965 resultados para Protein Interaction Domains and Motifs


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Phosphorylation of the coronavirus nucleoprotein (N protein) has been predicted to play a role in RNA binding. To investigate this hypothesis, we examined the kinetics of RNA binding between nonphosphorylated and phosphorylated infectious bronchitis virus N protein with nonviral and viral RNA by surface plasmon resonance (Biacore). Mass spectroscopic analysis of N protein identified phosphorylation sites that were proximal to RNA binding domains. Kinetic analysis, by surface plasmon resonance, indicated that nonphospborylated N protein bound with the same affinity to viral RNA as phosphorylated N protein. However, phosphorylated N protein bound to viral RNA with a higher binding affinity than nonviral RNA, suggesting that phosphorylation of N protein determined the recognition of virus RNA. The data also indicated that a known N protein binding site (involved in transcriptional regulation) consisting of a conserved core sequence present near the 5' end of the genome (in the leader sequence) functioned by promoting high association rates of N protein binding. Further analysis of the leader sequence indicated that the core element was not the only binding site for N protein and that other regions functioned to promote high-affinity binding.


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SHP-1 is a Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase that plays an essential role in negative regulation of immune cell activity. We describe here a new model for regulation of SHP-1 involving phosphorylation of its C-terminal Ser(591) by associated protein kinase Calpha. In human platelets, SHP-1 was found to constitutively associate with its substrate Vav1 and, through its SH2 domains, with protein kinase Calpha. Upon activation of either PAR1 or PAR4 thrombin receptors, the association between the three proteins was retained, and Vav1 became phosphorylated on tyrosine and SHP-1 became phosphorylated on Ser(591). Phosphorylation of SHP-1 was mediated by protein kinase C and negatively regulated the activity of SHP-1 as demonstrated by a decrease in the in vitro ability of SHP-1 to dephosphorylate Vav1 on tyrosine. Protein kinase Calpha therefore critically and negatively regulates SHP-1 function, forming part of a mechanism to retain SHP-1 in a basal active state through interaction with its SH2 domains, and phosphorylating its C-terminal Ser(591) upon cellular activation leading to inhibition of SHP-1 activity and an increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation status of its substrates.


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Dietary polyphenols have received attention for their biologically significant functions as antioxidants, anticarcinogens or antimutagens, which have led to their recognition as potential nutraceuticals. Polyphenols also characteristically possess a significant binding affinity for proteins, which can lead to the formation of soluble and insoluble protein-polyphenol complexes. Questions remain concerning whether and to what extent the protein-polyphenol interaction influences functionality. For example, is the formation of protein-polyphenol complexes an obstacle to the nutritional bioavailability of either species? This article discusses the development of suitable methodologies to investigate the physicochemical basis of protein-polyphenol interactions and the influence of structure-activity relationships on binding affinities. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effects of activation of the lactoperoxidase (LPO) system by H2O2-NaSCN and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the accessibility of sulphydryl groups (SH) in skimmed milk, and on the dynamic rheological properties of the resulting yoghurt were investigated. Four different concentrations of each reagent (20-80 mg H2O2-NaSCN/kg milk and 100-400 mg H2O2/kg milk) were compared. Clear negative correlations were noted between the accessibility of SH groups and both LPO activation rate and H2O2 concentration. Also the native PAGE pattern of the heat-treated samples showed that with increase in the H2O2-NaSCN and H2O2 concentrations, the level of interaction between beta-lactoglobulin (beta-Ig) and kappa-casein (K-CN) decreased. The complex modulus (G*) of skimmed milk yoghurts declined gradually with the decrease in the concentration of accessible SH groups accordingly. Tan delta values of yoghurt samples were found to be different from the control, but close to each other, indicating that protein interaction forces taking place in the formation of gel networks of treated yoghurts were different from the control.


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Relaxation behavior was measured for dough, gluten and gluten protein fractions obtained from the U.K. biscuitmaking flour, Riband, and the U.K. breadmaking flour, Hereward. The relaxation spectrum, in which relaxation times (tau) are related to polymer molecular size, for dough showed a broad molecular size distribution, with two relaxation processes: a major peak at short times and a second peak at times longer than 10 sec, which is thought to correspond to network structure, and which may be attributed to entanglements and physical cross-links of polymers. Relaxation spectra of glutens were similar to those for the corresponding doughs from both flours. Hereward gluten clearly showed a much more pronounced second peak in relaxation spectrum and higher relaxation modulus than Riband gluten at the same water content. In the gluten protein fractions, gliadin and acetic acid soluble glutenin only showed the first relaxation process, but gel protein clearly showed both the first and second relaxation processes. The results show that the relaxation properties of dough depend on its gluten protein and that gel protein is responsible for the network structure for dough and gluten.


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The nuclear Dbf2-related protein kinases 1 and 2 (NDR1/2) are closely-related AGC family kinases that are strongly conserved through evolution. In mammals, they are activated inter alia by phosphorylation of an hydrophobic domain threonine-residue [NDR1(Thr-444)/NDR2(Thr-442)] by an extrinsic protein kinase followed by autophosphorylation of a catalytic domain serine-residue [NDR1(Ser-281)/NDR2(Ser-282)]. We examined NDR1/2 expression and regulation in primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes and in perfused adult rat hearts. In myocytes, transcripts for NDR2, but not NDR1, were induced by the hypertrophic agonist, endothelin-1. NDR1(Thr-444) and NDR2(Thr-442) were rapidly phosphorylated (maximal in 15-30 min) in myocytes exposed to some phosphoprotein Ser-/Thr-phosphatase 1/2 inhibitors (calyculin A, okadaic acid) and, to a lesser extent, by hyperosmotic shock, low concentrations of H(2)O(2), or chelerythrine. In myocytes adenovirally-transduced to express FLAG-NDR2 (which exhibited a mainly-cytoplasmic localisation), the same agents increased FLAG-NDR2 activity as assessed by in vitro protein kinase assays, indicative of FLAG-NDR2(Ser-282/Thr-442) phosphorylation. Calyculin A-induced phosphorylation of NDR1(Thr-444)/NDR2(Thr-442) and activation of FLAG-NDR2 were inhibited by staurosporine, but not by other protein kinase inhibitors tested. In ex vivo rat hearts, NDR1(Thr-444)/NDR2(Thr-442) were phosphorylated in response to ischaemia-reperfusion or calyculin A. From a pathological viewpoint, we conclude that activities of NDR1 and NDR2 are responsive to cytotoxic stresses in heart preparations and this may represent a previously-unidentified response to myocardial ischaemia in vivo.


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The irreversible binding of selected sulfur-containing flavor compounds to proteins was investigated in aqueous solutions containing ovalbumin and a mixture of disulfides (diethyl, dipropyl, dibutyl, diallyl, and 2-furfuryl methyl) using solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME). In systems which had not been heated, the recovery of disulfides from the headspace above the protein at the native pH (6.7) was similar to that from an aqueous blank. However, significant losses were observed when the pH of the solution was increased to 8.0. When the protein was denatured by heating, much greater losses were observed and some free thiols were produced. In similar heat-denatured systems at pH 2.0, no losses of disulfides were observed. Disulfides containing allyl or furfuryl groups were more reactive than saturated alkyl disulfides. Interchange reactions between protein sulfhydryl groups and the disulfides are believed to be responsible for the loss of the disulfides.


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The starchy endosperm is the major storage tissue in the mature wheat grain and exhibits quantitative and qualitative gradients in composition, with the outermost cell layers being rich in protein, mainly gliadins, and the inner cells being low in protein but enriched in high-molecular-weight (HMW) subunits of glutenin. We have used sequential pearling to produce flour fractions enriched in particular cell layers to determine the protein gradients in four different cultivars grown at two nitrogen levels. The results show that the steepness of the protein gradient is determined by both genetic and nutritional factors, with three high-protein breadmaking cultivars being more responsive to the N treatment than a low-protein cultivar suitable for livestock feed. Nitrogen also affected the relative abundances of the three main classes of wheat prolamins: the sulfur-poor ω-gliadins showed the greatest response to nitrogen and increased evenly across the grain; the HMW subunits also increased in response to nitrogen but proportionally more in the outer layers of the starchy endosperm than near the core, while the sulfur-rich prolamins showed the opposite trend.


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Blood lipid response to a given dietary intervention could be determined by the effect of diet, gene variants or gene–diet interactions. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether variants in presumed nutrient-sensitive genes involved in lipid metabolism modified lipid profile after weight loss and in response to a given diet, among overweight European adults participating in the Diet Obesity and Genes study. By multiple linear regressions, 240 SNPs in twenty-four candidate genes were investigated for SNP main and SNP–diet interaction effects on total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and TAG after an 8-week low-energy diet (only main effect), and a 6-month ad libitum weight maintenance diet, with different contents of dietary protein or glycaemic index. After adjusting for multiple testing, a SNP–dietary protein interaction effect on TAG was identified for lipin 1 (LPIN1) rs4315495, with a decrease in TAG of − 0·26 mmol/l per A-allele/protein unit (95 % CI − 0·38, − 0·14, P= 0·000043). In conclusion, we investigated SNP–diet interactions for blood lipid profiles for 240 SNPs in twenty-four candidate genes, selected for their involvement in lipid metabolism pathways, and identified one significant interaction between LPIN1 rs4315495 and dietary protein for TAG concentration.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cathepsin S, a protein coded by the CTSS gene, is implicated in adipose tissue biology--this protein enhances adipose tissue development. Our hypothesis is that common variants in CTSS play a role in body weight regulation and in the development of obesity and that these effects are influenced by dietary factors--increased by high protein, glycemic index and energy diets. METHODS: Four tag SNPs (rs7511673, rs11576175, rs10888390 and rs1136774) were selected to capture all common variation in the CTSS region. Association between these four SNPs and several adiposity measurements (BMI, waist circumference, waist for given BMI and being a weight gainer-experiencing the greatest degree of unexplained annual weight gain during follow-up or not) given, where applicable, both as baseline values and gain during the study period (6-8 years) were tested in 11,091 European individuals (linear or logistic regression models). We also examined the interaction between the CTSS variants and dietary factors--energy density, protein content (in grams or in % of total energy intake) and glycemic index--on these four adiposity phenotypes. RESULTS: We found several associations between CTSS polymorphisms and anthropometric traits including baseline BMI (rs11576175 (SNP N°2), p = 0.02, β = -0.2446), and waist change over time (rs7511673 (SNP N°1), p = 0.01, β = -0.0433 and rs10888390 (SNP N°3), p = 0.04, β = -0.0342). In interaction with the percentage of proteins contained in the diet, rs11576175 (SNP N°2) was also associated with the risk of being a weight gainer (p(interaction) = 0.01, OR = 1.0526)--the risk of being a weight gainer increased with the percentage of proteins contained in the diet. CONCLUSION: CTSS variants seem to be nominally associated to obesity related traits and this association may be modified by dietary protein intake.


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The precipitation of bovine serum albumin (BSA), lysozyme (LYS) and alfalfa leaf protein (ALF) by two large- and two medium-sized condensed tannin (CT) fractions of similar flavan-3-ol subunit composition is described. CT fractions isolated from white clover flowers and big trefoil leaves exhibited high purity profiles by 1D/2D NMR and purities >90% (determined by thiolysis). At pH 6.5, large CTs with a mean degree of polymerization (mDP) of ~18 exhibited similar protein precipitation behaviors and were significantly more effective than medium CTs (mDP ~9). Medium CTs exhibited similar capacities to precipitate ALF or BSA, but showed small but significant differences in their capacity to precipitate LYS. All CTs precipitated ALF more effectively than BSA or LYS. Aggregation of CT-protein complexes likely aided precipitation of ALF and BSA, but not LYS. This study, one of the first to use CTs of confirmed high purity, demonstrates that mDP of CTs influences protein precipitation efficacy.


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Aims. Protein kinases are potential therapeutic targets for heart failure, but most studies of cardiac protein kinases derive from other systems, an approach that fails to account for specific kinases expressed in the heart and the contractile cardiomyocytes. We aimed to define the cardiomyocyte kinome (i.e. the protein kinases expressed in cardiomyocytes) and identify kinases with altered expression in human failing hearts. Methods and Results. Expression profiling (Affymetrix microarrays) detected >400 protein kinase mRNAs in rat neonatal ventricular myocytes (NVMs) and/or adult ventricular myocytes (AVMs), 32 and 93 of which were significantly upregulated or downregulated (>2-fold), respectively, in AVMs. Data for AGC family members were validated by qPCR. Proteomics analysis identified >180 cardiomyocyte protein kinases, with high relative expression of mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades and other known cardiomyocyte kinases (e.g. CAMKs, cAMP-dependent protein kinase). Other kinases are poorly-investigated (e.g. Slk, Stk24, Oxsr1). Expression of Akt1/2/3, BRaf, ERK1/2, Map2k1, Map3k8, Map4k4, MST1/3, p38-MAPK, PKCδ, Pkn2, Ripk1/2, Tnni3k and Zak was confirmed by immunoblotting. Relative to total protein, Map3k8 and Tnni3k were upregulated in AVMs vs NVMs. Microarray data for human hearts demonstrated variation in kinome expression that may influence responses to kinase inhibitor therapies. Furthermore, some kinases were upregulated (e.g. NRK, JAK2, STK38L) or downregulated (e.g. MAP2K1, IRAK1, STK40) in human failing hearts. Conclusions. This characterization of the spectrum of kinases expressed in cardiomyocytes and the heart (cardiomyocyte and cardiac kinomes) identified novel kinases, some of which are differentially expressed in failing human hearts and could serve as potential therapeutic targets.


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Predators and preys often form species networks with asymmetric patterns of interaction. We study the dynamics of a four species network consisting of two weakly connected predator-prey pairs. We focus our analysis on the effects of the cross interaction between the predator of the first pair and the prey of the second pair. This is an example where the predator overlap, which is the proportion of predators that a given prey shares with other preys, is not uniform across the network due to asymmetries in patterns of interaction. We explore the behavior of the system under different interaction strengths and study the dynamics of survival and extinction. In particular, we consider situations in which the four species have initial populations lower than their long-term equilibrium, simulating catastrophic situations in which their abundances are reduced due to human action or environmental change. We show that, under these reduced initial conditions, and depending on the strength of the cross interaction, the populations tend to oscillate before re-equilibrating, disturbing the community equilibrium and sometimes reaching values that are only a small fraction of the equilibrium population, potentially leading to their extinction. We predict that, contrary to one`s intuition, the most likely scenario is the extinction of the less predated preys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is known that the circadian rhythm in hepatic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase expression (a limiting catalytic step of gluconeogenesis) and hepatic glucose production is maintained by both daily oscillation in autonomic inputs to the liver and night feeding behavior. However, increased glycemia and reduced melatonin (Mel) levels have been recently shown to coexist in diabetic patients at the end of the night period. In parallel, pinealectomy (PINX) is known to cause glucose intolerance with increased basal glycemia exclusively at the end of the night. The mechanisms that underlie this metabolic feature are not completely understood. Here, we demonstrate that PINX rats show night-time hepatic insulin resistance characterized by reduced insulin-stimulated RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase phosphorylation and increased phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase expression. In addition, PINX rats display increased conversion of pyruvate into glucose at the end of the night. The regulatory mechanism suggests the participation of unfolded protein response (UPR), because PINX induces night-time increase in activating transcription factor 6 expression and prompts a circadian fashion of immunoglobulin heavy chain-binding protein, activating transcription factor 4, and CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-homologous protein expression with Zenith values at the dark period. PINX also caused a night-time increase in Tribble 3 and regulatory-associated protein of mammalian target of rapamycin; both were reduced in liver of PINX rats treated with Mel. Treatment of PINX rats with 4-phenyl butyric acid, an inhibitor of UPR, restored night-time hepatic insulin sensitivity and abrogated gluconeogenesis in PINX rats. Altogether, the present data show that a circadian oscillation of UPR occurs in the liver due to the absence of Mel. The nocturnal UPR activation is related with night-time hepatic insulin resistance and increased gluconeogenesis in PINX rats. (Endocrinology 152: 1253-1263, 2011)


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Thimet oligopeptidase (EC; EP24.15) was originally described as a neuropeptide-metabolizing enzyme, highly expressed in the brain, kidneys and neuroendocrine tissue. EP24.15 lacks a typical signal peptide sequence for entry into the secretory pathway and is secreted by cells via an unconventional and unknown mechanism. In this study, we identified a novel calcium-dependent interaction between EP24.15 and calmodulin, which is important for the stimulated, but not constitutive, secretion of EP24.15. We demonstrated that, in vitro, EP24.15 and calmodulin physically interact only in the presence of Ca(2+), with an estimated K(d) value of 0.52 mu m. Confocal microscopy confirmed that EP24.15 colocalizes with calmodulin in the cytosol of resting HEK293 cells. This colocalization markedly increases when cells are treated with either the calcium ionophore A23187 or the protein kinase A activator forskolin. Overexpression of calmodulin in HEK293 cells is sufficient to greatly increase the A23187-stimulated secretion of EP24.15, which can be inhibited by the calmodulin inhibitor calmidazolium. The specific inhibition of protein kinase A with KT5720 reduces the A23187-stimulated secretion of EP24.15 and inhibits the synergistic effects of forskolin with A23187. Treatment with calmidazolium and KT5720 nearly abolishes the stimulatory effects of A23187 on EP24.15 secretion. Together, these data suggest that the interaction between EP24.15 and calmodulin is regulated within cells and is important for the stimulated secretion of EP24.15 from HEK293 cells.