994 resultados para Oscar Masotta


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This paper presents a new registration algorithm, called Temporal Di eomorphic Free Form Deformation (TDFFD), and its application to motion and strain quanti cation from a sequence of 3D ultrasound (US) images. The originality of our approach resides in enforcing time consistency by representing the 4D velocity eld as the sum of continuous spatiotemporal B-Spline kernels. The spatiotemporal displacement eld is then recovered through forward Eulerian integration of the non-stationary velocity eld. The strain tensor iscomputed locally using the spatial derivatives of the reconstructed displacement eld. The energy functional considered in this paper weighs two terms: the image similarity and a regularization term. The image similarity metric is the sum of squared di erences between the intensities of each frame and a reference one. Any frame in the sequence can be chosen as reference. The regularization term is based on theincompressibility of myocardial tissue. TDFFD was compared to pairwise 3D FFD and 3D+t FFD, bothon displacement and velocity elds, on a set of synthetic 3D US images with di erent noise levels. TDFFDshowed increased robustness to noise compared to these two state-of-the-art algorithms. TDFFD also proved to be more resistant to a reduced temporal resolution when decimating this synthetic sequence. Finally, this synthetic dataset was used to determine optimal settings of the TDFFD algorithm. Subsequently, TDFFDwas applied to a database of cardiac 3D US images of the left ventricle acquired from 9 healthy volunteers and 13 patients treated by Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT). On healthy cases, uniform strain patterns were observed over all myocardial segments, as physiologically expected. On all CRT patients, theimprovement in synchrony of regional longitudinal strain correlated with CRT clinical outcome as quanti ed by the reduction of end-systolic left ventricular volume at follow-up (6 and 12 months), showing the potential of the proposed algorithm for the assessment of CRT.


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This final year project presents the design principles and prototype implementation of BIMS (Biomedical Information Management System), a flexible software system which provides an infrastructure to manage all information required by biomedical research projects.The BIMS project was initiated with the motivation to solve several limitations in medical data acquisition of some research projects, in which Universitat Pompeu Fabra takes part. These limitations,based on the lack of control mechanisms to constraint information submitted by clinicians, impact on the data quality, decreasing it.BIMS can easily be adapted to manage information of a wide variety of clinical studies, not being limited to a given clinical specialty. The software can manage both, textual information, like clinical data (measurements, demographics, diagnostics, etc ...), as well as several kinds of medical images (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, etc ...). Moreover, BIMS provides a web - based graphical user interface and is designed to be deployed in a distributed andmultiuser environment. It is built on top of open source software products and frameworks.Specifically, BIMS has been used to represent all clinical data being currently used within the CardioLab platform (an ongoing project managed by Universitat Pompeu Fabra), demonstratingthat it is a solid software system, which could fulfill requirements of a real production environment.


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Pese a ser un género discursivo importante en el ámbito académico y en el profesionalbiomédico, el caso clínico ha sido muy poco estudiado en español. En Medicina, resaltanlos estudios sobre atenuación y crítica retórica de Salager-Meyer y su equipo. EnOdontología, en cambio, no encontramos investigaciones sobre este género, pese a serpublicado, presentado en congresos y utilizado en las facultades de Odontología para la enseñanza de las distintas especialidades. En vista de esto, realizamos el presente trabajo, de carácter descriptivo y exploratorio, empleando un enfoque metodológico cualitativocuantitativo.Tiene un doble propósito: por un lado, identificar y analizar algunos rasgosretóricos y discursivos del caso clínico y las secciones retóricas que lo constituyen; por el otro, describir y analizar las estrategias de atenuación utilizadas.Seleccionamos al azar un corpus de 40 casos clínicos publicados entre 1999 y 2005 de entre las publicaciones odontológicas hispanoamericanas disponibles en las bases de datos más consultadas y de mayor aceptación en el ámbito odontológico. Empleamos el análisis de género para el estudio de las secciones y movimientos retóricos. Asimismo, identificamoslas estrategias de atenuación empleadas en las secciones retóricas por medio de un análisis textual. En ambos casos, consideramos el contexto y el testimonio de informantes especialistas. Para el análisis de los atenuantes, en cambio, utilizamos cinco categorías, adaptadas de estudios previos: construcciones impersonales, aproximadores, escudos, deícticos temporales y atenuantes compuestos.Los resultados muestran que predomina la siguiente estructura: introducción, presentación del caso, discusión/conclusión, siendo la segunda la sección distintiva. Identificamos 20 movimientos: 5 en la introducción, 8 en la presentación del caso y 7 en la discusión/conclusión. Prevalecen las secuencias de tipo narrativo y descriptivo en todas las secciones. Además, hay muy pocas citas, aparecen esencialmente en la introducción y en la discusión. En relación con el segundo objetivo, encontramos abundantes y variadasestrategias de atenuación, usadas con frecuencias muy similares en las tres secciones retóricas. Predominaron las construcciones impersonales, los aproximadores y los escudos –entre éstos últimos resalta el modal epistémico “poder”-, usados para expresar honestidad, variabilidad, imposibilidad de precisión y varios niveles de certidumbre de lasproposiciones. Los deícticos y los atenuantes compuestos se emplean principalmente en la introducción y la discusión, para enfatizar la provisionalidad del saber científico odontológico y para proyectar falta de compromiso con la verdad de la proposición expresada.Se concluye que, pese a la variabilidad retórica discursiva, el caso clínico constituye un género discursivo particular, de tipo descriptivo, narrativo y atenuado. La alta frecuencia de atenuación puede estar relacionada con la posición de los autores en la comunidad científica, con las características del género y su función comunicativa.El caso clínico es un género importante para las distintas sub-especialidades ontológicas;por lo tanto, los resultados tienen aplicaciones didácticas para la educación de odontólogos.Incorporar el estudio de este género al currículum de Odontología permitiría al estudiantado desarrollar las competencias para producir, comprender y publicar este género, lo cual puede favorecer su incorporación a la comunidad científica.


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PURPOSE: To report a large deletion that encompasses more than 90% of PRPF31 gene and two other neighboring genes in their entirety in an adRP pedigree that appears to show only the typical clinical features of retinitis pigmentosa. METHODS: To identify PRPF31 mutation in a dominant RP family (ADRP2) previously linked to the RP11 locus, the 14 exons of PRPF31 were screened for mutations by direct sequencing. To investigate the possibility of a large deletion, microsatellite markers near PRPF31 gene were analyzed by non-denaturing PAGE. RESULTS: Initial screening of PRPF31 gene in the ADRP2 family did not reveal an obvious mutation. A large deletion was however suspected due to lack of heterozygosity for nearly all PRPF31 intragenic single nucleotide polymorphysm (SNPs). In order to estimate the size of the deletion, SNPs and microsatellite markers spanning and flanking PRPF31 were analyzed in the entire ADRP2 family. Haplotype analysis with the above markers suggested a deletion of approximately 30 kb that included the putative promoter region of a novel gene OSCAR, the entire genomic content of genes NDUFA3, TFPT and more than 90% of PRPF31 gene. Sequence analysis of the region flanking the potential deletion showed a high presence of Alu elements implicating Alu mediated recombination as the mechanism responsible for this event. CONCLUSIONS: This mutation provides evidence that haploinsufficiency rather than aberrant function of mutated proteins is the cause of disease in these adRP patients with mutations in PRPF31 gene.


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El principal objectiu del nostre treball és l’estudi de les empreses de refinançament espanyoles iamericanes mitjançant l’anàlisi de l’evolució de l’endeutament familiar al nostre país.Posteriorment intentarem establir paral·lelismes entre la situació a Espanya i als Estats Units, onmoltes d’aquestes societats han acabat fent fallida. L’objectiu de la comparació és veure si aquestacrisis arribarà al nostre país a mesura que creixin els impagats.Finalment, establirem un resum de les idees més importants per tal de que el lector pugui obteniruna idea ràpida amb una perspectiva el màxim de realista possible i capaç d’esclarir-nos les idees.


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Navegar per la World Wide Web és avui una acció rutinària per milions de persones arreu del globus terraqui. En el transcurs d'aquesta activitat cada individu deixa traces digitals a mesura que es va relacionant amb cada un dels elements que integren la Web. Aquest treball de recerca es proposa analitzar el codi font de llocs web per trobar evidències d'aquest procés latent de recollida de dades i, en la mesura del possible (i també del factible), identificar actors, establir usos potencials i cartografiar els espais de la web tenint en compte el grau de monitorització al que està sotmès l'usuari quan els visita.


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Sobriety checkpoints are not usually randomly located by traffic authorities. As such, information provided by non-random alcohol tests cannot be used to infer the characteristics of the general driving population. In this paper a case study is presented in which the prevalence of alcohol-impaired driving is estimated for the general population of drivers. A stratified probabilistic sample was designed to represent vehicles circulating in non-urban areas of Catalonia (Spain), a region characterized by its complex transportation network and dense traffic around the metropolis of Barcelona. Random breath alcohol concentration tests were performed during spring 2012 on 7,596 drivers. The estimated prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers was 1.29%, which is roughly a third of the rate obtained in non-random tests. Higher rates were found on weekends (1.90% on Saturdays, 4.29% on Sundays) and especially at night. The rate is higher for men (1.45%) than for women (0.64%) and the percentage of positive outcomes shows an increasing pattern with age. In vehicles with two occupants, the proportion of alcohol-impaired drivers is estimated at 2.62%, but when the driver was alone the rate drops to 0.84%, which might reflect the socialization of drinking habits. The results are compared with outcomes in previous surveys, showing a decreasing trend in the prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers over time.


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We study a decentralized matching model in a large exchange economy,in which trade takes place through non--cooperative bargaining in coalitionsof finite size. Under essentially the same conditions of core equivalence, we show that the strategic equilibrium outcomes of our model coincide with theWalrasian allocations of the economy. Our method of proof exploits equivalenceresults between the core and Walrasian equilibria. Our model relaxes differentiability and convexity of preferences thereby covering the caseof indivisible goods.


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Doubts about the reliability of a company's qualitative financial disclosure increase market participant expectations from the auditor's report. The auditing process is supposed to serve as a monitoring device that reduces management incentives to manipulate reported earnings. Empirical research confirms that it could be an efficient device under some circumstancesand recognizes that our estimates of the informativeness of audit reports are unavoidably biased (e.g., because of a client's anticipation of the auditing process). This empirical study supports the significant role of auditors in the financial market, in particular in the prevention of earnings management practice. We focus on earnings misstatements, which auditors correct with anadjustment, using a sample of past and current constituents of the benchmark market index in Spain, IBEX 35, and manually collected audit adjustments reported over the 1997-2004 period (42 companies, 336 annual reports, 75 earnings misstatements). Our findings confirm that companies more often overstate than understate their earnings. An investor may foresee earningsmisreporting, as manipulators have a similar profile (e.g., more leveraged and with lower sales). However, he may receive valuable information from the audit adjustment on the size of earnings misstatement, which can be significantly large (i.e., material in almost all cases). We suggest that the magnitude of an audit adjustment depends, other things constant, on annual revenues and free cash levels. We also examine how the audit adjustment relates to the observed market price, trading volume and stock returns. Our findings are that earnings manipulators have a lower price and larger trading volume compared to their rivals. Their returns are positively associated with the magnitude of earnings misreporting, which is not consistent with the possible pricing of audit information.


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Proporciona los resultados preliminares más importantes del crucero 6504, que permitió investigar la situación actual y la extensión de los cambios registrados en las condiciones hidrológicas y biológicas del mar peruano.