786 resultados para Paulaharju, Jenny


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Objectives To explore trial participants’ understandings of randomisation.


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Langerhans cells are a subset of dendritic cells (DCs) found in the human epidermis with unique morphological and molecular properties that enable their function as “sentinels” of the immune system. DCs are pivotal in the initiation and regulation of primary MHC class I restricted T lymphocyte immune responses and are able to present both endogenous and exogenous antigen onto class I molecules. Here, we study the MHC class I presentation pathway following activation of immature, CD34-derived human Langerhans cells by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). LPS induces an increase in all components of the MHC class I pathway including the transporter for antigen presentation (TAP), tapasin and ERp57, and the immunoproteasome subunits LMP2 and LMP7. Moreover, in CD34-derived Langerhans cells, the rapid increase in expression of MHC class I molecules seen at the cell surface following LPS activation is because of mobilization of MHC class I molecules from HLA-DM positive endosomal compartments, a pathway not seen in monocyte-derived DCs. Mobilization of class I from this compartment is primaquine sensitive and brefeldin A insensitive. These data demonstrate the regulation of the class I pathway in concert with the maturation of the CD34-derived Langerhans cells and suggest potential sites for antigen loading of class I proteins.


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Near infrared diffuse optical spectroscopy and diffuse optical imaging are promising methods that eventually may enhance or replace existing technologies for breast cancer screening and diagnosis. These techniques are based on highly sensitive, quantitative measurements of optical and functional contrast between healthy and diseased tissue. In this study, we examine whether changes in breast physiology caused by exogenous hormones, aging, and fluctuations during the menstrual cycle result in significant alterations in breast tissue optical contrast. A noninvasive quantitative diffuse optical spectroscopy technique, frequency-domain photon migration, was used. Measurements were performed on 14 volunteer subjects by using a hand-held probe. Intrinsic tissue absorption and reduced scattering parameters were calculated from frequency-domain photon migration data. Wavelength-dependent absorption (at 674, 803, 849, and 956 nm) was used to determine tissue concentration of oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, total hemoglobin, tissue hemoglobin oxygen saturation, and bulk water content. Results show significant and dramatic differences in optical properties between menopausal states. Average premenopausal intrinsic tissue absorption and reduced scattering values at each wavelength are 2.5- to 3-fold higher and 16–28% greater, respectively, than absorption and scattering for postmenopausal subjects. Absorption and scattering properties for women using hormone replacement therapy are intermediate between premenopausal and postmenopausal populations. Physiological properties show differences in mean total hemoglobin (7.0 μM, 11.8 μM, and 19.2 μM) and water concentration relative to pure water (10.9%, 15.3%, and 27.3%) for postmenopausal, hormone replacement therapy, and premenopausal subjects, respectively. Because of their unique, quantitative information content, diffuse optical methods may play an important role in breast diagnostics and improving our understanding of breast disease.


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Although the systemic administration of a number of different gene products has been shown to result in the inhibition of angiogenesis and tumor growth in different animal tumor models, the relative potency of those gene products has not been studied rigorously. To address this issue, recombinant adenoviruses encoding angiostatin, endostatin, and the ligand-binding ectodomains of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptors Flk1, Flt1, and neuropilin were generated and used to systemically deliver the different gene products in several different preexisting murine tumor models. Single i.v. injections of viruses encoding soluble forms of Flk1 or Flt1 resulted in ≈80% inhibition of preexisting tumor growth in murine models involving both murine (Lewis lung carcinoma, T241 fibrosarcoma) and human (BxPC3 pancreatic carcinoma) tumors. In contrast, adenoviruses encoding angiostatin, endostatin, or neuropilin were significantly less effective. A strong correlation was observed between the effects of the different viruses on tumor growth and the activity of the viruses in the inhibition of corneal micropocket angiogenesis. These data underscore the need for comparative analyses of different therapeutic approaches that target tumor angiogenesis and provide a rationale for the selection of specific antiangiogenic gene products as lead candidates for use in gene therapy approaches aimed at the treatment of malignant and ocular disorders.


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In earlier studies, the assimilation of selenate by plants appeared to be limited by its reduction, a step that is thought to be mediated by ATP sulfurylase. Here, the Arabidopsis APS1 gene, encoding a plastidic ATP sulfurylase, was constitutively overexpressed in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Compared with that in untransformed plants, the ATP sulfurylase activity was 2- to 2.5-fold higher in shoots and roots of transgenic seedlings, and 1.5- to 2-fold higher in shoots but not roots of selenate-supplied mature ATP-sulfurylase-overexpressing (APS) plants. The APS plants showed increased selenate reduction: x-ray absorption spectroscopy showed that root and shoot tissues of mature APS plants contained mostly organic Se (possibly selenomethionine), whereas wild-type plants accumulated selenate. The APS plants were not able to reduce selenate when shoots were removed immediately before selenate was supplied. In addition, Se accumulation in APS plants was 2- to 3-fold higher in shoots and 1.5-fold higher in roots compared with wild-type plants, and Se tolerance was higher in both seedlings and mature APS plants. These studies show that ATP sulfurylase not only mediates selenate reduction in plants, but is also rate limiting for selenate uptake and assimilation.


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The incubation period (IP) and the neuropathology of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) have been extensively used to distinguish prion isolates (or strains) inoculated into panels of inbred mouse strains. Such studies have shown that the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent is indistinguishable from the agent causing variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (vCJD), but differs from isolates of sporadic CJD, reinforcing the idea that the vCJD epidemic in Britain results from consumption of contaminated beef products. We present a mouse model for genetic and environmental factors that modify the incubation period of BSE cross-species transmission. We have used two mouse strains that carry the same prion protein (PrP) allele, but display a 100-day difference in their mean IP following intracerebral inoculation with primary BSE isolate. We report genetic effects on IP that map to four chromosomal regions, and in addition we find significant factors of host environment, namely the age of the host's mother, the age of the host at infection, and an X-cytoplasm interaction in the host.


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Se can be accumulated by plants and volatilized to dimethylselenide, providing an attractive technology for Se phytoremediation. To determine the rate-limiting steps in Se volatilization from selenate and selenite, time- and concentration-dependent kinetics of Se accumulation and volatilization were studied in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Time-dependent kinetic studies showed that selenate was taken up 2-fold faster than selenite. Selenate was rapidly translocated to the shoot, away from the root, the site of volatilization, whereas only approximately 10% of the selenite was translocated. For both selenate- and selenite-supplied plants, Se accumulation and volatilization increased linearly with external Se concentration up to 20 μm; volatilization rates were also linearly correlated with root Se concentrations. Se-volatilization rates were 2- to 3-fold higher from plants supplied with selenite compared with selenate. Se speciation by x-ray absorption spectroscopy revealed that selenite-supplied plants accumulated organic Se, most likely selenomethionine, whereas selenate-supplied plants accumulated selenate. Our data suggest that Se volatilization from selenate is limited by the rate of selenate reduction, as well as by the availability of Se in roots, as influenced by uptake and translocation. Se volatilization from selenite may be limited by selenite uptake and by the conversion of selenomethionine to dimethylselenide.


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To gain insight into the structural basis of DNA bending by adenine–thymine tracts (A-tracts) and their role in DNA recognition by gene-regulatory proteins, we have determined the crystal structure of the high-affinity DNA target of the cancer-associated human papillomavirus E2 protein. The three independent B-DNA molecules of the crystal structure determined at 2.2-Å resolution are examples of A-tract-containing helices where the global direction and magnitude of curvature are in accord with solution data, thereby providing insights, at the base pair level, into the mechanism of DNA bending by such sequence motifs. A comparative analysis of E2–DNA conformations with respect to other structural and biochemical studies demonstrates that (i) the A-tract structure of the core region, which is not contacted by the protein, is critical for the formation of the high-affinity sequence-specific protein–DNA complex, and (ii) differential binding affinity is regulated by the intrinsic structure and deformability encoded in the base sequence of the DNA target.


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Este trabajo, hermenéutico interpretativo, profundo y emotivo, que elegí para optar mi título doctoral, ha sido un desafío, que retó mi capacidad académica y me ha permitido “dar la palabra” a mujeres racializadas, sujetas a teorías y debates, que las dimensionan desde periféricos rincones de la sinrazón social, política y académica de una América Latina que se jacta de su Multiculturalidad y Pluriétnia, pero que no termina de encajar el tema de la Negritud, como un asunto político que demanda acciones integrales para lograr el reconocimiento “real” de esa declaración derechos humanos que proclama que: “Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y, dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros” Colombia, ha mostrado su deseo de incorporar en su noción de Estado social de Derecho la premisa de que “Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos” y así lo recogió en su Carta Magna, en la reforma constitucional del año 1991, al declarar que “El Estado reconoce y protege la diversidad étnica y cultural de la Nación colombiana”. (Art, 7) y facultar a esas diversidades étnicas, como lo es la Afrodescendiente (en ese momento autodenominada Comunidades negras de Colombia) a proyectar una ley que les permitiera establecer mecanismos para la protección de la identidad cultural y de los derechos de las comunidades negras de Colombia como grupo étnico, y el fomento de su desarrollo económico y social, con el fin de garantizar que estas comunidades obtengan condiciones reales de igualdad de oportunidades frente al resto de la sociedad colombiana (Art 1, Ley de Comunidades Negras, 70 de 1993)...


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Hardware/Software partitioning (HSP) is a key task for embedded system co-design. The main goal of this task is to decide which components of an application are to be executed in a general purpose processor (software) and which ones, on a specific hardware, taking into account a set of restrictions expressed by metrics. In last years, several approaches have been proposed for solving the HSP problem, directed by metaheuristic algorithms. However, due to diversity of models and metrics used, the choice of the best suited algorithm is an open problem yet. This article presents the results of applying a fuzzy approach to the HSP problem. This approach is more flexible than many others due to the fact that it is possible to accept quite good solutions or to reject other ones which do not seem good. In this work we compare six metaheuristic algorithms: Random Search, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Hill Climbing, Genetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Strategy. The presented model is aimed to simultaneously minimize the hardware area and the execution time. The obtained results show that Restart Hill Climbing is the best performing algorithm in most cases.