997 resultados para Oral stage
Equality Impact Assessments
Cytotoxic CD8 T cells exert their antiviral and antitumor activity primarily through the secretion of cytotoxic granules. Degranulation activity and cytotoxic granules (perforin plus granzymes) generally define CD8 T cells with cytotoxic function. In this study, we have investigated the expression of granzyme K (GrmK) in comparison to that of GrmA, GrmB, and perforin. The expression of the cytotoxic granules was assessed in virus-specific CD8 T cells specific to influenza virus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), or human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). We observed a dichotomy between GrmK and perforin expression in virus-specific CD8 T cells. The profile in influenza virus-specific CD8 T cells was perforin(-) GrmB(-) GrmA(+/-) GrmK(+); in CMV-specific cells, it was perforin(+) GrmB(+) GrmA(+) GrmK(-/+); and in EBV- and HIV-1-specific cells, it was perforin(-/+) GrmB(+) GrmA(+) GrmK(+). On the basis of the delineation of memory and effector CD8 T cells with CD45RA and CD127, the GrmK(+) profile was associated with early-stage memory CD8 T-cell differentiation, the perforin(+) GrmB(+) GrmA(+) profile with advanced-stage differentiation, and the GrmB(+) GrmA(+) Grmk(+) profile with intermediate-stage differentiation. Furthermore, perforin and GrmB but not GrmA and GrmK correlated with cytotoxic activity. Finally, changes in antigen exposure in vitro and in vivo during primary HIV-1 infection and vaccination modulated cytotoxic granule profiles. These results advance our understanding of the relationship between distinct profiles of cytotoxic granules in memory CD8 T cells and function, differentiation stage, and antigen exposure.
In 1998, a new law came into force in Northern Ireland – the Northern Ireland Act 1998. Section 75 of the Act places a legal obligation on each public authority to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity: • between persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation; • between men and women generally; • between persons with a disability and persons without; and • between persons with dependants and persons without. åÊ
Oropharyngeal candidiasis continues to be considered the most common opportunistic disease in Aids patients. This study was designed to investigate species distribution, serotype and antifungal susceptibility profile among Candida spp. isolated from the oral cavity of Aids patients recruited from six Brazilian university centers. Oral swabs from 130 Aids patients were plated onto CHROMagar Candida medium and 142 isolates were recovered. Yeast isolates were identified by classical methods and serotyped using the Candida Check® system-Iatron. Antifungal susceptibility testing was performed according to the NCCLS microbroth assay. C. albicans was the most frequently isolated species (91%), and 70% of the isolates belonged to serotype A. We detected 12 episodes of co-infection (9%), including co-infection with both serotypes of C. albicans. Non-albicans species were isolated from 12 episodes, 50% of them exhibited DDS or resistance to azoles. Otherwise, only 8 out 130 isolates of C. albicans exhibited DDS or resistance to azoles. Brazilian Aids patients are infected mainly by C. albicans serotype A, most of them susceptible to all antifungal drugs.
The oral susceptibility to yellow fever virus was evaluated in 23 Aedes aegypti samples from Brazil. Six Ae. aegypti samples from Africa, America and Asia were also tested for comparison. Mosquito samples from Asia showed the highest infection rates. Infection rates for the Brazilian Ae. aegypti reached 48.6%, but were under 13% in 60% of sample tested. We concluded that although the low infection rates estimated for some Brazilian mosquito samples may not favor the establishment of urban cycle of yellow fever in some parts of the country, the founding of Ae. aegypti of noteworthy susceptibility to the virus in cities located in endemic and transition areas of sylvatic yellow fever, do pose a threat of the re-emergence of the urban transmission of the disease in Brazil.
North South Survey of Children’s Oral Health 2002 This report presents the results of the first contemporaneous North South study of the oral health of children and adolescents on the island of Ireland. The last National Survey of Childrenâ?Ts Oral Health in the Republic of Ireland was carried out in 1984. The present study describes the oral health experience of children and adolescents in Ireland today. The results are of interest to the public, to policymakers and to service providers and will be of assistance in the evaluation of current oral health services and the planning of services for the next decade. Click here to download PDF 666kb
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BACKGROUND: Half of the patients with end-stage heart failure suffer from persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). Atrial kick (AK) accounts for 10-15% of the ejection fraction. A device restoring AK should significantly improve cardiac output (CO) and possibly delay ventricular assist device (VAD) implantation. This study has been designed to assess the mechanical effects of a motorless pump on the right chambers of the heart in an animal model. METHODS: Atripump is a dome-shaped biometal actuator electrically driven by a pacemaker-like control unit. In eight sheep, the device was sutured onto the right atrium (RA). AF was simulated with rapid atrial pacing. RA ejection fraction (EF) was assessed with intracardiac ultrasound (ICUS) in baseline, AF and assisted-AF status. In two animals, the pump was left in place for 4 weeks and then explanted. Histology examination was carried out. The mean values for single measurement per animal with +/-SD were analysed. RESULTS: The contraction rate of the device was 60 per min. RA EF was 41% in baseline, 7% in AF and 21% in assisted-AF conditions. CO was 7+/-0.5 l min(-1) in baseline, 6.2+/-0.5 l min(-1) in AF and 6.7+/-0.5 l min(-1) in assisted-AF status (p<0.01). Histology of the atrium in the chronic group showed chronic tissue inflammation and no sign of tissue necrosis. CONCLUSIONS: The artificial muscle restores the AK and improves CO. In patients with end-stage cardiac failure and permanent AF, if implanted on both sides, it would improve CO and possibly delay or even avoid complex surgical treatment such as VAD implantation.
Oral Health of Irish Adults 2000 – 2002 Publication of the strategy document - Shaping a Healthier Futureâ?T1 marked a major milestone in the development of the health care delivery system in Ireland. The strategy was underpinned by three key principles: equity, quality of service and accountability. It was emphasised that the benefit to be derived from the health services should be measured in terms of health gain and social gain. Click here to download PDF 5.6mb
La recerca vol determinar, principalment, si continua donant-se i sent vàlida la transmissió de la cultura oral de l'Àfrica occidental fora del seu context originari, en el cas concret del col·lectiu senegalès a l'àrea de Barcelona.
The response of Arabidopsis to stress caused by mechanical wounding was chosen as a model to compare the performances of high resolution quadrupole-time-of-flight (Q-TOF) and single stage Orbitrap (Exactive Plus) mass spectrometers in untargeted metabolomics. Both instruments were coupled to ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) systems set under identical conditions. The experiment was divided in two steps: the first analyses involved sixteen unwounded plants, half of which were spiked with pure standards that are not present in Arabidopsis. The second analyses compared the metabolomes of mechanically wounded plants to unwounded plants. Data from both systems were extracted using the same feature detection software and submitted to unsupervised and supervised multivariate analysis methods. Both mass spectrometers were compared in terms of number and identity of detected features, capacity to discriminate between samples, repeatability and sensitivity. Although analytical variability was lower for the UHPLC-Q-TOF, generally the results for the two detectors were quite similar, both of them proving to be highly efficient at detecting even subtle differences between plant groups. Overall, sensitivity was found to be comparable, although the Exactive Plus Orbitrap provided slightly lower detection limits for specific compounds. Finally, to evaluate the potential of the two mass spectrometers for the identification of unknown markers, mass and spectral accuracies were calculated on selected identified compounds. While both instruments showed excellent mass accuracy (<2.5ppm for all measured compounds), better spectral accuracy was recorded on the Q-TOF. Taken together, our results demonstrate that comparable performances can be obtained at acquisition frequencies compatible with UHPLC on Q-TOF and Exactive Plus MS, which may thus be equivalently used for plant metabolomics.
Opportunistic infections, which affect acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (Aids) patients, are frequently disseminated and may cause bloodstream infections (BSI). The aim of this study was to evaluate the main causes of BSI in Aids patients with advanced stage of the disease, with special emphasis on the identification of fungemia. During a 21 months period, all patients with Aids (CD4 < 200) and febrile syndrome admitted to 3 university hospitals were systematically evaluated. For each patient presenting fever, a pair of blood cultures was collected and processed by using a commercial lysis-centrifugation system. One hundred and eleven patients (75 males) with a mean age of 36 years (median 33 years) and mean CD4 count of 64 cells/ml were included. Among the 111 patients evaluated we documented 54 episodes of BSI, including 46 patients with truly systemic infections and 8 episodes considered as contaminants. BSI were caused by gram-positive bacteria (43%), fungi (20%), gram-negative bacteria (15%), mycobacteria (15%), and mixed flora (7%). The crude mortality rate of our patients was 39%, being 50% for patients with BSI and 31% for the others. In conclusion, BSI are a common related to systemic infections on Aids patients with advanced stage of disease and is associated with a high rate of mortality.