1969) or Mills (1973) among others, can effectively represent. It seems that a more flexible density function,such as cubic spline function (Anderson (1982), Zheng (1991), etc.) to describe the density-accessibility relationship is needed. Also, accessibility, the fundamental determinant of density variations, is only partly captured by the inclusion of distance to the city centre as an explanatory variable. Steen (1986) has proposed to correct that miss-especification by including an additional gradient for distance to the nearest transportation axis. In identifying the determinants of urban spatial structure in the context of inter-urban systems, some of the variables proposed by Muth (1969), Mills (1973) and Alperovich (1983) such as city age or population, make no sense in the case of a single urban system. All three criticism to the exponential density function and its determinants apply for the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, a polycentric conurbation structured on well defined transportation axes.
The presence of subcentres cannot be captured by an exponential function. Cubic spline functions seem more appropriate to depict the polycentricity pattern of modern urban systems. Using data from Barcelona Metropolitan Region, two possible population subcentre delimitation procedures are discussed. One, taking an estimated derivative equal to zero, the other, a density gradient equal to zero. It is argued that, in using a cubic spline function, a delimitation strategy based on derivatives is more appropriate than one based on gradients because the estimated density can be negative in sections with very low densities and few observations, leading to sudden changes in estimated gradients. It is also argued that using as a criteria for subcentre delimitation a second derivative with value zero allow us to capture a more restricted subcentre area than using as a criteria a first derivative zero. This methodology can also be used for intermediate ring delimitation.
The Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BMR) has been repeatedly characterised as a polycentric-type urban system. The aim of this study is to corroborate this affirmation by making use of a methodology that enables the identifying of employment subcentres and valuing of the degree of polycentrism of the BMR in 1986 and 1996. The results obtained in the two years confirm the existence and extension of the polycentrism.
In this study the employment subcentres of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona are identified using different criteria. Once catalogued according to their nature,i.e. subcentres arising from integration and decentralisation, they are analysed to see whether their impact on population density depends on their origin. The results obtained confirm a greater impact of integrated subcentres in comparison with decentralised ones, amplified in turn by the fact that the former are further from the CBD and present a greater degree of self-containment in the labor market.
L’autor constata la presència de clivelles europeus conseqüència d’apostes que només la Unió Europea pot tractar ja que s’escapen de l’acció dels governs europeus. De les dos clivelles descobertes per Hix i Lord en el Parlament europeu, la que oposa els partidaris de la "Europa liberal" amb els de l’"Europa social" és avui determinant per dues raons, doctrinal la primera i empírica la segona, que l’autor desenvolupa en aquest treball.
In the evolution of Catalan nationalism, as much politician as cultural, the period of II Spanish Republic (1931-1939) was essential. The obtaining of the Statute of Autonomy (1931-1932) supposed the beginning of a stage of expansion in multiple aspects. One of them were the contacts with the Catalanists nuclei of the rest of the cultural space of Catalan language in which, at that time, it would begin to call Catalan Countries (Balearic Islands, Valencian Country, Andorra, Rosselló, to l'Alguer). On Those Collaborations between cultural organizations, political and particular parties Catalonia always will be the model to follow. The Increasing connections will be visualized on press, as well as on cultural celebrations, policy of parties and Constituent Courts. This evolution will be cut by the Franco victory in the Civil War in 1939.
In this paper the electoral consequences of the Islamist terrorist attacks on March 11, 2004 are analysed. According to a quantitative analysis based on a post-electoral survey, we show the causal mechanisms that transform voters’ reactions to the bombings into a particular electoral behaviour and estimate their relevance in the electoral results on March 14, 2004
La cuestión de las nacionalidades se ha reabierto en España al calor de las reformas de los Estatutos de Autonomía impulsadas por el gobierno socialista de José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero. Sin embargo, no todas las reformas emprendidas por las Comunidades Autónomas han reivindicado el mismo tratamiento identitario en sus Estatutos. Este trabajo pretende ofrecer alguna luz, desde la ciencia política, para explicar el diferente curso identitario que caracteriza a la Comunidad Valenciana en relación a otras comunidades, como es el caso de Cataluña o Andalucía. A tal fin se exponen los modelos de autopercepción identitaria y su distribución o anclaje entre los valencianos, junto con el análisis de la repercusión de esta dimensión en términos electorales. Esos datos permiten al autor sugerir algunas explicaciones sobre el pacto estatutario alcanzado en torno a la identidad de los valencianos y sobre el comportamiento de los principales actores políticos valencianos en el proceso de reforma estatutaria de 2006.
Classe impartida pel director de la Divisió d'Infraestructures del COOB'92 en el curs universitari sobre Olimpisme organitzat pel CEO-UAB al febrer de 1992 sobre l'impacte urbanístic dels Jocs Olímpics de Barcelona'92.