975 resultados para Ocular biometry
Recent studies found that isolates of Toxoplasma gondii from Brazil were biologically and genetically different from those in North America and Europe. However, to date only a small number of isolates have been analysed from different animal hosts in Brazil. In the present study DNA samples of 46 T. gondii isolates from cats in 11 counties in Sao Paulo state, Brazil were genetically characterised using 10 PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism markers including SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, STUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PKI and Apico. An additional marker, CS3, that locates on chromosome VIIa and has previously been shown to be linked to acute virulence of T. gondii was also used to determine its association to virulence in mice. Genotyping of these 46 isolates revealed a high genetic diversity with 20 genotypes but no clonal Type I, II or III lineage was found. Two of the 46 isolates showed mixed infections. Combining genotyping data in this study with recent reported results from chickens, dogs and cats in Brazil (total 125 isolates) identified 48 genotypes and 26 of these genotypes had single isolates. Four of the 48 genotypes with multiple isolates identified from different hosts and locations are considered the common clonal lineages in Brazil. These lineages are designated as Types BrI, BrII, BrIII and BrIV. These results indicate that the T. gondii population in Brazil is highly diverse with a few successful clonal lineages expanded into wide geographical areas. In contrast to North America and Europe, where the Type II clonal lineage is overwhelmingly predominant, no Type II strain was identified from the 125 Brazil isolates. Analysis of mortality rates in infected mice indicates that Type BrI is highly virulent, Type BrIII is non-virulent, whilst Type BrII and BrIV lineages are intermediately virulent. In addition, allele types at the CS3 locus are strongly linked to mouse-virulence of the parasite. Thus, T. gondii has an epidemic population structure in Brazil and the major lineages have different biological traits. (C) 2007 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The relative abundance and topographical distribution of retinal cone photoreceptors was measured in 19 bird species to identify possible correlations between photoreceptor complement and visual ecology. In contrast to previous studies, all five types of cone photoreceptor were distinguished, using bright field and epifluorescent light microscopy, in four retinal quadrants. Land birds tended to show either posterior dorsal to anterior ventral or anterior dorsal to posterior ventral gradients in cone photoreceptor distribution, fundus coloration and oil droplet pigmentation across the retina. Marine birds tended to show dorsal to ventral gradients instead. Statistical analyses showed that the proportions of the different cone types varied significantly across the retinae of all species investigated. Cluster analysis was performed on the data to identify groups or clusters of species on the basis of their oil droplet complement. Using the absolute percentages of each oil droplet type in each quadrant for the analysis produced clusters that tended to reflect phylogenetic relatedness between species rather than similarities in their visual ecology. Repeating the analysis after subtracting the mean percentage of a given oil droplet type across the whole retina (the 'eye mean') from the percentage of that oil droplet type in each quadrant, i.e. to give a measure of the variation about the mean, resulted in clusters that reflected diet, feeding behaviour and habitat to a greater extent than phylogeny.
PURPOSE: To report a case of delayed rectus muscle hemorrhage after strabismus surgery. METHODS: Case report. RESULTS: Rectus muscle hemorrhage occurred 36 hours after strabismus surgery in a 26-year-old man, causing temporary loss of vision and reduced ocular motility. Urgent lateral cantholysis and orbital exploration to restore hemostasis were undertaken. Full recovery of vision occurred and a small residual motility disturbance was present 3 months postoperatively. CONCLUSION: Delayed rectus muscle hemorrhage post-strabismus surgery is rare but can have sight-threatening effects. When vision is threatened because of optic nerve compromise, urgent orbital exploration may allow full recovery of function. (Am J Ophthalmol 2001;131: 818-819, (C) 2001 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.).
The spectral sensitivities of avian retinal photoreceptors are examined with respect to microspectrophotometric measurements of single cells, spectrophotometric measurements of extracted or in vitro regenerated visual pigments, and molecular genetic analyses of visual pigment opsin protein sequences. Bird species from diverse orders are compared in relation to their evolution, their habitats and the multiplicity of visual tasks they must perform. Birds have five different types of visual pigment and seven different types of photo receptor-rods, double (uneven twin) cones and four types of single cone. The spectral locations of the wavelengths of maximum absorbance (lambda (max)) of the different visual pigments, and the spectral transmittance characteristics of the intraocular spectral filters (cone oil droplets) that also determine photoreceptor spectral sensitivity, vary according to both habitat and phylogenetic relatedness. The primary influence on avian retinal design appears to be the range of wavelengths available for vision, regardless of whether that range is determined by the spectral distribution of the natural illumination or the spectral transmittance of the ocular media (cornea, aqueous humour, lens, vitreous humour). Nevertheless, other variations in spectral sensitivity exist that reflect the variability and complexity of avian visual ecology. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spontaneous and tone-evoked changes in light reflectance were recorded from primary auditory cortex (A1) of anesthetized cats (barbiturate induction, ketamine maintenance). Spontaneous 0.1-Hz oscillations of reflectance of 540- and 690-nm light were recorded in quiet. Stimulation with tone pips evoked localized reflectance decreases at 540 nm in 3/10 cats. The distribution of patches activated by tones of different frequencies reflected the known tonotopic organization of auditory cortex. Stimulus-evoked reflectance changes at 690 nm were observed in 9/10 cats but lacked stimulus-dependent topography. In two experiments, stimulus-evoked optical signals at 540 nm were compared with multiunit responses to the same stimuli recorded at multiple sites. A significant correlation (P < 0.05) between magnitude of reflectance decrease and multiunit response strength was evident in only one of five stimulus conditions in each experiment. There was no significant correlation when data were pooled across all stimulus conditions in either experiment. In one experiment, the spatial distribution of activated patches, evident in records of spontaneous activity at 540 nm, was similar to that of patches activated by tonal stimuli. These results suggest that local cerebral blood volume changes reflect the gross tonotopic organization of A1 but are not restricted to the sites of spiking neurons.
When visual information is confined to one object plane, the emmetropization end-point is adjusted in accord with the corresponding incident optical vergence at the eye [Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Myopia (2000) 113]. We now report the effect of adding extra visual information beyond the target plane. Visual conditions were controlled using a cone-lens system: black Maltese cross targets on white opaque backgrounds (OMX) were attached to the open faces of 2.5 cm translucent cones fitted with either 0, +25 or +40 D imaging lenses. An alternative target (TMX) was made by substituting the opaque target background for a transparent background, which allowed access to visual information beyond the target plane. The imaging devices were applied to 7-day-old chicks and worn for 4 days. Prior to this treatment, on day 2, some chicks underwent ciliary nerve section (CNS) to preclude accommodation. All treatments were monocular. Refractive errors and axial ocular dimensions were measured using retinoscopy and A-scan ultrasonography under halothane anesthesia. Treatment effects were specified as mean ( +/-S.D.) interocular differences. Eyes with the OMX/ + 40 D lens combination remained emmetropic ( +0.73 +/-3.57 D), consistent with the target plane being approximately conjugate with the retina. Switching to the TMX caused a hyperopic shift in refractive error ( + 3.78 +/- 3.41 D). This relative shift towards hyperopia in switching from the OMX to the TMX target also occurred for the other two lens powers. Thus, the OMX/ + 25 D lens induced myopia ( - 7.00 +/-5.88 D), corresponding to the imposed hyperopic defocus (target plane now imaged behind the retina), and switching to the TMX resulted in a reduction in myopia (-1.73 +/-5.36 D), The OMX/0 D lens combination produced the largest myopic shift, and here, switching to the TMX condition almost eliminated the myopic response (-15.50 +/-6.62 D cf. -0.56 +/-1.24 D). This relative hyperopic shift associated with switching from the OMX to the TMX target was eliminated by CNS surgery. Thus, the two CNS/TMX groups were both more myopic than the equivalent no CNS/TMX groups ( + 40 D lens: -2.66 +/-2.34 D; +25 D lens: -7.97 +/-6.87 D). When the visual information is restricted to one plane, incident optical vergence appears to direct emmetropization. Adding Visual information at other distances produces a shift in the end-point of ernmetropization in the direction of the added information. That these effects are dependent on the integrity of the accommodation system implies that accommodation plays a role in emmetropization and represents the first reported evidence of this kind. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
The synthesis of the visible pigment melanin by the melanocyte cell is the basis of the human pigmentary system, those genes directing the formation, transport and distribution of the specialised melanosome organelle in which melanin accumulates can legitimately be called pigmentation genes. The genes involved in this process have been identified through comparative genomic studies of mouse coat colour mutations and by the molecular characterisation of human hypopigmentary genetic diseases such as OCA1 and OCA2. The melanocyte responds to the peptide hormones a-MSH or ACTH through the MC1R G-protein coupled receptor to stimulate melanin production through induced maturation or switching of melanin type. The pheomelanosome, containing the key enzyme of the pathway tyrosinase, produces light red/yellowish melanin, whereas the eumelanosome produces darker melanins via induction of additional TYRP1, TYRP2, SILV enzymes, and the P-protein. Intramelanosomal pH governed by the P-protein may act as a critical determinant of tyrosinase enzyme activity to control the initial step in melanin synthesis or TYRP complex formation to facilitate melanogenesis and melanosomal maturation. The search for genetic variation in these candidate human pigmentation genes in various human populations has revealed high levels of polymorphism in the MC1R locus, with over 30 variant alleles so far identified. Functional correlation of MC1R alleles with skin and hair colour provides evidence that this receptor molecule is a principle component underlying normal human pigment variation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose. To demonstrate that the combination of impression cytology and single cell DNA fingerprinting represents a powerful tool that is suitable for detecting transplanted cells after corneal limbal allografting. Methods, Fifty single cells were obtained by corneal impression cytology from 12 patients undergoing cataract surgery. Individual cells were isolated from samples by micromanipulation. Polymerase chain reaction and short tandem repeat profiling was used to obtain forensic standard DNA fingerprints from single cells. Blood samples taken at the time of impression cytology provided control fingerprints. Results, informative DNA fingerprints were obtained from all corneal samples and 66% (33 of 50 cells) of isolated single cells, Of all fingerprints obtained, most (91%, 30 of 33 fingerprints) corneal fingerprints matched corresponding blond sample fingerprints. At least one corneal fingerprint matched the corresponding blood sample fingerprint in 83% (10 of 12 patients) of the patients in the study, Conclusions. This extremely specific single cell DNA fingerprinting system permits accurate identification of individual corneal epithelial cells, allowing very reliable determination of their origin, which will enable host and donor cells to be distinguished from each other after keratolimbal allografting procedures. even if the host and donor are the same sex or siblings. These DNA fingerprinting methods allow assessment of quality and quantity of donor cell survival, as well as survival time. The extreme sensitivity and accuracy of the technique means that should contamination occur, it would be identified, thus ensuring meaningful results.
Corticoteroid-induced glaucoma can result from either topical or systemic corticosteroid use. Compared with adults, the corticosteroid response in children is less well known. The case is reported of a child who developed glaucoma after receiving topical corticosteroids following a scleral re-inforcement procedure. The raised intraocular pressure was controlled after cessation of the corticosteroids and with the use of antiglaucoma therapy. As many forms of cortico-steroids are widely used, children on corticosteroids should have regular intraocular pressure measurements as part of their management.
Axonal regeneration of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) into a normal or pre-degenerated peripheral nerve graft after an optic nerve pre-lesion was investigated. A pre-lesion performed 1-2 weeks before a second lesion has been shown to enhance axonal regeneration in peripheral nerves (PN) but not in optic nerves (ON) in mammals. The lack of such a beneficial pre-lesion effect may be due to the long delay (1-6 weeks) between the two lesions since RGCs and their axons degenerate rapidly 1-2 weeks following axotomy in adult rodents. The present study examined the effects of the proximal and distal ON pre-lesions with a shortened delay (0-8 days) on axonal regeneration of RGCs through a normal or pre-degenerated PN graft. The ON of adult hamsters was transected intraorbitallv at 2 mm. (proximal lesion) or intracranially at 7 mm (distal lesion) from the optic disc. The pre-lesioned ON was re-transected at 0.5 mm from the disc after 0, 1, 2, 4, or 8 days and a normal or a pre-degenerated PN graft was attached onto the ocular stump. The number of RGCs regenerating their injured axons into the PN graft was estimated by retrograde labeling with FluoroGold 4 weeks after grafting. The number of regenerating RGCs decreased significantly when the delay-time increased in animals with both the ON pre-lesions (proximal or distal) compared to control animals without an ON pre-lesion. The proximal ON pre-lesion significantly reduced the number of regenerating RGCs after a delay of 8 days in comparison with the distal lesion. However, this adverse effect can be overcome, to some degree, by a pre-degenerated PN graft applied 2, 4, or 8 days after the distal ON pre-lesion enhanced more RGCs to regenerate than the normal PN graft. Thus, in order to obtain the highest number of regenerating RGCs, a pre-degenerated PN should be grafted immediately after an ON lesion.
This is the first documented study of the anatomical details of the contents of the normal koala orbit, excluding the bulbus oculi. Baseline data were established which are necessary for understanding and treating ocular disease in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). The anatomy of the orbital contents of the koala were examined and described from animals that presented dead or were euthanized for humane reasons. Dissections of the orbital cavity were performed under magnification. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) casts of the nasolacrimal system and the vascular supply of the orbit were also made in order to study these systems. The superficial lymphatic drainage of the conjunctival tissues was studied by subcutaneous injection of Evan's Blue into the palpebral conjunctiva of a freshly deceased animal, and by Microfil casts of the efferent lymphatics. In general, the orbital contents of the koala are consistent with those of other carnivorous polyprotodont and herbivorous diprotodont marsupials.
This is the first documented study of the anatomical details of the normal koala orbit. Baseline data are established which are necessary for understanding and treating ocular disease in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). The bony anatomy of the orbit of the koala was examined and described from animals that presented dead or had been euthanized for humane reasons. Dissections of the orbital cavity were performed under magnification, and descriptions of the orbital bones were from macerated skulls that had been boiled and cleaned, In general, the orbital bones of the koala, and their respective foramina, are consistent with those of other carnivorous polyprotodont and herbivorous diprotodont marsupials.
The visual sense of the Indian blue-shouldered peafowl Pavo cristatus was investigated with respect to the spectral absorption characteristics of the retinal photoreceptors, the spectral transmittance of the ocular media and the topographic distribution of cells in the retinal ganglion cell layer. Microspectrophotometry revealed a single class of rod, four spectrally distinct types of single cone and a single class of double cone. In the case of the single cone types, which contained visual pigments with wavelengths of maximum absorbance (lambda(max)) at 424, 458, 505 and 567 nm, spectral filtering by the ocular media and the different cone oil droplets with which each visual pigment is associated gives predicted peak spectral sensitivities of 432, 477, 537 and 605 nm, respectively. Topographic analysis of retinal ganglion cell distribution revealed a large central area of increased cell density (at peak, 35,609 cells mm(-2)) with a poorly defined visual streak extending nasally. The peafowl has a calculated maximum spatial resolution (visual acuity) in the lateral visual field of 20.6 cycles degrees(-1). These properties of the peafowl eye are discussed with respect to its visual ecology and are compared with those of other closely related species.
The toadfishes Tetractenos hamiltoni and Torquigener pleurogramma (Tetraodontidae) possess occlusable yellow corneas. We examine the light transmission and location of the yellow/orange pigment throughout the cornea, the temporal properties of pigment migration and the ultrastructure of the pigmented processes during light- and dark-adaptation. Each species was dark-adapted during the day and light-adapted during the night and then exposed to either sun illumination or darkness for different lengths of time (0-70 min). Movement of corneal pigment could be induced in both species regardless of time of day or night. The pigment was able to migrate in a dorsal or ventral direction and changed from minimal to maximal pigmentation within 60 min. Three types of transmission curves were found with varying degrees of transmission in the 400-500 nm waveband, indicating that the pigment distribution is not uniform across the cornea; some areas of the cornea transmit near UV light, while others absorb blue light. The gradual change of the transmission characteristics in different areas of the cornea indicates the presence of different concentrations of a single type of pigment. Ultrastructural examination of the corneas showed that the layer containing the pigment is situated within the scleral cornea either surrounding (T. pleurogramma) or abutting (T. hamiltoni) an iridescent layer. Long sheet-like processes or chromatophores extending centrally from dorsal and ventral reservoirs are filled with pigment during the light-adapted state but empty in the dark-adapted state.