996 resultados para Optimize rules


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Se ha presentado la evaluación y optimización de las reglas de operación de un embalse para gestión de avenidas usando un entorno integrado hidrológico- hidráulico de tipo Monte Carlo. Some reservoirs play a major role in flood protection, managing the floods and reducing or delaying the peak discharges in the river downstream. However, the changing environment (natural and anthropological changes) requires the development of more elaborated strategies for reservoir operation. Three factors are relevant: 1) the natural variability of inflow hydrographs, 2) the competition for reservoir storage capacity between flood control and other uses, and 3) the existence of built-up areas on downstream river reaches. A framework for evaluation/optimization of reservoir operation rules for flood management in a changing environment is presented in this study. The study was carried out using an integrated hydrologic – hydraulic model in a Monte Carlo framework.


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El desarrollo de nuevas estructuras aeroespaciales optimizadas, utilizan materiales compuestos, para los componentes críticos y subsistemas, principalmente polímeros reforzados con fibra de carbono (CFRP). Un conocimiento profundo del estado de daño por fatiga de estructuras de CFRP avanzado, es esencial para predecir la vida residual y optimizar los intervalos de inspección estructural, reparaciones y/o sustitución de componentes. Las técnicas actuales se basan principalmente en la medición de cargas estructurales a lo largo de la vida útil de la estructura mediante galgas extensométricas eléctricas. Con esos datos, se estima la vida a fatiga utilizando modelos de acumulación de daño. En la presente tesis, se evalúa la metodología convencional para la estimación de la vida a fatiga de un CFRP aeronáutico. Esta metodología está basada en la regla de acumulación de daño lineal de Palmgren-Miner, y es aplicada para determinar la vida a fatiga de estructuras sometidas a cargas de amplitud variable. Se ha realizado una campaña de ensayos con cargas de amplitud constante para caracterizar un CFRP aeronáutico a fatiga, obteniendo las curvas clásicas S-N, en diferentes relaciones de esfuerzo. Se determinaron los diagramas de vida constante, (CLD), también conocidos como diagramas de Goodman, utilizando redes neuronales artificiales debido a la ausencia de modelos coherentes para materiales compuestos. Se ha caracterizado la degradación de la rigidez debido al daño por fatiga. Se ha ensayado un segundo grupo de probetas con secuencias estandarizadas de cargas de amplitud variable, para obtener la vida a fatiga y la degradación de rigidez en condiciones realistas. Las cargas aplicadas son representativas de misiones de aviones de combate (Falstaff), y de aviones de transporte (Twist). La vida a fatiga de las probetas cicladas con cargas de amplitud variable, se comparó con el índice de daño teórico calculado en base a la regla de acumulación de daño lineal convencional. Los resultados obtenidos muestran predicciones no conservativas. Esta tesis también presenta el estudio y desarrollo, de una nueva técnica de no contacto para evaluar el estado de daño por fatiga de estructuras de CFRP por medio de cambios de los parámetros de rugosidad. La rugosidad superficial se puede medir fácilmente en campo con métodos sin contacto, mediante técnicas ópticas tales como speckle y perfilómetros ópticos. En el presente estudio, se han medido parámetros de rugosidad superficial, y el factor de irregularidad de la superficie, a lo largo de la vida de las probetas cicladas con cargas de amplitud constante y variable, Se ha obtenido una buena tendencia de ajuste al correlacionar la magnitud de la rugosidad y el factor de irregularidad de la superficie con la degradación de la rigidez de las probetas fatigadas. Estos resultados sugieren que los cambios en la rugosidad superficial medida en zonas estratégicas de componentes y estructuras hechas de CFRP, podrían ser indicativas del nivel de daño interno debido a cargas de fatiga. Los resultados también sugieren que el método es independiente del tipo de carga de fatiga que ha causado el daño. Esto último hace que esta técnica de medición sea aplicable como inspección para una amplia gama de estructuras de materiales compuestos, desde tanques presurizados con cargas de amplitud constante, estructuras aeronáuticas como alas y colas de aeronaves cicladas con cargas de amplitud variable, hasta aplicaciones industriales como automoción, entre otros. ABSTRACT New optimized aerospace structures use composite materials, mainly carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite (CFRP), for critical components and subsystems. A strong knowledge of the fatigue state of highly advanced (CFRP) structures is essential to predict the residual life and optimize intervals of structural inspection, repairs, and/or replacements. Current techniques are based mostly on measurement of structural loads throughout the service life by electric strain gauge sensors. These sensors are affected by extreme environmental conditions and by fatigue loads in such a way that the sensors and their systems require exhaustive maintenance throughout system life. In the present thesis, the conventional methodology based on linear damage accumulation rules, applied to determine the fatigue life of structures subjected to variable amplitude loads was evaluated for an aeronautical CFRP. A test program with constant amplitude loads has been performed to obtain the classical S-N curves at different stress ratios. Constant life diagrams, CLDs, where determined by means of Artificial Neural Networks due to the absence of consistent models for composites. The stiffness degradation due to fatigue damage has been characterized for coupons under cyclic tensile loads. A second group of coupons have been tested until failure with a standardized sequence of variable amplitude loads, representative of missions for combat aircraft (Falstaff), and representative of commercial flights (Twist), to obtain the fatigue life and the stiffness degradation under realistic conditions. The fatigue life of the coupons cycled with variable amplitude loads were compared to the theoretical damage index calculated based on the conventional linear damage accumulation rule. The obtained results show non-conservative predictions. This thesis also presents the evaluation of a new non-contact technique to evaluate the fatigue damage state of CFRP structures by means of measuring roughness parameters to evaluate changes in the surface topography. Surface roughness can be measured easily on field with non-contact methods by optical techniques such as speckle and optical perfilometers. In the present study, surface roughness parameters, and the surface irregularity factor, have been measured along the life of the coupons cycled with constant and variable amplitude loads of different magnitude. A good agreement has been obtained when correlating the magnitude of the roughness and the surface irregularity factor with the stiffness degradation. These results suggest that the changes on the surface roughness measured in strategic zones of components and structures made of CFRP, could be indicative of the level of internal damage due to fatigue loads. The results also suggest that the method is independent of the type of fatigue load that have caused the damage. It makes this measurement technique applicable for a wide range of inspections of composite materials structures, from pressurized tanks with constant amplitude loads, to variable amplitude loaded aeronautical structures like wings and empennages, up to automotive and other industrial applications.


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Inspections are used to prevent tax evasion or any other unlawful behavior. ? The effect of inspections depends on the network topology and the contagion rule. ? The network is modeled as a Watts?Strogatz Small World that is tuned from regular to random. ? Two contagion rules are applied: continuous and discontinuous. ? The equilibrium populations of payers and evaders are obtained in terms of these system parameters.


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In general, a major challenge for the exploitation of renewable energies is to improve their efficiency. In electricity generation from the energy of ocean waves, not unlike other technologies, the converter must be optimized to make the energy harvesting economically feasible. This paper proposes a passive tuning control strategy of a point absorber in which the power captured is maximized by controlling the electromagnetic force of the generator with a resistance emulation approach. The proposed strategy consists of mapping the optimal values for regular waves and applying them to irregular waves. This strategy is tested in a wave energy converter in which the generator is connected to a boost rectifier converter whose controller is designed to emulate a resistance. The power electronics system implemented is validated by comparing its performance with the case in which the generator is directly connected to a resistive load. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy as the maximum captured power is concentrated around the optimal values previously calculated and with the same behavior for both excitations.


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Catalytic antibodies have shown great promise for catalyzing a tremendously diverse set of natural and unnatural chemical transformations. However, few catalytic antibodies have efficiencies that approach those of natural enzymes. In principle, random mutagenesis procedures such as phage display could be used to improve the catalytic activities of existing antibodies; however, these studies have been hampered by difficulties in the recombinant expression of antibodies. Here, we have grafted the antigen binding loops from a murine-derived catalytic antibody, 17E8, onto a human antibody framework in an effort to overcome difficulties associated with recombinant expression and phage display of this antibody. “Humanized” 17E8 retained similar catalytic and hapten binding properties as the murine antibody while levels of functional Fab displayed on phage were 200-fold higher than for a murine variable region/human constant region chimeric Fab. This construct was used to prepare combinatorial libraries. Affinity panning of these resulted in the selection of variants with 2- to 8-fold improvements in binding affinity for a phosphonate transition-state analog. Surprisingly, none of the affinity-matured variants was more catalytically active than the parent antibody and some were significantly less active. By contrast, a weaker binding variant was identified with 2-fold greater catalytic activity and incorporation of a single substitution (Tyr-100aH → Asn) from this variant into the parent antibody led to a 5-fold increase in catalytic efficiency. Thus, phage display methods can be readily used to optimize binding of catalytic antibodies to transition-state analogs, and when used in conjunction with limited screening for catalysis can identify variants with higher catalytic efficiencies.


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Economics of Cybersecurity Part 2. SPSI-2015-01-0024.


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The membrane assembly of polytopic membrane proteins is a complicated process. Using Chinese hamster P-glycoprotein (Pgp) as a model protein, we investigated this process previously and found that Pgp expresses more than one topology. One of the variations occurs at the transmembrane (TM) domain including TM3 and TM4: TM4 inserts into membranes in an Nin-Cout rather than the predicted Nout-Cin orientation, and TM3 is in cytoplasm rather than the predicted Nin-Cout orientation in the membrane. It is possible that TM4 has a strong activity to initiate the Nin-Cout membrane insertion, leaving TM3 out of the membrane. Here, we tested this hypothesis by expressing TM3 and TM4 in isolated conditions. Our results show that TM3 of Pgp does not have de novo Nin-Cout membrane insertion activity whereas TM4 initiates the Nin-Cout membrane insertion regardless of the presence of TM3. In contrast, TM3 and TM4 of another polytopic membrane protein, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), have a similar level of de novo Nin-Cout membrane insertion activity and TM4 of CFTR functions only as a stop-transfer sequence in the presence of TM3. Based on these findings, we propose that 1) the membrane insertion of TM3 and TM4 of Pgp does not follow the sequential model, which predicts that TM3 initiates Nin-Cout membrane insertion whereas TM4 stops the insertion event; and 2) “leaving one TM segment out of the membrane” may be an important folding mechanism for polytopic membrane proteins, and it is regulated by the Nin-Cout membrane insertion activities of the TM segments.


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To understand how the human visual system analyzes images, it is essential to know the structure of the visual environment. In particular, natural images display consistent statistical properties that distinguish them from random luminance distributions. We have studied the geometric regularities of oriented elements (edges or line segments) present in an ensemble of visual scenes, asking how much information the presence of a segment in a particular location of the visual scene carries about the presence of a second segment at different relative positions and orientations. We observed strong long-range correlations in the distribution of oriented segments that extend over the whole visual field. We further show that a very simple geometric rule, cocircularity, predicts the arrangement of segments in natural scenes, and that different geometrical arrangements show relevant differences in their scaling properties. Our results show similarities to geometric features of previous physiological and psychophysical studies. We discuss the implications of these findings for theories of early vision.


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Polyamides composed of four amino acids, imidazole (Im), pyrrole (Py), hydroxypyrrole (Hp), and β-alanine (β), are synthetic ligands that form highly stable complexes in the minor groove of DNA. Although specific pairing rules within the 2:1 motif can be used to distinguish the four Watson⋅Crick base pairs, a comparable recognition code for 1:1 polyamide:DNA complexes had not been described. To set a quantitative baseline for the field, the sequence specificities of Im, Py, Hp, and β for the four Watson⋅Crick base pairs were determined for two polyamides, Im-β-ImPy-β-Im-β-ImPy-β-Dp (1, for Im, Py, and β) and Im-β-ImHp-β-Im-β-ImPy-β-Dp (2, for Hp), in a 1:1 complex within the DNA sequence context 5′-AAAGAGAAGAG-3′. Im residues do not distinguish G,C from A,T but bind all four base pairs with high affinity. Py and β residues exhibit ≥10-fold preference for A,T over G,C base pairs. The Hp residue displays a unique preference for a single A⋅T base pair with an energetic penalty.


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The ability to predict macromolecular conformations from sequence and thermodynamic principles has long been coveted but generally has not been achieved. We show that differences in the hydration of DNA surfaces can be used to distinguish between sequences that form A- and B-DNA. From this, a "triplet code" of A-DNA propensities was derived as energetic rules for predicting A-DNA formation. This code correctly predicted > 90% of A- and B-DNA sequences in crystals and correlates with A-DNA formation in solution. Thus, with our previous studies on Z-DNA, we now have a single method to predict the relative stability of sequences in the three standard DNA duplex conformations.


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The aggregation operator have been considered from a computable point of view. The important condition that the computation is friendly when portions of data are inserted o deleted to the list of values to aggregate is considered.


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As anomalias craniofaciais ocasionam comprometimentos estéticos e funcionais com grande impacto na saúde e na integração social da criança, com interferência no desenvolvimento global e social. Das anomalias craniofaciais este estudo abordou as Fissuras Labiopalatinas (FLP) e o Espectro Óculo Aurículo Vertebral (EOAV). As FLP constituem malformações resultantes de falta do fechamento completo dos tecidos que compõe o lábio e o palato. O EOAV, também conhecido como Síndrome de Goldenhar, é uma anomalia congênita de etiologia desconhecida, com manifestação genética variável e de causa bastante heterogênea. Conhecer as habilidades funcionais e o impacto destas no desenvolvimento global de crianças com EOAV e FLP pode otimizar o desenvolvimento de programas de prevenção e intervenção para promover a saúde e a integração social destes indivíduos. Este estudo foi delineado com objetivo de verificar e comparar o desempenho em habilidades funcionais quanto ao desempenho nas áreas de autocuidado, mobilidade, função social e nível de independência entre crianças com EOAV, crianças com FLP e um grupo comparativo, de crianças sem anomalias. O modelo de pesquisa foi observacional descritivo transversal com uma casuística de 39 pais/responsáveis de crianças na faixa etária entre três anos e sete anos e seis meses, de ambos os gêneros. Foram convidados para participar pais/responsáveis de crianças em tratamento no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade e São Paulo (HRAC-USP) os quais foram divididos em três grupos: dois experimentais e um grupo comparativo. O instrumento para coleta dos dados das habilidades funcionais foi o Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), em sua versão adaptada para o português. A avaliação é realizada por meio de entrevista com o cuidador, o qual deve saber informar sobre o desempenho da criança em atividades e tarefas típicas da rotina diária. Os dados foram apresentados por análise descritiva com medidas de tendência central (média aritmética), dispersão (desvio-padrão) e distribuição de frequência, nas variáveis: idades, gênero e nível socioeconômico da família e caracterização da casuística. Para as análises das pontuações bruta e normativa do questionário PEDI no que se refere às habilidades funcionais e a assistência do cuidador nas três áreas de função autocuidado, mobilidade e função social, foi utilizado o teste de variância One Way, e para o teste de normalidade foi utilizado Shapiro Wilk para variável dependente. A análise comparativa foi realizada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis, adotando-se o valor de significância de p< 0,05. Os resultados deste estudo na análise comparativa nas habilidades funcionais na mobilidade, houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV, no escore bruto, e entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV e GC vs GEFLP, no escore normativo.Na assistência do cuidador no autocuidado, houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV, no escore normativo. Na assistência do cuidador na mobilidade, houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV nos escores bruto e normativo.Na assistência do cuidador na função social houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEFLP.