998 resultados para Poyet, Guillaume (1473-1548)
Commençant par : « Veni ad liberandum nos, Domine Deus virtutum. « Pour l'offence du premier pere Que tout le gendre humain compere... » et finissant par : « Rendons graces à Dieu le Pere Chantans : Te Deum laudamus. Explicit » . Le même que le précédent, avec un prologue en plus.
OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of improved asthma control under conditions of everyday practice in Switzerland. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A subgroup of 1380 patients with initially inadequately controlled asthma was defined from a cohort of 1893 asthmatic patients (mean age 45.3 + or - 19.2 years) recruited by 281 office-based physicians who participated in a previously-conducted asthma control survey in Switzerland. Multiple regression techniques were used to identify predictors of improved asthma control, defined as an absolute decrease of 0.5 points or more in the Asthma Control Questionnaire between the baseline (V1) and follow-up visit (V2). RESULTS: Asthma control between V1 and V2 improved in 85.7%. Add-on treatment with montelukast was reported in 82.9% of the patients. Patients with worse asthma control at V1 and patients with good self-reported adherence to therapy had significantly higher chances of improved asthma control (OR = 1.24 and 1.73, 95% CI 1.18-1.29 and 1.20-2.50, respectively). Compared to adding montelukast and continuing the same inhaled corticosteroid/fixed combination (ICS/FC) dose, the addition of montelukast to an increased ICS/FC dose yielded a 4 times higher chance of improved asthma control (OR = 3.84, 95% CI 1.58-9.29). Significantly, withholding montelukast halved the probability of achieving improved asthma control (OR = 0.51, 95% CI = 0.33-078). The probability of improved asthma control was almost 5 times lower among patients in whom FEV(1) was measured compared to those in whom it was not (OR = 0.23, 95% CI = 0.09-0.55). Patients with severe persistent asthma also had a significantly lower probability of improved control (OR = 0.15, 95% CI = 0.07-0.32), as did older patients (OR = 0.98, 95% CI = 0.97-0.99). Subgroup analyses which excluded patients whose asthma may have been misdiagnosed and might in reality have been chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) showed comparable results. CONCLUSIONS: Under conditions of everyday clinical practice, the addition of montelukast to ICS/FC and good adherence to therapy increased the likelihood of achieving better asthma control at the follow-up visit, while older age and more severe asthma significantly decreased it.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: It is well established by a large number of randomized controlled trials that lowering blood pressure (BP) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) by drugs are powerful means to reduce stroke incidence, but the optimal BP and LDL-C levels to be achieved are largely uncertain. Concerning BP targets, two hypotheses are being confronted: first, the lower the BP, the better the treatment outcome, and second, the hypothesis that too low BP values are accompanied by a lower benefit and even higher risk. It is also unknown whether BP lowering and LDL-C lowering have additive beneficial effects for the primary and secondary prevention of stroke, and whether these treatments can prevent cognitive decline after stroke. RESULTS: A review of existing data from randomized controlled trials confirms that solid evidence on optimal BP and LDL-C targets is missing, possible interactions between BP and LDL-C lowering treatments have never been directly investigated, and evidence in favour of a beneficial effect of BP or LDL-C lowering on cognitive decline is, at best, very weak. CONCLUSION: A new, large randomized controlled trial is needed to determine the optimal level of BP and LDL-C for the prevention of recurrent stroke and cognitive decline.
T-cells specific for foreign (e.g., viral) antigens can give rise to strong protective immune responses, whereas self/tumor antigen-specific T-cells are thought to be less powerful. However, synthetic T-cell vaccines composed of Melan-A/MART-1 peptide, CpG and IFA can induce high frequencies of tumor-specific CD8 T-cells in PBMC of melanoma patients. Here we analyzed the functionality of these T-cells directly ex vivo, by multiparameter flow cytometry. The production of multiple cytokines (IFNγ, TNFα, IL-2) and upregulation of LAMP-1 (CD107a) by tumor (Melan-A/MART-1) specific T-cells was comparable to virus (EBV-BMLF1) specific CD8 T-cells. Furthermore, phosphorylation of STAT1, STAT5 and ERK1/2, and expression of CD3 zeta chain were similar in tumor- and virus-specific T-cells, demonstrating functional signaling pathways. Interestingly, high frequencies of functionally competent T-cells were induced irrespective of patient's age or gender. Finally, CD8 T-cell function correlated with disease-free survival. However, this result is preliminary since the study was a Phase I clinical trial. We conclude that human tumor-specific CD8 T-cells can reach functional competence in vivo, encouraging further development and Phase III trials assessing the clinical efficacy of robust vaccination strategies.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review the current experience with angiogenesis inhibitors in the treatment of gliomas. RECENT FINDINGS: Antiangiogenic therapy has recently reached the clinic with the approval of bevacizumab for recurrent glioblastomas. A number of promising antiangiogenic and vasculature-modifying agents are under investigation for newly diagnosed and recurrent malignant gliomas. A recurrence under ongoing or after antiangiogenic therapy is often characterized by a more aggressive and, in particular, invasive phenotype. SUMMARY: Despite impressively high radiological response rates in patients with recurrent malignant glioma, the duration of response is usually short-lived, and the observed effect to a large extent may be due to normalization of the disrupted blood-brain barrier and less due to a direct antitumor effect. Overall survival remains poor. Induction of invasive phenotypes and escape with proangiogenic alternative pathways are contributing to resistance. Investigation of combination regimes targeting several pathways will determine the possibilities to overcome the resistance to antiangiogenic therapy in malignant gliomas. This article summarizes the results of recent clinical trials in this field, points towards mechanisms of resistance arising under angiogenesis inhibition and discusses the challenges for the future.
OBJECTIVE: : Increases in plasma angiotensinogen (Ang-N) due to genetic polymorphisms or pharmacological stimuli like estrogen have been associated with a blood pressure (BP) rise, increased salt sensitivity and cardiovascular risk. The relationship between Ang-N, the resetting of the renin-angiotensin system, and BP still remains unclear. Angiotensin (Ang) II-induced genetic hypertension should respond to lisinopril treatment. METHODS: : A new transgenic rat line (TGR) with hepatic overexpression of native (rat) Ang-N was established to study high plasma Ang-N. The transgene contained a mutation producing Val-Ang-II, which was measured separately from nontransgenic Ile-Ang-II in plasma and renal tissue. RESULTS: : Male homozygous TGR had increased plasma Ang-N (∼20-fold), systolic BP (ΔBP + 26 mmHg), renin activity (∼2-fold), renin activity/concentration (∼5-fold), total Ang-II (∼2-fold, kidney 1.7-fold) but decreased plasma renin concentrations (-46%, kidney -85%) and Ile-Ang-I and II (-93%, -94%) vs. controls. Heterozygous TGR exhibited ∼10-fold higher plasma Ang-N and 17 mmHg ΔBP. Lisinopril decreased their SBP (-23 vs. -13 mmHg in controls), kidney Ang-II/I (∼3-fold vs. ∼2-fold) and Ile-Ang-II (-70 vs. -40%), and increased kidney renin and Ile-Ang-I (>2.5-fold vs. <2.5-fold). Kidney Ang-II remained higher and renin lower in TGR compared with controls. CONCLUSION: : High plasma Ang-N increases plasma and kidney Ang-II levels, and amplifies the plasma and renal Ang-II response to a given change in renal renin secretion. This enzyme-kinetic amplification dominates over the Ang-II mediated feedback reduction of renin secretion. High Ang-N levels thus facilitate hypertension via small increases of Ang II and may influence the effectiveness of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors.
BACKGROUND: : The systolic augmentation index (sAix), calculated from the central aortic pulse wave (reconstructed from the noninvasive recording of the radial pulse with applanation tonometry), is widely used as a simple index of central arterial stiffness, but has the disadvantage of also being influenced by the timing of the reflected with respect to the forward pressure wave, as shown by its inverse dependence on heart rate (HR). During diastole, the central aortic pulse also contains reflected waves, but their relationship to arterial stiffness and HR has not been studied. METHODS: : In 48 men and 45 women, all healthy, with ages ranging from 19 to 70 years, we measured pulse wave velocity (PWV, patients supine), a standard evaluator of arterial stiffness, and carried out radial applanation tonometry (patients sitting and supine). The impact of reflected waves on the diastolic part of the aortic pressure waveform was quantified in the form of a diastolic augmentation index (dAix). RESULTS: : Across ages, sexes, and body position, there was an inverse relationship between the sAix and the dAix. When PWV and HR were added as covariates to a prediction model including age, sex and body position as main factors, the sAix was directly related to PWV (P < 0.0001) and inversely to HR (P < 0.0001). With the same analysis, the dAix was inversely related to PWV (P < 0.0001) and independent of HR (P = 0.52). CONCLUSION: : The dAix has the same degree of linkage to arterial stiffness as the more conventional sAix, while being immune to the confounding effect of HR. The quantification of diastolic aortic pressure augmentation by reflected waves could be a useful adjunct to pulse wave analysis.
The SSX-2 gene encodes a tumor-specific antigen expressed in neoplasms of various histological types. By analyzing a tumor-infiltrated lymph node of a melanoma patient bearing an SSX-2-expressing tumor, we have recently identified the first SSX-2-derived CD8(+) T-cell epitope, that corresponds to peptide SSX-2(41-49), and is recognized by specific CTL in an HLA-A2 restricted fashion. Here, we have used fluorescent HLA-A2/SSX-2(41-49) peptide multimeric complexes to analyze the response to SSX-2(41-49) in melanoma patients and healthy donors. Multimer(+) CD8(+) T cells were readily detected in the majority of patients bearing SSX-2-expressing tumors and, at lower proportions, in patients with nonexpressing tumors and healthy donors. Importantly, isolated A2/SSX-2(41-49) multimer(+) CD8(+) T cells exhibited a large functional heterogeneity in terms of antigen recognition and tumor reactivity. SSX-2-specific CTLs isolated from tumor-infiltrated lymph node of antigen-expressing patients as well as from the corresponding peripheral blood mononuclear cells exhibited high functional avidity of antigen recognition and efficiently recognized antigen-expressing tumors. In contrast, SSX-2-specific CTLs isolated from patients with undetectable responses in the tumor-infiltrated lymph node, as well as from healthy donors, recognized the antigen with decreased functional avidity and were not tumor reactive. Together, these data indicate that CD8(+) T-cell responses to SSX-2(41-49) frequently occur in SSX-2-expressing melanoma patients and suggest that SSX-2(41-49)-specific CTLs of high avidity and tumor reactivity are selectively expanded during immune responses to SSX-2-expressing tumors in vivo.
A localização do arquipélago de Cabo Verde e as suas características biogeográficas conferem-lhe um especial interesse no domínio da Ecologia Marinha. Todavia, o conhecimento da composição dos ecossistemas costeiros desta região é incipiente, especialmente no que concerne as comunidades subtidais de macroinvertebrados bentónicos. Entre Agosto e Outubro de 2007, foram amostrados oito locais em redor da ilha de São Vicente. Em cada um desses locais recolheram-se fragmentos do substrato, de onde se contou um total de 4032 indivíduos, pertencentes a 81 espécies diferentes. Calculou-se o valor de índices de diversidade (Entropia de Shannon e Índice de Gini-Simpson) e o número real de espécies que cada um representava. Ao comparar os valores obtidos constataram-se diferenças entre estações e entre valores dos dois índices para o mesmo local. Com o intuito de agrupar as estações prospectadas de acordo com o número de indivíduos recolhidos de cada espécie identificada, elaborou-se um dendrograma e realizou-se uma análise de componentes principais. As estações consideradas para este estudo não mostraram diferenças significativas no que diz respeito à composição das suas comunidades subtidais de macroinvertebrados bentónicos em termos de grandes grupos taxonómicos ou grupos funcionais. Assume-se que as estações diferem apenas por discrepâncias pontuais.