1000 resultados para Professores - Formação - Álvares Machado (SP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Early this century, several crises are intertwined and the environmental crisis is the most global of them all. In this context, emerged as an environmental education learn to overcome the crisis. This article aims to discuss the ideas of biology teachers in the city of Piracicaba-SP on Environmental Education and from there to reflect on the theme of inclusion in the initial training of teachers. The methodology used a structured questionnaire-based instrument VOSTS (Views on Science-Technology-Society), produced by Aikenhead and Ryan (1992) and the data were analyzed qualitatively. The results indicate that the biology teachers surveyed still have a naive conception of environmental education and training courses need to commit to structural and curricular changes that make the effective insertion of the subject in teacher training in the region studied.


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Currently, we can observe a significant increase in the disappointment of the world population about education, which raised doubts about the current school system and resulted in a forced increase of interest in an education reconstruction. The investigation process of this research based itself in the qualitative exploratory approach, since it allows the interpretation of the reality of the investigated environment, and it is concern about the process and not the quantification of data. Five professionals who work for the prefecture in the city of Bauru participated in this study and they graduated in the third module of the continuing education of the department of physical education from UNESP/Bauru, which occur in the second semester of 2010. The purpose of the present study was to identify the reasons why teachers who work for the prefecture in the city of Bauru look for the continuing education in physical education and explore their expectations and perception about the course. Considering the analysis presented in this study, we can observe that the search for continuing education based itself in issues such as: the confusion that exists between theory and practice, where the teachers exemplifies that, after their initial education, theory was not consistent with the real needs of their pedagogical practice; the entry of students younger and younger in the infant and fundamental education; the search for contents that answer the needs of psychomotor development of children between 2 and 5 years old and, at the same time, contents for the inclusion of children with special needs; as well as political pedagogical issues. Even though the reasons presented in this research for the teachers to justify the search for the continuing education in physical education were of distinct natures, at the end we observed that the teachers had their expectations fulfilled, demonstrating that the course of continuing education can be a space of dialog...


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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This research was conducted in a research network in teaching science/chemistry, as an alternative for initial and continuing teacher formation. The network is composed by teachers in initial formation, teacher trainers and teachers of basic education of the various areas of science. Assuming the socio-historical perspective, the discourse coming from the social interaction between the collective of teachers, was the object of study. We present an analysis of the interactions of the speech and reflections about the appropriation of scientific/chemical as a social practice mediated by language supplement our results.


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At this investigation it was analyzed the content and the organization of the social representation on the object teachers education, built by teachers of degree courses from Universidade Federal do Piauí(Ufpi), understanding such representation articulated to the teaching habitus of these educators of teachers, what takes under consideration the position that they hold in the structure of the national field and in the subfield of teachers education. For that, it is searched: a) to emphasize the properties of the place in which the trainers act Ufpi as the office of those field and subfield; b) to understand who are the trainers, that is, to grasp the teaching habitus of the trainers with a view of its origin, social trajectory and the specifics of their position in the analyzed field and the subfield and c) to know what they think about their work object, that is, identify and articulate the content and the organization of the social representation analyzed with their properties of field and subfield agents. The research includes the specific degree courses of the Campus Ministro Petrônio Portella , from Teresina(PI), and it was applied to 134 professors of degree courses from this Campus. The data collect joined to the participants happened on the second period of 2008 and on the first semester of 2009. The starting point of the study is the corroboration that the reform of Ufpi degree courses, determined by the legislation and stablished at this Institution in 2005, altered a little the previous situation. It is comprehended that Ufpi and its structures of teachers education as a trainer institution, is limited by the national academic field and by the subfield of teachers education. From this last one, it was listed some of its properties, to show that it is about an academic subfield in construction process. It is emphasized division of the subfield, that separates the trainers into two subgroups the ones who dedicate themselves to the specific education on the contents and those ones who are specialized on pedagogical education placed in antagonistic position and competing by the symbolic power of imposing the meaning and the sense of the teachers education in the degree courses. To understand the comprehension of the problem, it is searched for the models that are in the root of the construction of the University and its project of teachers education in the degree courses, to clarify the matrixes in which the social representation searched is stablished. The theoretical referential articulates the contributions of Moscovici, the theory of social representations, and of Bourdieu, with the concepts that compose its praxeology, as habitus, social field, capital, symbolic power and others, as well as their interpreters and continuators, as Domingos Sobrinho. From the literature about the university and teachers education, it was used Dermeval Saviani, Luiz Antônio Cunha, Maria Isabel da Cunha and Mirian Jorge Warde, besides others. Plurimethodological procedures were adopted, combining associative techniques adjusted to the access to the social representations, and a classic technique, a questionnaire about teaching habitus. The condition is that the teachers build different social representation of the object teachers education because of the distinct positions that they occupy in the structure of the academic field and the subfield of the teachers education. The reached positions in the field and subfield are due to the differences in the origin and social trajectory of these agents, who, therefore, have different teaching habitus from which they build their social representation about their work object. It is highlighted that the teaching habitus and the social representation of two subfields, identified by the belongings to different dimensions of the teachers education in the degree courses, they have similarities and, also, differences. These ones permit to support that the subjects are holders of distinct teaching habitus that conceive different practices, struggles, tensions and conflicts around the sense of teachers education


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O presente texto tem como objetivo discutir a influência da formação pedagógica prévia em um curso específico de Licenciatura em Matemática. Como instância prévia de formação este artigo considera o CEFAM, e o curso de Licenciatura em foco é o da Faculdade de Ciências da UNESP de Bauru. O enfoque metodológico é nitidamente qualitativo, tendo sido os procedimentos analíticos pautados no estudo de convergências e divergências detectadas nos discursos dos estudantes-depoentes.


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A violência contra crianças é apontada como uma das principais causas de morbi-mortalidade na infância e deve ser identificada por todos os profissionais que lidam com esse público, inclusive os professores. Objetivou-se avaliar o preparo dos professores de educação infantil, no que se refere à percepção e notificação dos casos de violência contra criança. Foram visitadas todas as instituições de ensino infantil de Araçatuba-SP, e os profissionais que consentiram (n=236), os quais responderam a um questionário sobre o tema. Os dados foram analisados quanti-qualitativamente. 91,1% se consideram responsáveis pela notificação e 86,9% se dizem capazes de identificar agressões. 80,9% declararam ter recebido informações a respeito da violência contra criança, entretanto, 67,7% sentem-se inseguros quanto à identificação dos casos. Conclui-se que, mesmo possuindo formação para proceder ante a violência, a maioria dos pesquisados ainda não se sente preparada, o que pode gerar negligência.


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O presente artigo discute estratégias utilizadas em um processo de formação continuada que se destina a promover a inserção da informática nas aulas de Química, organizado com base na racionalidade prática e na reflexão crítica sobre o trabalho docente. Esse processo envolveu professores de escolas estaduais localizadas na região de Jaú (SP) e utilizou a educação a distância como recurso para mediar os períodos entre os encontros presenciais. As estratégias selecionadas para discussão neste artigo, dentre as utilizadas no processo de formação, são: a elaboração de material didático e o desenvolvimento de aulas nas Salas Ambiente de Informática das escolas. Tais propostas se revelaram importantes por considerarem o professor como autor dos recursos didáticos para trabalho em sala de aula, e o contexto escolar como subsídio à própria ação de formação.