975 resultados para Philodemus, ca. 110-ca. 40 B.C.


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Las circunstancias del hallazgo de esta moneda son completamente fortuitas. Se encontró junto al embalse de La Torrassa (La Guingueta), cerca de la localidad de Esterri d'Aneu, Pallars Sobira, provincia de LIeida, siendo sus descubridores los hijos de don Pascual Massanet. Las características de la moneda son las siguientes: es de oro y muy poco desgastada, prácticamente «flor de cuño», conservando casi su peso originario que es de 4,110 gr., siendo su diámetro de 21 mm. Las leyendas del anverso y del reverso se leen perfectamente.


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Proteins located on the surface of the pathogenic malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum are objects of intensive studies due to their important role in the invasion of human cells and the accessibility to host antibodies thus making these proteins attractive vaccine candidates. One of these proteins, merozoite surface protein 3 (MSP3) represents a leading component among vaccine candidates; however, little is known about its structure and function. Our biophysical studies suggest that the 40 residue C-terminal domain of MSP3 protein self-assembles into a four-stranded alpha-helical coiled coil structure where alpha-helices are packed "side-by-side". A bioinformatics analysis provides an extended list of known and putative proteins from different species of Plasmodium which have such MSP3-like C-terminal domains. This finding allowed us to extend some conclusions of our studies to a larger group of the malaria surface proteins. Possible structural and functional roles of these highly conserved oligomerization domains in the intact merozoite surface proteins are discussed.


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Com o objetivo de verificar os sintomas visuais de deficiência nutricional de micronutrientes e avaliar a composição mineral das folhas, conduziu-se um experimento em solução nutritiva. Os tratamentos foram assim constituídos: (1) solução completa (testemunha); (2) menos B; (3) menos Cu; (4) menos Fe; (5) menos Mn; (6) menos Mo; e (7) menos Zn. As soluções foram renovadas a cada 20 dias. As deficiências de boro, cobre, ferro, manganês e zinco resultaram na manifestação de sintomas visíveis e característicos. Esse fato não foi verificado com relação ao Mo. As concentrações de cada nutriente no terceiro par de folhas dos tratamentos deficientes e completo, em mg kg-1, foram respectivamente: B (7 e 43); Cu (2 e 6); Fe (55 e 117); Mn (5 e 23) e Zn (9 e 14). Foram verificadas algumas interações, como, Cu x Fe, Cu x Mn, Fe x B, Fe x Zn, Mn x Zn, B x Ca e B x P. A quantidade de matéria seca produzida apresentou redução em todos os tratamentos em que a solução nutritiva era omissa em um micronutriente, exceto naquele em que o Mo estava ausente.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare image quality of a standard-dose (SD) and a low-dose (LD) cervical spine CT protocol using filtered back-projection (FBP) and iterative reconstruction (IR). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients investigated by cervical spine CT were prospectively randomised into two groups: SD (120 kVp, 275 mAs) and LD (120 kVp, 150 mAs), both applying automatic tube current modulation. Data were reconstructed using both FBP and sinogram-affirmed IR. Image noise, signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise (CNR) ratios were measured. Two radiologists independently and blindly assessed the following anatomical structures at C3-C4 and C6-C7 levels, using a four-point scale: intervertebral disc, content of neural foramina and dural sac, ligaments, soft tissues and vertebrae. They subsequently rated overall image quality using a ten-point scale. RESULTS: For both protocols and at each disc level, IR significantly decreased image noise and increased SNR and CNR, compared with FBP. SNR and CNR were statistically equivalent in LD-IR and SD-FBP protocols. Regardless of the dose and disc level, the qualitative scores with IR compared with FBP, and with LD-IR compared with SD-FBP, were significantly higher or not statistically different for intervertebral discs, neural foramina and ligaments, while significantly lower or not statistically different for soft tissues and vertebrae. The overall image quality scores were significantly higher with IR compared with FBP, and with LD-IR compared with SD-FBP. CONCLUSION: LD-IR cervical spine CT provides better image quality for intervertebral discs, neural foramina and ligaments, and worse image quality for soft tissues and vertebrae, compared with SD-FBP, while reducing radiation dose by approximately 40 %.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi modelar o fator k e as funções DRIS para a diagnose foliar de mangueiras cultivadas. Dez pomares comerciais, no estágio de produção, localizados no vale do Rio São Francisco, foram monitorados, mensalmente, durante dois anos, por meio da coleta de amostras foliares para determinação dos teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Fe, Mn, Zn e Cu. Os dados foram testados quanto à normalidade e as relações entre as concentrações dos nutrientes foram usadas para calcular as normas DRIS, obtendo-se média, variância e limites máximo e mínimo de cada relação dentro da população amostrada. Os nutrientes foram classificados como macronutrientes de resposta freqüente (MAF) (N, P e K), macronutrientes de resposta rara (MAR) (Ca e Mg); micronutrientes de resposta freqüente (MIF) (B, Fe, Mn e Zn) e, micronutrientes de resposta rara (MIR) (Cu). Funções DRIS foram desenvolvidas para cada classe de nutrientes. O modelo desenvolvido expressa o balanço nutricional das plantas cultivadas ajustado a cada nutriente e reflete o comportamento biológico das plantas como resultado da variação da disponibilidade dos nutrientes.


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Les recherches menées ces dernières années sur le site de Lattes ont livré une documentation abondante sur l’architecture et l’organisation de l’espace domestique du ve s. et surtout du ive s. av. J.-C. C’est en effet durant cette période qu’a eu lieu la mise en place de la trame urbaine de la ville qui, dans ses grandes lignes, perdurera jusqu’à la fin de l’occupation protohistorique du site ; de même, c’est à ce moment qu’apparaissent des techniques de construction dont certaines sont exclusives de ces périodes, mais qui pour d’autres resteront en vigueur jusqu’à la Protohistoire récente. Cet article présente une synthèse de nos connaissances sur cette phase ancienne, en insistant sur les permanences, les modifications ou les évolutions dans l’architecture, la typologie des maisons et les pratiques domestiques au cours de ces étapes et par rapport aux étapes postérieures.


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O raleio de frutos da limeira ácida tahiti através da aplicaão de ethephon é recomendado para incrementar a produção na entressafra. Entretanto, o ethephon pode causar queda acentuada de folhas e levar ao esgotamento das reservas nutricionais da planta. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do ethephon sobre os teores de nutrientes nas folhas da limeira ácida Tahiti, conduziu-se o presente trabalho. As plantas foram pulverizadas com uma solução de ethephon para promover o raleio dos frutos produzidos nas diferentes épocas de aplicaão, recebendo os seguintes tratamentos: 1) uma aplicaão de ethephon a 400 mg L-1 em setembro; 2) uma aplicaão de ethephon a 500 mg L-1 em dezembro; 3) duas aplicaões de ethephon, a primeira a 400 mg L-1 em setembro e a segunda a 500 mg L-1 em dezembro; e 4) testemunha. As plantas que receberam uma aplicaão de ethephon a 500 mg L-1 em dezembro e as que receberam duas aplicaões de ethephon, uma em setembro a 400 mg L-1 e outra em dezembro a 500 mg L-1, apresentaram reduções nos teores de Ca, Mg, B e Mn e aumento nos de P, K e Cu. A redução dos teores de Mn nas folhas foi acompanhada por manifestações de sintomas de sua deficiência.


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Quinupristin-dalfopristin (Q-D) is an injectable streptogramin active against most gram-positive pathogens, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). In experimental endocarditis, however, Q-D was less efficacious against MRSA isolates constitutively resistant to macrolide-lincosamide-streptogram B (C-MLS(B)) than against MLS(B)-susceptible isolates. To circumvent this problem, we used the checkerboard method to screen drug combinations that would increase the efficacy of Q-D against such bacteria. beta-Lactams consistently exhibited additive or synergistic activity with Q-D. Glycopeptides, quinolones, and aminoglycosides were indifferent. No drugs were antagonistic. The positive Q-D-beta-lactam interaction was independent of MLS(B) or beta-lactam resistance. Moreover, addition of Q-D at one-fourth the MIC to flucloxacillin-containing plates decreased the flucloxacillin MIC for MRSA from 500 to 1,000 mg/liter to 30 to 60 mg/liter. Yet, Q-D-beta-lactam combinations were not synergistic in bactericidal tests. Rats with aortic vegetations were infected with two C-MLS(B)-resistant MRSA isolates (isolates AW7 and P8) and were treated for 3 or 5 days with drug dosages simulating the following treatments in humans: (i) Q-D at 7 mg/kg two times a day (b.i.d.) (a relatively low dosage purposely used to help detect positive drug interactions), (ii) cefamandole at constant levels in serum of 30 mg/liter, (iii) cefepime at 2 g b.i.d., (iv) Q-D combined with either cefamandole or cefepime. Any of the drugs used alone resulted in treatment failure. In contrast, Q-D plus either cefamandole or cefepime significantly decreased valve infection compared to the levels of infection for both untreated controls and those that received monotherapy (P < 0.05). Importantly, Q-D prevented the growth of highly beta-lactam-resistant MRSA in vivo. The mechanism of this beneficial drug interaction is unknown. However, Q-D-beta-lactam combinations might be useful for the treatment of complicated infections caused by multiple organisms, including MRSA.


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En el ámbito de la educación, la tutoría académica se manifiesta de diversas maneras según los niveles y sistemas educativos, ámbitos y recursos, agentes que intervienen, métodos y contenidos que trata. En el contexto de la Educación Superior y en consonancia con el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, la orientación se presenta como un tema transversal en la formación universitaria abierta a Europa y al mundo. En este artículo, la tutoría académica universitaria se entiende como una concreción del proceso de orientación, una estrategia de carácter formativo, orientador e integral desarrollado por docentes universitarios con la finalidad de orientar al alumno en su proceso formativo y madurativo. Cuando la tutoría se desarrolla y gestiona a través de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje, hablamos de e-tutoría. Este artículo ofrece una revisión de lo que aportan las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación a la tutoría académica universitaria y qué objetivos y estrategias pueden contemplarse para su desarrollo.


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El artículo plantea la necesidad de redefinir el concepto de infancia en situación de riesgo social, dado que las avanzadas sociedades del bienestar están siendo escenario de nuevos fenómenos sociales que provocan a su vez la aparición de nuevos colectivos infanto-juveniles en riesgo. Se conoce el maltrato infantil familiar como una causa clara del riesgo social pero, ¿existen otras situaciones, fuera de la familia, que provocan la aparición de poblaciones infantiles en situación de riesgo social?, ¿se puede hablar de infancia en situación de riesgo social cuando no existen maltratos o negligencia en la familia? En definitiva, ¿las sociedades desarrolladas y avanzadas son el escenario de nuevos grupos de riesgo social? Estos son los interrogantes que pretende responder el presente artículo.


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São apresentadas normas DRIS preliminares e derivados níveis críticos de nutrientes no tecido foliar (NC) para bananeiras do subgrupo Cavendish, nas condições de cultivo do Estado de São Paulo. As normas DRIS e os NCs foram obtidos a partir de um banco de dados com 188 registros, relacionando produtividade e teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn das cultivares Grande Naine e Nanicão. Esses registros foram extraídos de experimentos de adubação realizados no Planalto Paulista e no Vale do Ribeira, em áreas irrigadas e de sequeiro, durante cinco ciclos de cultivo, variando fontes e doses de fertilizantes. Mesmo com a grande diversidade nas condições de cultivo, a relação entre o índice de balanço nutricional e a produtividade das plantas foi altamente significativa (R²=0,60; p<0,0001). O método para derivar os NCs a partir das normas DRIS foi eficiente, obtendo-se valores próximos daqueles citados na literatura, com exceção do NC para K, que, para as condições locais, foi inferior.


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Background: Reconstruction of genes and/or protein networks from automated analysis of the literature is one of the current targets of text mining in biomedical research. Some user-friendly tools already perform this analysis on precompiled databases of abstracts of scientific papers. Other tools allow expert users to elaborate and analyze the full content of a corpus of scientific documents. However, to our knowledge, no user friendly tool that simultaneously analyzes the latest set of scientific documents available on line and reconstructs the set of genes referenced in those documents is available. Results: This article presents such a tool, Biblio-MetReS, and compares its functioning and results to those of other user-friendly applications (iHOP, STRING) that are widely used. Under similar conditions, Biblio-MetReS creates networks that are comparable to those of other user friendly tools. Furthermore, analysis of full text documents provides more complete reconstructions than those that result from using only the abstract of the document. Conclusions: Literature-based automated network reconstruction is still far from providing complete reconstructions of molecular networks. However, its value as an auxiliary tool is high and it will increase as standards for reporting biological entities and relationships become more widely accepted and enforced. Biblio- MetReS is an application that can be downloaded from http://metres.udl.cat/. It provides an easy to use environment for researchers to reconstruct their networks of interest from an always up to date set of scientific documents.


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Background: Design of newly engineered microbial strains for biotechnological purposes would greatly benefit from the development of realistic mathematical models for the processes to be optimized. Such models can then be analyzed and, with the development and application of appropriate optimization techniques, one could identify the modifications that need to be made to the organism in order to achieve the desired biotechnological goal. As appropriate models to perform such an analysis are necessarily non-linear and typically non-convex, finding their global optimum is a challenging task. Canonical modeling techniques, such as Generalized Mass Action (GMA) models based on the power-law formalism, offer a possible solution to this problem because they have a mathematical structure that enables the development of specific algorithms for global optimization. Results: Based on the GMA canonical representation, we have developed in previous works a highly efficient optimization algorithm and a set of related strategies for understanding the evolution of adaptive responses in cellular metabolism. Here, we explore the possibility of recasting kinetic non-linear models into an equivalent GMA model, so that global optimization on the recast GMA model can be performed. With this technique, optimization is greatly facilitated and the results are transposable to the original non-linear problem. This procedure is straightforward for a particular class of non-linear models known as Saturable and Cooperative (SC) models that extend the power-law formalism to deal with saturation and cooperativity. Conclusions: Our results show that recasting non-linear kinetic models into GMA models is indeed an appropriate strategy that helps overcoming some of the numerical difficulties that arise during the global optimization task.


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Background: Reductions in breast cancer (BC) mortality in Western countries have been attributed to the use of screening mammography and adjuvant treatments. The goal of this work was to analyze the contributions of both interventions to the decrease in BC mortality between 1975 and 2008 in Catalonia. Methodology/Principal Findings: A stochastic model was used to quantify the contribution of each intervention. Age standardized BC mortality rates for calendar years 1975-2008 were estimated in four hypothetical scenarios: 1) Only screening, 2) Only adjuvant treatment, 3) Both interventions, and 4) No intervention. For the 30-69 age group, observed Catalan BC mortality rates per 100,000 women-year rose from 29.4 in 1975 to 38.3 in 1993, and afterwards continuously decreased to 23.2 in 2008. If neither of the two interventions had been used, in 2008 the estimated BC mortality would have been 43.5, which, compared to the observed BC mortality rate, indicates a 46.7% reduction. In 2008 the reduction attributable to screening was 20.4%, to adjuvant treatments was 15.8% and to both interventions 34.1%. Conclusions/Significance: Screening and adjuvant treatments similarly contributed to reducing BC mortality in Catalonia. Mathematical models have been useful to assess the impact of interventions addressed to reduce BC mortality that occurred over nearly the same periods.