727 resultados para Population-based study
Background. The elderly population aged 60 and above is increasing rapidly throughout the world. The aging process affects physical health of individuals, which in turn affects sexuality and sexual activity. However, many elderly adults continue to engage in one or more forms of sexual activities well into their 70s, 80s, and even in 90s. Despite the widespread stereotypes, misconceptions, and negative attitudes surrounding sexuality in elderly adults, it has been found to be an important aspect of the health of the elderly. However, association between the frequency of sexual activity and mental well being among older adults has not been documented in the literature. ^ Methods. To test the hypotheses that mental well being indicators such as depression, anxiety, and stress were inversely associated with greater frequency of sexual intimacy, a secondary data analysis was conducted using the National Social Life Health and Aging Project (NSHAP) using multivariate logistic regression. The NSHAP was a population-based study that was conducted on a national scale including 1455 men and 1550 women aged 57-85.^ Results. Approximately 1430 (54.1%) of the total population reported being sexually intimate in the past 12 months whereas 1481 (45.9%) participants reported that they did not perform any sexual activity in the past 12 months. In addition, approximately 895(31.1%) participants reported engaging in sexual activity ≥ 2-3 times per month with 665 (78.9%) of these participants reported performing vaginal intercourse only, 14(2.0%) oral sex only, and 89(10.5%) reported performing both vaginal intercourse and oral sex. Controlling for socio-demographic characteristics, frequently (≥2-3 times per month) sexually active participants showed lower odds ratio of depression (OR= 0.60; 95%CI = 0.46, 0.78), anxiety (OR= 0.67; 95% CI= 0.53, 0.86), and stress (OR=0.73; 95% CI = 0.6, 0.88) compared to those who had less frequent sexual activity or who had no sexual activity in the past 12 months.^ Conclusion. Lower levels of depression, anxiety, and stress appear to be associated with greater frequency of sexual activity. Public health interventions should focus on educating elderly adults about their sexual health and how to seek medical help for their sexual problems. Public health professionals should also be educated on how to best assess sexual needs of the elderly adults.^
Unlike infections occurring during periods of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, postoperative infections in patients with solid malignancy remain largely understudied. The purpose of this population-based study was to evaluate the clinical and economic burden, as well as the relationship of hospital surgical volume and outcomes associated with serious postoperative infection (SPI) – i.e., bacteremia/sepsis, pneumonia, and wound infection – following resection of common solid tumors.^ From the Texas Discharge Data Research File, we identified all Texas residents who underwent resection of cancer of the lung, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, colon, or rectum between 2002 and 2006. From their billing records, we identified ICD-9 codes indicating SPI and also subsequent SPI-related readmissions occurring within 30 days of surgery. Random-effects logistic regression was used to calculate the impact of SPI on mortality, as well as the association between surgical volume and SPI, adjusting for case-mix, hospital characteristics, and clustering of multiple surgical admissions within the same patient and patients within the same hospital. Excess bed days and costs were calculated by subtracting values for patients without infections from those with infections computed using multilevel mixed-effects generalized linear model by fitting a gamma distribution to the data using log link.^ Serious postoperative infection occurred following 9.4% of the 37,582 eligible tumor resections and was independently associated with an 11-fold increase in the odds of in-hospital mortality (95% Confidence Interval [95% CI], 6.7-18.5, P < 0.001). Patients with SPI required 6.3 additional hospital days (95% CI, 6.1 - 6.5) at an incremental cost of $16,396 (95% CI, $15,927–$16,875). There was a significant trend toward lower overall rates of SPI with higher surgical volume (P=0.037). ^ Due to the substantial morbidity, mortality, and excess costs associated with SPI following solid tumor resections and given that, under current reimbursement practices, most of this heavy burden is borne by acute care providers, it is imperative for hospitals to identify more effective prophylactic measures, so that these potentially preventable infections and their associated expenditures can be averted. Additional volume-outcomes research is also needed to identify infection prevention processes that can be transferred from higher- to lower-volume providers.^
Introdução: A adolescência é uma fase importante para formação e consolidação de hábitos alimentares adequados à promoção da saúde. Entretanto, dados estatísticos recentes indicam enorme comprometimento no padrão alimentar de indivíduos nesse período da vida. Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade da dieta e identificar seus fatores associados em adolescentes de três regiões administrativas do município de Vitória. Métodos: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 396 adolescentes de ambos os sexos, de 8 a 17 anos, de escolas públicas e privadas de três regiões administrativas de Vitória-ES. Foram coletados dados antropométricos, socioeconômicos, demográficos e alimentares. Para a entrevista alimentar utilizou-se o método de Recordatório de 24h. A qualidade da dieta foi avaliada pelo Índice de Qualidade da Dieta adaptado (IQDa). Análises de regressão logística foram utilizadas para verificar a associação das variáveis independentes sobre a qualidade da dieta dos adolescentes. Resultados: A média do IQDa foi de 35,6 pontos. Os componentes verduras e legumes, leite e derivados e frutas apresentaram os mais baixos valores médios de pontos; e carnes e ovos apresentaram a pontuação média mais alta do IQDa. Na análise de regressão observou-se que quanto maior a idade, menor a pontuação do IQDa e que os adolescentes do sexo masculino apresentaram IQDa maior que as do sexo feminino. Conclusão: A qualidade da dieta está associada ao sexo e a idade e necessita de melhorias. Conhecendo esses fatores associados é possível analisar e identificar as práticas alimentares não saudáveis e abordá-las em programas de educação nutricional, proporcionando melhores condições de saúde a essa população.
Introdução: Baixas concentrações séricas de hidroxivitamina D (25[OH]D) e o excesso de peso atingiram níveis epidêmicos em todo o mundo. Estudos relatam que concentrações séricas de vitamina D estão associadas às alterações lipídicas, glicolíticas e inflamatórias; e estas alterações são conhecidamente mediadas pela adiposidade. Dessa forma, a vitamina D pode atuar de forma benéfica sobre o perfil metabólico em adolescentes, adultos e idosos. Objetivo: Investigar e descrever as associações entre as concentrações séricas de 25(OH)D e o perfil metabólico, mediadas pela adiposidade em adolescentes, adultos e idosos. Metodologia: Inicialmente, foi utilizada subamostra do Inquérito de Saúde de São Paulo (ISA-Capital), estudo transversal, de base populacional (n=281), para investigar a associação entre as concentrações séricas de vitamina D e marcadores inflamatórios em adultos brasileiros. Posteriormente, foram utilizados dados do estudo Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescents-(HELENA), estudo multicêntrico transversal da população de adolescentes européia, com o intuito de avaliar as alterações nos marcadores lipídicos e de homeostase da glicose mediados pela deficiência de vitamina D e obesidade. Finalmente, foi analisada a amostra do estudo PHYSMED, um estudo transversal com idosos não institucionalizados para verificar associações entre concentrações séricas de vitamina D, perfil lipídico e composição corporal em idosos espanhóis aparentemente saudáveis. Resultados: Nos adultos, observou-se uma associação negativa entre as concentrações de TNF-alfa e de IL-6 e as concentrações séricas de 25(OH)D em indivíduos com peso normal. Nos adolescentes, as concentrações de 25(OH)D foram associadas de forma independente e positiva com o Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index-QUICKI (p <0.001) e negativamente associada com o IMC (p <0.05). Também foi observado que o aumento do IMC esteve associado com um aumento de 1.93 vezes maior chance de deficiência de vitamina D (IC de 95 por cento = 1.03 - 3.62; p = 0.040). Em idosos, verificou-se que as concentrações séricas de 25(OH)D foram associadas com o IMC (p = 0.04), a circunferência da cintura (p = 0.004), CT/HDL-c (p = 0.026) e o HDL-c (p = 0.001). Adicionalmente, foi observado que idosos com concentrações de HDL-c <40mg/dl possuíam 1.7 vezes maior chance de apresentarem deficiência de vitamina D em comparação com aqueles que possuíam concentrações de HDL-c >40 mg/dl (95 por cento IC = 1.10 a 2.85; p = 0.017) e o aumento na circunferência da cintura também foi associado com um maior risco de deficiência de vitamina D (95 por cento IC =0.96-1.00; p = 0.04). Conclusão: A composição corporal interage com as concentrações de 25(OH)D modulando a resposta inflamatória, à homeostase da glicose e também o perfil lipídico. Indivíduos sem deficiência de vitamina D apresentam melhor perfil metabólico e também melhor composição, sugerindo que a suficiência de vitamina D pode ter um papel importante nas condições metabólicas mediadas pela adiposidade.
A obesidade comum é atualmente um dos problemas de saúde pública mais importante no mundo, frequentemente associada a outros distúrbios tais como hipertensão, diabetes, doenças cardiovasculares e câncer. Apesar da alta prevalência de obesidade em diversas populações, muitos dos estudos relacionados aos seus fatores de risco genéticos foram realizados com indivíduos de ascendência europeia ou asiática, mas foram poucos os realizados com populações de origem africana ou nativas americanas. Nosso trabalho tem por objetivo geral investigar potenciais fatores de risco genéticos associados ao sobrepeso e à obesidade em populações afrodescendentes remanescentes de quilombos do Vale do Ribeira - SP, comunidades rurais semi-isoladas, previamente bem caracterizadas do ponto de vista clínico, genealógico e genético-populacional. Nossa amostra constituiu-se de 759 indivíduos, pertencentes a doze populações de remanescentes de quilombos (Abobral, São Pedro, Galvão, Ivaporunduva, Pedro Cubas, André Lopes, Nhunguara, Sapatu, Pilões, Maria Rosa, Poça e Reginaldo), dos quais foram obtidos amostras de DNA, dados clínicos, informações genealógicas e medidas antropométricas. A investigação dos fatores de risco genéticos associados ao sobrepeso/obesidade foi realizada por duas abordagens: (1) estudo de associação baseado em famílias (N = 584, 59 famílias) e (2) estudo de associação populacional com indivíduos não aparentados (N=305). Foram selecionados para estudo nove polimorfismos em oito genes candidatos: LEP rs2167270, LEPR rs1137101, ADRB2 rs1042713, PPARG rs1801282, PLIN1 rs2289487, RETN rs1862513, INSIG2 rs7566605, FTO rs1121980 e FTO rs1421085. As análises de associação baseadas em família indicaram que, nessas populações, apenas o polimorfismo PLIN1 rs2289487 está associado significativamente com o grupo de risco em relação à razão cintura-quadril (RCQ >=0,85 para mulheres e >=0,90 para homens; P=0,013). Aparentemente não existem trabalhos anteriores que verificaram a associação deste polimorfismo com a obesidade por essa metodologia. As análises do estudo populacional com indivíduos não aparentados mostraram associação significativa entre: (i) o alelo G no polimorfismo LEPR rs1137101 e a variação do índice de massa corporal (IMC; P=0,027); (ii) o alelo G do polimorfismo LEPR rs1137101 e o fenótipo de sobrepeso/obesidade (IMC>=25 Kg/m²; P=0,027); (iii) o alelo G no polimorfismo ADRB2 rs1042713 e o fenótipo de risco (IMC>=25 Kg/m²; P=0,029); (iv) o polimorfismo PLIN1 rs2289487 (genótipo GG) e os menores valores do IMC (P=0,025); (v) o polimorfismo FTO rs1121980 (alelo G) e o fenótipo de risco (IMC>=25 Kg/m²), assim como a variação do IMC (P=0,037 e P=0,022 respectivamente); e (vi) o alelo A no polimorfismo FTO rs1421085 e maiores valores da circunferência da cintura (Cc; P=0,016) e da razão cintura-quadril (RCQ; P=0,030). Tomados em conjunto, nossos resultados sugerem a participação dos genes LEP, LEPR, ADRB2, PLIN1 e FTO no aumento da predisposição ao sobrepeso e à obesidade nas populações remanescentes de quilombos. Por fim, as elevadas estimativas de herdabilidade dos três fenótipos investigados (IMC=33%, Cc=33% e RCQ=70%) reforçam a relevância do papel dos fatores genéticos no acúmulo de gordura corporal. O trabalho apresentado é resultado de uma investigação cuidadosa sobre os componentes genéticos associados à regulação do peso corporal em uma população brasileira afrodescendente (com características históricas, ambientais e genéticas peculiares), corroborando a hipótese de que a obesidade comum nas populações quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira é condicionada por um mecanismo poligênico modulado por fatores ambientais importantes como o sedentarismo e a transição nutricional
Introdução: Em 2008, o baixo nível de atividade física (< 30 min de atividade moderada/vigorosa por dia) foi responsável por 9 por cento da ocorrência de óbito no mundo. Além disso, está associado ao comprometimento de mobilidade em idosos com 80 anos e mais. No entanto, devido a dificuldades metodológicas, poucos são os estudos populacionais que realizaram a associação entre baixo nível de atividade física e comprometimento de mobilidade e risco para óbito, utilizando método objetivo para avaliação da atividade física, e ainda não se tem conhecimento de pesquisas que verificaram essa associação na América Latina. Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência do baixo nível de atividade física e sua associação com o comprometimento da mobilidade e risco para óbito em idosos com 65 anos e mais residentes no município de São Paulo em 2010. Métodos: Estudo exploratório e quantitativo de base populacional, que utilizou a base de dados do Estudo SABE de 2010 e ocorrência de óbito em 2014. Foram avaliados 599 indivíduos em 2010. O nível de atividade física foi analisado de duas maneiras: 1) baixo nível de atividade física (< 30 minutos de atividade moderada e/ou vigorosa por dia) e alto nível de atividade física (> 30 minutos de atividade moderada e/ou vigorosa por dia); e 2) a amostra foi distribuída em tercis, de acordo com as contagens por minuto, e agrupada em dois grupos, sendo os idosos do mais baixo tercil classificados com baixo nível de atividade física e os idosos dos dois outros tercis como intermediário/alto nível de atividade física. A regressão logística hierárquica foi utilizada para: 1) identificar as variáveis associadas ao baixo nível de atividade física; 2) analisar a associação do baixo nível de atividade física no comprometimento da mobilidade; e 3) estimar o risco para óbito em idosos com baixo nível de atividade física. A curva de sobrevida foi analisada com o método de Kaplan-Meier utilizando o teste de log-rank e o risco proporcional foi calculado pelo modelo de risco proporcional de Cox. Resultados: A prevalência de baixo nível de atividade física em idosos foi de 85,4 por cento e as variáveis associadas, após ajuste, foram sexo (feminino), grupo etário (>75 anos), multimorbidade (> 2 doenças crônicas), dor crônica (dor crônica nos últimos 3 meses) e índice de massa corporal (maior valor médio). O baixo nível de atividade física permaneceu significativamente associado ao comprometimento de mobilidade (OR= 3,49; IC95 por cento = 2,00 6,13) e ao risco para (RP= 2,79; IC95 por cento = 1,71 4,57), mesmo após ajuste das variáveis sóciodemográficas e clínicas. Conclusão: A prevalência do baixo nível de atividade física em pessoas idosas residentes no Município de São Paulo é superior aos encontrados na população brasileira, mas se aproxima de outras populações que utilizaram o mesmo método de avaliação da atividade física. O baixo nível de atividade física (< 30 min de atividades moderadas/vigorosas) foi associado com variáveis sociodemográficas (sexo feminino e grupo etário) e clínicas (multimorbidade, dor crônica e índice de massa corporal). O baixo nível de atividade física (menor tercil de contagens por minuto) foi associado ao comprometimento de mobilidade e risco para óbito em quatro anos. Dessa forma, o baixo nível de atividade física pode ser utilizado como uma forma adequada para identificar idosos com maiores chances de apresentar comprometimento da mobilidade e aumento do risco para óbito.
Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) is a bone-derived hormone that regulates phosphate homeostasis. Circulating FGF23 is elevated in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and independently associated with poor renal and cardiovascular outcomes and mortality. Because the study of FGF23 in individuals with normal renal function has received little attention, we examined in a large, population based study of 1128 participants the associations of FGF23 with markers of mineral metabolism and renal function. The median estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of the cohort was 105 ml/min per 1.73 m2, and the median plasma FGF23 was 78.5 RU/ml. FGF23 increased and plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 decreased significantly below an eGFR threshold of 102 and 99 ml/min per 1.73 m2, respectively. In contrast, plasma parathyroid hormone increased continuously with decreasing eGFR and was first significantly elevated at an eGFR of 126 ml/min per 1.73 m2. On multivariable analysis adjusting for sex, age, body mass index, and GFR, FGF23 was negatively associated with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, and urinary absolute and fractional calcium excretion but not with serum calcium or parathyroid hormone. We found a positive association of FGF23 with plasma phosphate, but no association with urinary absolute or fractional phosphate excretion and, unexpectedly, a positive association with tubular maximum phosphate reabsorption/GFR. Thus, in the absence of CKD, parathyroid hormone increases earlier than FGF23 when the eGFR decreases. The increase in FGF23 occurs at a higher eGFR threshold than previously reported and is closely associated with a decrease in 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. We speculate that the main demonstrable effect of FGF23 in the setting of preserved renal function is suppression of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 rather than stimulation of renal phosphate excretion.
Celtis sinensis is an introduced plant species to the southeastern region of Queensland that has had a destructive affect on indigenous plant Communities and its pollen has been identified as an allergen Source. Pollen belonging to C. sinensis was sampled during a 5-year (June 1994-May 1999) atmospheric pollen-monitoring programme in Brisbane, Australia, using a Burkard 7-day spore trap. The seasonal incidence of airborne C. sinensis pollen (CsP) in Brisbane occurred over a brief period each year during spring (August-September), while peak concentrations were restricted to the beginning of September. individual CsP seasons were heterogeneous with daily counts within the range 1-10 grains m(-3) on no more than 60 sampling days; however, smaller airborne concentrations of CsP were recorded out of each season. Correlation co-efficients were significant each year for temperature (p0.05) and relative humidity (p>0.05). A significant relationship (r(2)=0.81, p=0.036) was established between the total CsP count and pre-seasonal average maximum temperature; however, periods of precipitation (>2mm) were demonstrated to significantly lower the daily concentrations of CsP from the atmosphere. Given the environmental and clinical significance of CsP and its prevalence in the atmosphere of Brisbane, a Clinical population-based Study is required to further understand the pollen's importance as a seasonal sensitizing source in this region.
A population-based study was conducted to investigate changes over time in women's well-being and health service use by socio-cconomic status and whether these varied by age. Data from 12,328 mid-age women (aged 45-50 years in 1996) and 10,430 older women (aged 70-75 years) from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health were analysed. The main outcome measures were changes in the eight dimensions of the Short Form General Health Survey (SF-36) adjusted for baseline scores, lifestyle and behavioural factors; health care utilisation at Survey 2; and rate of deaths (older cohort only). Cross-sectional analyses showed clear socioeconomic differentials in well-being for both cohorts. Differential changes in health across tertiles of socioeconomic status (SES) were more evident in the mid-age cohort than in the older cohort. For the mid-aged women in the low SES tertile, declines in physical functioning (adjusted mean change of -2.4, standard error (SE) 1.1) and general health perceptions (-1.5, SE 1.1) were larger than the high SES group (physical functioning -0.8 SE 1.1, general health perceptions -0.8 SE 1.2). In the older cohort, changes in SF-36 scores over time were similar for all SES groups but women in the high SES group had lower death rates than women in the low SES group (relative risk: 0.79, 95% confidence interval 0.64-0.98). Findings suggest that SES differentials in physical health seem to widen during women's mid-adult years but narrow in older age. Nevertheless, SES remains an important predictor of health, health service use and mortality in older Australian women. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In a population-based study of 207 subjects with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or functional dyspepsia (FD) and controls (n = 100), we aimed to determine whether dimensions of abnormal illness behavior from the Abnormal Illness Behaviour Questionnaire and aspects of social learning of illness behavior from the Social Learning of Illness Behaviour scale were independent predictors of health care seeking for IBS and FD. Results showed that dimensions of abnormal illness behavior and aspects of social learning of illness behavior (encouragement, reinforcement, and modeling) did not significantly differentiate between consulters and nonconsulters with IBS and/or FD. The Disease Conviction scale (OR = 1.55; 95% CI, 1.15-2.09) of the Abnormal Illness Behaviour Questionnaire was an independent predictor of having a diagnosis of IBS and/or FD, independent of age and gender, psychiatric diagnoses, and symptom severity. We conclude that a belief in the presence of serious pathology characterizes community subjects with IBS and FD, but not health care seeking.
Objectives: To assess the association between the use of medications with anticholinergic activity and the subsequent risk of injurious falls in older adults. Design: Prospective, population-based study using data from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing. Setting: Irish population. Participants: Community-dwelling men and women without dementia aged 65 and older (N = 2,696). Measurements: Self-reported injurious falls reported once approximately 2 years after baseline interview. Self-reported regular medication use at baseline interview. Pharmacy dispensing records from the Irish Health Service Executive Primary Care Reimbursement Service in a subset (n = 1,553). Results: Nine percent of men and 17% of women reported injurious falls. In men, the use of medications with definite anticholinergic activity was associated with greater risk of subsequent injurious falls (adjusted relative risk (aRR) = 2.55, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.33-4.88), but the risk of having any fall and the number of falls reported were not significantly greater. Greater anticholinergic burden was associated with greater injurious falls risk. No associations were observed for women. Findings were similar using pharmacy dispensing records. The aRR for medications with definite anticholinergic activity dispensed in the month before baseline and subsequent injurious falls in men was 2.53 (95% CI = 1.15-5.54). Conclusion: The regular use of medications with anticholinergic activity is associated with subsequent injurious falls in older men, although falls were self-reported after a 2-year recall and so may have been underreported. Further research is required to validate this finding in men and to consider the effect of duration and dose of anticholinergic medications.
INTRODUCTION: Severe maternal morbidity , also known as maternal near miss , has been used as an alternative to the study of maternal mortality , since being more frequent shares the same determinants and enables the implementati on of epidem iological surveillance of cases . Since then, hospital audits ha ve been carried out to determine the rates of maternal near miss, its mai n causes and associated factors . More recently, population surveys based on self - reported morbidity have als o been presented as vi able in identifying these cases . OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of maternal near miss and complications during pregnancy and puerperal period in Natal/RN. METHODS: A cross - secti onal population - based study was conducted in Natal /RN , Brazil, which has as its target population women aged 15 to 49 years who were pregnant in the last five years. It was carried out a probabilistic sam pling design based on a multi - stage complex sample , in which 60 census tracts were selected from three strata (north , south - east and west). Afterwards, domiciles were visited in order to obtain a sample of the 908 eligible women in whom a questionnaire was applied. The descriptive analyzes and bivariate ass ociations were performed using the Chi - square test and the estimate of the prevalence ratio (PR ) with 95% confidence interval (CI) and considering the weights and design effects . The Poisson regression analysis , also with 5% significance and 95% CI, was us ed for analyzes of associated factors. RESULTS: 848 women were identified and interviewed after visits in 8.227 households corresponding to a response rate of 93 . 4 %. The prevalence of maternal near miss was 41 . 1 /1 000NV, being the Intensive Care Unity stay i ng (19 . 1 /1 000 LB ) and eclampsia (13 . 5/1000LB) the most important marker s . The prevalence of complications in the puerperal peri od was 21 . 2 %, and hemorrhage (10 . 7%) and urinary tract infection (10 . 7%) the most frequently reported clinical conditions and rema in ing in the hospital for over a week after delivery the mo st frequent intervention (5.4%) . Regarding associated factors , the bivariate analysis showed an association between the increased number of complications in women of black/brown race ( PR= 1 . 23; CI95 % : 1 . 04 - 1 . 46) and lower socioeconomic status ( PR= 1 . 33; CI95%: 1 . 12 - 1 . 58) in women who had pre natal care in public service ( PR= 1 . 42; CI95%: 1 . 16 to 1 . 72 ) and that were not advised during prenatal about where they should do the d elivery (PR= 1 . 24; CI95%: 1 . 05 - 1 . 46), made the del ivery in the public service (PR= 1 . 63; CI95%: 1 . 30 - 2 . 03), had to search for more than one hospital for delivery (PR=1 . 22; CI95%: 1 . 03 - 1 . 45) and had no companion during childbirth ( PR =1 . 19; CI95%: 1 . 01 - 1 . 41) or at all times of childbirth c are - before, during and after childbirth - ( PR= 1 . 25, CI95%: 1 . 05 - 1 . 48) . Moreover, the number of days postpartum hospitalization was higher in women who had more complications (P R= 1 . 59 ; CI95%: 1 . 36 - 1 . 86). In the final regression model for both birth place (P R= 1 . 21 ; CI 95% : 1 . 02 to 1 . 44 ) and socioeconomic status (PR = 1.54 ; CI95%: 1 . 25 - 1 . 90 ) the association remained. CONCLUSION : Conducting population surveys using the pragmatic definition of near miss is feasible and may add importa nt information about this ev ent . It was possible to find the expression of health inequalities related to maternal health in the analysis of both socioeconomic conditions and on the utilization of health services.
Objective: To evaluate the relationship between Perceived Psychological well-being, Optimism and Resilience in women survivors of breast cancer.Method: The sample was composed of 30 women diagnosed with breast cancer who were undergoing adjuvant treatment in Oncology Units General Hospital of Jerez de la Frontera and the University Hospital Puerta del Mar (Cadiz). The average age was 47.47 years (SD = 6,356) and the average of months from diagnosis of the disease was 9.93 (SD = 8,541). Scale of Psychological Well-being administered Perceived Ryff (1989), the Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT-R) Scheier, Carver and Bridges (1994) and the Scale of Resilience Wagnild and Young (1993) to assess psychological well-being the dispositional optimism and resilience respectivelyResults: Descriptive analyzes show that women diagnosed with breast cancer have levels of psychological well-being, dispositional optimism and higher than the average values provided by Resilience scales. On the other hand, regression analyses revealed that only some of the dimensions of resilience allowed to explain and predict some dimensions of psychological wellbeing, not dispositional optimism.Conclusions: The results seem to confirm the idea that if the capacity of women with breast moderate negative affect generated by the diagnosis itself and the consequences of their cancer treatment works and to promote their adaptation to the new situation we can contribute to increasing psychological well-being.
Objective: To evaluate the nutritional counseling offered to children and adolescents with disabilities in the municipality of Santa Cruz, RN, Brazil. Methods: Observational, crosssectional, population-based study, developed from May to December 2013, with 102 children and adolescents attending a Children’s Rehabilitation Center. We conducted socioeconomic, demographic, health and lifestyle assessments, and evaluated the received nutritional assistance (whether they had received nutritional counseling from any health professional in relation to food and nutrition, how often it occurred and which professional conducted such counseling). Results: Only 37% (n=37) of parents had received some nutritional guidance. Regarding the frequency of counseling, only 11.8% (n=4) of the youngsters received it 7 or more times/year; 23.5% (n=8) received it 2 to 6 times/year; and most (64.7 %, n=22) received it 1 time/year or less. The length of the nutritional counseling was short: the majority (64.7%, n=22) received only one guidance session throughout the whole period attending the institution, and less than 15% (n=5) received counseling for more than six consecutive months. For the majority (73.5%, n=25), the amount of time receiving nutritional guidance has not reached half of the monitoring period. Nutritional counseling was carried out mainly by nutritionists (89.2%, n=33). Conclusion: There was a low frequency of nutritional counseling directed specifically to the disabilities presented by the participants. When such activity was conducted, it occurred irregularly during the participant´s follow-up, only during a short period of time, and lacking connection with the monitoring by the multidisciplinary team.
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