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Plant macrofossils from the end of the Younger Dryas were analysed at three sites, Gerzensee (603 m asl), Leysin (1230 m asl), and Zeneggen (1510 m asl). For the first two sites an oxygen-isotope record is also available that was used to develop a time scale (Schwander et al., this volume); dates refer therefore to calibrated years according to the GRIP time scale. Around Gerzensee a pine forest with some tree birches grew during the Younger Dryas. With the onset of the isotopic shift initiating the rapid warming (about 11,535 cal. years before 1950), the pine forest became more productive and denser. At Leysin no trees except some juniper scrub grew during the Younger Dryas. Tree birches, pine, and poplar immigrated from lower altitudes and arrived after the end of the isotopic shift (about 11,487 B.P.), i.e., at the beginning of the Preboreal (at about 11,420 B.P.). Zeneggen is situated somewhat higher than Leysin, but single tree birches and pines survived the Younger Dryas at the site. At the beginning of the Preboreal their productivity and population densities increased. Simultaneously shifts from Nitella to Chara and from silt to gyttja are recorded, all indicating rapidly warming conditions and higher nutrient levels of the lake water (and probably of the soils in the catchment). At Gerzensee the beginning of the Younger Dryas was also analysed: the beginning of the isotopic shift correlates within one sample (about 15 years) to rapid decreases of macrofossils of pines and tree birches.
Plant diversity effects on grassland productivity are robust to both nutrient enrichment and drought
Global change drivers are rapidly altering resource availability and biodiversity. While there is consensus that greater biodiversity increases the functioning of ecosystems, the extent to which biodiversity buffers ecosystem productivity in response to changes in resource availability remains unclear. We use data from 16 grassland experiments across North America and Europe that manipulated plant species richness and one of two essential resources—soil nutrients or water—to assess the direction and strength of the interaction between plant diversity and resource alteration on above-ground productivity and net biodiversity, complementarity, and selection effects. Despite strong increases in productivity with nutrient addition and decreases in productivity with drought, we found that resource alterations did not alter biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships. Our results suggest that these relationships are largely determined by increases in complementarity effects along plant species richness gradients. Although nutrient addition reduced complementarity effects at high diversity, this appears to be due to high biomass in monocultures under nutrient enrichment. Our results indicate that diversity and the complementarity of species are important regulators of grassland ecosystem productivity, regardless of changes in other drivers of ecosystem function.
Land-use change and intensification play a key role in the current biodiversity crisis. The resulting species loss can have severe effects on ecosystem functions and services, thereby increasing ecosystem vulnerability to climate change. We explored whether land-use intensification (i.e. fertilization intensity), plant diversity and other potentially confounding environmental factors may be significantly related to water use (i.e. drought stress) of grassland plants. Drought stress was assessed using δ13C abundances in aboveground plant biomass of 150 grassland plots across a gradient of land-use intensity. Under water shortage, plants are forced to increasingly take up the heavier 13C due to closing stomata leading to an enrichment of 13C in biomass. Plants were sampled at the community level and for single species, which belong to three different functional groups (one grass, one herb, two legumes). Results show that plant diversity was significantly related to the δ13C signal in community, grass and legume biomass indicating that drought stress was lower under higher diversity, although this relation was not significant for the herb species under study. Fertilization, in turn, mostly increased drought stress as indicated by more positive δ13C values. This effect was mostly indirect by decreasing plant diversity. In line with these results, we found similar patterns in the δ13C signal of the organic matter in the topsoil, indicating a long history of these processes. Our study provided strong indication for a positive biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship with reduced drought stress at higher plant diversity. However, it also underlined a negative reinforcing situation: as land-use intensification decreases plant diversity in grasslands, this might subsequently increases drought sensitivity. Vice-versa, enhancing plant diversity in species-poor agricultural grasslands may moderate negative effects of future climate change.
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics during storm events has received considerable attention in forested watersheds, but the extent to which storms impart rapid changes in DOM concentration and composition in highly disturbed agricultural watersheds remains poorly understood. In this study, we used identical in situ optical sensors for DOM fluorescence (FDOM) with and without filtration to continuously evaluate surface water DOM dynamics in a 415 km(2) agricultural watershed over a 4 week period containing a short-duration rainfall event. Peak turbidity preceded peak discharge by 4 h and increased by over 2 orders of magnitude, while the peak filtered FDOM lagged behind peak turbidity by 15 h. FDOM values reported using the filtered in situ fluorometer increased nearly fourfold and were highly correlated with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations (r(2) = 0.97), providing a highly resolved proxy for DOC throughout the study period. Discrete optical properties including specific UV absorbance (SUVA(254)), spectral slope (S(290-350)), and fluorescence index (FI) were also strongly correlated with in situ FDOM and indicate a shift toward aromatic, high molecular weight DOM from terrestrially derived sources during the storm. The lag of the peak in FDOM behind peak discharge presumably reflects the draining of watershed soils from natural and agricultural landscapes. Field and experimental evidence showed that unfiltered FDOM measurements underestimated filtered FDOM concentrations by up to similar to 60% at particle concentrations typical of many riverine systems during hydrologic events. Together, laboratory and in situ data provide insights into the timing and magnitude of changes in DOM quantity and quality during storm events in an agricultural watershed, and indicate the need for sample filtration in systems with moderate to high suspended sediment loads.
We compare the present and last interglacial periods as recorded in Antarctic water stable isotope records now available at various temporal resolutions from six East Antarctic ice cores: Vostok, Taylor Dome, EPICA Dome C (EDC), EPICA Dronning Maud Land (EDML), Dome Fuji and the recent TALDICE ice core from Talos Dome. We first review the different modern site characteristics in terms of ice flow, meteorological conditions, precipitation intermittency and moisture origin, as depicted by meteorological data, atmospheric reanalyses and Lagrangian moisture source diagnostics. These different factors can indeed alter the relationships between temperature and water stable isotopes. Using five records with sufficient resolution on the EDC3 age scale, common features are quantified through principal component analyses. Consistent with instrumental records and atmospheric model results, the ice core data depict rather coherent and homogenous patterns in East Antarctica during the last two interglacials. Across the East Antarctic plateau, regional differences, with respect to the common East Antarctic signal, appear to have similar patterns during the current and last interglacials. We identify two abrupt shifts in isotopic records during the glacial inception at TALDICE and EDML, likely caused by regional sea ice expansion. These regional differences are discussed in terms of moisture origin and in terms of past changes in local elevation histories, which are compared to ice sheet model results. Our results suggest that elevation changes may contribute significantly to inter-site differences. These elevation changes may be underestimated by current ice sheet models
The Br/Cl, Li/Cl and B/Cl ratios and boron isotope compositions of hypersaline pore fluids from DSDP Sites 372 and 374 were measured in an attempt to evaluate the origin of the brines. In Site 374 the relationships between the Cl concentrations (up to 5000 mM) and Br/Cl (~0.012), Na/Cl (as low as 0.1), B/Cl (0.0025), and d11B values (43-55?) of the deep pore water between 380 and 405 mbsf, located within the Messinian sediments, reflect remnants of ~65-fold evaporated sea water. The original evaporated sea water was modified by: (1) dilution with overlying or less saline water by about 30%; and (2) slight dissolution of NaCl evaporites. The variations in d11B show a continuous increase in d11B values with depth in Site 374, up to 66.7? at a depth of 300 mbsf (Upper Pliocene marl sediments). The conspicuous 11B enrichment trend is consistent with elemental boron depletion, which was calculated from the expected boron concentrations of evaporated sea water with corresponding Br/Cl and Na/Cl ratios. Li/Cl variations also show a depletion of Li relative to evaporated sea water. The apparent depletions of B and Li, as well as the 11B enrichment, reflect uptake of these elements by clay minerals at low water/sediment ratios.
This paper reports the results of the investigations of 2006-2007 on the distribution and migration forms of artificial radionuclides and chemical elements in the Ob-Irtysh water system. Three regions were studied. One of them is a local segment of the Ob River upstream from the confluence with the Irtysh River; its investigation allowed us to estimate the general radioecological state of the aquatic environment affected by the activity of the Tomsk 7 plant. The second region is a local segment of the Irtysh River upstream from its confluence with the Ob River, where the influence of emissions from the NPO Mayak could be estimated. The third region is the water area of the Ob River after its confluence with the Irtysh River. It characterizes the real level of radioactive and chemical contamination of the middle reaches of the Ob River. In order to explain horizontal variations in the distribution of radionuclides in the upper layer of bottom sediments collected at various sites, the results of sorption-kinetic experiments with radioactive tracers in the precipitate-solution system were used. The investigation of the migration forms of trace elements and radionuclides occurring in river water was based on the method of tangential-flow membrane filtration. Chemical element contents were determined in 400-ml water samples. A set of Millipore polysulfone membranes with pore sizes of 8, 1.2, 0.45, 0.1, and 0.025 µm was employed. Taking into account the ultralow specific concentrations of radionuclides in the water, they were analyzed in 300-500 litre samples using Millipore polysulfone membranes with pore sizes of 0.45 µm and 15 kDa. This allowed us to estimate the percentages of cesium-137 and plutonium-239, 240 in the suspended particulate fraction, colloids, and dissolved species.
Hydrology, source region, and timing of precipitation are important controls on the climate of the Great Plains of North America and the composition of terrestrial ecosystems. Moisture delivered to the Great Plains varies seasonally and predominately derives from the Gulf of Mexico/Atlantic Ocean with minor contributions from the Pacific Ocean and Arctic region. For this work, we evaluate long-term relationships for the past ~ 35 million years between North American hydrology, climate, and floral change, using isotopic records and average carbon chain lengths of higher plant n-alkanes from Gulf of Mexico sediments (DSDP Site 94). We find that carbon isotope values (d13C) of n-alkanes, corrected for variations in the d13C value of atmospheric CO2, provide minor evidence for contributions of C4 plants prior to the Middle Miocene. A sharp spike in C4 input is identified during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum, and the influence of C4 plants steadily increased during the Late Miocene into the Pleistocene - consistent with other North American records. Chain-length distributions of n-alkanes, indicative of the composition of higher plant communities, remained remarkably constant from 33 to 4 Ma. However, a trend toward longer chain lengths occurred during the past 4 million years, concurrent with an increase in d13C values, indicating increased C4 plant influence and potentially aridity. The hydrogen isotope values (dD) of n-alkanes are relatively invariant between 33 and 9 Ma, and then become substantially more negative (75 per mil) from 9 to 2 Ma. Changes in the plant community and temperature of precipitation can solely account for the observed variations in dD from 33 to 5 Ma, but cannot account for Plio-Pleistocene dD variations and imply substantial changes in the source region of precipitation and seasonality of moisture delivery. We posit that hydrological changes were linked to tectonic and oceanographic processes including the shoaling and closure of the Panamanian Seaway, amplification of North Atlantic Deep Water Production and an associated increase of meridional winds. The southerly movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone near 4 Ma allowed for the development of a near-modern pressure/storm track system, driving increased aridity and changes in seasonality within the North American interior.
Thermokarst lakes are a widespread feature of the Arctic tundra, in which highly dynamic processes are closely connected with current and past climate changes. We investigated late Quaternary sediment dynamics, basin and shoreline evolution, and environmental interrelations of Lake El'gene-Kyuele in the NE Siberian Arctic (latitude 71°17'N, longitude 125°34'E). The water-body displays thaw-lake characteristics cutting into both Pleistocene Ice Complex and Holocene alas sediments. Our methods are based on grain size distribution, mineralogical composition, TOC/N ratio, stable carbon isotopes and the analysis of plant macrofossils from a 3.5-m sediment profile at the modern eastern lake shore. Our results show two main sources for sediments in the lake basin: terrigenous diamicton supplied from thermokarst slopes and the lake shore, and lacustrine detritus that has mainly settled in the deep lake basin. The lake and its adjacent thermokarst basin rapidly expanded during the early Holocene. This climatically warmer than today period was characterized by forest or forest tundra vegetation composed of larches, birch trees and shrubs. Woodlands of both the HTM and the Late Pleistocene were affected by fire, which potentially triggered the initiation of thermokarst processes resulting later in lake formation and expansion. The maximum lake depth at the study site and the lowest limnic bioproductivity occurred during the longest time interval of ~7 ka starting in the Holocene Thermal Maximum and lasting throughout the progressively cooler Neoglacial, whereas partial drainage and an extensive shift of the lake shoreline occurred ~0.9 cal. ka BP. Correspondingly, this study discusses different climatic and environmental drivers for the dynamics of a thermokarst basin.
We present a hydrologic reconstruction of the Sahara-Sahel transition, covering the complete last glacial cycle (130 ka), based on a combination of plant-wax-specific hydrogen (dD) and carbon isotopes (d13C). The dD and d13C signatures of long-chain n-alkanes from ODP Site 659 off NW Africa reveal a significant anti-correlation. Complementary to published pollen data, we infer that this plant-wax signal reflects sensitive responses of the vegetation cover to precipitation changes in the Sahel region, as well as varying contributions from biomes north of the Sahara (C3 domain) by North-East Trade Winds (NETW). During arid phases, especially the northern parts of the Sahel likely experienced crucial water stress, which resulted in a pronounced contraction of the vegetation cover, thus reducing the amount of C4 plant waxes from the region. The increase in NETW strength during dry periods further promoted a more pronounced C3-plant-wax signal derived from the North African C3 plant domain. During humid periods, the C4-dominated Sahelian environments spread northward into the Saharan realm, in association with lower NETW inputs of C3 plant waxes. Arid-humid cycles deduced from plant-wax dD are in accordance with concomitant changes in weathering intensity reflected in varying major element distributions. Environmental shifts are generally linked to periods with large fluctuations in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. During Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 3, when insolation variability was low, coupling of the hydrologic regime to alkenone-based estimates of NE Atlantic sea-surface temperatures becomes apparent.
Acetate and hydrogen concentrations in pore fluids were measured in samples taken at seven sites from southern Hydrate Ridge (SHR) offshore Oregon, USA. Acetate concentrations ranged from 3.17 to 2515 µM. The maximum acetate concentrations occurred at Site 1251, which was drilled on a slope basin to the east of SHR at depths just above the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR) that marks the boundary of gas hydrate stability. Acetate maxima and localized high acetate concentrations occurred at the BSR at all sites and frequently corresponded with areas of gas hydrate accumulation, suggesting an empirical relationship. Acetate concentrations were typically at a minimum near the seafloor and above the sulfate/methane interface, where sulfate-reducing bacteria may consume acetate. Hydrogen concentrations in pressure core samples ranged from 16.45 to 1036 parts per million by volume (ppmv). In some cases, hydrogen and acetate concentrations were elevated concurrently, suggesting a positive correlation. However, sampling of hydrogen was limited in comparison to acetate, so any relationships between the two analytes, if present, were difficult to discern.