988 resultados para Parental Perceptions


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The study examined the utility of the Family Perception of Care Scale (FPCS), which consists of four subscales: resident care, family support, communication, and rooming. This instrument was developed for the purposes of this study. Overall, family members were satisfied with end-of-life care. Satisfaction did not have a statistically significant relationship to family and resident characteristics. Survey questions with the highest number of low satisfaction ratings included staffing levels, updating families and involving them in care planning, and decision making. Family members considered pain control an important priority, followed by comfort care that included caring for a family member with dignity and sensitivity. Family members also valued it when staff were able to inform them that the death of their family member was near. Place of death was significantly associated with satisfaction, family members being more satisfied with end-of-life care when their family member died in the LTC facility as opposed to in hospital.


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Providing palliative care for residents with dementia in long-term care (LTC) settings is problematic due to their declining verbal abilities and related challenges. The goal of this study was to explore nurses' perceptions around providing palliative care for such residents. Using a qualitative descriptive design, data were gathered from focus groups at three LTC facilities. Participants represented all levels of nursing staff. Concepts that emerged from the data were labelled, categorized, and coded in an iterative manner. Nurses appraise residents' general deterioration as a main factor in deciding that a resident is palliative. Nurses often employ creative strategies using limited resources to facilitate care, but are challenged by environmental restrictions and insufficient educational preparation. However, nurses said they do not wish for residents to be transferred to a hospice setting, as they .wish to grieve with residents and their family members. Nurses aim to facilitate a "good death" for residents with dementia, while trying to manage multiple demands and deal with environmental issues. Supportive and educational initiatives are needed for nursing staff and families of dying residents. © 2007 Centre for Bioethics, IRCM.


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The purpose of this study was to explore nurses' perceptions of and level of satisfaction with the medication administration system in long-term care (LTC). The cross-sectional survey design included both quantitative and open-ended questions. Data were collected from licensed registered nurses (RNs) and registered practical nurses (RPNs) at 9 LTC residences in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Using independent sample f tests, the researchers found that RNs were significantly less satisfied than RPNs with their medication administration system, particularly with respect to safety issues. RNs identified a number of related barriers, including time constraints, poor packaging, insufficient drug information, prescription changes, lack of staff competency, and unwieldy medication carts. Implications for practice and policy are discussed, including recommendations for improving medication administration practices and for addressing the workload demands of LTC nurses. © McGill University School of Nursing.


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Introduction: Variation across research ethics boards (REBs) in conditions placed on access to medical records for research purposes raises concerns around negative impacts on research quality and on human subject protection, including privacy. Aim: To study variation in REB consent requirements for retrospective chart review and who may have access to the medical record for data abstraction. Methods: Thirty 90-min face-to-face interviews were conducted with REB chairs and administrators affiliated with faculties of medicine in Canadian universities, using structured questions around a case study with open-ended responses. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and coded manually. Results: Fourteen sites (47%) required individual patient consent for the study to proceed as proposed. Three (10%) indicated that their response would depend on how potentially identifying variables would be managed. Eleven sites (38%) did not require consent. Two (7%) suggested a notification and opt-out process. Most stated that consent would be required if identifiable information was being abstracted from the record. Among those not requiring consent, there was substantial variation in recognising that the abstracted information could potentially indirectly re-identify individuals. Concern over access to medical records by an outside individual was also associated with requirement for consent. Eighteen sites (60%) required full committee review. Sixteen (53%) allowed an external research assistant to abstract information from the health record. Conclusions: Large variation was found across sites in the requirement for consent for research involving access to medical records. REBs need training in best practices for protecting privacy and confidentiality in health research. A forum for REB chairs to confidentially share concerns and decisions about specific studies could also reduce variation in decisions.


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A review of the literature highlights the important role informal carers play in the provision of palliative care in the community. In order to explore the caring experience of relatives with Parkinson's Disease (PD), interviews were conducted with 26 informal family caregivers. Interviews were taped, transcribed and subjected to content analysis. All caregivers were spouses, the majority female (n=17) and all were responsible for providing physical, social and emotional care in the home. Although they viewed care giving as their role and duty, the results highlight the widespread burden of providing care on the emotional and physical health of the caregivers. The financial implications for providing care were outlined, with many reporting difficulty in accessing benefits. From the point of diagnosis, which had a huge emotional impact on relatives and carers, carers did not feel health professionals integrated them within the caring journey. Since diagnosis, carers commented on the lack of continued and coordinated care plans for relatives, resulting in symptoms being mismanaged and care opportunities for relatives and carers missed. Stereotypes of the meaning and timing of palliative care were common with many viewing it as being synonymous with cancer and not applicable to a person with PD. As the well-being of the informal carer directly influences the care of the person with PD, support interventions are required to relieve their burden, maximize outcomes and ensure targeting of services. © The Author(s) 2010.


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Health claims on food products, which aim at informing the public about the health benefits of the product, represent one type of nutrition communication; the use of these is regulated by the European Union. This paper provides an overview of the research on health claims, including consumers' perceptions of such claims and their intention to buy products that carry health-related claims. This is followed by a discussion on the results from some recent studies investigating public perceptions and willingness to use products with health claims. In these studies, claims are presented in the form of messages of different lengths, types, framing, with and without qualifying words and symbols. They also investigate how perceptions and intentions are affected by individual needs and product characteristics. Results show that adding health claims to products does increase their perceived healthiness. Claim structure was found to make a difference to perceptions, but its influence depended on the level of relevance, familiarity and individuals' need for information. Further, the type of health benefit proposed and the base product used also affected perceptions of healthiness. The paper concludes that while healthiness perceptions relating to products with health claims may vary between men and women, old and young and between countries, the main factor influencing perceived healthiness and intention to buy a product with health claim is personal relevance.


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Since the Millennium, the use of physical punishment in the home has been a widely debated topic across the UK. Reliance on public opinion has been an important feature of this debate with a variety of UK surveys showing that many find physical punishment acceptable and do not support a complete ban on smacking. Drawing on the results from a comprehensive review of the literature, this article highlights that public/parental opinion is less than straightforward. Parents are often ambivalent about physical discipline, do not view it as an optimal method of behaviour management and are more prone to smack when stressed or angry. Likewise, a survey of the disciplinary practices and attitudes of 1000 parents in Northern Ireland shows that majority of parents have negative attitudes towards physical discipline. Nonetheless, many parents continue to smack despite the fact they do not believe it to be effective. Lack of parental support for legislative reform should be reconsidered in the light of this ambivalence. Most important, the UK Government needs to reframe the smacking debate in terms of children's rights rather than relying on public opinion if it is to fulfil its commitment to protect children from harm as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


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While there is evidence of the factors influencing the healthfulness of consumers' food choice, little is known about how consumers perceive the healthfulness of their shopping. This study aimed to explore consumers' perceptions of, and identify barriers to, conducting a healthful shop. Using a qualitative approach, consisting of an accompanied shop and post-shop telephone interview, 50 grocery shoppers were recruited. Results showed that consumers used three criteria to identify a healthful shop: (1) inclusion of healthful foods; (2) avoidance or restriction of particular foods; and (3) achieving a balance between healthful and unhealthful foods. Those who take a balanced approach employ a more holistic approach to their diet while those who avoid or include specific foods may be setting criteria to purchase only certain types of food. The effectiveness of any of these strategies in improving healthfulness is still unclear and requires further investigation. Two barriers to healthful shopping were: (i) lack of self-efficacy in choosing, preparing and cooking healthful foods and (ii) conflicting needs when satisfying self and others. This highlights the need for interventions targeted at building key food skills and for manufacturers to make healthful choices more appealing. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim: To explore how older people with lung and colorectal cancer
view registered complementary therapy (CT) services in Northern
Ireland. Background: A literature review highlighted gaps around
information, access, and communication between patients and health
professionals regarding CT services. Methods: Using structured
interviews, a survey of 68 patients in one hospital and one hospice was
conducted in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Results: All respondents felt
that CT services should be better promoted and more easily
accessible to older people with cancer. Some patients were concerned
about the lack of written information provided regarding CT services,
which they believed led to poorer uptake and uncertainty regarding
the potential benefits. Others were concerned that engaging in or
disclosing CT usage might negatively affect existing relationships with
medical professionals. Conclusion: Patients should be offered high
quality written information on CT services to enable choice, improve
knowledge, and promote wider access. Increased physician education
may facilitate provision of such information.