877 resultados para Patología quirúrgica.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Ameloblastomas are benign, invasive locally and highly recurrent. It is an odontogenic tumor, characterized by the proliferation of epithelial ameloblastic in a fibrous stroma. This paper reports a case of mandibular ameloblastoma, in patients 27 years of age without pain with developments around 4 years, with about 20 mm at its greatest extent, sessile base and surface coatings full. The treatment of choice was the surgical conservative


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Calvaria grafts provide good bone quantity for the reconstruction of the atrophic maxilla, and have lower morbidity and resorption rates when compared to iliac crest. The aim of this paper is to present the technique for obtaining a graft of the skull. Initially, the depth of the osteotomy is determined by a manually conducted bur, which establishes the limits of the structures of the skull (outer table, diploe and inner table), making the removal of bone blocks easier and safer. Thus, osteotomies of the blocks are made with greater security, avoiding the complications inherent to surgical technique. The case that will be presented it is from a male patient of 65 years who refused to submit to the iliac crest graft, opting for the calvaria, despite being bald, that is a contraindication for this treatment modality. A delicate suture associated with placement of titanium mesh to maintain the conformation of the patient's skull in the region of the bone defect, created after removal of the graft, provided a good cosmetic result at the donor site. The use of titanium mesh for re-anatomization of bone defects created in the grafts is well indicated for bald patients.


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The mast cell tumor (MCT) is the second most common type of tumor in dogs. It is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of mast cells in the skin. Treatment involves surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Recently, new treatment protocols have been developed, such as the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. With the increasing knowledge about the genome and the evolution of methods in molecular genetics, drugs with specific molecular targets are surely going to become promising therapeutic modalities in the near future. Besides being involved in the normal cell cycle, some studies suggest that tyrosine kinases have a fundamental role in neoplastic processes. Therefore, some strategies such as the development of antibodies anti-receptors for tyrosine kinases and small-molecule tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitors have been developed in an attempt to inhibit tumor development. The purpose of this review is to describe the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the treatment of mast cell tumors in dogs.


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Ten black bears, Ursus americanus Pallas, and three brown bears, U. arctos Linnaeus, were inoculated with rabies virus from naturally infected foxes in Alaska. The bears were more resistant than canine species, requiring at least 1,000 MLD50 of virus for infection. Low titres or negative results were obtained in salivary glands titrated in mice. Clinical course of the disease, post mortem findings, and microscopic lesions are described. Microscopic lesions were more· severe in brown bears, in which the inflammatory response was distinguished by the presence of numerous eosinophils in the perivascular infiltrate and among cells diffusely infiltrating the parenchyma. In both species, inclusion bodies were found only in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. Rabies is discounted as a factor in unprovoked attacks by bears on man at high latitudes. The epizootiology of rabies in a region where bears are numerous is discussed, with the conclusion that rabid foxes usually do not excrete sufficient quantities of virus in the saliva to infect bears. German title: Tollwut bei experimentell infizierten Bären, Ursus spp., mit epizootiologischen Anmerkungen German abtract: Zehn Schwarzbären, Ursus americanus Pallas, und drei Braunbären, U. arctos Linnaeus, wurden mit einem von Füchsen in Alaska isolierten Feldstamm des Tollwutvirus infiziert. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen erkennen, daß Bären eine größere Resistenz gegenüber Tollwutinfektion aufweisen als hundeartige Karnivoren, und zwar konnten sie nicht mit weniger als 1000 MLD50 des Tollwutvirus infiziert werden. Das Virus war selten nachweisbar in den Speicheldrüsen der tollwuterkrankten Bären. Klinik und Pathologie der Tollwut bei Bären wurden kurz beschrieben. Die im Gehirn vorkommenden entzündlichen Veränderungen waren bei Braunbären besonders schwer und unterschieden sich durch die Häufigkeit der eosinophilen Leukozyten in den perivasculären und Gewebs-Infiltraten. Bei beiden Arten wurden Einschlußkörperchen nur in den Purkinje-Zellen beobachtet. Die Epizootiologie der Tollwut auf der Alaska-Halbinsel, wo Bären häufig vorkommen, wurde besprochen. Die Ergebnisse deuten an, daß Füchse wenig Virus mit dem Speichel ausscheiden, und selten soviel, daß es für die Infektion von Bären ausreicht. French title: La rage expérimentale chez les ours, Ursus spp., avec observations épizootiologiques French abstract: Dix ours noirs, Ursus americanus Pallas, et trois ours bruns, U. arctos Linnaeus, ont été inoculés avec de virus rabique provenant des renards infectés naturellement dans l'Alaska. Les ours Ont été plus résistants au virus que des espèces canines, et pour produire l'infection chez les ours, au moins 1000 MLD50 ont été requis. La titration des glandes salivaires chez des souris a données des titres peu éléves ou des résultats négatifs. La course clinique de la maladie, les observations des autopsies, et les lésions microscopiques sont decrites. Les lésions microscopiques les plus sévères ont été observées chez les ours bruns, dans lesquels la réponse inflammatoire a été distinguée par la présence de nombreux éosinophiles dans l'infiltration périvasculaire et parmi les cellules infiltrées diffusément dans Ie parenchyme. Chez les deux espèces des ours, des corps d'inclusion ont été trouvés seulement dans les cellules de Purkinje du cervelet. On a discuté l'épizootiologie de la rage dans une région où des ours sont nombreux, avec la conclusion qu'il y a dans la salive des renards rabiques une quantité de virus insuffisante pour infecter les ours. é ó í á ú Spanish title: Rabia en osos, Ursus spp., infectados experimentalmente, con anotaciones epizootológicas Spanish abstract: Diez osos negros, Ursus americanus Pallas, y tres osos pardos, U. arctos Linea, se infectaron con una estirpe campal de virus rábico aislada de zorros en Alasca. Los resultados de la experiencia permiten reconocer que los osos presentan una resistencia mayor frente a la infección rábica que los carnívoros cánidos, pues no se pudieron infectar con menos de 1.000 DML50 de virus rábico. El virus era muy raras veces identificable en las glándulas salivales de los osos enfermos de rabia. Se describen sucintamente la clínica y patología de la rabia en los osos. Las modificaciones inflamatorias en el cerebro eran muy graves en el oso pardo y se distinguían por la frecuencia de los leucocitos eosinófilos en los infiltrados perivasculares e hísticos. En ambas especies solo se hallaron corpúsculos de inclusión en las células de Purkinje. Se discute la epizootología de la rabia en la península de Alasca, donde es frecuente Ia presencia de osos. Los resultados señalan que los zorros eliminan poco virus con la saliva y casi nunca en cantidad tal que fuese suficiente para infectar los osos.


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Styloid syndrome is characterized by an elongated styloid process or calcification of the stylomandibular and stylohyoid ligament. This study describes a case of a 65-year-old woman who presented to the Stomatology Clinic, University of Marilia with temporomandibular joint pain, ear ringing and a reduced ability to open the mouth. Panoramic and posteroanterior digital radiographs showed bilateral elongation of the styloid processes, especially of the right side, whose length extended beyond the mandible angle. The diagnosis was confirmed with the association of clinical data and image examinations. The treatment options for styloid Syndrome include clinical follow-up, surgical removal of the styloid process or fracture of the elongated process. The case was managed by providing prosthetic rehabilitation and clinical follow-up, observing the level of discomfort and the benefit that could be achieved by the therapy, and avoiding surgical intervention.


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Este artigo tem por objetivos apresentar uma síntese da evolução do conteúdo de bloco cirúrgico na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP) e uma reflexão sobre as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem (DCN). O estudo se desenvolveu a partir de um breve histórico do desenvolvimento da enfermagem em centro cirúrgico na prática profissional e sua inserção no currículo de graduação da EEUSP. As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais têm seu mérito ao assegurar às instituições de ensino superior a liberdade na composição da carga horária a ser cumprida para a integralização dos currículos e na especificação das unidades de estudo a serem ministradas, porém, as competências e habilidades propostas são inespecíficas. Entendemos que o enfermeiro generalista é aquele que tem oportunidades de aprendizado teórico prático para atuar em todos os cenários de cuidado, área e níveis de atenção em saúde.


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Objectives: to use the toy as a therapeutic resource in the preparation of children undergoing surgical repair of cleft lip and palate preoperatively; to describe quali-quantitativelly the behavioral reactions of the child during the two periods, pre-and postoperatively. Method: quali-quantitative study, developed in a specialized hospital, with 40 children aged between 7 and 12 years old who underwent surgery for correction of cleft lip and palate. Data collection was by means of an instrument with 21 behavioral variables preoperatively and postoperatively. Content analysis was used in the speech of mothers and children. This study was the research project approved by the Ethics Committee, CAAE No. 050/2011. Results: the variable is a presented questioner p> 0.0265 and four categories emerged after content analysis. Conclusion: therapeutic toy is a feature that makes children relieve stress, and facilitates the implementation of nursing care.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O Brasil ocupa o segundo lugar entre os países com maiores taxas de cesariana no mundo. Pouco se sabe a respeito das consequências futuras desse procedimento sobre a saúde materna. Este estudo investigou a influência da técnica anestésico-cirúrgica e da analgesia pós-operatória no aparecimento de dor crônica após três meses da cesariana. MÉTODO: Este estudo prospectivo randomizado foi feito em 443 pacientes submetidas a cesariana (eletiva e urgente), com diferentes doses de bupivacaína 0,5% hiperbárica e opioides na raquianestesia. Os grupos foram: G1- 8 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 2,5 mg sufentanil + 100 mg morfina; G2- 10 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 2,5 mg sulfentanil + 100 mg morfina; G3- 12,5 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 100 mg morfina; G4- 15 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 100 mg morfina; G5- 12,5 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 100 mg morfina (sem anti-inflamatório perioperatório). Dor em repouso e em movimento foram avaliadas no pós-operatório imediato. Contato telefônico foi feito, após três meses do procedimento cirúrgico, para identificação das pacientes com dor crônica. RESULTADOS: A incidência de dor crônica nos grupos foi: G1 = 20%; G2 = 13%; G3 = 7,1%; G4 = 2,2% e G5 = 20,3%. Pacientes que referiram escores de dor mais elevados no período pós-operatório tiveram maior incidência de dor crônica (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de dor crônica diminui com o emprego de doses maiores de anestésicos locais e uso de anti-inflamatórios não hormonais. Escores mais elevados de dor no período pós-operatório tiveram associação com aparecimento de dor crônica após três meses da cesariana.


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A antissepsia cirúrgica das mãos visa à prevenção de infecções do sítio cirúrgico, importante causa de morbimortalidade pós-operatória e aumento dos custos hospitalares. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a eficácia de preparações alcoólicas com os produtos tradicionais na antissepsia cirúrgica das mãos por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Foram considerados estudos primários ou secundários, tendo como desfecho a contagem microbiana das mãos ou taxas de infecções do sítio cirúrgico. A busca foi realizada no Portal BVS, PubMed, Ask e MEDLINE. Foram selecionados 25 estudos (2 revisões sistemáticas, 19 experimentais e 4 de coorte). As preparações alcoólicas tiveram uma redução microbiana igual e/ou maior aos produtos tradicionais em 17 estudos e inferior em 4; as taxas de infecções do sítio cirúrgico foram similares. Portanto, existem evidências científicas que suportam a segurança das preparações alcoólicas para antissepsia cirúrgica das mãos.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores clínicos dos indivíduos, fatores sociais, ambientais e dos exames de imagem que se correlacionam ao resultado final de melhora neurológica em pacientes submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico da mielopatia espondilótica cervical. MÉTODOS: A avaliação clínica foi quantificada pela escala deficitária da JOA. Analisamos 200 casos de mielorradiculopatia cervical, operados no HC-FMUSP, no período de janeiro de 1993 a janeiro de 2007. A média de segmento foi de 06 anos e 08 meses. A análise radiológica foi baseada nos critérios de instabilidade de White e scala de Kellgren. RESULTADOS: Em 80% houve melhora, 14% estabilização e em 6% piora do quadro neurológico. A piora neurológica não foi associada com nenhum fator clínico, ambiental ou de imagem. A melhora neurológica foi diretamente proporcional a menor idade na cirurgia, ausência de co-morbidade, sinal de Hoffman, atrofia muscular, hipersinal medular na RNM, menor período de evolução pré-operatório, melhor status neurológico pré-operatório e inversamente proporcional ao diâmetro AP do canal medular e multiplicidade de compressões. Identificou-se associação com o tabagismo. Mais de 70 anos, evolução superior a 24 meses, atrofia muscular, pontuação JOA igual ou inferior a sete pontos e diâmetro AP do canal inferior ou igual a seis mm não foram associado à melhora.


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Background – Hair follicle tumours generally present as benign, solitary masses and have a good prognosis following surgical resection. Hypothesis/Objectives – This report describes a case of multiple trichoblastomas in a dog. Animal – A 2-year-old crossbred dog presented with multiple soft cutaneous periocular, perilabial, submandibular and nasal nodules, between 2 and 9 cm in diameter, located on the right side of the face. New nodules were observed on the same side of the face at a second consultation 3 weeks later. Methods – Surgical resection of all nodules was performed in two procedures. Three nodules were initially resected and submitted for histolopathology and immunohistochemistry. The diagnosis was trichoblastoma for all three. At the time of the second consultation, new and remaining nodules were biopsied and the diagnosis of trichoblastoma confirmed. The dog was treated with doxorubicin and piroxicam for 30 days prior to the second surgical procedure in an attempt to reduce new tumour growth and the size of present tumours. All nodules were resected and the defects closed using rotation flaps. Results – No recurrence of the neoplasm was noted within 10 months after surgery. Conclusions and clinical importance – Trichoblastomas are generally benign but can present as multiple neoplasms that may require surgical resection and may respond to chemotherapy. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of multiple trichoblastomas in a dog.


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Programa de doctorado: Clí­nica y Terapéutica