832 resultados para Patent rolls.
Evert Jan Baerends és catedràtic de la Universitat Lliure d’Amsterdam i de la Universitat de Ciència i Tecnologia de Pohang de Corea del Sud. És un dels impulsors de l’Amsterdam Density Functional Program System, la teoria que ha revolucionat el camp de la química teòrica i computacional moderna. La importància de la densitat electrònica es va fer patent l’any 1964, quan Walter Kohn (Premi Nobel 1998) va demostrar que totes les propietats de les molècules es poden caracteritzar a partir del coneixement de la densitat. Ha assistit al Girona Seminar, convidat per l’Institut de Química Computacional de la UdG
En aquesta experiència de col•laboració s'han combinat les capacitats i necessitats d'alumnes de dos titulacions ben diferents (informàtica i educació infantil). Amb l'objectiu de dissenyar e implementar una serie de pàgines web sobre temàtiques treballades a diverses assignatures, s'han format equips heterogenis. Aquesta heterogeneïtat ha facilitat la definició del rolls i responsabilitats dins de l'equip. Els resultats obtinguts han estat sorprenents tant per la seua qualitat tècnica i de continguts, com per les habilitats adquirides pels alumnes de les dues titulacions
La miniaturització de la industria microelectrònica és un fet del tot inqüestionables i la tecnologia CMOS no n'és una excepció. En conseqüència la comunitat científica s'ha plantejat dos grans reptes: En primer lloc portar la tecnologia CMOS el més lluny possible ('Beyond CMOS') tot desenvolupant sistemes d'altes prestacions com microprocessadors, micro - nanosistemes o bé sistemes de píxels. I en segon lloc encetar una nova generació electrònica basada en tecnologies totalment diferents dins l'àmbit de les Nanotecnologies. Tots aquests avanços exigeixen una recerca i innovació constant en la resta d'àrees complementaries com són les d'encapsulat. L'encapsulat ha de satisfer bàsicament tres funcions: Interfície elèctrica del sistema amb l'exterior, Proporcionar un suport mecànic al sistema i Proporcionar un camí de dissipació de calor. Per tant, si tenim en compte que la majoria d'aquests dispositius d'altes prestacions demanden un alt nombre d'entrades i sortides, els mòduls multixip (MCMs) i la tecnologia flip chip es presenten com una solució molt interessant per aquests tipus de dispositiu. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és la de desenvolupar una tecnologia de mòduls multixip basada en interconnexions flip chip per a la integració de detectors de píxels híbrids, que inclou: 1) El desenvolupament d'una tecnologia de bumping basada en bumps de soldadura Sn/Ag eutèctics dipositats per electrodeposició amb un pitch de 50µm, i 2) El desenvolupament d'una tecnologia de vies d'or en silici que permet interconnectar i apilar xips verticalment (3D packaging) amb un pitch de 100µm. Finalment aquesta alta capacitat d'interconnexió dels encapsulats flip chip ha permès que sistemes de píxels tradicionalment monolítics puguin evolucionar cap a sistemes híbrids més compactes i complexes, i que en aquesta tesi s'ha vist reflectit transferint la tecnologia desenvolupada al camp de la física d'altes energies, en concret implantant el sistema de bump bonding d'un mamògraf digital. Addicionalment s'ha implantat també un dispositiu detector híbrid modular per a la reconstrucció d'imatges 3D en temps real, que ha donat lloc a una patent.
Desde o aparecimento da Internet, têm surgido inúmeras oportunidades para os autores de artigos científicos disponibilizarem de forma livre e gratuita a sua produção intelectual. Tal produção poderá estar disponível nas mais diversas formas e inserida nos mais variados ambientes institucionais (Repositórios, Bases de Dados, entre outros). Tal constituiu uma verdadeira revolução informativa que, depois, ultrapassou em larga medida os meios limitados do mundo académico, tornando-se num fenómeno global. Consideramos que a disponibilização e o acesso à documentação da União Europeia constitui uma das faces visíveis dessa revolução. A nível da Informação, sempre houve uma necessidade dos dirigentes europeus em adotar uma Política de Informação adequada. Desde a necessidade de transmitir informação ao público e aos jornalistas nos primeiros tempos da Comunidade até à criação do Portal da União Europeia, vai um longo processo de amadurecimento do projeto europeu. A política de transparência que hoje se verifica e que se revela, acima de tudo, nas ligações proporcionadas pelo Portal é o resultado de um longo caminho de integração europeia. Assim, esta investigação consiste na identificação e na análise da documentação em acesso livre produzida pela União Europeia. O seu objetivo prioritário é tentar determinar até que ponto a documentação europeia consegue estar disponível e acessível a todos aqueles que a pretendam utilizar. Para tal, foram analisadas as mais diversas fontes institucionais, assim como as várias Bases de Dados e os vários sítios Web onde se pode aceder gratuitamente à Informação da União Europeia. As conclusões a que chegámos, assim como as considerações finais apresentadas no final deste trabalho de investigação levam-nos a perceber as políticas de acesso à documentação europeia e até que ponto elas servem de suporte à boa governação e à democracia.
El artículo analiza el crimen político durante las primeras décadas de vida de la República del Ecuador. Específicamente centra su estudio en el período dominado por la figura de Juan José Flores, primer presidente del Ecuador. La inestabilidad política, la precariedad de las alianzas entre las élites regionales, la crisis económica generada por las guerras de independencia, las conspiraciones y la violencia que caracterizaron al período de surgimiento de las repúblicas andinas hicieron del crimen político un “vicio de nacimiento”. El asesinato del general Antonio José de Sucre, la muerte de los miembros de la sociedad El Quiteño Libre, el homicidio de Juan Otamendi, entre otros, hicieron patente esta característica.
La identidad sexual y de género como el cuerpo son espacios de poder y diferencia donde se evidencia la precariedad del sistema político económico heterosexual ‘blanco occidental’ y su impositivo sistema de sexo-género. Mediante un trabajo etnográfico la investigación indagó y analizó la situación actual de las travestis encarceladas en el Centro de rehabilitación para Varones Nº 1, vinculándolo con la estructura macro social circundante a la que pertenece y el ex-penal está inserto activamente. El estudio da cuenta de la actualidad enmarcada entre junio 2005 y enero 2007. Hace referencia a hechos sociopolíticos e históricos que visibilizan y evidencian dentro del contexto nacional la situación de la violencia socio cultural, física-psico afectiva, como las circunstancias de marginalización y discriminación que se ejerce sobre las travestis; así como la persistente violación a sus derechos fundamentales como consecuencia de su identidad sexual y de género abyecta; por parte de otros agentes sociales.
The influence of surface waves and an applied wind stress is studied in an ensemble of large eddy simulations to investigate the nature of deeply penetrating jets into an unstratified mixed layer. The influence of a steady monochromatic surface wave propagating parallel to the wind direction is parameterized using the wave-filtered Craik-Leibovich equations. Tracer trajectories and instantaneous downwelling velocities reveal classic counterrotating Langmuir rolls. The associated downwelling jets penetrate to depths in excess of the wave's Stokes depth scale, δs. Qualitative evidence suggests the depth of the jets is controlled by the Ekman depth scale. Analysis of turbulent kinetic energy (tke) budgets reveals a dynamical distinction between Langmuir turbulence and shear-driven turbulence. In the former, tke production is dominated by Stokes shear and a vertical flux term transports tke to a depth where it is dissipated. In the latter, tke production is from the mean shear and is locally balanced by dissipation. We define the turbulent Langmuir number Lat = (v*/Us)0.5 (v* is the ocean's friction velocity and Us is the surface Stokes drift velocity) and a turbulent anisotropy coefficient Rt = /( + ). The transition between shear-driven and Langmuir turbulence is investigated by varying external wave parameters δs and Lat and by diagnosing Rt and the Eulerian mean and Stokes shears. When either Lat or δs are sufficiently small the Stokes shear dominates the mean shear and the flow is preconditioned to Langmuir turbulence and the associated deeply penetrating jets.
The present invention provides an improvement for a wind turbine (20) having at least one blade (21) mounted on a hub (22) for controlled rotation about a blade axis (yb-yb) to vary the pitch of the blade relative to an airstream. The hub is mounted on a nacelle (23) for rotation about a hub axis (xh-xh). The wind turbine includes a main pitch control system for selectively controlling the pitch of the blade, and/or a safety pitch control system for overriding the main blade pitch control system and for causing the blade to move toward a feathered position in the event of an overspeed or fault condition. The improvement includes: an energy storage device (26) mounted on the nacelle and associated with the blade; a pitch-axis controller (25) mounted on the nacelle and associated with the blade and with the energy storage device; an electro-mechanical actuator (28) mounted on the hub and associated with the blade; and at least one slip ring (29) operatively arranged to transmit power and/or data signals between the pitch-axis controller and the electro-mechanical actuator; whereby the mass on the rotating hub may be reduced.
An eddy current testing system consists of a multi-sensor probe, a computer and a special expansion card and software for data-collection and analysis. The probe incorporates an excitation coil, and sensor coils; at least one sensor coil is a lateral current-normal coil and at least one is a current perturbation coil.
An eddy current testing system consists of a multi-sensor probe, computer and a special expansion card and software for data collection and analysis. The probe incorporates an excitation coil, and sensor coils; at least one sensor coil is a lateral current-normal coil and at least one is a current perturbation coil.
A parallel convolutional coder (104) comprising: a plurality of serial convolutional coders (108) each having a register with a plurality of memory cells and a plurality of serial coder outputs,- input means (120) from which data can be transferred in parallel into the registers,- and a parallel coder output (124) comprising a plurality of output memory cells each of which is connected to one of the serial coder outputs so that data can be transferred in parallel from all of the serial coders to the parallel coder output.
An Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) communication system with a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter is arranged to transmit channel estimation sequences on each of a plurality of band groups, or bands, and to transmit data on each of the band groups or bands. The receiver is arranged to receive the channel estimation sequences for each band group or band to calculate channel state information from each of the channel estimation sequences transmitted on that band group or band and to form an average channel state information. The receiver receives the transmitted data, transforms the received data into the frequency domain, equalizes the received data using the channel state information, demaps the equalized data to re-construct the received data as soft bits and modifies the soft bits using the averaged channel state information.
This chapter describes the present status and future prospects for transgenic (genetically modified) crops. It concentrates on the most recent data obtained from patent databases and field trial applications, as well as the usual scientific literature. By these means, it is possible to obtain a useful perspective into future commercial products and international trends. The various research areas are subdivided on the basis of those associated with input (agronomic) traits and those concerned with output (e.g., food quality) characteristics. Among the former group are new methods of improving stress resistance, and among the latter are many examples of producing pharmaceutical compounds in plants.
Transgenic crops are now grown commercially on several million hectares, principally in North America. To date, the predominant crops are maize (corn), soybean, cotton, and potatoes. In addition, there have been field trials of transgenics from at least 52 species including all the major field crops, vegetables, and several herbaceous and woody species. This review summarizes recent data relating to such trials, particularly in terms of the trends away from simple, single gene traits such as herbicide and insect resistance towards more complex agronomic traits such as growth rate and increased photosynthetic efficiency. Much of the recent information is derived from inspection of patent databases, a useful source of information on commercial priorities. The review also discusses the time scale for the introduction of these transgenes into breeding populations and their eventual release as new varieties.
The horticultural industry was instrumental in the early development and exploitation of genetic techniques over a century ago. This review will describe recent advances in a range of in vitro methods and their application to plant breeding, with especial emphasis on horticultural crops. These methods include improvements in the efficiency of haploid breeding techniques in many fruit and vegetable species using either microspore-derived or ovule-derived plants. Significant molecular information is now available to supplement these essentially empirical approaches and this may enable the more predictable application of these technologies in previously intransigent crops. Similarly there are now improved techniques for isolation of somatic hybrids, by application of either in vitro fertilisation or the culture of excised ovules from interspecific crosses. In addition to examples taken from the traditional scientific literature, emphasis will also be given to the use of patent databases as a valuable source of information on recent novel technologies developed in the commercial world.