905 resultados para Plates ninety five
En el primer capítulo se presenta el marco teórico que ha servido de referencia para esta tesis, contiene los temas como formulación de la pregunta central, hipótesis, objetivo general, objetivo específico, alcance, perspectiva teórica, descripción de los parámetros de la tesis, la secuencia del contenido. En el segundo capítulo, a su vez se trata del concepto de test psicométricos, los tipos de test psicométricos, clasificación de los test por sus objetivos, concepto de test psicométricos de personalidad y el análisis del test psicométrico de personalidad Big Five (BFQ). El tercer capítulo se refiere al análisis estadístico, del test psicométrico de personalidad Big Five (BFQ). En el cuarto capítulo se realiza el desarrollo estadístico de la muestra de estudio, el análisis de la confiabilidad del test, la validez, y con los resultados de las contestaciones de la muestra de estudio, se elaboró el baremo adaptado a la realidad de la empresa de servicio público, cuyas características dependen de variables como nivel de instrucción, experiencia laboral, edad. Finalmente el capítulo quinto conclusiones y recomendaciones. Hay que destacar que se recomendó que se realice la aplicación del test a una muestra de estudio de mayor tamaño para disponer de un baremo que contenga un rango de frecuencia más pequeño.
The aim of this study was to examine interrelationships between functional biochemical and microbial indicators of soil quality, and their suitability to differentiate areas under contrasting agricultural management regimes. The study included five 0.8 ha areas on a sandy-loam soil which had received contrasting fertility and cropping regimes over a 5 year period. These were organically managed vegetable, vegetable -cereal and arable rotations, an organically managed grass clover ley, and a conventional cereal rotation. The organic areas had been converted from conventional cereal production 5 years prior to the start of the study. All of the biochemical analyses, including light fraction organic matter (LFOM) C and N, labile organic N (LON), dissolved organic N and water-soluble carbohydrates showed significant differences between the areas, although the nature of the relationships between the areas varied between the different parameters, and were not related to differences in total soil organic matter content. The clearest differences were seen in LFOM C and N and LON, which were higher in the organic arable area relative to the other areas. In the case of the biological parameters, there were differences between the areas for biomass-N, ATP, chitin content, and the ratios of ATP: biomass and basal respiration: biomass. For these parameters, the precise relationships between the areas varied. However, relative to the conventionally managed area, areas under organic management generally had lower biomass-N and higher ATP contents. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus colonization potential was extremely low in the conventional area relative to the organic areas. Further, metabolic diversity and microbial community level physiological profiles, determined by analysis of microbial community metabolism using Biolog GN plates and the activities of eight key nutrient cycling enzymes, grouped the organic areas together, but separated them from the conventional area. We conclude that microbial parameters are more effective and consistent indicators of management induced changes to soil quality than biochemical parameters, and that a variety of biochemical and microbial analyses should be used when considering the impact of management on soil quality. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Root characteristics of seedlings of five different barley genotypes were analysed in 2D using gel chambers, and in 3D using soil sacs that were destructively harvested and pots of soil that were assessed non-invasively using X-ray microtomography. After 5 days, Chime produced the greatest number of root axes (similar to 6) and Mehola significantly less (similar to 4) in all growing methods. Total root length was longest in GSH01915 and shortest in Mehola for all methods, but both total length and average root diameter were significantly larger for plants grown in gel chambers than those grown in soil. The ranking of particular growth traits (root number, root angular spread) of plants grown in gel plates, soil sacs and X-ray pots was similar, but plants grown in the gel chambers had a different order of ranking for root length to the soil-grown plants. Analysis of angles in soil-grown plants showed that Tadmore had the most even spread of individual roots and Chime had a propensity for non-uniform distribution and root clumping. The roots of Mehola were less well spread than the barley cultivars supporting the suggestion that wild and landrace barleys tend to have a narrower angular spread than modern cultivars. The three dimensional analysis of root systems carried out in this study provides insights into the limitations of screening methods for root traits and useful data for modelling root architecture.
It is twenty-five years since the posthumous publication of David Marr's book Vision [1]. Only 35 years old when he died, Man, had already dramatically influenced vision research. His book, and the series of papers that preceded it, have had a lasting impact on the way that researchers approach human and computer vision.