993 resultados para Popish Plot, 1678.
Behavioral inhibition model suggests the generation of anxiety is related with over-inhibition. For knowing about anxiety better, we used event-related potential (ERP) technique to explore the underlying mechanism of executive inhibition under the emotional distracter in high and low trait-anxious groups. Firstly, we set up the Chinese affective picture system (CAPS) as the stimuli of subsequent experiments. Secondly, we screened the high and low trait-anxious participants using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. In the first ERP study, a modified oddball paradigm was used with the positive, neutral and negative pictures as novel stimuli and the potentials evoked by three types pictures were analyzed. In the second ERP study, the same paradigm with higher task load was employed to examine the interaction of anxious level and emotion. Main results as follows: 1. CAPS consisted of 852 pictures was assessed via three dimensionalities, valence, arousal and dominance. The standard deviation of scores on valence and dominance was more than the standard deviation of scores on dimension of arousal. Scatter plot showed that the score distributing on the dimension of valence and arousal was wide in CAPS. 2. In both high and low trait-anxiety groups, the amplitudes of N2 and P3 of negative pictures were greater and smaller respectively as compared with neutral and positive pictures, which suggested all participants no matter what anxious level required more inhibition processing to negative information than others. 3. With increasing of task load, the P3 amplitudes of negative pictures in high anxious group were reduced relative to neutral pictures. In addition, in high anxious group, the P3 amplitudes of positive pictures had the same changes as those of negative ones. Whereas, the reduced P3 of positive pictures were not observed in low anxious group. The results showed the high anxious participants employed the same inhibitory strategy to the positive distracter as the negative distracter, which possibly the over-inhibition processing was involved in this group. 4. Dipole source analysis found cingulate may be involved in executive inhibition processing. In sum, as for the inhibition, high and low anxious group both is sensitive to negative information. However, in the high load situation, due to the shortness of cognitive resources, the high anxious individual represents the general sensitivity to all emotional information. These results gave the electrophysiological evidence for over-inhibition in high trait-anxiety group.
Brand placement is to present the information of products and brands through certain entertainments and non-commercial areas. Since 1990's, brand placement has become a major way of spreading advertisement and a new growing point of the global advertising market. In china, it is easily seen from spring festival evening gala of CCTV to all kinds of movie and TV shows, and is thus interested by many brand owners, advertisers and communication researchers. Since 2006, the people in the media circles have begin to take full care of the study of the brand placement. In general, there is still certain distance between the theoretical studies and the reality. It's a general problem over the world and is especially true for China as this was just a new idea. As the biggest global economic entity, China is the most potential and powerful market, thus the market of the brand placement will be huge. To push its development, it's then crucial to have theoretical studies on it. Many questions have not been explained yet in this area, mostly essential is to ask what kind of advantage it acquires compared with the traditional advertisement, if there is, how does such advantage show? What kind of factors influents the market effect of the brand placement? All these questions are not answered yet. Also it's well-known that a successful advertisement relies heavily on the understanding of the culture. Thus a specific thing to deal with is to study the effects according to the Chinese culture, which can make constructive suggestion to the whole industry. Our research is to compare the effects between the brand placement with the ordinary media advertisements, discuss its possible influences, and try to make certain suggestions to the future running and development. Our research obtains the following results by using the movie and advertisement in reality: (1) Like ordinary media ad’s, brand placement can improve the brand recognition of the audience significantly. (2) The ordinary ad's make the people easier to remember them than brand placement, while not too much difference in the brand recognition. (3) The brand placement has a significant 'emotional shifting' effect, i.e. the more positive to the movie, the more you love the built-in brand. (4) It is an important factor that how much brand information is involved in the movie; while how much the plot is involved has great impact on the 'emotional shifting' effect. (5) The familiarity is a great factor for the ad's, it's obvious that the popular products get way better effects through brand replacement. (6) An effective way is to choose those positive, interesting and eye-catching movies and TV shows as carriers of the brand and to use it as natural as possible.
Peso da parte aérea, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Peso de raízes, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Teor de matéria seca de raíz, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Teor de amido, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Peso da parte aérea, Lagarto; Peso de raízes, Lagarto; Teor de matéria seca de raíz, Lagarto; Teor de amido, lagarto; Altura da planta, Lagarto; Altura da 1º ramificação, Lagarto; peso da parte aérea, Umbaúba; Peso de raíz, Umbaúba; Teor de matéria seca de raíz, Umbaúba; Teor de amido, Umbaúba; Altura da planta, Umbaúba; Altura da 1º ramificação, Umbaúba; comprimento de raíz, Umbaúba; Ensaio de variedades e híbridos de mandioca; Avaliação de cultivares de mandioca no período 2004/2006; Peso da parte aérea, Nossa Senhora das Dores; peso de raízes, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Índice de colheita, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Teor de matéria seca de raíz, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Teor de amido, Nossa Senhora das Dores
Avaliação espacial de algumas propriedades químicas de um solo sob sistema de palntio direto a três profundidades, visando estimar a necessidade de calagem para a soja e a aplicação a taxa variável de fertilizante fosfatado e potássico.
A diagnose foliar foi desenvolvida para fornecer informações sobre o estado nutricional das plantas e servir de orientação para o manejo de nutrientes visando produtividades ótimas. As outras aplicações incluem também, a estimativa regional do estado nutricional. No entanto pouco se sabe ainda sobre a variação espacial do estado nutricional, particularmente no sistema de plantio direto. Em uma lavoura de soja, cultivada no sistema de plantio direto na região Sul do Brasil, avaliou-se a variabilidade espacial dos teores de nutrientes e o estado nutricional, para identificar as limitações à produção da cultura. Amostras de solo e folhas georeferenciadas foram coletadas em um talhão de 13 ha, em grades de amostragem de 40 por 40 m, e em grades menores de 20 por 20 m, 10 por 10 m, e 5 por 5 m. Os teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo e Zn foram determinados. Foram utilizados e discutidos dois procedimentos para avaliação do estado nutricional: as faixas de suficiência e os índices DRIS. Avaliouse a produção de grãos na época da colheita. Ajustou-se semivariogramas para todos os teores de nutrientes nas folhas. Os alcances dos semivariogramas indicaram que a grade amostragem de 20 por 20 m foi a mais adequada para representar a variabilidade espacial dos teores de nutrientes nas folhas de soja. Os métodos de avaliação do estado nutricional foram complementares e indicaram que o potássio foi o nutriente mais limitantes à produção de soja. São apresentados os mapas krigados dos teores de macro e micronutrientes e dos índices DRIS.
The quantitative structure-retention relationship is one of the most actively studied topics in the field of chromatography. In this paper, retention parameters of components were used to discriminate the xanthones in a methanol extract of Swertia franchetiana. The extract was analysed by HPLC under two different multistage linear gradient conditions and the retention parameters calculated from these retention data. It was found that the retention parameters of xanthones are in a specific region in the plot of log k(w) vs. S and the xanthones in the extract could be distinguished from other components by this feature. Furthermore, xanthone aglycones and xanthone glucosides could also be discriminated by retention parameters. Copyright (C) 2005 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
A new mesoporous sphere-like SBA-15 silica was synthesized and evaluated in terms of its suitability as stationary phases for CEC. The unique and attractive properties of the silica particle are its submicrometer particle size of 400 nm and highly ordered cylindrical mesopores with uniform pore size of 12 nm running along the same direction. The bare silica particles with submicrometer size have been successfully employed for the normal-phase electrochromatographic separation of polar compounds with high efficiency (e.g., 210 000 for thiourea), which is matched well with its submicrometer particle size. The Van Deemeter plot showed the hindrance to mass transfer because of the existence of pore structure. The lowest plate height of 2.0 mu m was obtained at the linear velocity of 1.1 mm/s. On the other hand, because of the relatively high linear velocity (e.g., 4.0 mm/s) can be generated, high-speed separation of neutral compounds, anilines, and basic pharmaceuticals in CEC with C-18-modified SBA-15 silica as stationary phases was achieved within 36, 60, and 34 s, respectively.
RESUMO: O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do reflorestamento com eucalipto (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), carvoeiro (Sclerolobium paniculatum) , pinus (Pinus tecunumanii) e baru (Dipteryx alata) sobre os teores de nutrientes e de carbono orgânico do solo em comparação com uma área sob vegetação de Cerrado. Foram coletadas amostras de solo nas camadas 0 cm -5 cm, 5 cm - 10 cm, 10 cm - 20 cm, 20 cm - 30 cm, 30 cm - 40 cm e 40 cm - 60 cm, em um povoamento de baru plantado em 1987, um de carvoeiro plantado em 1985, um de pinus plantado em 1984, um de eucalipto plantado em 1983 e em uma área adjacente com vegetação nativa de Cerrado. Cada amostra foi composta por dez subamostras por parcela e por profundidade, coletadas entre as linhas. Os atributos químicos analisados foram: pH em água, alumínio trocável, H + Al (acidez potencial), fósforo e potássio disponíveis, cálcio e magnésio trocáveis e carbono orgânico. Os plantios de eucalipto e de carvoeiro aumentaram significativamente os teores de carbono orgânico do solo na camada de 0 cm a 5 cm. Os teores de fósforo foram muito baixos em todas as camadas avaliadas e não foram afetados pelo reflorestamento. O plantio de pinus acarretou queda significativa no teor de potássio, de cálcio e de magnésio até a camada de 30 cm a 40 cm. A partir de 20 cm de profundidade houve redução do pH do solo sob no plantio de pinus comparado com a área de Cerrado. ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of reforestation with eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), carvoeiro (Sclerolobium paniculatum) , pinus (Pinus tecunumanii) and baru (Dipteryx alata) on soil carbon and nutrients contents in comparison to virgin area of Cerrado. Samples of soil were collected down in 0 cm - 5 cm, 5 cm - 10 cm, 10 cm - 20 cm, 20 cm - 30 cm, 30 cm - 40 cm e 40 cm - 60 cm layers in a plantation of baru planted in 1987, one of carvoeiro planted in 1985, one of pinus planted in 1984, one of eucalyptus planted in 1983 and an adjacent area of Cerrado. Every sample was composed by ten sub-samples, by plot by depth, collected between the rows. Water pH, exchangeable aluminum, exchangeable H + Al (total acidity), suitable phosphorus, suitable potassium, exchangeable calcium, exchangeable magnesium and organic carbon contents were evaluated. Eucalyptus and carvoeiro planting increased significantly soil organic carbon contents in 5 cm - 10 cm layer. The levels of phosphorus were very low in all evaluated layers and were not affected by reforestation. Pinus planting decreased significantly potassium, calcium and magnesium contents until 30 cm - 40 cm layer. There was pH reduction after 20 cm of depth in pinus planting compared with cerrado area.
A Embrapa Solos, em parceria com a Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Agrário, da Produção, da Indústria, do Comércio e do Turismo - SEPROTUR, realizou o Zoneamento Agroecológico do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Fase II - com objetivo de contribuir na indicação de áreas passíveis de exploração agrícola sustentável. No desenvolvimento desse trabalho foram considerados aspectos legais, restrições ambientais, potencial das culturas, aspectos do clima, de geomorfologia e dos solos, todos integrados em ambiente de sistema de informação geográfica com apoio de algebra de mapas, no intuito de avaliar a adequabilidade de uso das terras e apresentar uma proposição de planejamento de uso e ocupação das terras. Os foram consolidados por município e dão origem a esse boletim de pesquisa. No município de Aquidauana, as terras indicadas para o uso com lavouras somam cerca de 870 km², o que equivale a aproximadamente 23% da área total do município, sendo que, destas, 92% apresentam declividade inferior a 8%. As áreas recomendadas para pastagem equivalem a 54% e as áreas recomendadas para pastagem especial a aproximadamente 8% da área do município que corresponde a algo como 294 km². Nestas unidades é fundamental avaliar-se criteriosamente a utilização de pastagens nestas terras quando essas ainda se encontram sob cobertura vegetal, visto que, praticamente 40% destas terras ainda permanecem com vegetação natural em seus diversos graus de conservação. As terras recomendadas para conservação dos recursos naturais e/ou recuperação ambiental equivalem a menos de 475 km², as quais constituem áreas de alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou apresentam restrições legais de uso como áreas de preservação permanente. As áreas identificadas como zonas recomendadas para recuperação ambiental equivalem a 112 km² e constituem áreas de moderada a alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou que apresentam restrições legais de uso e que já foram desmatadas para o uso com pastagens/agricultura. Desconsiderando as terras de Pantanal, a área do município de Aquidauana apresenta um alto grau de ação antrópica das terras, onde mais de 75% das terras sendo utilizadas com pastagens e/ou com agricultura, enquanto que apenas 25% ainda apresentam certo grau de preservação.