767 resultados para P450 OXIDOREDUCTASE
Modifications at the N-terminus of the rabbit CYP4B1 gene resulted in expression levels in Escherichia coli of up to 660 nmol/L. Solubilization of the enzyme from bacterial membranes led to substantial conversion to cytochrome P420 unless alpha-naphthoflavone was added as a stabilizing ligand. Mass spectrometry analysis and Edman sequencing of purified enzyme preparations revealed differential N-terminal post-translational processing of the various constructs expressed. Notably, bacterial expression of CYP4B1 produced a holoenzyme with >98.5% of its heme prosthetic group covalently linked to the protein backbone. The near fully covalently linked hernoproteins exhibited similar rates and regioselectivities of lauric acid hydroxylation to that observed previously for the partially heme processed enzyme expressed in insect cells. These studies shed new light on the consequences of covalent heme processing in CYP4B1 and provide a facile system for future mechanistic and structural studies with the enzyme. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Crystals of purified heterodimeric sulfite dehydrogenase from Starkeya novella have been grown using vapour diffusion. X-ray diffraction data have been collected from crystals of the native protein at lambda=1.0 Angstrom and close to the iron absorption edge at lambda=1.737 Angstrom. The crystals belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2, with unit-cell parameters a=97.5, b=92.5, c=55.9 Angstrom. Native data have been recorded to 1.8 Angstrom resolution and Fe-edge data to 2.5 Angstrom.
On a viewpoint of gender differences in Cd body burden and its health effects, we reviewed the population- based research including our own which conducted in Japan, Thailand, Australia, Poland, Belgium and Sweden to assess health effects of human exposure to environmental cadmium and their potential mechanisms. As a result, six risk factors in Cd health effects in women have been identified; ( 1) more serious type of renal tubular dysfunction, ( 2) difference in calcium metabolism and its regulatory hormones, ( 3) kidney sensitivity; difference in P450 phenotype, ( 4) pregnancy, ( 5) body iron store status, and ( 6) genetic factors. Further studies of Cd toxicity targeted to women would now appear necessary.
The aim of this review is to analyse critically the recent literature on the clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of tacrolimus in solid organ transplant recipients. Dosage and target concentration recommendations for tacrolimus vary from centre to centre, and large pharmacokinetic variability makes it difficult to predict what concentration will be achieved with a particular dose or dosage change. Therapeutic ranges have not been based on statistical approaches. The majority of pharmacokinetic studies have involved intense blood sampling in small homogeneous groups in the immediate post-transplant period. Most have used nonspecific immunoassays and provide little information on pharmacokinetic variability. Demographic investigations seeking correlations between pharmacokinetic parameters and patient factors have generally looked at one covariate at a time and have involved small patient numbers. Factors reported to influence the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus include the patient group studied, hepatic dysfunction, hepatitis C status, time after transplantation, patient age, donor liver characteristics, recipient race, haematocrit and albumin concentrations, diurnal rhythm, food administration, corticosteroid dosage, diarrhoea and cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoenzyme and P-glycoprotein expression. Population analyses are adding to our understanding of the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus, but such investigations are still in their infancy. A significant proportion of model variability remains unexplained. Population modelling and Bayesian forecasting may be improved if CYP isoenzymes and/or P-glycoprotein expression could be considered as covariates. Reports have been conflicting as to whether low tacrolimus trough concentrations are related to rejection. Several studies have demonstrated a correlation between high trough concentrations and toxicity, particularly nephrotoxicity. The best predictor of pharmacological effect may be drug concentrations in the transplanted organ itself. Researchers have started to question current reliance on trough measurement during therapeutic drug monitoring, with instances of toxicity and rejection occurring when trough concentrations are within 'acceptable' ranges. The correlation between blood concentration and drug exposure can be improved by use of non-trough timepoints. However, controversy exists as to whether this will provide any great benefit, given the added complexity in monitoring. Investigators are now attempting to quantify the pharmacological effects of tacrolimus on immune cells through assays that measure in vivo calcineurin inhibition and markers of immuno suppression such as cytokine concentration. To date, no studies have correlated pharmacodynamic marker assay results with immunosuppressive efficacy, as determined by allograft outcome, or investigated the relationship between calcineurin inhibition and drug adverse effects. Little is known about the magnitude of the pharmacodynamic variability of tacrolimus.
Relationships between cadmium (Cd) body burden, kidney function and coumarin metabolism were investigated using two groups of 197 and 200 healthy Thais with men and women in nearly equal numbers. A mean age of one group was 30.5 years and it was 39.3 years for the other group. Of 397, 20 subjects (5%) excreted urine Cd between 1.4 mug/g and 3.8 mug/g creatinine and these subjects faced 10-15% increase in the probability of having abnormal urinary excretion of N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG-uria). The prevalence of NAG-uria varied with Cd body burden in a dose-dependent manner (chi(2) = 22, P < 0.008). Also NAG-nuria was one of the three kidney effect markers tested that showed the greatest strength of correlation with urine Cd in both men and women (r = 0.48 P < 0.001). In addition, urine Cd excretion of men and women showed a positive correlation (r = 0.46 to 0.54. P < 0.001) with urine 7-hydroxycoumarin (7-OHC) excretion which was used as a marker of liver cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) enzyme activity. Urinary CA excretion accounted for 25% of the total variation in urine 7-OHC excretion (P < 0.001). These data suggest that Cd may increase the expression of CYP2A6 in liver, resulting in enhanced coumarin metabolism in subjects with high Cd body burden. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Modulation of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) monooxygenase system by cadmium was investigated in male, adult DBA/2J mice treated with a single dose (16 mumol/kg body weight, i.p.) of cadmium chloride (CdCl2). Total CYP content of liver and kidney microsomes decreased maximally (56% and 85%, respectively) 24 and 18 h, respectively, after CdCl2 treatment. Progressive increases of hepatic coumarin 7-hydroxylase (COH) activity; indicative of CYP2A5 activity, relative to the total CYP content were seen at 8 h (2-fold), 12 h (3-fold), 18 h (12-fold), and 24 h (15-fold). Similar changes were seen in the kidney. Liver and kidney CYP2A5 mRNA levels increased maximally 12 and 4 h after treatment and decreased to almost half 6 h later. In contrast, kidney and liver CYP2A5 protein levels increased maximally at 18 and 24 h. The CYP2A5 mRNA levels in the kidney and liver increased after Cd treatment in Nrf2 +/+ but not in Nrf2 -/- mouse. This study demonstrates that hepatic and kidney CYP2A5 is upregulated by cadmium with a somewhat faster response in the kidney than the liver. The strong upregulation of the CYP2A5 both at mRNA and enzyme activity levels, with a simultaneous decrease in the total CYP concentration suggest an unusual mode of regulation of CYP2A5 in response to cadmium exposure, amongst the CYP enzymes. The observed decrease in the mRNA but not in protein levels after maximal induction may suggest involvement of post-trancriptional mechanisms in the regulation. Upregulation of CYP2A5 by cadmium in the Nrf2 +/+ mice but not in the Nrf2 -/- mice indicates a role for this transcription factor in the regulation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The salient feature of metals is that unlike organic compounds they do not degrade in the environment and barely move from one environmental matrix to another. Human interventions take these compounds from their stable and non-bioavailable geological matrix into situations of biological accessibility. Studies in the 1970s and the 1980s of metal bioavailability and impacts of metals and metalloids were driven by the process of abatement of lead in the environment. Humans have clear and identifiable sources of exposure from fuels, food and leaded water pipes to lead. Interventions started at that time have dramatically lowered human lead exposure. Attention has now shifted to other metals, in particular, cadmium, which has seen increasing use. It is generally accepted that food crops grown on cadmium containing soils or soils naturally rich in this metal are the major source of exposure to humans other than exposure from smoking of cigarettes. This mini-review gives a summary and commentary on early studies on effects of lead on haem metabolism that provide us the clue to why investigations of the impacts of other toxic heavy metals and metalloids such as cadmium and arsenic on different human cytochrome P450 forms have become of great interest at the current time. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Effects of cigarette smoking and exposure to dietary cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) on urinary biomarkers of renal function and phenotypic variability of cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) were investigated in a group of 96 healthy Thai men with mean age of 36.7 year (19-57 years). In non-smokers, Cd burden increased with age (r = 0.47, P < 0.001). In current smokers, Cd burden increased with both age (r = 0.45, P = 0.01) and number of cigarettes smoked per day (r = 0.32, P = 0.05). Cd-linked renal tubular dysfunction was seen in both smokers and non-smokers, but Pb-linked glomerular dysfunction was seen in smokers only, possibly due to more recent exposure to high levels of Cd and Pb, as reflected by 30-50% higher serum Cd and Pb levels in smokers than non-smokers (P < 0.05). Exposure to dietary Cd and Pb appeared to be associated with mild tubular dysfunction whereas dietary exposure plus cigarette smoking was associated with tubular plus glomerular dysfunction. Hepatic CYP2A6 activity in non-smokers showed a positive association with Cd burden (adjusted P = 0.38, P = 0.006), but it showed an inverse correlation with Pb (adjusted beta = -0.29, P = 0.003), suggesting opposing effects of Cd and Pb on hepatic CYP2A6 phenotype. In contrast, CYP2A6 activity in current smokers did not correlate with Cd or Pb, but it showed a positive correlation with serum ferritin levels (r = 0.45, P = 0.01). These finding suggest that Pb concentrations in the liver probably were too low to inhibit hepatic synthesis of heme and CYP2A6 and that the concurrent induction of hepatic CYP2A6 and ferritin was probably due to cigarette smoke constituents other than the Cd and Pb. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
We examined the interrelationships between phenotype of hepatic cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6), nephropathy, and exposure to cadmium and lead in a group of 118 healthy Thai men and women who had never smoked. Their urinary Cd excretion ranged from 0.05 to 2.36 mug/g creatinine, whereas their urinary Pb excretion ranged from 0.1 to 12 mug/g creatinine. Average age and Cd burden of women and men did not differ. Women, however, on average showed a 46% higher urinary Pb excretion (p < 0.001) and lower zinc status, suggested by lower average serum Zn and urinary Zn excretion compared with those in men. Cd-linked nephropathy was detected in both men and women. However, Pb-linked nephropathy was seen only in women, possibly because of higher Pb burden coupled with lower protective factors, notably of Zn (P < 0.001), in women compared with men. In men, Pb burden showed a negative association with CYP2A6 activity (adjusted beta = -0.29, p = 0.003), whereas Cd burden showed a positive association with CYP2A6 activity (adjusted beta = 0.38, p = 0.001), suggesting opposing effects of Cd and Pb on hepatic CYP2A6 phenotype. The weaker correlation between Cd burden CYP2A6 activity in women despite similarity in Cd burden between men and women is consistent with opposing effects of Pb and Cd on hepatic CYP2A6 phenotypic expression. A positive correlation between Cd-linked nephropathy (urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase excretion) and CYP2A6 activity in men (r = 0.39, p = 0.002) and women (r = 0.37, p = 0.001) suggests that Cd induction of hepatic CYP2A6 expression and Cd-linked nephropathy occurred simultaneously.
Cytochrome P450(Biol) (CYP107H1) is believed to supply pimelic acid equivalents for biotin biosynthesis in Bacillus subtilis: we report here that the mechanistic pathway adopted by this multifunctional P450 for the in-chain cleavage of fatty acids is via consecutive formation of alcohol and threo-diol intermediates, with the likely absolute configuration of the intermediates also reported.
Cytochrome P450cin catalyzes the monooxygenation of 1,8-cineole, which is structurally very similar to D-camphor, the substrate for the most thoroughly investigated cytochrome P450, cytochrome P450cam. Both 1,8-cineole and D-camphor are C-10 monoterpenes containing a single oxygen atom with very similar molecular volumes. The cytochrome P450cin-substrate complex crystal structure has been solved to 1.7 Angstrom resolution and compared with that of cytochrome P450cam. Despite the similarity in substrates, the active site of cytochrome P450cin is substantially different from that of cytochrome P450cam in that the B' helix, essential for substrate binding in many cytochrome P450s including cytochrome P450cam, is replaced by an ordered loop that results in substantial changes in active site topography. In addition, cytochrome P450cin does not have the conserved threonine, Thr252 in cytochrome P450cam, which is generally considered as an integral part of the proton shuttle machinery required for oxygen activation. Instead, the analogous residue in cytochrome P450cin is Asn242, which provides the only direct protein H-bonding interaction with the substrate. Cytochrome P450cin uses a flavodoxin-like redox partner to reduce the heme iron rather than the more traditional ferredoxin-like Fe2S2 redox partner used by cytochrome P450cam and many other bacterial P450s. It thus might be expected that the redox partner docking site of cytochrome P450cin would resemble that of cytochrome P450BM3, which also uses a flavodoxin-like redox partner. Nevertheless, the putative docking site topography more closely resembles cytochrome P450cam than cytochrome P450BM3.
This manuscript provides a summary of the results presented at a symposium organized to accumulate information on factors that influence the prevalence of acaricide resistance and tick-borne diseases. This symposium was part of the 19th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP), held in New Orleans, LA, USA, during August 10-14, 2003. Populations of southern cattle ticks, Boophilus microplus, from Mexico have developed resistance to many classes of acaricide including chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT), pyrethroids, organ ophosphates, and formamidines (amitraz). Target site mutations are the most common resistance mechanism observed, but there are examples of metabolic mechanisms. In many pyrethroid resistant strains, a single target site mutation on the Na+ channel confers very high resistance (resistance ratios: >1000x) to both DDT and all pyrethroid acaricides. Acetylcholine esterase affinity for OPs is changed in resistant tick populations. A second mechanism of OP resistance is linked to cytochrome P450 monooxygenase activity. A PCR-based assay to detect a specific sodium channel gene mutation that is associated with resistance to permethrin has been developed. This assay can be performed on individual ticks at any life stage with results available in a few hours. A number of Mexican strains of B. microplus with varying profiles of pesticide resistance have been genotyped using this test. Additionally, a specific metabolic esterase with permethrin-hydrolyzing activity, CzEst9, has been purified and its gene coding region cloned. This esterase has been associated with high resistance to permethrin in one Mexican tick population. Work is continuing to clone specific acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and carboxylesterase genes that appear to be involved in resistance to organophosphates. Our ultimate goal is the design of a battery of DNA- or ELISA-based assays capable of rapidly genotyping individual ticks to obtain a comprehensive profile of their susceptibility to various pesticides. More outbreaks of clinical bovine babesisois and anaplasmosis have been associated with the presence of synthetic pyrethroid (SP) resistance when compared to OP and amidine resistance. This may be the result of differences in the temporal and geographic patterns of resistance development to the different acaricides. If acaricide resistance develops slowly, herd immunity may not be affected. The use of pesticides for the control of pests of cattle other than ticks can affect the incidence of tick resistance and tick-borne diseases. Simple analytical models of tick- and tsetse-bome diseases suggest that reducing the abundance of ticks, by treating cattle with pyrethroids for example, can have a variety of effects on tick-bome diseases. In the worst-case scenario, the models suggest that treating cattle might not only have no impact on trypanosomosis but could increase the incidence of tick-bome disease. In the best-case, treatment could reduce the incidence of both trypanosomosis and tick-bome diseases Surveys of beef and dairy properties in Queensland for which tick resistance to amitraz was known were intended to provide a clear understanding of the economic and management consequences resistance had on their properties. Farmers continued to use amitraz as the major acaricide for tick control after the diagnosis of resistance, although it was supplemented with moxidectin (dairy farms) or fluazuron, macrocyclic lactones or cypermethrin/ chlorfenvinphos. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Two water quality monitoring strategies designed to sample hydrophobic organic contaminants have been applied and evaluated across an expected concentration gradient in PAHs in the Moreton region. Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) that sequester contaminants via passive diffusion across a membrane were used to evaluate the concentration of PAHs at four and five sites in spring and summer 2001/2002, respectively. In addition, induction of hepatic cytochrome P4501, EROD activity, in yellowfin bream, Acanthopagrus australis, captured in the vicinity of SPMD sampling sites following deployment in summer was used as a biomarker of exposure to PAHs and related chemicals. SPMDs identified a clear and reproducible gradient in PAH contamination with levels increasing from east to west in Moreton Bay and upstream in the Brisbane River. The highest PAH concentrations expressed as B(a)P-toxicity equivalents (TEQs) were found in urban areas, which were also furthest upstream and experienced the least flushing. Cytochrome P4501 induction in A. australis was similar at all sites. The absence of clear trends in EROD activity may be attributable to factors not measured in this study or variable residency time of A. australis in contaminated areas. It is also possible that fish in the Moreton region are displaying enzymatic adaptation, which has been reported previously for fish subjected to chronic exposure to organic contaminants. These potential interferences complicate interpretation of EROD activity from feral biota. It is, therefore, suggested that future monitoring combine the two methods by applying passive sampler extracts to in vitro EROD assays. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dsb proteins control the formation and rearrangement of disulfide bonds during the folding of secreted and membrane proteins in bacteria. DsbG, a member of this family, has disulfide bond isomerase and chaperone activity. Here, we present two crystal structures of DsbG at 1.7- and 2.0-Angstrom resolution that are meant to represent the reduced and oxidized forms, respectively. The oxidized structure, however, reveals a mixture of both redox forms, suggesting that oxidized DsbG is less stable than the reduced form. This trait would contribute to DsbG isomerase activity, which requires that the active-site Cys residues are kept reduced, regardless of the highly oxidative environment of the periplasm. We propose that a Thr residue that is conserved in the cis-Pro loop of DsbG and DsbC but not found in other Dsb proteins could play a role in this process. Also, the structure of DsbG reveals an unanticipated and surprising feature that may help define its specific role in oxidative protein folding. Thus, the dimensions and surface features of DsbG show a very large and charged binding surface that is consistent with interaction with globular protein substrates having charged surfaces. This finding suggests that, rather than catalyzing disulfide rearrangement in unfolded substrates, DsbG may preferentially act later in the folding process to catalyze disulfide rearrangement in folded or partially folded proteins.
The present study examined accumulation of the metal toxins cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in relation to the abundance of cytochrome P450 4F2 (CYP4F2), CYP2E1 and concentrations of zinc and copper in liver and kidney samples using immunoblotting coupled with metal analysis. The post mortem liver and kidney cortex samples were from 23 males and 8 females aged 3-89 years. All were Caucasians who had not been exposed to metals in the workplace. Average kidney cortex Cd load of 17.4 mu g/g w.w. was 17 times greater than average liver Cd load (1.1 mu g/g w.w.). In contrast, average kidney cortex Ph load of 0.09 mu g/g w.w. was two times lower than liver Pb load of 0.19 mu g/g w.w. Average Zn and Cu concentrations in the kidney cortex samples were 67% and 33% lower than those in the liver. Liver and kidney Cd loads, but not liver or kidney Ph loads, correlated positively with donors' age. After controlling for liver Cd load, an inverse correlation was seen between Zn and age (partial r = -0.39, P = 0.02), suggesting reduction in liver Zn levels in old age. Liver CYP2E1 protein abundance correlated with age-adjusted Cd load (partial r = 0.37, P = 0.02) whereas kidney CYP4172 protein abundance showed a positive correlation with age-adjusted Cd loads (partial r = 0.40, P = 0.02). These findings suggest that Cd may be an inducer of renal CYP4172 and hepatic CYP2E1 and that increased renal CYP4172 expression may implicate in Cd-linked renal tubular dysfunction and high blood pressure, involving CYP4F2-dependent arachidonic acid metabolism. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.