1000 resultados para Processamento de grãos


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This paper represents the results of the work carried out in order to study the condition of seasonal consumer, the load factor and the more convenient tariff for a sugar mill located in the Vale do Paranapanema, SP, Brazil. Therefore, data of consume and registered demand were collected during the quadriennium 1990 to 1994. The studies showed that the factory did not maintain the condition of seasonal consumer of electric energy during the analysed period. Low values of the load factor observed in the period showed a non rational use of electric energy supplied by the concessionary. The results showed that only in one situation (load retired in top equal to 90%) the most convenient tariff is the horo-sazonal azul. In the other situations the most convenient tariff is the conventional one.


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The merit of the Karhunen-Loève transform is well known. Since its basis is the eigenvector set of the covariance matrix, a statistical, not functional, representation of the variance in pattern ensembles is generated. By using the Karhunen-Loève transform coefficients as a natural feature representation of a character image, the eigenvector set can be regarded as an feature extractor for a classifier.


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This experiment was carried out in the Microbiology Laboratory of UNESP-Jaboticabal, to evaluate the different species of microorganisms in high-moisture corn grain silage. The treatments were five percentages of corn cob in the silage (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% DM) and four sampling periods after the opening of the silos (0, 2, 4 and 6 days), using a factorial arrangement in randomized block design with three replications. The growth of Lactobacillus was higher (P<0.01) in the silage prepared only with grains in relation to the other treatments. The presence of Clostridium differed (P<0.01) among the treatments, with values ranging from 1.30 and 3.32 log CFU/g of silage. It was concluded that the population of Lactobacillus was satisfactory to obtain a good fermentation of the silages, and the presence of corn cob facilitated the development of Clostridium and also of yeast and Enterobacteriaceae after the silos were opened.


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This work had the objective of evaluating the effects of different percentages of corn (Zea mays L.) cob on the quality of the silage of high-moisture corn grains. The following treatments were studied: percentages of corn cob in the silage (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%); period of sampling after opening the silos (zero, two, four and six days). The factorial arrangement 5 × 4 was studied according to a completely randomized block design with three replications. The variables studied were not affected by the sampling period. The buffering capacity and the pH were not affected by the cob, while the percent soluble carbohydrates and amoniacal nitrogen increasing until 1.2 and 1.89 unit percent, respectively. Increasing the amount of corn cobs reduced the contents of DM (from 63.9% to 58.6%), CP (from 10.0% to 7.3%), EE (from 4.87% to 3.92%) and the values of DMIVD (from 90.5% to 79.1%) in the silages and increasing the contents of acid detergente fiber (ADF) (from 3.3% to 12.9%) and neutral detergente fiber (NDF) (from 15.16% to 26.1%). The values of brute energy (BE) were not affected (P>0.01) by the cob corn in the silage.


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Grinding is a precision machining process which is widely used in the manufacture of components requiring fine tolerances and smooth surfaces. There are several imput parameters (cutting conditions, cutting fluid and grinding wheel type used, dressing conditions etc.) which can affect the process variables (tangential and normal cutting forces, roughness, grinding temperatures, G ratio, etc.) leading to differences in the roughness, in the surface integrity and in the mechanical strength of the ground component. Consequently, the imput parameters must be controlled in order to insure the workpiece final quality. This paper presents a comparative evaluation of the performance of two types of grinding wheels [a conventional (Al2O3) and a superabrasive (CBN)] when grinding a VC131 steel, by the analysis of specific process variables when varying the cutting conditions. Highest values of G ratio and lowest workpiece roughness was observed when using CBN grinding wheels. This confirms the global trend of replacement of alumina grinding wheels by CBN, when grinding DTG (difficult to grind) materials.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effects of inclusion of whole yeast, autolyzed yeast and yeast cell wall on hematological parameters and gut villus perimeter were evaluated in juvenile Nile tilapia, after 80 experimental days. Isoproteic (32.0% DP) and isoenergetic (3200 kcal DE kg -1) practical diets were supplemented with three levels of whole yeast or autolyzed yeast (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0%) and three levels of yeast cell wall (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%), plus a control diet (with no test microingredients). Red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration, total plasmatic protein, hematocrit percentage, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and gut villus perimeter were evaluated. Variations on hematological parameters in animals fed diets with whole yeast; autolyzed yeast and yeast cell wall were observed to be within normal ranges for this species. There was significant influence (p<0.05) of different levels of yeast and derivatives on intestinal villus perimeter. Results showed that experimental period and proposed levels of whole yeast, autolyzed yeast and yeast cell wall do not provide undesirable alterations on standard hematological parameters to Nile tilapia and can be safely used to compound diets for this species. Results also showed that supplement of yeast cell wall provide higher intestinal villus perimeter.


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Grain refinement of low carbon steel via the warm deformation of martensite during torsion testing was investigated. At the beginning of straining, laths with high dislocation density were observed. After large deformations, a ferrite matrix with grain size close to 1μm and dispersed cementite particles were attained.


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Copper, zinc and nickel oxides present different properties in nanostructured form. These nanomaterials present very interesting morphologies such as urchin and flowers. This differents arquitechures can be employed in near future in several areas of applications as: nanocatalysis, nanooptoeletronic and nanomedicine.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the introduction of 8% grains and by-products (meal or cake) of canola in the diets of lambs. To evaluate quantitative carcass characteristics, 24 Santa Ines lambs were used in a completely randomized design. Diets with averages of 15.4% of CP in DM and 80.2% of TDN were composed for 40% Tifton hay and 60% concentrate based on corn grain, soybean meal, whole grain canola, canola meal, canola cake and mineral mixture. The use of whole grains and by-products of canola in the diet of lambs finished in feedlot did not influence (p > 0.05) quantitative carcass characteristics. For cut dressing in relation to the CCW, no effect was observed for the analyzed variables among treatments. It was concluded that the introduction of grains and by-products of canola allow for satisfactory results, and could be recommended in the formulations of lamb diets.


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Objective: To evaluate the microbial contamination in samples of radiographic developing and fixing solutions, radiographic processing water, dental unit waterlines and dental office's external water supply. Methods: Samples of 50 private dental offices and 20 dental offices of the School of Dentistry de Araçatuba-UNESP were collected. The samples were subjected to neutralization of the residual inhibitory agents followed by pre-enrichment in peptone water and EVA broth and were inoculated in selective and non-selective culture media. The DNA of the samples was extracted and the presence of superinfectant microorganisms was evaluated by PCR. The differences in the prevalence of the microorganisms in the samples of the solutions were analyzed by repeated-measures analysis of variance for category data, while the Chi-Square and Mann-Whitney tests were used to evaluate the existence of associations between the total number of heterotrophic microorganisms and infection control protocols. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: Samples of radiographic fixing solution presented a remarkably less frequent contamination than radiographic developing solution and radiographic processing water. The latter exhibited microorganisms typically originated from the oral microbiota and human skin as well as microorganisms frequently found in dental unit waterlines. There was less contamination of radiographic processing water in the dental offices where the x-ray film packets were disinfected before processing or were covered by a plastic film. Additionally, all samples of dental office's external water supply were drinkable. Conclusion: Covering the x-ray film packets with a plastic film protection barrier was proven the best manner to reduce the contamination of the evaluated solutions.


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The objective of this work was to determine the ether extract content of peanut and canola seeds, with extraction in Soxhlet apparatus and with three types of processing: grinding in ball mill type; maceration in mortar and grind into micro mill after maceration in mortar. Data were analyzed in an entirely randomized design with 3 treatments and 12 replicates, submitted to variance analysis and the means were compared using Tukey test (P<0.05) with routines of the SAS statistical package. The largest percentage of ether extract was obtained in the treatment which the peanuts were subjected to a greater number of extractions (56.43%), and all treatments presented different results(P <0.05). In canola grains, it was observed that the extraction with the method of grinding in ball mill and the method of sequential extraction (macerate + ground in micro mill) were statistically similar (43.52 and 42.35% respectively), and these methods were more efficient (P <0.05) to extract the ether extract than the treatment in which the grains were only macerated. For peanut grains it was concluded that the most efficient method was the sequential one and to the canola grain, it can be used only a grinding mill as samples processing witch will be submitted to ether extract extraction.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the zootechnical performance and chemical composition of jundia juveniles Rhandia voulezi fed with mash, pelletized and extruded diets and cultivated in cages. One hundred and fifty fish were distributed in fifteen cages (0.20 m3), arranged in cages (5m3), in the hydroelectric plant of Governador José Richa, in Iguaçu River (Paraná-Brazil). The fish were fed five times a day, with mash, pelletized and extruded diets, containing 30% of protein and 3250 Kcal/kg of digestible energy/kg. At the end of 60 days, significant differences (p<0.05) were observed on fish performance. The fish that were fed with pelletized diet, presented higher average of final weight (44.08g), final length (16.51cm) and weight gain (36.65g). The different processes did not influence fish survival. The averages of protein and mineral matter of carcass chemical composition did not differ statistically (p<0.05), while the values of humidity and lipideos presented differences among treatments. The highest average of lipideos (8.59%) was observed in peletized diet. The mash diet provided fish with lower lipideo (5.45%) and higher humidity (75.98%) rates. A pelleted diet is most suitable for juvenile catfish R. voulezi cultivation in cages.


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This work evaluated the effects of high moisture silage, extrusion and corn and sorghum drying with and without tannin, on the chemical composition and ruminal digestion of dry matter. The experimental design was completely randomized in 3x3 factorial scheme (kinds of grains: processing), for the chemical composition and degradability and three blocks (animals) through in situ method. It was verified significant difference between kinds of grains and processing in relation to the chemical composition, except for crude protein and mineral matter. The contents of etherextract in the three types of grains, were reduced significantly with the high moisture silage, extrusion and drying in relation to the humid material. For the contents of phenols, total and condensed tannin there was effect of hybrid, processing and interaction, and the most elevated contents were found in sorghum with tannin. Although grain composition has been similar, the interaction in ruminal ambient associated to the tannin, promoted differences in the dry matter degradability. It was concluded that sorghum without tannin may be ensiled or extruded, while the sorghum with tannin, must be extruded to improve the degradability and availability of nutrients.


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Peas present a potential to be cultivated in the winter, in Brazil, and also a great importance, especially in human feeding, due to its high protein content. However, its yield is still low and there are just a few studies aiming at improving pea grains quality and yield. This study aimed at evaluating the nitrogen and zinc fertilization effect on the pea grains (Utrillo cultivar) chemical quality and yield. The experiment was carried out in a dystrophic clayey Latosol-Haplustox, in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in 2005. A randomized blocks design was used, in a 4×4 factorial scheme, totaling 16 treatments and 3 replications, including four nitrogen doses (0 kg ha-1, 60 kg ha-1, 120 kg ha-1, and 240 kg ha-1), as urea, via ground, at 30 days after sowing (DAS), and four zinc doses (0 kg ha-1, 1,5 kg ha-1, 3 kg ha-1, and 6 kg ha-1), as zinc sulphate, via leaf, at 45 DAS. The combination of zinc and nitrogen doses improved the grains chemical quality. Zinc had no effect on grain yield, however, high nitrogen doses negatively affected yield.