892 resultados para Prison Foodservice
The film is the result of a participatory media project with female offenders at HM Styal prison. Eight women present and represent an imagined outside through dimensions of the visual and aural offering alternative ways for understanding their realities. Focusing on the imagination shaped by the experience of absences and presences this film is a sensory journey into these women's worlds of desire, longing and relief.
This paper is based on the observation that projects to reform prisons in British India in the first half of the 19th century were remarkably parallel to those in Britain and other colonies of the British Empire. Therefore, it will be asked to what extent local discussions about imprisonment in India were connected to developments in the metropole, in other parts of the empire, and elsewhere in the colony and how such imperial connections influenced local practices. Recent studies on colonial India’s prisons have focused on the British possessions in north India, whereas the Madras Presidency’s penal history is as of yet mostly unstudied. The paper will look on two initiatives of prison reform undertaken by the Madras Government; firstly, an inquiry made in the 1820s to combat the high mortality in the jails, and secondly, attempts throughout the 1840s and 1850s to construct a penitentiary along the lines of penal systems in other parts of India and the British Empire. The two case studies promise insights into the body of knowledge about punishment that was accumulated in British India, its entanglement with debates in other parts of the empire, and the emergence of ‘imperial standards’ of imprisonment in the course of the 19th century.
Economic models of crime have focused primarily on the goal of deterrence; the goal of incapacitation has received much less attention. This paper adapts the standard deterrence model to incorporate incapacitation. When prison only is used, incapacitation can result in a longer or a shorter optimal prison term compared to the deterrence-only model. It is longer if there is underdeterrence, and shorter if there is overdeterrence. In contrast, when a fine is available and it is not constrained by the offender's wealth, the optimal prison term is zero. Since the fine achieves first-best deterrence, only efficient crimes are committed and hence, there is no gain from incapacitation.
This paper develops an economic model of criminal enforcement that combines the goals of deterrence and incapacitation. Potential offenders commit an initial criminal act if the present value of net private gains is positive. A fraction of these offenders become habitual and commit further crimes immediately upon release from their initial prison term (if any). The optimal punishment scheme in this setting generally involves a finite prison term for first-time offenders (based on the goal of deterrence), and an infinite (life) sentence for repeat offenders (based on the goal of incapacitation).
With substance abuse treatment expanding in prisons and jails, understanding how behavior change interacts with a restricted setting becomes more essential. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) has been used to understand intentional behavior change in unrestricted settings, however, evidence indicates restrictive settings can affect the measurement and structure of the TTM constructs. The present study examined data from problem drinkers at baseline and end-of-treatment from three studies: (1) Project CARE (n = 187) recruited inmates from a large county jail; (2) Project Check-In (n = 116) recruited inmates from a state prison; (3) Project MATCH, a large multi-site alcohol study had two recruitment arms, aftercare (n = 724 pre-treatment and 650 post-treatment) and outpatient (n = 912 pre-treatment and 844 post-treatment). The analyses were conducted using cross-sectional data to test for non-invariance of measures of the TTM constructs: readiness, confidence, temptation, and processes of change (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) across restricted and unrestricted settings. Two restricted (jail and aftercare) and one unrestricted group (outpatient) entering treatment and one restricted (prison) and two unrestricted groups (aftercare and outpatient) at end-of-treatment were contrasted. In addition TTM end-of-treatment profiles were tested as predictors of 12 month drinking outcomes (Profile Analysis). Although SEM did not indicate structural differences in the overall TTM construct model across setting types, there were factor structure differences on the confidence and temptation constructs at pre-treatment and in the factor structure of the behavioral processes at the end-of-treatment. For pre-treatment temptation and confidence, differences were found in the social situations factor loadings and in the variance for the confidence and temptation latent factors. For the end-of-treatment behavioral processes, differences across the restricted and unrestricted settings were identified in the counter-conditioning and stimulus control factor loadings. The TTM end-of-treatment profiles were not predictive of drinking outcomes in the prison sample. Both pre and post-treatment differences in structure across setting types involved constructs operationalized with behaviors that are limited for those in restricted settings. These studies suggest the TTM is a viable model for explicating addictive behavior change in restricted settings but calls for modification of subscale items that refer to specific behaviors and caution in interpreting the mean differences across setting types for problem drinkers. ^
Background. Diets high in fat and calories are promoted by the toxic food environment in which high fat, high calorie foods are readily accessible, thus contributing to high rates of overweight and obesity.^ Hypothesis. Changing the food environment to make low-fat, low-calorie foods readily identifiable and accessible while simultaneously offering incentives for choosing those foods will result in increased consumption of targeted foods, thus decreasing caloric and fat intake and ultimately decreasing obesity rates.^ Objective. To conduct an outcome evaluation study on the effectiveness of The Fresh & Healthy Program, a health promotion project designed to promote healthy eating among The Methodist Hospital employees by labeling and promoting low calorie, low fat items in the hospital cafeteria. ^ Program. By promoting healthy eating, this program seeks to address unhealthy dietary behaviors, one of the most widely known and influential behavioral causes of obesity. Food items that are included in the program meet nutritional criteria for calories and fat and are labeled with a special logo. Program participants receive incentives for purchasing Fresh & Healthy items. The program was designed and implemented by a team of registered dietitians, two health education specialists, and retail foodservice managers at The Methodist Hospital in the Texas Medical Center in Houston and has been in existence since April 2006.^ Methods. The evaluation uses a non-randomized, one-group, time series design to evaluate the effect of the program on sales of targeted food items.^ Key words. point-of-purchase, menu labeling, environmental obesity interventions, food pricing interventions ^
Hot foods served in foodservice establishments, institutions and homes, have always been regarded as safe, since cooking temperatures are more likely to kill the bacterial agents that may cause foodborne diseases. However, foods that are otherwise served hot have been epidemiologically incriminated for causing foodborne diseases. This situation arises due to the possible post-cooking food contamination. Post-cooking contamination of hot-held food is most threatening for it gives the contaminating agents the possibility of proliferation. On one hand, post-cooking contamination is least understood and on the other, hot-holding of food gives the consumer a false sense of freedom from foodborne diseases. In this study, the dynamics of food contamination before or after cooking and during hot-holding are discussed and a food contamination dynamics model is presented.^ The literature on foodborne cholera, cholera-like diarrhea, shigellosis and E. coli gastroenteritis together with the literature on the occurrence and growth of the causative enteropathogens; 01 V. cholerae, non-01 V. cholerae, S. sonnei, S. flexneri and E. coli were reviewed. The literature on the infective doses of these organisms were also cited.^ In the study, four cooked food types held hot at 40-60(DEGREES)C were deliberately contaminated with 01 V. cholerae, non-01 V. cholerae, S. sonnei, S. flexneri and E. coli, one at a time at each of the hot-holding temperatures. Tested food samples for the recovery of these enteropathogens were withdrawn at various time intervals of hot holding.^ The results showed bacterial recovery to decline with increasing temperature and with increasing hot-holding time within each holding temperature. All the bacterial types except V. cholerae were recovered even after holding the food at 60(DEGREES)C for one hour. V. cholerae was not recovered after hot-holding the food at 50-60(DEGREES)C at certain holding periods. After 48 hrs incubation, V. cholerae was recovered on TCBS agar plates that read negative after the initial 24 hrs of incubation. Effective hot-holding temperatures were determined for each of the food types contaminated by each of the bacterial types.^ Statistical analysis of the collected data showed temperature, bacterial type and their interaction to be significant in enteropathogen recovery. Food type and its interactions with temperature and bacterial type were found not significant. ^
Background: The number of incarcerated women has increased dramatically over the past two decades. During their stay in prison, the medical and nutritional needs of these women are frequently ignored. Overweight or obesity related to poor dietary habits and low-income status are important risk factors for health inequities. Women in this population are at risk for dietary-related chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. This is an indication that there is a need for nutrition education in this population. ^ Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide an evidence-based nutrition education program at a facility for previously incarcerated women in Downtown Houston, Texas (Brigid's Hope). This nutrition education program focused on promoting better health and prevention of chronic diseases by increasing fruit and vegetable (FV) intake and healthy eating on a limited budget. Constructs such as knowledge, skills, self-efficacy, and perceived barriers were evaluated as well as acceptability, feasibility, and sustainability of the program. ^ Methods: The Hope for Health Nutrition Education Program occurred in four weekly sessions at Brigid's Hope. The evaluation design was a one-group quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-test measures. Identical pre- and post-tests were administered before and after the intervention. A total of 11 residents and 2 staff members participated in the study. Results: After four nutrition education sessions, post-tests revealed an overall increase in knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy scores, and decrease in perceived barrier scores towards FV consumption. Changes in skills, self-efficacy, and perceived barriers scores were found to be statistically significant. Participant satisfaction surveys revealed overall high satisfaction of the program and that continuing the program in the future would be possible with support from staff member and mentors. ^ Conclusions: Results from this study show that a nutrition education program can have positive effects towards knowledge, skills, self-efficacy, and perceived barriers towards FV consumption for previously incarcerated women. The high satisfaction for this program shows that a health promotion program with focus on diet and nutrition can play an important role in helping this unique population of women re-enter society.^
Dietary intake is a complex, health-related behavior, and although individual-level theoretical models explain some variation in dietary intake, comprehensive theoretical models such as the ecological framework describe the multiple levels which influence diet-related behaviors. Thus, the ecological framework is a preferred model for designing comprehensive nutrition interventions. While ecological-based nutrition interventions have been described, little work has focused on interventions in the hospital setting. Because hospitals are considered the hallmarks of health, it might seem that hospitals would regularly engage in worksite nutrition promotion; however, recent publications and other anecdotal evidence have indicated otherwise. The first paper of this dissertation systematically reviewed the scientific literature between 1996 and 2012 and identified 13 outcome evaluation trials for hospital-based worksite nutrition interventions. Of these 13 interventions, only one intervention targeted three of the four levels of the ecological framework and no intervention targeted all four levels. Only half of the interventions targeted the physical environment of hospitals, thus warranting more investigation into this specific level of the ecological framework in this setting. ^ A critical type of nutrition-related physical environments is the consumer nutrition environment. Although other tools measure the consumer nutrition environments of stores and restaurants, no tool specifically measured the consumer nutrition environments of hospitals until the CDC developed the Healthy Hospital Environment Scan for Cafeterias, Vending Machines, and Gift Shops (HHES-CVG). The HHES-CVG, a tool which measures the consumer nutrition environments of hospital cafeterias, vending machines, and gifts shops, was released in November 2011, and in the second paper of this dissertation, the reliability of this tool was investigated. Two trained raters visited 39 hospitals across Southern California between February and May 2012, and based on analyses of the raters' findings, the HHES-CVG exhibited strong reliability metrics (inter-observer agreement between 74 and 100%, and an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.961 for the overall nutrition composite score). Because the HHES-CVG was found to be a reliable tool, the third paper of this dissertation presented HHES-CVG results from the 39 hospitals. Overall, hospitals only scored about one-fourth of the total possible points for the nutrition composite score, indicating that most facilities do not have acceptable consumer nutrition environments. Some of the best practices observed in cafeterias were significantly associated with having a large facility and with having a contracted foodservice operation, but overall nutrition composite score was not associated with any specific facility or operation type. ^ The dissertation concluded that much work is needed in order to improve the consumer nutrition environments of hospitals. Practitioners and healthcare administrators should consider starting with ecological-based interventions addressing all levels including the physical environment.^
Objetivos: Determinar las características clínicas y morbilidad de los pacientes (pac.) adictos ingresados a un Servicio de Clínica Médica. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Criterio de inclusión: pac. adicto con consumo de sustancias ilícitas. Informe preliminar: Periodo: 24 meses. Datos analizados en Epi info 6.4 Resultados: Se incluyeron 40 pac. Prevalencia: 0.2/1000 egresos. El 82.5% eran hombres. Edad media: 31.5 años (DS±9.65). Permanencia media: 11 días (DS±13.98) vs 7.12 (DS±10.1) del Servicio (p=0.016). Consumían cocaína el 82.5% (IC95%67.22-92.66) marihuana el 77.5% (IC95% 61.65- 89.16), tolueno el 10% (IC95%2.79-23.66), floripondio y hachis el 2.5% (IC95% 0.06-13.16) cada uno. En el 2.5% la vía de administración era endovenosa y el 60% eran poliadictos. Solo el 10% recibió tratamiento para abandonar la adicción (100% tratamiento psicológico y 5.13% farmacológico). De clase social pobre el 75%. El 62.5% de los pac. estaban desocupados, tenían antecedentes judiciales el 10% y el 7.5% había estado en prisión. El 92.5% (IC95% 76.34-97.21) era heterosexual, 2.5% hombres que tenían sexo con hombres y bisexuales 5% (IC95% 0.61-16.92). Solo el 10% tenían secundaria completa. El 80% ingreso por Emergencias y por causa infecciosa el 45%. El 12.5% ingreso por complicaciones de la adicción. Las manifestaciones relacionadas con la adicción fueron: manifestaciones del sistema nervioso central: 12.5% (IC95%4.19-26.80); síndrome de abstinencia y temblor 7.5% cada uno y excitación psicomotriz, delirium, signo de foco neurológico y rigidez 5% cada uno. El 100% presentaba alguna comórbida; tabaquismo 80%, depresión 12.8% Y alcoholismo 57.5%, entre otras. Presentaban enfermedades de transmisión sexual 5 pac. (4 HIV, 2 VHC y 1 pediculus pubis). No hubo mortalidad hospitalaria. Conclusión: El paciente adicto internado se caracteriza por ser joven, pertenecer a un grupo social desprotegido, sin trabajo y sin educación, tener poliadicción, con alta carga de comórbidas y de internación, principalmente por complicaciones infecciosas.
En este ensayo se reflexiona sobre algunas propuestas educativas de Nivel Superior para mujeres privadas de libertad en unidades penitenciarias de Mendoza. Algunos de los condicionantes que estas mujeres deben enfrentar, si bien fueron observados en torno a experiencias de educación universitaria, permiten entrever, limitaciones que aparecen, en general, cuando se trata del ejercicio del derecho a la educación por parte de mujeres. Cada logro va acompañado, a la vez, de relegaciones, o al menos de postergaciones, ya que se trata de avances que se obtienen una vez que han sido conseguidos para los hombre que están privados de libertad.
La presente investigación tiene por tema la Educación Básica de Adultos y Jóvenes en las cárceles y en este universo se recorta el problema de investigación: Los fines que debería perseguir la Educación Básica de Adultos y Jóvenes en las cárceles de la Prov. de Bs. As. El tema propuesto resulta ser de gran interés debido a una serie de razones, que involucran la combinación de tres tópicos: la Educación, la Cárcel y los Derechos Humanos: - Porque se reconoce el Derecho a la Educación como Derecho Humano, a partir de la Normativa Internacional, pactos, convenciones y declaraciones surgidas en el ámbito de las Naciones Unidas y la Organización de Estados Americanos, que a su vez está establecido y asumido en la Constitución Nacional y Provincial, en la Ley Federal de la Educación y la Ley Provincial de Educación. - Porque la educación es un instrumento esencial para el desarrollo personal y la participación en la sociedad, en la medida que satisfaga las necesidades educativas de los sujetos de la acción educativa y sea una garantía real de los Derechos Humanos de las personas privadas de la libertad. El propósito de esta investigación se constituye de tres objetivos: - Reconocer la complejidad y la especificidad de la educación en el contexto de la cárcel. - Conocer con qué marcos conceptuales las escuelas con sede en cárceles plantean sus Proyectos Educativos Institucionales, Proyectos Curriculares y diagnósticos institucionales. - Reconocer que la Educación en Derechos Humanos, en tanto derecho y perspectiva pedagógica, es indispensable a la hora del diseño curricular en la Educación Básica en las cárceles. El marco teórico el enfoque descriptivo se pondrá en estado de situación el por qué y el para qué de la educación básica en la cárcel, basado en el análisis de la normativa referida al Derecho a la Educación como Derecho Humano de las personas privadas de la libertad y el análisis conceptual del enfoque educativo en el tratamiento penitenciario. Este enfoque cómo es la educación en el encierro en cuanto a la complejidad del acto educativo y las instituciones públicas involucradas, una aproximación a la caracterización del sujeto de la acción educativa en cuanto a su trayectoria de vida y el impacto del encierro en las dimensiones educativa, social y psicológica, y por último, se tratarán las perspectivas pedagógicas que se han desarrollado como tendencias en la Educación Básica de Adultos y en particular en el ámbito de las escuelas con sede en cárceles. En cuanto al enfoque prescriptivo, se presentarán los fines deseados para la educación básica de adultos en las cárceles, a partir del análisis de las perspectivas pedagógicas manifestadas en los Proyectos Educativos Institucionales y los proyectos curriculares de las EGBA con sede en cárceles, la propuesta concreta de fines y el análisis de la educación en y para los DDHH como un derecho y una perspectiva pedagógica indispensable y prioritaria a la hora de pensar los fines de la educación básica en cárceles
Este artículo revisa modos de abordaje de las cárceles a partir de los archivos rosarinos. Mediante un recorrido por los diversos fondos documentales se formulan interrogantes que van desde las responsabilidades judiciales, policiales y ejecutivas frente al movimiento diario de la cárcel hasta la materialidad misma de sus condiciones edilicias y de su aprovisionamiento, con el objetivo de presentar cierta dinámica de funcionamiento. La exploración de fuentes judiciales permite reconstruir dichas condiciones desde las voces de quienes habitaban estos sitios. Se revisa, además, la problemática relación entre las autoridades que comprendían las jurisdicciones de los detenidos reunidos físicamente en un mismo lugar, que además era el cuartel de gendarmes
El presente trabajo se ocupa de examinar una estrategia que los reos de la cárcel capitular porteña practicaron en tiempos virreinales en pos de aliviar las penurias propias del encierro. Nos referimos a la presentación de breves escritos -memoriales- dirigidos a las máximas autoridades políticas. Mediante un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo, focalizaremos nuestra atención en el perfil social de los presos que utilizaron esta vía, y en las carencias que dejan entrever estas peticiones. También analizaremos las redes movilizadas y los argumentos expuestos por estos encarcelados. Concluimos que estos recursos retóricos evidencian aspectos claves de la cultura jurídica de la época y al mismo tiempo echan luz sobre los imaginarios que sustentaban la legitimidad de la autoridad política
El tema de la guerra civil española no puede comprenderse cabalmente sin estudiar tanto el clima social y político anterior al enfrentamiento bélico como el proceso de liquidación de este trascendente hecho histórico. El bando triunfante pretendió que el cese de las operaciones militares ponía fin a la guerra, pero ésta no terminó entonces para la mayoría de los españoles. Durante muchos años continuó el uso de la fuerza, en forma unilateral bajo la forma de una sangrienta represión en el orden interno y un largo exilio de los vencidos. Otros hechos son los sufrimientos morales y psicológicos impuestos, los perjuicios culturales ocasionados, el destierro y su repercusión sobre millones de hogares. También pesan los quebrantos económicos y sociales sobre el bienestar general Para apreciar la forma elegida por el régimen franquista para liquidar la guerra civil española resulta ilustrativo detallar algunos aspectos de la modalidad puesta en práctica, cuyo fracaso pone de manifiesto la mezquindad con que actuó el régimen dictatorial.