835 resultados para Race and class relations


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Stories of peoples’ struggles across the globe are testaments to their determination to resist exploitation and injustice, and to imagine and construct their own narratives of economic and political difference. These stories of emancipatory moments demonstrate that something radically different in terms of dominant socio-economic relations and mental conceptions of the world may arise out of and beyond capitalism. The Pursuit of Alternatives: Stories of Peoples’ Economic and Political Struggles Around the World presents a fresh and new perspective on how the ‘process of becoming’ alternatives might take place based on peoples’ lived experiences. The chapters here, by labour activists and academics, explore how various forms of peoples’ economic and political initiatives and struggles in six countries – Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Nigeria, the Philippines, and South Korea – might become ‘actually existing’ spaces and moments for the development of critical consciousness and transformative capacities which are both central in challenging the dominant social, economic and political relations. The stories in this book bring to light today’s language of peoples’ struggles; what inspires people to create their own emancipatory moments and spaces for transformative self-change. While this book does not aim to propose an alternative to capitalism per se, it makes a stimulating contribution to the continuing debate on what alternatives to capitalist relations and arrangements might look like by grounding these alternatives in the everyday lives and struggles of workers, women, aboriginal peoples, the unemployed, and the poor.


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Este trabajo explica las razones por las cuales China se estrecha sus vinculos con Afirca. El tema principal es el inicio de la relacion sino-sudanesa y la evolucion de esta hasta el fin de la guerra civil en Sudan.


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El presente documento hace una revisión de conceptos como raza, etnia, clases sociales, vida familiar y tendencias poblacionales en Colombia y busca hacer un recuento de la forma en la que han sido utilizados para explicar algunas realidades colombianas y cómo pueden seguir vigentes en el análisis del país. Adicionalmente, se hace una revisión de la legislación para cada concepto, mostrando los cambios más significativos en lo referente a raza y etnias, familia y población.


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La historia de la Independencia no cesa de escribirse. Su escritura se inició en el momento mismo de los acontecimientos. El Diario Político de Santafé de Bogotá, creado apenas unos días después del 20 de julio de 1810, se ocupó, casi exclusivamente, de contar y, por supuesto, de justificar el levantamiento de los criollos y la creación de la nueva Junta de Gobierno. Y aún más importante, en el temprano año 1825, el político e intelectual José Manuel Restrepo dio a conocer su Historia de la Revolución de Colombia, obra ambiciosa y sorprendente sobre el curso de los aconteceres que habían fracturado el imperio español y dado origen a las nuevas repúblicas. Obviamente, hoy la historia de la Independencia es algo mucho más complejo que un minucioso relato de las confrontaciones militares entre patriotas y realistas.


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Esta investigación se centra en identificar y entender los procesos de distinción social y espacial en el marco de las dinámicas de patrimonialización que han caracterizado al pueblo de Barichara, Santander en las últimas décadas. Basada en la etnografía, se lleva a cabo un acercamiento a las prácticas cotidianas de algunos de sus habitantes para comprender la complejidad de dinámicas que se desarrollan en un contexto atravesado por fronteras sociales. A través de historias de vida y situaciones sociales, se pretende dar cuenta de las experiencias contrastadas de personas que comparten un mismo pueblo pero que se ubican en posiciones diversas en el espacio social. En esta investigación se reflexiona sobre las múltiples modalidades de relacionamiento: los encuentros, los desencuentros y los conflictos.


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El interés de esta monografía es analizar las interacciones no-lineales con resultados emergentes que mantuvo la comunidad kurda en Siria, durante el periodo 2011-2014, y por las cuales se produjeron formas de auto-organización como resultado de la estructura compleja a la que pertenece. De esta forma, se explica cómo a raíz de la crisis política siria y los enfrentamientos con el Estado Islámico, se transformó el rol de los kurdos en Siria y se influenciaron las estructuras políticas del país y las naciones de la región con población kurda. Por lo tanto, esta investigación se propone analizar este fenómeno a través del enfoque de complejidad en Relaciones Internacionales y el concepto de Auto-Organización. A partir de ello, se indaga sobre las interacciones surgidas en estructuras más pequeñas, que habrían afectado un sistema mayor; estableciendo nuevas formas de organización que no pueden ser explicadas, únicamente, a partir de elementos causales.


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El aprovechamiento económico del espacio público constituye un fenómeno que pone a prueba la definición de lo público y lo privado. Esta distinción es una de las bases de la institucionalidad del Estado moderno, por lo que desafiarla genera tensiones que repercuten en su administración. Por su parte, los actores involucrados en la discusión de la racionalidad sobre la que se fundamentan los cimientos de nuestra democracia liberal, son agentes marginalizados a través de las diferentes clasificaciones que se aplican a ellos estigmatizándolos socialmente. Es a partir de esta dicotomía entre lo formal y lo informal y su manera de relacionarse, que se entra a discutir la construcción social del espacio público y las ambivalencias de los derechos de una población que actúa al margen del sistema.


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This paper presents regional sequences of production, consumption and Social relations ill Southern Spain from the beginning of the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (c. 5600-1550 BC). The regions Studied are southeast Spain, Valencia, the southern Meseta and central/western Andalucia. The details presented for each region and period vary in quality but Show how Much our knowledge of the archaeological record of southern Spain has changed during the last four decades. Among the Surprises are the rapidity of agricultural adoption. the emergence of regional centres of aggregated population in enclosed/fortified settlements of up to 400 hectares in the fourth and third millennia BC. the use of copper objects as instruments of production, rather than as items With 11 purely symbolic of 'prestige' value, large-scale copper production in western Andalucia in the third millennium BC (as opposed to the usual domestic production model), and the inference of societies based oil relations of class.


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This paper explores the role of local government in urban regeneration in England. The first part describes local-central government relations during recent decades. It concludes that 'actually occurring' regeneration fuses top-down and bottom-up priorities and preferences, as well as path dependencies created by past decisions and local relations. The second part illustrates this contention by examining the regeneration of inner-city Salford over a 25-year period. It describes Salford City Council's approach in achieving the redevelopment of the former Salford Docks and how this created the confidence for the council to embark on further regeneration projects. Yet the top-down decision-making model has failed to satisfy local expectations, creating apathy which threatens the Labour government's desire for active citizens in regeneration projects.


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Identifying factors which allow the evolution and persistence of cooperative interactions between species is a fundamental issue in evolutionary ecology. Various hypotheses have been suggested which generally focus on mechanisms that allow cooperative genotypes in different species to maintain interactions over space and time. Here, we emphasise the fact that even within mutualisms (interactions with net positive fitness effects for both partners), there may still be inherent costs, such as the occasional predation by ants upon aphids. Individuals engaged in mutualisms benefit from minimising these costs as long as it is not at the expense of breaking the interspecific interaction, which offers a net positive benefit. The most common and obvious defence traits to minimise interspecific interaction costs are resistance traits, which act to reduce encounter rate between two organisms. Tolerance traits, in contrast, minimise fitness costs to the actor, but without reducing encounter rate. Given that, by definition, it is beneficial to remain in mutualistic interactions, the only viable traits to minimise costs are tolerance-based 'defence' strategies. Thus, we propose that tolerance traits are an important factor promoting stability in mutualisms. Furthermore, because resistance traits tend to propagate coevolutionary arms races between antagonists, whilst tolerance traits do not, we also suggest that tolerance-based defence strategies may be important in facilitating the transition from antagonistic interactions into mutualisms. For example, the mutualism between ants and aphids has been suggested to have evolved from parasitism. We describe how phenotypic plasticity in honeydew production may be a tolerance trait that has prevented escalation into an antagonistic arms race and instead led to mutualistic coevolution.


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This study examines the effect of class size on student achievement in Bangladesh using national secondary school survey data. A Ministry of Education rule regarding allocation of teachers to secondary grades is exploited to construct an instrument for class size. This rule causes a discontinuity between grade enrolment and class size thereby generating exogenous variation in the latter. It is found that OLS and IV estimates of class size effects have perverse signs: both yield a positive coefficient on the class size variable. The results suggest that reduction in class size in secondary grades is not efficient in a developing country like Bangladesh. Last, as by-product, some evidence is found suggesting that greater competition among schools improve student achievement.


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This paper explores the spaces and power relations of ethical foodscapes. Ethics can offer a commodity a valuable unique selling point in a competitive marketplace but managing the changeable and multiple motivations for stakeholder participation throughout the commodity chain in order to utilise this opportunity is a complex negotiation. Through exploring the spaces and relations within three South African– UK ethical wine networks, the discursive tactics used to sustain these are uncovered. The discourses of Fairtrade, Black Economic Empowerment and organics are highly adaptive, interacting with each other in such a way as to always be contextually appealing. This ‘tactical mutability’ is combined with ‘scales of knowing’, which, this paper argues, are essential for network durability. ‘Scales of knowing’ refers to the recognition by stakeholders of the potential for different articulations of a discourse within the network, which combines with ‘tactical mutability’ to allow for a scalar, contextual and ’knowing’ (im)mutability to ensure the discourse’s continued appeal. However, even when one discourse is the ‘lead’ it always folds within it linkages to other ethical discourses at work, suggesting that ethical practice is mutually supportive discursively. This means that at the producer end ethical interactions may offer more capacity to enact genuine transformation than the solo operations of a discourse.


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Analyses of neo-liberal change in African mining tend to frame discussion through the lens of an overarching structural perspective. Far less attention has been paid to the way change is enacted within social relations in mining communities. To this end, our chapter considers how development in the Tanzanian mineral sector transforms people’s relationships and stimulates new iterations of power and agency within local trajectories of development, focusing on the case of artisanal gold mining in Mgusu village in Geita region, Tanzania. The aim is to trace how neo-liberal change configures market rationality and property relations in ways that can fundamentally alter social relationships within the local community, occupational groups and families, raising both opportunities for wealth accumulation and the potential to entrench poverty. The creative action involved in these processes generates new associational ties and repertoires of practice, as miners’ respond to change and the need to protect their livelihoods.


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This article examines the marginal position of artisanal miners in sub-Saharan Africa, and considers how they are incorporated into mineral sector change in the context of institutional and legal integration. Taking the case of diamond and gold mining in Tanzania, the concept of social exclusion is used to explore the consequences of marginalization on people's access to mineral resources and ability to make a living from artisanal mining. Because existing inequalities and forms of discrimination are ignored by the Tanzanian state, the institutionalization of mineral titles conceals social and power relations that perpetuate highly unequal access to resources. The article highlights the complexity of these processes, and shows that while legal integration can benefit certain wealthier categories of people, who fit into the model of an 'entrepreneurial small-scale miner', for others adverse incorporation contributes to socio-economic dependence, exploitation and insecurity. For the issue of marginality to be addressed within integration processes, the existence of local forms of organization, institutions and relationships, which underpin inequalities and discrimination, need to be recognized.