858 resultados para OSTEOGENIC-SARCOMA
Delayed fracture healing and non-unions represent rare but severe complications in orthopedic surgery. Further knowledge on the mechanisms of the bone repair process and of the development of a pseudoarthrosis is essential to predict and prevent impaired healing of fractures. The present study aimed at elucidating differences in gene expression during the repair of rigidly and non-rigidly fixed osteotomies. For this purpose, the MouseFix™ and the FlexiPlate™ systems (AO Development Institute, Davos, CH), allowing the creation of well defined osteotomies in mouse femora, were employed. A time course following the healing process of the osteotomy was performed and bones and periimplant tissues were analyzed by high-resolution X-ray, MicroCT and by histology. For the assessment of gene expression, Low Density Arrays (LDA) were done. In animals with rigid fixation, X-ray and MicroCT revealed healing of the osteotomy within 3 weeks. Using the FlexiPlate™ system, the osteotomy was still visible by X-ray after 3 weeks and a stabilizing cartilaginous callus was formed. After 4.5 weeks, the callus was remodeled and the osteotomy was, on a histological level, healed. Gene expression studies revealed levels of transcripts encoding proteins associated with inflammatory processes not to be altered in tissues from bones with rigid and non-rigid fixation, respectively. Levels of transcripts encoding proteins of the extracellular matrix and essential for bone cell functions were not increased in the rigidly fixed group when compared to controls without osteotomy. In the FlexiPlate™ group, levels of transcripts encoding the same set of genes were significantly increased 3 weeks after surgery. Expression of transcripts encoding BMPs and BMP antagonists was increased after 3 weeks in repair tissues from bones fixed with FlexiPlate™, as were inhibitors of the WNT signaling pathways. Little changes only were detected in transcript levels of tissues from rigidly fixed bones. The data of the present study suggest that rigid fixation enables accelerated healing of an experimental osteotomy as compared to non-rigid fixation. The changes in the healing process after non-rigid fixation are accompanied by an increase in the levels of transcripts encoding inhibitors of osteogenic pathways and, probably as a consequence, by temporal changes in bone matrix synthesis.
The use of metal implants in dental and orthopedic surgery is continuously expanding and highly successful. While today longevity and load-bearing capacity of the implants fulfill the expectations of the patients, acceleration of osseointegration would be of particular benefit to shorten the period of convalescence. To further clarify the options to accelerate the kinetics of osseointegration, within this study, the osteogenic properties of structurally identical surfaces with different metal coatings were investigated. To assess the development and function of primary human osteoblasts on metal surfaces, cell viability, differentiation, and gene expression were determined. Titanium surfaces were used as positive, and surfaces coated with gold were used as negative controls. Little differences in the cellular parameters tested for were found when the cells were grown on titanium discs sputter coated with titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, gold, and chromium. Cell number, activity of cell layer-associated alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and levels of transcripts encoding COL1A1 and BGLAP did not vary significantly in dependence of the surface chemistry. Treatment of the cell cultures with 1,25(OH)2 D3 /Dex, however, significantly increased ALP activity and BGLAP messenger RNA levels. The data demonstrate that the metal layer coated onto the titanium discs exerted little modulatory effects on cell behavior. It is suggested that the microenvironment regulated by the peri-implant tissues is more effective in regulating the tissue response than is the material of the implant itself.
Fibroblast-like cells isolated from peripheral blood of human, canine, guinea pig, and rat have been demonstrated to possess the capacity to differentiate into several mesenchymal lineages. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of isolating pluripotent precursor cells from equine peripheral blood and compare them with equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were used as a control for cell multipotency assessment. Venous blood (n = 33) and bone marrow (n = 5) were obtained from adult horses. Mononuclear cells were obtained by Ficoll gradient centrifugation and cultured in monolayer, and adherent fibroblast-like cells were tested for their differentiation potential. Chondrogenic differentiation was performed in serum-free medium in pellet cultures as a three-dimensional model, whereas osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation were induced in monolayer culture. Evidence for differentiation was made via biochemical, histological, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction evaluations. Fibroblast-like cells were observed on day 10 in 12 out of 33 samples and were allowed to proliferate until confluence. Equine peripheral blood-derived cells had osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation capacities comparable to cells derived from bone marrow. Both cell types showed a limited capacity to produce lipid droplets compared to human MSCs. This result may be due to the assay conditions, which are established for human MSCs from bone marrow and may not be optimal for equine progenitor cells. Bone marrow-derived equine and human MSCs could be induced to develop cartilage, whereas equine peripheral blood progenitors did not show any capacity to produce cartilage at the histological level. In conclusion, equine peripheral blood-derived fibroblast-like cells can differentiate into distinct mesenchymal lineages but have less multipotency than bone marrow-derived MSCs under the conditions used in this study.
In this study, we investigated if monolayer expansion of adult human articular chondrocytes (AHAC) on specific substrates regulates cell phenotype and post-expansion multilineage differentiation ability. AHAC isolated from cartilage biopsies of five donors were expanded on plastic dishes (PL), on dishes coated with collagen type II (COL), or on slides coated with a ceramic material (Osteologic, OS). The phenotype of expanded chondrocytes was assessed by flow cytometry and real-time RT-PCR. Cells were then cultured in previously established conditions promoting differentiation toward the chondrogenic or osteogenic lineage. AHAC differentiation was assessed histologically, biochemically, and by real-time RT-PCR. As compared to PL-expanded AHAC, those expanded on COL did not exhibit major phenotypic changes, whereas OS-expanded cells expressed (i) higher bone sialoprotein (BSP) (22.6-fold) and lower collagen type II (9.3-fold) mRNA levels, and (ii) lower CD26, CD90 and CD140 surface protein levels (1.4-11.1-fold). Following chondrogenic differentiation, COL-expanded AHAC expressed higher mRNA levels of collagen type II (2.3-fold) and formed tissues with higher glycosaminoglycan (GAG) contents (1.7-fold), whereas OS-expanded cells expressed 16.5-fold lower collagen type II and generated pellets with 2.0-fold lower GAG contents. Following osteogenic differentiation, OS-expanded cells expressed higher levels of BSP (3.9-fold) and collagen type I (2.8-fold) mRNA. In summary, AHAC expansion on COL or OS modulated the de-differentiated cell phenotype and improved the cell differentiation capacity respectively toward the chondrogenic or osteogenic lineage. Phenotypic changes induced by AHAC expansion on specific substrates may mimic pathophysiological events occurring at different stages of osteoarthritis and may be relevant for the engineering of osteochondral tissues.
OBJECTIVE: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have a broad differentiation potential. We aimed to determine if MSCs are present in fetal membranes and placental tissue and to assess their potential to differentiate into neurogenic and mesodermal lineages. STUDY DESIGN: MSCs isolated from first and third trimester chorion and amnion and first trimester chorionic villi and characterized morphologically and by flourescence-activated cell sorting analysis. Their ability to mature under different culture conditions into various cells of mesodermal and neuroectodermal cell lines was assessed by immuno- and cytochemical staining. RESULTS: Independent of gestational age, cells isolated from fetal membranes and placenta showed typical MSC phenotype (positive for CD166, CD105, CD90, CD73, CD49e, CD44, CD29, CD13, MHC I; negative for CD14, CD34, CD45, MHC II) and were able to differentiate into mesodermal cells expressing cell markers/cytologic staining consistent with mature chondroblasts, osteoblasts, adipocytes, or myocytes and into neuronal cells presenting markers of various stages of maturation. The differentiation pattern was mainly dependent on cell type. CONCLUSION: Mesenchymal cells from chorion, amnion, and villous stroma can be differentiated into neurogenic, chondrogenic, osteogenic, adipogenic, and myogenic lineage. Placental tissue obtained during prenatal chorionic villous sampling or at delivery might be an ideal source for autologous stem cell graft for peripartum neuroregeneration and other clinical issues.
A derivative (EMD) of enamel matrix proteins (EMPs) is used for periodontal regeneration because EMPs are believed to induce the formation of acellular extrinsic fiber cementum (AEFC). Other reports, however, indicate that EMPs have osteogenic potential. The aim of this study was to characterize the nature of the tissue that forms on the root surface following application of EMD. Ten human teeth affected by periodontitis and scheduled for extraction were treated with EMD. Four to six weeks later, they were extracted and processed for analysis by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Immunocytochemistry with antibodies against bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN) was performed to determine the mineralization pattern. The newly formed tissues on the root were thick and contained embedded cells. Small mineralization foci were regularly seen, and large organic matrix patches were occasionally seen, but a distinct mineralization front was lacking. While labeling for BSP was always associated with small mineralization foci and large matrix patches, OPN labeling was seen inconsistently. It is concluded that tissues resembling either cellular intrinsic fiber cementum or a type of bone were observed. The mineralization pattern mostly resembled that found in bone, except for a few areas that exhibited a hitherto undescribed mineralization pattern.
The objective of this investigation was to determine the fate of thin buccal bone encasing the prominent roots of maxillary anterior teeth following extraction. Resorption of the buccal plate compromises the morphology of the localized edentulous ridge and makes it challenging to place an implant in the optimal position for prosthetic restoration. In addition, the use of Bio-Oss as a bone filler to maintain the form of the edentulous ridge was evaluated. Nine patients were selected for the extraction of 36 maxillary anterior teeth. Nineteen extraction sockets received Bio-Oss, and seventeen sockets received no osteogenic material. All sites were completely covered with soft tissue at the conclusion of surgery. Computerized tomographic scans were made immediately following extraction and then at 30 to 90 days after healing so as to assess the fate of the buccal plates and resultant form of the edentulous sites. The results were assessed by an independent radiologist, with a crest width of 6 mm regarded as sufficient to place an implant. Those sockets treated with Bio-Oss demonstrated a loss of less than 20% of the buccal plate in 15 of 19 test sites (79%). In contrast, 12 of 17 control sockets (71%) demonstrated a loss of more than 20% of the buccal plate. In conclusion, the Bio-Oss test sites outperformed the control sites by a significant margin. No investigator was able to predict which site would be successful without the grafting material even though all were experienced clinicians. This leads to the conclusion that a patient has a significant benefit from receiving grafting materials at the time of extraction.
Tissue engineering (TE) has emerged as a promising new therapy for the treatment of damaged tissues and organs. Adult stem cells are considered as an attractive candidate cell type for cell-based TE. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have been isolated from a variety of tissues and tested for differentiation into different cell lineages. While clinical trials still await the use of human MSC, horse tendon injuries are already being treated with autologous bone marrow-derived MSC. Given that the bone marrow is not an optimal source for MSC due to the painful and risk-containing sampling procedure, isolation of stem cells from peripheral blood would bring an attractive alternative. Adherent fibroblast-like cells have been previously isolated from equine peripheral blood. However, their responses to the differentiation conditions, established for human bone marrow MSC, were insufficient to fully confirm their multilineage potential. In this study, differentiation conditions were optimized to better evaluate the multilineage capacities of equine peripheral blood-derived fibroblast-like cells (ePB-FLC) into adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic pathways. Adipogenic differentiation using rabbit serum resulted in a high number of large-size lipid droplets three days upon induction. Cells' expression of alkaline phosphatase and calcium deposition upon osteogenic induction confirmed their osteogenic differentiation capacities. Moreover, an increase of dexamethasone concentration resulted in faster osteogenic differentiation and matrix mineralization. Finally, induction of chondrogenesis in pellet cultures resulted in an increase in cartilage-specific gene expression, namely collagen II and aggrecan, followed by protein deposition after a longer induction period. This study therefore demonstrates that ePB-FLC have the potential to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic mesenchymal lineages. The presence of cells with confirmed multilineage capacities in peripheral blood has important clinical implications for cell-based TE therapies in horses.
Osteogenic agents, such as bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2), can stimulate the degradation as well as the formation of bone. Hence, they could impair the osteoconductivity of functionalized implant surfaces. We assessed the effects of BMP-2 and its mode of delivery on the osteoconductivity of dental implants with either a naked titanium surface or a calcium-phosphate-coated one. The naked titanium surface bore adsorbed BMP-2, whilst the coated one bore incorporated, adsorbed, or incorporated and adsorbed BMP-2. The implants were inserted into the maxillae of adult miniature pigs. The volume of bone deposited within a defined "osteoconductive" (peri-implant) space, and bone coverage of the implant surface delimiting this space, were estimated morphometrically 1-3 weeks later. After 3 weeks, the volume of bone deposited within the osteoconductive space was highest for coated and uncoated implants bearing no BMP-2, followed by coated implants bearing incorporated BMP-2; it was lowest for coated implants bearing only adsorbed BMP-2. Bone-interface coverage was highest for coated implants bearing no BMP-2, followed by coated implants bearing either incorporated, or incorporated and adsorbed BMP-2; it was lowest for uncoated implants bearing adsorbed BMP-2. Hence, the osteoconductivity of implant surfaces can be significantly modulated by BMP-2 and its mode of delivery.
Bone healing may be improved in implant patients by the administration of osteogenic agents, such as bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2). But the efficacy of BMP-2 depends upon its mode of application. We hypothesized that BMP-2 is capable of a higher osteogenic efficacy when delivered physiologically, viz., when incorporated into a calcium-phosphate carrier that mimics mineralized bone matrix, than when administered via simple pharmacological modes, such as by adsorption onto a carrier surface. Using an ectopic rat model, we compared the osteoinductive efficacies of calcium-phosphate implant-coatings bearing either incorporated, adsorbed, or incorporated and adsorbed BMP-2. When adsorbed directly onto the naked implant surface, BMP-2 was not osteogenic. When adsorbed onto a calcium-phosphate coating, it was osteoinductive, but not highly efficacious. When BMP-2 was incorporated into calcium-phosphate coatings, it was a potent bone-inducer, whose efficacy was compromised, not potentiated, by the additional deposition of an adsorbed pool.
BACKGROUND: Metastasis of a malignant tumor to the oral cavity is rare, but it can be the first manifestation of a primary tumor. METHODS: The clinicopathologic features of a gingival metastasis originating from lung adenocarcinoma in a female patient are described. A 57-year-old woman showed a rapidly growing, painless, exophytic mass in the left mandibular gingiva. The whole lesion was excised, and histologic and immunohistochemical analyses were performed. RESULTS: The histopathologic sections showed a proliferation of poorly differentiated spindle and pleomorphic cells. Because the differentiation between carcinoma and sarcoma of spindle cell tumors was difficult, additional immunohistochemical evaluation was performed. The intraoral healing after tumor removal was uneventful. The discrepancy between the histopathologic results and the clinical findings led to a thorough examination by the patient's physician. Finally, a biopsy of the lungs confirmed a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with multiple metastases, including the oral cavity. CONCLUSIONS: An exophytic lesion on the gingiva can be the first sign of metastatic adenocarcinoma to the oral mucosa. This case emphasizes that even apparently benign-looking gingival lesions in anamnestically healthy patients need to be examined histopathologically.
BACKGROUND: Despite a large body of clinical and histological data demonstrating beneficial effects of enamel matrix proteins (EMPs) for regenerative periodontal therapy, it is less clear how the available biological data can explain the mechanisms underlying the supportive effects of EMPs. OBJECTIVE: To analyse all available biological data of EMPs at the cellular and molecular levels that are relevant in the context of periodontal wound healing and tissue formation. METHODS: A stringent systematic approach was applied using the key words "enamel matrix proteins" OR "enamel matrix derivative" OR "emdogain" OR "amelogenin". The literature search was performed separately for epithelial cells, gingival fibroblasts, periodontal ligament cells, cementoblasts, osteogenic/chondrogenic/bone marrow cells, wound healing, and bacteria. RESULTS: A total of 103 papers met the inclusion criteria. EMPs affect many different cell types. Overall, the available data show that EMPs have effects on: (1) cell attachment, spreading, and chemotaxis; (2) cell proliferation and survival; (3) expression of transcription factors; (4) expression of growth factors, cytokines, extracellular matrix constituents, and other macromolecules; and (5) expression of molecules involved in the regulation of bone remodelling. CONCLUSION: All together, the data analysis provides strong evidence for EMPs to support wound healing and new periodontal tissue formation.
Osseointegration of titanium dental implants into the jaw bone, which is required for maintenance of the implant in the jaw, results in ankylosis. Dental implants are therefore very unlike natural teeth, which exhibit significant movement in response to mechanical forces. The ability to generate periodontal ligament (PDL) tissues onto dental implants would better mimic the functional characteristics of natural teeth, and would likely improve implant duration and function. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of bioengineering PDL tissues onto titanium implant surfaces. METHODS: Bilateral maxillary first and second molars of 8-week old rats were extracted and used to generate single cell suspensions of PDL tissues, which were expanded in culture. Immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR were used to identify putative PDL progenitor/stem cell populations and characterize stem cell properties, including self-renewal, multipotency and stem cell maker expression. Cultured rPDL cells were harvested at third passage, seeded onto Matrigel-coated titanium implants (1.75 mm x 1 mm), and placed into healed M1/M2 extraction sites. Non-cell seeded Matrigel-coated titanium implants served as negative controls. Implants were harvested after 8, 12, or 18 weeks. RESULTS: Cultured rPDL cells expressed the mesenchymal stem-cell marker STRO-1. Under defined culture conditions, PDL cells differentiated into adipogenic, neurogenic and osteogenic lineages. While control implants were largely surrounded by alveolar bone, experimental samples exhibited fibrous PDL-like tissues, and perhaps cementum, on the surface of experimental implants. CONCLUSIONS: PDL contains stem cells that can generate cementum/PDL-like tissue in vivo. Transplantation of these cells might hold promise as a therapeutic approach for the bioengineering of PDL tissues onto titanium implant. Further refinement of this method will likely result in improved dental implant strategies for use of autologous PDL tissue regeneration in humans. This research was supported by CIMIT, and NIH/NIDCR grant DE016132 (PCY), and TEACRS (YL).
The delivery of oxygen, nutrients, and the removal of waste are essential for cellular survival. Culture systems for 3D bone tissue engineering have addressed this issue by utilizing perfusion flow bioreactors that stimulate osteogenic activity through the delivery of oxygen and nutrients by low-shear fluid flow. It is also well established that bone responds to mechanical stimulation, but may desensitize under continuous loading. While perfusion flow and mechanical stimulation are used to increase cellular survival in vitro, 3D tissue-engineered constructs face additional limitations upon in vivo implantation. As it requires significant amounts of time for vascular infiltration by the host, implants are subject to an increased risk of necrosis. One solution is to introduce tissue-engineered bone that has been pre-vascularized through the co-culture of osteoblasts and endothelial cells on 3D constructs. It is unclear from previous studies: 1) how 3D bone tissue constructs will respond to partitioned mechanical stimulation, 2) how gene expression compares in 2D and in 3D, 3) how co-cultures will affect osteoblast activity, and 4) how perfusion flow will affect co-cultures of osteoblasts and endothelial cells. We have used an integrated approach to address these questions by utilizing mechanical stimulation, perfusion flow, and a co-culture technique to increase the success of 3D bone tissue engineering. We measured gene expression of several osteogenic and angiogenic genes in both 2D and 3D (static culture and mechanical stimulation), as well as in 3D cultures subjected to perfusion flow, mechanical stimulation and partitioned mechanical stimulation. Finally, we co-cultured osteoblasts and endothelial cells on 3D scaffolds and subjected them to long-term incubation in either static culture or under perfusion flow to determine changes in gene expression as well as histological measures of osteogenic and angiogenic activity. We discovered that 2D and 3D osteoblast cultures react differently to shear stress, and that partitioning mechanical stimulation does not affect gene expression in our model. Furthermore, our results suggest that perfusion flow may rescue 3D tissue-engineered constructs from hypoxic-like conditions by reducing hypoxia-specific gene expression and increasing histological indices of both osteogenic and angiogenic activity. Future research to elucidate the mechanisms behind these results may contribute to a more mature bone-like structure that integrates more quickly into host tissue, increasing the potential of bone tissue engineering.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive disease affecting skeletal and cardiac muscle, as well as bone. Long term disuse and glucocorticoid treatments cause progressive osteoporosis in DMD patients, leading to an increase in fracture incidence. Treatments for osteoporosis in these patients have not been widely explored. Parathyroid hormone (PTH), an anabolic treatment for post-menopausal osteoporosis, could benefit DMD patients by improving skeletal properties and reducing fracture risk. Other PTH analogues are not currently FDA approved to treat osteoporosis, but may have improved osteogenic effects compared to the human analogue. Black bear PTH is especially promising as an osteoporosis treatment for the DMD population. Black bears are unique models of bone maintenance during disuse, since during six months of inactivity (hibernation), they maintain skeletal properties, unlike other hibernators. Additionally, black bear PTH has been correlated to bone formation markers during hibernation, indicating it may be, at least in part, the mechanism by which bears maintain bone during disuse. Employing black bear PTH as a treatment for osteoporosis in DMD patients could greatly improve quality of life for these individuals, and reduce the pain and expense associated with frequent fractures.