916 resultados para Numerical and experimental researches
The present paper aims to develop a robust spherical indentation-based method to extract material plastic properties. For this purpose, a new consideration of-piling-up effect is incorporated into the expanding cavity model; an extensive numerical study on the similarity Solution has also been performed. As a consequence, two semi-theoretical relations between the indentation response and material plastic properties are derived, with which plastic properties of materials can be identified from a single instrumented spherical indentation curve, the advantage being that this approach no longer needs estimations of contact radius with given elastic modulus. Moreover, the inconvenience in using multiple indenters with different tip angles can be avoided. Comprehensive sensitivity analyses show that the present algorithm is reliable. Also, by experimental verification performed oil three typical materials, good agreement of the material properties between those obtained from the reverse algorithm and experimental data is obtained.
The present paper aims to develop a robust spherical indentation-based method to extract material plastic properties. For this purpose, a new consideration of-piling-up effect is incorporated into the expanding cavity model; an extensive numerical study on the similarity Solution has also been performed. As a consequence, two semi-theoretical relations between the indentation response and material plastic properties are derived, with which plastic properties of materials can be identified from a single instrumented spherical indentation curve, the advantage being that this approach no longer needs estimations of contact radius with given elastic modulus. Moreover, the inconvenience in using multiple indenters with different tip angles can be avoided. Comprehensive sensitivity analyses show that the present algorithm is reliable. Also, by experimental verification performed oil three typical materials, good agreement of the material properties between those obtained from the reverse algorithm and experimental data is obtained.
Granular crystals are compact periodic assemblies of elastic particles in Hertzian contact whose dynamic response can be tuned from strongly nonlinear to linear by the addition of a static precompression force. This unique feature allows for a wide range of studies that include the investigation of new fundamental nonlinear phenomena in discrete systems such as solitary waves, shock waves, discrete breathers and other defect modes. In the absence of precompression, a particularly interesting property of these systems is their ability to support the formation and propagation of spatially localized soliton-like waves with highly tunable properties. The wealth of parameters one can modify (particle size, geometry and material properties, periodicity of the crystal, presence of a static force, type of excitation, etc.) makes them ideal candidates for the design of new materials for practical applications. This thesis describes several ways to optimally control and tailor the propagation of stress waves in granular crystals through the use of heterogeneities (interstitial defect particles and material heterogeneities) in otherwise perfectly ordered systems. We focus on uncompressed two-dimensional granular crystals with interstitial spherical intruders and composite hexagonal packings and study their dynamic response using a combination of experimental, numerical and analytical techniques. We first investigate the interaction of defect particles with a solitary wave and utilize this fundamental knowledge in the optimal design of novel composite wave guides, shock or vibration absorbers obtained using gradient-based optimization methods.
A novel spectroscopy of trapped ions is proposed which will bring single-ion detection sensitivity to the observation of magnetic resonance spectra. The approaches developed here are aimed at resolving one of the fundamental problems of molecular spectroscopy, the apparent incompatibility in existing techniques between high information content (and therefore good species discrimination) and high sensitivity. Methods for studying both electron spin resonance (ESR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) are designed. They assume established methods for trapping ions in high magnetic field and observing the trapping frequencies with high resolution (<1 Hz) and sensitivity (single ion) by electrical means. The introduction of a magnetic bottle field gradient couples the spin and spatial motions together and leads to a small spin-dependent force on the ion, which has been exploited by Dehmelt to observe directly the perturbation of the ground-state electron's axial frequency by its spin magnetic moment.
A series of fundamental innovations is described m order to extend magnetic resonance to the higher masses of molecular ions (100 amu = 2x 10^5 electron masses) and smaller magnetic moments (nuclear moments = 10^(-3) of the electron moment). First, it is demonstrated how time-domain trapping frequency observations before and after magnetic resonance can be used to make cooling of the particle to its ground state unnecessary. Second, adiabatic cycling of the magnetic bottle off between detection periods is shown to be practical and to allow high-resolution magnetic resonance to be encoded pointwise as the presence or absence of trapping frequency shifts. Third, methods of inducing spindependent work on the ion orbits with magnetic field gradients and Larmor frequency irradiation are proposed which greatly amplify the attainable shifts in trapping frequency.
The dissertation explores the basic concepts behind ion trapping, adopting a variety of classical, semiclassical, numerical, and quantum mechanical approaches to derive spin-dependent effects, design experimental sequences, and corroborate results from one approach with those from another. The first proposal presented builds on Dehmelt's experiment by combining a "before and after" detection sequence with novel signal processing to reveal ESR spectra. A more powerful technique for ESR is then designed which uses axially synchronized spin transitions to perform spin-dependent work in the presence of a magnetic bottle, which also converts axial amplitude changes into cyclotron frequency shifts. A third use of the magnetic bottle is to selectively trap ions with small initial kinetic energy. A dechirping algorithm corrects for undesired frequency shifts associated with damping by the measurement process.
The most general approach presented is spin-locked internally resonant ion cyclotron excitation, a true continuous Stern-Gerlach effect. A magnetic field gradient modulated at both the Larmor and cyclotron frequencies is devised which leads to cyclotron acceleration proportional to the transverse magnetic moment of a coherent state of the particle and radiation field. A preferred method of using this to observe NMR as an axial frequency shift is described in detail. In the course of this derivation, a new quantum mechanical description of ion cyclotron resonance is presented which is easily combined with spin degrees of freedom to provide a full description of the proposals.
Practical, technical, and experimental issues surrounding the feasibility of the proposals are addressed throughout the dissertation. Numerical ion trajectory simulations and analytical models are used to predict the effectiveness of the new designs as well as their sensitivity and resolution. These checks on the methods proposed provide convincing evidence of their promise in extending the wealth of magnetic resonance information to the study of collisionless ions via single-ion spectroscopy.
Metallic glass has since its debut been of great research interest due to its profound scientific significance. Magnetic metallic glasses are of special interest because of their promising technological applications. In this thesis, we introduced a novel series of Fe-based alloys and offer a holistic review of the physics and properties of these alloys. A systematic alloy development and optimization method was introduced, with experimental implementation on transition metal based alloying system. A deep understanding on the influencing factors of glass forming ability was brought up and discussed, based on classical nucleation theory. Experimental data of the new Fe-based amorphous alloys were interpreted to further analyze those influencing factors, including reduced glass transition temperature, fragility, and liquid-crystal interface free energy. Various treatments (fluxing, overheating, etc.) were discussed for their impacts on the alloying systems' thermodynamics and glass forming ability. Multiple experimental characterization methods were discussed to measure the alloys' soft magnetic properties. In addition to theoretical and experimental investigation, we also gave a detailed numerical analysis on the rapid-discharge-heating-and-forming platform. It is a novel experimental system which offers extremely fast heating rate for calorimetric characterization and alloy deformation.
Part I
Several approximate Hartree-Fock SCF wavefunctions for the ground electronic state of the water molecule have been obtained using an increasing number of multicenter s, p, and d Slater-type atomic orbitals as basis sets. The predicted charge distribution has been extensively tested at each stage by calculating the electric dipole moment, molecular quadrupole moment, diamagnetic shielding, Hellmann-Feynman forces, and electric field gradients at both the hydrogen and the oxygen nuclei. It was found that a carefully optimized minimal basis set suffices to describe the electronic charge distribution adequately except in the vicinity of the oxygen nucleus. Our calculations indicate, for example, that the correct prediction of the field gradient at this nucleus requires a more flexible linear combination of p-orbitals centered on this nucleus than that in the minimal basis set. Theoretical values for the molecular octopole moment components are also reported.
Part II
The perturbation-variational theory of R. M. Pitzer for nuclear spin-spin coupling constants is applied to the HD molecule. The zero-order molecular orbital is described in terms of a single 1s Slater-type basis function centered on each nucleus. The first-order molecular orbital is expressed in terms of these two functions plus one singular basis function each of the types e-r/r and e-r ln r centered on one of the nuclei. The new kinds of molecular integrals were evaluated to high accuracy using numerical and analytical means. The value of the HD spin-spin coupling constant calculated with this near-minimal set of basis functions is JHD = +96.6 cps. This represents an improvement over the previous calculated value of +120 cps obtained without using the logarithmic basis function but is still considerably off in magnitude compared with the experimental measurement of JHD = +43 0 ± 0.5 cps.
Os recentes desastres ocorridos no país, como o rompimento da adutora em Campo Grande e os desastres relacionados às enchentes urbanas, mostram a necessidade de desenvolvimento de pesquisas científicas que auxiliem na compreensão e no dimensionamento das estruturas projetadas para atender a demanda da população. Os métodos analíticos e experimentais mais utilizados possuem algumas limitações de ordem teórica ou prática. Por outro lado, os métodos numéricos, capazes de simular etapas construtivas e envolver materiais com diferentes modelos constitutivos numa mesma análise, buscam atender às necessidades práticas dos projetos de geotecnia e, ao mesmo tempo, complementam os modelos analíticos e experimentais. Nesse trabalho foram realizadas comparações entre resultados obtidos em ensaios experimentais e resultados extraídos do modelo computacional, buscando aumentar a compreensão sobre a interação solo-estrutura em relação à distribuição de tensões mobilizadas e aos deslocamentos e deformações provocados. A simulação numérica foi feita com a utilização do PLAXIS/3D, software de análise geotécnica baseado no método dos elementos finitos. Os ensaios foram confeccionados na Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos/USP por Costa (2005) e envolveram dutos enterrados submetidos à perda de apoio ou elevação localizada. O estudo experimental foi realizado através de modelos físicos compostos por um maciço de areia pura, contendo um tubo repousando sobre um alçapão no centro do vão. Os modelos físicos foram equipados com instrumental capaz de medir as deflexões e as deformações específicas ao longo do duto, além das tensões totais no maciço de solo circundante e na base do equipamento.
In this paper, the use of magnetic materials to divert flux in high-temperature superconductor superconducting coils and reduce transport ac loss is investigated. This particular technique is preferred over other techniques, such as striation, Roebel transposition, and twisted wires because it does not require modification to the conductor itself, which can be detrimental to the properties of the superconductor. The technique can also be implemented for existing coils. The analysis is carried out using a coil model based on the H formulation and implemented in comsol multiphysics. Both weakly and strongly magnetic materials are investigated, and it is shown that the use of such materials can divert flux and achieve a reduction in transport ac loss, which, in some cases, is quite significant. This analysis acts to provide a foundation for further optimization and experimental work in the future. © 2011 IEEE.
It is possible and common to obtain equivalent natural frequency and damping for a soil-foundation system from results of experimental or numerical analysis assuming the system has a single degree of freedom. Three approaches to extract natural frequency and damping were applied to the vertically vibrated soil-foundation system. The sensitivity of the computed natural frequency and damping to the soil properties was evaluated through parametric studies. About 10-20% of discrepancy in values of natural frequency was observed due to different approaches. The results help to assess the reliability of equivalent soil properties determined from the reported natural frequency of the system. Finally the results obtained using theoretical predictions with linear soil properties measured in situ were compared to those calculated from experimental data. The prediction and experimental results showed good agreements if the embedment of the foundation is neglected with stepped sine test but considered with impulse test. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
This paper presents a comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental results from a pin-on-disc test rig exploring friction-induced vibration. The model is based on a linear stability analysis of two systems coupled by sliding contact at a single point. Predictions are compared with a large volume of measured squeal initiations that have been post-processed to extract growth rates and frequencies at the onset of squeal. Initial tests reveal the importance of including both finite contact stiffness and a velocity-dependent dynamic model for friction, giving predictions that accounted for nearly all major clusters of squeal initiations from 0 to 5 kHz. However, a large number of initiations occurred at disc mode frequencies that were not predicted with the same parameters. These frequencies proved remarkably difficult to destabilise, requiring an implausibly high coefficient of friction. An attempt has been made to estimate the dynamic friction behaviour directly from the squeal initiation data, revealing complex-valued frequency-dependent parameters for a new model of linearised dynamic friction. These new parameters readily destabilised the disc modes and provided a consistent model that could account for virtually all initiations from 0 to 15 kHz. The results suggest that instability thresholds for a wide range of squeal-type behaviour can be predicted, but they highlight the central importance of a correct understanding and accurate description of dynamic friction at the sliding interface. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydrodynamic instabilities in gas turbine fuel injectors help to mix the fuel and air but can sometimes lock into acoustic oscillations and contribute to thermoacoustic instability. This paper describes a linear stability analysis that predicts the frequencies and strengths of hydrodynamic instabilities and identifies the regions of the flow that cause them. It distinguishes between convective instabilities, which grow in time but are convected away by the flow, and absolute instabilities, which grow in time without being convected away. Convectively unstable flows amplify external perturbations, while absolutely unstable flows also oscillate at intrinsic frequencies. As an input, this analysis requires velocity and density fields, either from a steady but unstable solution to the Navier-Stokes equations, or from time-averaged numerical simulations. In the former case, the analysis is a predictive tool. In the latter case, it is a diagnostic tool. This technique is applied to three flows: a swirling wake at Re = 400, a single stream swirling fuel injector at Re - 106, and a lean premixed gas turbine injector with five swirling streams at Re - 106. Its application to the swirling wake demonstrates that this technique can correctly predict the frequency, growth rate and dominant wavemaker region of the flow. It also shows that the zone of absolute instability found from the spatio-temporal analysis is a good approximation to the wavemaker region, which is found by overlapping the direct and adjoint global modes. This approximation is used in the other two flows because it is difficult to calculate their adjoint global modes. Its application to the single stream fuel injector demonstrates that it can identify the regions of the flow that are responsible for generating the hydrodynamic oscillations seen in LES and experimental data. The frequencies predicted by this technique are within a few percent of the measured frequencies. The technique also explains why these oscillations become weaker when a central jet is injected along the centreline. This is because the absolutely unstable region that causes the oscillations becomes convectively unstable. Its application to the lean premixed gas turbine injector reveals that several regions of the flow are hydrodynamically unstable, each with a different frequency and a different strength. For example, it reveals that the central region of confined swirling flow is strongly absolutely unstable and sets up a precessing vortex core, which is likely to aid mixing throughout the injector. It also reveals that the region between the second and third streams is slightly absolutely unstable at a frequency that is likely to coincide with acoustic modes within the combustion chamber. This technique, coupled with knowledge of the acoustic modes in a combustion chamber, is likely to be a useful design tool for the passive control of mixing and combustion instability. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.
In order to deal with the complicated relationships among the variables of the reactive extrusion process for activated anionic polymerization, a three-dimensional equivalent model of closely intermeshing co-rotating twin screw extruders was established. Then the numerical computation expressions of the monomer concentration, the monomer conversion, the average molecular weight and the fluid viscosity were deduced, and the numerical simulation of the reactive extrusion process of Styrene was carried out. At last, our simulated results were compared with Michaeli's simulated results and experimental results. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Binding, David; Bell, D.; Walters, K., (2006) 'The Oscillatory Squeeze flow rheometer: Comprehensive theory and a new experimental facility', Rheologica Acta 46 pp.111-121 RAE2008
This work deals with modelling and experimental verification of desalination theory (surface force pore flow) . The work has direct application in desalination of sea water.