919 resultados para Ostergren, Robert C.: The Europeans: a geography of people, culture and environment
Childhood obesity is a significant public health problem. Over 15 percent of children in the United States are obese, and about 25 percent of children in Texas are overweight (CDC NHANES). Furthermore, about 30 percent of elementary school aged children in Harris County, Texas are overweight or obese (Children at Risk Institute 2010). In addition to actions such as increasing physical activity, decreasing television watching and video game time, decreasing snacking on low nutrient calorie dense foods and sugar sweetened beverages, children need to consume more fruits and vegetables. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2002, about 26 percent of U.S. children are meeting the recommendations for daily fruit intake and about 16 percent are meeting the recommendations for daily vegetable intake (CDC NHANES). In 2004, the average total intake of vegetables was 0.9 cups per day and 1.1 cups of fruit per day by children ages four to nine years old in the U.S. (CDC NHANES). Not only do children need effective nutrition education to learn about fruits and vegetables, they also need access and repeated exposure to fruits and vegetables (Anderson 2009, Briefel 2009). Nutrition education interventions that provide a structured, hands-on curriculum such as school gardens have produced significant changes in child fruit and vegetable intake (Blair 2009, McAleese 2007). To prevent childhood obesity from continuing into adolescence and adulthood, effective nutrition education interventions need to be implemented immediately and for the long-term. However, research has shown short-term nutrition education interventions such as summer camps to be effective for significant changes in child fruit and vegetable intake, preferences, and knowledge (Heim 2009). ^ A four week summer camp based on cooking and gardening was implemented at 6 Multi-Service centers in a large, urban city. The participants included children ranging in age from 7 to 14 years old (n=64). The purpose of the camp was to introduce children to their food from the seed to the plate through the utilization of gardening and culinary exercises. The summer camp activities were aimed at increasing the children's exposure, willingness to try, preferences, knowledge, and intake of fruits and vegetables. A survey was given on the first day of camp and again on the last day of camp that measured the pre- and post differences in knowledge, intake, willingness to try, and preferences of fruits and vegetables. The present study examined the short-term effectiveness of a cooking and garden-based nutrition education program on the knowledge, willingness, preferences, and intake among children aged 8 to 13 years old (n=40). The final sample of participants (n=40) was controlled for those who completed pre- and post-test surveys and who were in or above the third grade level. Results showed a statistically significant increase in the reported intake of vegetables and preferences for vegetables, specifically green beans, and fruits. There was also a significant increase in preferences for fruits among boys and participants ages 11 to 13 years. The results showed a change in the expected direction of willingness to try, preferences for vegetables, and intake of fruit, however these were not statistically significant. Interestingly, the results also showed a decrease in the intake of low nutrient calorie dense foods such as sweets and candy.^
Exposure to air pollutants in urban locales has been associated with increased risk for chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease (CVD) and pulmonary diseases in epidemiological studies. The exact mechanism explaining how air pollution affects chronic disease is still unknown. However, oxidative stress and inflammatory pathways have been posited as likely mechanisms. ^ Data from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and the Mexican-American Cohort Study (2003-2009) were used to examine the following aims, respectively: 1) to evaluate the association between long-term exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) (PM10 and PM2.5) and nitrogen oxides (NO x) and telomere length (TL) among approximately 1,000 participants within MESA; and 2) to evaluate the association between traffic-related air pollution with self-reported asthma, diabetes, and hypertension among Mexican-Americans in Houston, Texas. ^ Our results from MESA were inconsistent regarding associations between long-term exposure to air pollution and shorter telomere length based on whether the participants came from New York (NY) or Los Angeles (LA). Although not statistically significant, we observed a negative association between long-term air pollution exposure and mean telomere length for NY participants, which was consistent with our hypothesis. Positive (statistically insignificant) associations were observed for LA participants. It is possible that our findings were more influenced by both outcome and exposure misclassification than by the absence of a relationship between pollution and TL. Future studies are needed that include longitudinal measures of telomere length as well as focus on effects of specific constituents of PM and other pollutant exposures on changes in telomere length over time. ^ This research provides support that Mexican-American adults who live near a major roadway or in close proximity to a dense street network have a higher prevalence of asthma. There was a non-significant trend towards an increased prevalence of adult asthma with increasing residential traffic exposure especially for residents who lived three or more years at their baseline address. Even though the prevalence of asthma is low in the Mexican-origin population, it is the fastest growing minority group in the U.S. and we would expect a growing number of Mexican-Americans who suffer from asthma in the future. Future studies are needed to better characterize risks for asthma associated with air pollution in this population.^
Glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) and their eggs from Svalbard (Norwegian Arctic) have been used as biomonitors of contaminants in the marine environment. In this study, the enantiomer fractions (EFs) of chiral chlordanes and atropisomeric polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners were determined in the blood plasma of adult male and female glaucous gulls from three breeding colonies in Svalbard. Plasma EFs were similar in magnitude and direction to EFs previously reported in glaucous gulls from other arctic food webs, suggesting overall similarities in the biochemical processes influencing the EFs of bioaccumulated organochlorine (OC) contaminants within the food webs at those locations. Additionally, EFs in yolk of eggs collected concurrently from within the same nesting colonies varied with location, laying date, and OC concentrations, and may be influenced by changes in the local feeding ecology between those colonies. No differences were found between the EFs for any analyte in female gulls compared to those found in egg yolk, indicating that processes involved in the maternal transfer of chlordanes and PCBs to eggs do not modulate the stereochemical ratio between enantiomers. Therefore, the use of eggs as a valuable and noninvasive means of OC biomonitoring may also extend to enantiomer compositions in glaucous gulls, and perhaps also in other seabird species from arctic regions.
This paper presents data on concentrations and composition of organic substances, lipids, and hydrocarbons, in the snow-ice cover of fast ices and continental lakes of Antarctic. It was shown that organic compounds were accumulated in layers with the most intense autochthonous processes (mainly at the snow-ice and ice-water boundaries). These zones remain active at a biogeochemical medium even at low temperatures. The maximum content of organic compounds (10-20 times that of the snow-ice cover of other regions) and a sharp change in the proportions of their migration forms in the ice volume were detected in the regions of penguin colonies (fast ice in the Buromsky Island and a lake in the Haswell Island). Contents and composition of hydrocarbons in Antarctic ices were compared with those of Arctic ices.
The magnesium isotope composition of diagenetic dolomites and their adjacent pore fluids were studied in a 250 m thick sedimentary section drilled into the Peru Margin during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 201 (Site 1230) and Leg 112 (Site 685). Previous studies revealed the presence of two types of dolomite: type I dolomite forms at ~ 6 m below seafloor (mbsf) due to an increase in alkalinity associated with anaerobic methane oxidation, and type II dolomite forms at focused sites below ~ 230 mbsf due to episodic inflow of deep-sourced fluids into an intense methanogenesis zone. The pore fluid delta 26Mg composition becomes progressively enriched in 26Mg with depth from values similar to seawater (i.e. -0.8 per mil, relative to DSM3 Mg reference material) in the top few meters below seafloor (mbsf) to 0.8 ± 0.2 per mil within the sediments located below 100 mbsf. Type I dolomites have a delta 26Mg of -3.5 per mil, and exhibit apparent dolomite-pore fluid fractionation factors of about -2.6 per mil consistent with previous studies of dolomite precipitation from seawater. In contrast, type II dolomites have delta 26Mg values ranging from -2.5 to -3.0 per mil and are up to -3.6 per mil lighter than the modern pore fluid Mg isotope composition. The enrichment of pore fluids in 26Mg and depletion in total Mg concentration below ~ 200 mbsf is likely the result of Mg isotope fractionation during dolomite formation, The 26Mg enrichment of pore fluids in the upper ~ 200 mbsf of the sediment sequence can be attributed to desorption of Mg from clay mineral surfaces. The obtained results indicate that Mg isotopes recorded in the diagenetic carbonate record can distinguish near surface versus deep formed dolomite demonstrating their usefulness as a paleo-diagenetic proxy.
Underwater spectral reflectance was measured for selected biotic and abiotic coral reef features of Heron Reef from June 25-30, 2006. Spectral reflectance's of 105 different benthic types were obtained in-situ. An Ocean Optics USB2000 spectrometer was deployed in an custom made underwater housing with a 0.5 m fiber-optic probe mounted next to an artificial light source. Spectral readings were collected with the probe(bear fibre) about 5 cm from the target to ensure that the target would fill the field of view of the fiber optic (FOV diameter ~4.4 cm), as well as to reduce the attenuating effect of the intermediate water (Roelfsema et al., 2006). Spectral readings included for one target included: 1 reading of the covered spectral fibre to correct for instrument noise, 1 reading of spectralon panel mounted on divers wrist to measure incident ambient light, and 8 readings of the target. Spectral reflectance was calculated for each target by first subtracting the instrument noise reading from each other reading. The corrected target readings were then divided by the corrected spectralon reading resulting in spectral reflectance of each target reading. An average target spectral reflectance was calculated by averaging the eight individual spectral reflectance's of the target. If an individual target spectral reflectance was visual considered an outlier, it was not included in the average spectral reflectance calculation. See Roelfsema at al. (2006) for additional info on the methodology of underwater spectra collection.
Increases in ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and CO2 affect phytoplankton growth and mortality in a variety of different ways. However, in situ responses of natural phytoplankton communities to climate change, as well as its effects on phytoplankton annual cycles, are still largely unknown. Although temperature and UVR have been increasing in temperate latitudes during winter, this season is still particularly neglected in climate change studies, being considered a non-active season regarding phytoplankton growth and production. Additionally, coastal lagoons are highly productive ecosystems and very vulnerable to climate change. This study aims, therefore, to evaluate the short-term effects of increased UVR and CO2 on the composition and growth of winter phytoplankton assemblages in a temperate coastal lagoon. During winter 2012, microcosm experiments were used to evaluate the isolated and combined effects of UVR and CO2, under ambient and high CO2 treatments, exposed to ambient UV levels and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), or to PAR only. Phytoplankton composition, abundance, biomass and photosynthetic parameters were evaluated during the experiments. Significant changes were observed in the growth of specific phytoplankton groups, leading to changes in community composition. The cyanobacterium Synechococcus was dominant at the beginning of the experiment, but it was negatively affected by UVR and CO2. Diatoms clearly benefited from high CO2 and UVR, particularly Thalassiosira. Despite the changes observed in specific phytoplankton groups, growth and production of the whole phytoplankton community did not show significant responses to UVR and/or CO2.
Sewage sludge gasification assays were performed in an atmospheric fluidised bed reactor using air and air–steam mixtures as the gasifying agents. Dolomite, olivine and alumina are three well known tar removal catalysts used in biomass gasification processing. However, little information is available regarding their performance in sewage sludge gasification. The aim of the current study was to learn about the influence of these three catalysts in the product distribution and tar production during sewage sludge gasification. To this end, a set of assays was performed in which the temperature (750–850 °C), the in-bed catalyst content (0, 10 and 15 wt.%) and the steam–biomass ratio (SB) in the range of 0–1 were varied with a constant equivalence ratio (ER) of 0.3. The results were compared to the results from gasification without a catalyst. We show that dolomite has the highest activity in tar elimination, followed by alumina and olivine. In addition to improving tar removal, the presence of water vapour and the catalysts increased the content of H2 in the gases by nearly 60%.
Rer1p, a Golgi membrane protein, is required for the correct localization of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein, Sec12p, by a retrieval mechanism from the cis-Golgi to the ER. To test whether or not the role of Rer1p is common to multiple ER membrane proteins, we examined the localization of two other ER membrane proteins, Sec71p and Sec63p, in the wild-type and rer1 mutant yeast cells, using their fusions with an α-mating factor precursor (Mfα1p). Although Sec71p and Sec63p have completely different topology from Sec12p, their Mfα1p fusion proteins were also mislocalized to the trans-Golgi in the rer1 mutant. Overexpression of these fusions caused their mislocalization to the trans-Golgi even in the wild-type cells, and this mislocalization was partially suppressed by the co-overexpression of Rer1p. Either Sec71p or an artificial chimeric protein whose ER localization depends on Rer1p gave a competitive effect on the localization of the Mfα1-Sec71p fusion, which was abolished in rer1. Thus, Rer1p appears to be one of the common limiting components in the retrieval machinery for ER membrane proteins. The results also suggest that Sec71p and Sec63p depend on ER-Golgi recycling, at least partly, for ER localization. We also examined the effect of a mutation in α-COP, a subunit of yeast coatomer, on the localization of these ER membrane proteins. The Mfα1p fusions of Sec12p, Sec71p, and Sec63p were all more or less mislocalized in ret1–1. These observations imply that the roles of Rer1p and coatomer are much more general than thought before.
LEF-1 (lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1) is a cell type-specific member of the family of high mobility group (HMG) domain proteins that recognizes a specific nucleotide sequence in the T cell receptor (TCR) α enhancer. In this study, we extend the analysis of the DNA-binding properties of LEF-1 and examine their contributions to the regulation of gene expression. We find that LEF-1, like nonspecific HMG-domain proteins, can interact with irregular DNA structures such as four-way junctions, albeit with lower efficiency than with specific duplex DNA. We also show by a phasing analysis that the LEF-induced DNA bend is directed toward the major groove. In addition, we find that the interaction of LEF-1 with a specific binding site in circular DNA changes the linking number of DNA and unwinds the double helix. Finally, we identified two nucleotides in the LEF-1-binding site that are important for protein-induced DNA bending. Mutations of these nucleotides decrease both the extent of DNA bending and the transactivation of the TCRα enhancer by LEF-1, suggesting a contribution of protein-induced DNA bending to the function of TCRα enhancer.
Recent evidence suggests that apical and basolateral endocytic pathways in epithelia converge in an apically located, pericentriolar endosomal compartment termed the apical recycling endosome. In this compartment, apically and basolaterally internalized membrane constituents are thought to be sorted for recycling back to their site of origin or for transcytosis to the opposite plasma membrane domain. We report here that in the epithelial cell line Madin–Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK), antibodies to Rab11a label an apical pericentriolar endosomal compartment that is dependent on intact microtubules for its integrity. Furthermore, this compartment is accessible to a membrane-bound marker (dimeric immunoglobulin A [IgA]) internalized from either the apical or basolateral pole, functionally defining it as the apical recycling endosome. We have also examined the role of a closely related epithelial-specific Rab, Rab25, in the regulation of membrane recycling and transcytosis in MDCK cells. When cDNA encoding Rab25 was transfected into MDCK cells, the protein colocalized with Rab11a in subapical vesicles. Rab25 transfection also altered the distribution of Rab11a, causing the coalescence of immunoreactivity into multiple denser vesicular structures not associated with the centrosome. Nevertheless, nocodazole still dispersed these vesicles, and dimeric IgA internalized from either the apical or basolateral membrane was detected in endosomes labeled with antibodies to both Rab11a and Rab25. Overexpression of Rab25 decreased the rate of IgA transcytosis and of apical, but not basolateral, recycling of internalized ligand. Conversely, expression of the dominant-negative Rab25T26N did not alter either apical recycling or transcytosis. These results indicate that both Rab11a and Rab25 associate with the apical recycling system of epithelial cells and suggest that Rab25 may selectively regulate the apical recycling and/or transcytotic pathways.
The importance of soluble N-ethyl maleimide (NEM)-sensitive fusion protein (NSF) attachment protein (SNAP) receptors (SNAREs) in synaptic vesicle exocytosis is well established because it has been demonstrated that clostridial neurotoxins (NTs) proteolyze the vesicle SNAREs (v-SNAREs) vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)/brevins and their partners, the target SNAREs (t-SNAREs) syntaxin 1 and SNAP25. Yet, several exocytotic events, including apical exocytosis in epithelial cells, are insensitive to numerous clostridial NTs, suggesting the presence of SNARE-independent mechanisms of exocytosis. In this study we found that syntaxin 3, SNAP23, and a newly identified VAMP/brevin, tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT)-insensitive VAMP (TI-VAMP), are insensitive to clostridial NTs. In epithelial cells, TI-VAMP–containing vesicles were concentrated in the apical domain, and the protein was detected at the apical plasma membrane by immunogold labeling on ultrathin cryosections. Syntaxin 3 and SNAP23 were codistributed at the apical plasma membrane where they formed NEM-dependent SNARE complexes with TI-VAMP and cellubrevin. We suggest that TI-VAMP, SNAP23, and syntaxin 3 can participate in exocytotic processes at the apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells and, more generally, domain-specific exocytosis in clostridial NT-resistant pathways.
Patterns in sequences of amino acid hydrophobic free energies predict secondary structures in proteins. In protein folding, matches in hydrophobic free energy statistical wavelengths appear to contribute to selective aggregation of secondary structures in “hydrophobic zippers.” In a similar setting, the use of Fourier analysis to characterize the dominant statistical wavelengths of peptide ligands’ and receptor proteins’ hydrophobic modes to predict such matches has been limited by the aliasing and end effects of short peptide lengths, as well as the broad-band, mode multiplicity of many of their frequency (power) spectra. In addition, the sequence locations of the matching modes are lost in this transformation. We make new use of three techniques to address these difficulties: (i) eigenfunction construction from the linear decomposition of the lagged covariance matrices of the ligands and receptors as hydrophobic free energy sequences; (ii) maximum entropy, complex poles power spectra, which select the dominant modes of the hydrophobic free energy sequences or their eigenfunctions; and (iii) discrete, best bases, trigonometric wavelet transformations, which confirm the dominant spectral frequencies of the eigenfunctions and locate them as (absolute valued) moduli in the peptide or receptor sequence. The leading eigenfunction of the covariance matrix of a transmembrane receptor sequence locates the same transmembrane segments seen in n-block-averaged hydropathy plots while leaving the remaining hydrophobic modes unsmoothed and available for further analyses as secondary eigenfunctions. In these receptor eigenfunctions, we find a set of statistical wavelength matches between peptide ligands and their G-protein and tyrosine kinase coupled receptors, ranging across examples from 13.10 amino acids in acid fibroblast growth factor to 2.18 residues in corticotropin releasing factor. We find that the wavelet-located receptor modes in the extracellular loops are compatible with studies of receptor chimeric exchanges and point mutations. A nonbinding corticotropin-releasing factor receptor mutant is shown to have lost the signatory mode common to the normal receptor and its ligand. Hydrophobic free energy eigenfunctions and their transformations offer new quantitative physical homologies in database searches for peptide-receptor matches.