916 resultados para Neoliberal urbanism
This research analyses politic Project for nursing education, in its articulation with economical, political and social context of 1970s and 1980s in national level and, in special, nurse formation process in FAEN/UERN space, situating it on the context of Brazilian sanitary reformation movement and participation movement. The thesis is firmed on the sense of explaining whether that movement circa the nurse formation process has been able to build necessary instruments for the transformation of biomedical formation model historically consolidated, in the perspective of conceiving another model anchored on social determination of health/illness process, with the purpose of assuring ethical and political commitment with the SUS praised by sanitary reformation. The study visualized the object considering its specificity, its concrete historical determinations and institutional as well as organizational relationships that permeate possibilities of valorizing it, analyzing it, interpreting it and rebuilding it. Its operationalization occurred in three movements, it means, bibliographical review; documents study; interviews and focal groups realized with professors of the institution. We can apprehend as main results that the nurse formation process has incorporated widely spread conceptions by the sanitary reformation movement and participation movement, assuming the commitment with transformation of health services and social reality. Nevertheless it prevails, still, amongst some professors in the same institutional space, the commitment to a predominantly technicist formation, focused on instrumental knowledge. Opinion divergence explicit diversity of conceptions circa education and, as consequence, distinct political commitments, also contradictory to formation. Thus, there is a lacuna between what is foreseen on political pedagogical project and what is rendered in FAEN/UERN, evidencing the clash related to conceptual bases of formation project. Interpretations, divergent political attitudes and resistances to the process allowed several formation ways. However, formation under new conceptual bases, find limits on the context of social politics implemented in Brazil during the 1990s, neoliberal-based, expressed on expansion and consolidation of health private system, managed by market rules, strengthening biomedical formation model. Notwithstanding, there is a favorable to its implementation, starting from the first years of 21st century, moment when Brazilian sanitary reformation reappear on health speech, as well as facing the policy of permanent education in health. This reality explicit a process of dialectical tension between instituted and institutor, anticipating the moment of scission or adaptation and return to what is already known. Despite of clashed, knowledge, accumulated experience, contribution to services, the construction of partnerships out of university space and articulation with national movement of (re)orientation of nurse formation, have been constituted as vital instruments to offer support to formation in FAEN/UERN. Still, we consider necessary the (re)visitation to FAEN/UERN politic pedagogical Project considering the existing and implemented construction, without, yet, depreciate the norther axis of the project at the reaching of its intentionality
Study about environment education public policies, emphasizing the directress since the 1970 . It analyses the environment education administration of Mossoró city, indentifying its articulation with the international directresses and the Environment Education National Policy (PNEA), established according the law number 9.795/99. The text takes as empiric reference the Environment Education National Policy (PNEA) of Mossoró city, realized since 2006. In order to make the research, we employed as methodologic proceedings a bibliographical and documental revision from wich we developed a contextualization of the propolsals toward a environment Education policy and administration, the institution of the environment Education in Brazil, in the neoliberal context on the State reform ambit. We also employed a semi-structured interview, having as individuals two Environment Education Municipal Program Administration of Mossoró city / RN state administrators and nine Municipal Education System educators. The analysis was done from the historic and dialetic perspective, trying to understand the facts in its totallity. The results revealed that the environment Education has become to be emphasize as an environment crises superation strategy since the 1970 s. In this context, the environment Education administration directress, in the United Nations (UN) initiative ambit, emphasizes the participation and the partnership as a way to share responsabilities between the State and society. In the neoliberalism affirmation context, in the 1990 s, these directresses were fortified, once, since the State reform, their functions were redimensioned and the State turns into a stronger planner an controller, inducing the society to act as a public polcies executor. Therewith, a deconcentration action process is consolidated, rather than an administrative and pedagocgic decentralization, historically revendicated on Education by the progressist sectors. Even though the administrators interviewed have revealed the wish that the schools become autonomous on the PMEA execution, through the NEAs, we notice that the methods employed do not contribute to that, because of the decisions concentration on the associated managership ambit and the few human and financial resources. In spite of the difficulties, the research showed that the Mossoró municipality innovated on the environment Education field, by the institution of the NEAs, even though they demonstrate fragilities regarding their performance, revealed on the educators and adiminstration talk on the interviews. We verify that the main difficulties come from the politc culture installed on the municipality, ruled by a technocracy and power concentration wich brings difficulties to the implementation of a democratic and participative administration, even though it would not be totally impossible, even on the circumstances described
This research focuses on raise the discussion of existance tourism policies in Rio Grande do Norte and its contributions to the integration of local communities in the coastal tourist activity. Guided by the background of the neoliberalism and its influence on the model of tourism development adopted in Rio Grande do Norte. For that, were surveyed the concrete realities of coastal localities of the municipalities of Ceará-Mirim, Extremoz, Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta covered by Prodetur-RN I and II, by being part of the tourist portion of the state that have received domestic and international investment and, because are located in the geographical area of the Potiguar capital, Natal. We interviewed the municipal managers and the residents of local communities who live in municipalities more than ten years. Also, was raised a discussion on the role of the state as the main agent of public policies and hegemonic facilitator in the attraction of domestic and foreign investments, with the main scenario the neoliberal model of economic development. Here discuss ways and strategies of socio-political organization of local communities, with regard to the inclusion in the tourist and, pointing to the critical development model in question and signaling other concepts of development model, such as local basis, for example. By the ending of the research, was concluded that the model of development of the tourism in the Rio Grande do Norte is reflected of the way of life of the society, that the communities live in precarious conditions and that the way of inclusion in the tourism is almost incipient. Also, it was possible to detect the inexistence of public politics of tourism that promoted the planning of the tourist activity, as well as, the inclusion of the communities in the decision processes and that, searched the development on the basis of the principles of sustainable and local autonomy
The purpose of this Academic Work is to identify the process of urban expansion of Mossoro city, connect them with the economy that moves the society of Mossoro. This analysis is about the period from 1980 to 2004 and the economy activities selected are compose the structure of the Mossoro' s life, fixing shapes, functions and contents of the city territory, especially in its urban space to understand the present process of urban expansion and its relations with the dynamic of the city we recall history of this territory, wich as a urban word, connect the changes with the primary economy actives - commerce and sea salt extraction. ln this relation between the present process of urban expansion and the dynamic of the city economy, the economy activities studies where the sea salt extraction, and irrigated fruit crops organizes the space so they can be viable in all stages - production, trade and circulation - to be viable they change, amplify and build a urban space together with public policy, that also increases with the arrival of new inhabitant, service structure, mount by the public administration as well as by private resources. This work point out the needs of a development a new main plan for Mossoro, that will reorganize it's territory, but also grant the needs of its society, wich desires a more given city, where citizenship will be exercise with dignity
OBJETIVOS: A partir de acervo de 200 textos acadêmicos e de documentos de organismos nacionais e internacionais voltados ao controle da hanseníase publicados no período de 1999 a 2008, procurou-se estudar respectivas possibilidades evolutivas futuras, empregando-se os subsídios do recurso de análise de cenários. MÉTODOS: A reconstrução metodológica adotada foi de natureza qualitativa, fulcrada nas técnicas de revisão bibliográfica e análise de conteúdo. Esta última foi empregada na tipificação documental categorial frequencial contigencial, de acordo com devida fundamentação pertinente. RESULTADOS: Recuperaram-se elementos atuais importantes de natureza epidemiológica e operacional, bem como de respectivas perspectivas. CONCLUSÕES: Projeta-se que a manutenção dos coeficientes de incidência da doença coloca reptos econômicos e sanitários a desafiar desde o modelo neoliberal de organização societária mundial até competências específicas das ações das equipes de saúde em campo.
Este artigo apresenta os principais resultados de uma pesquisa concluída que teve como objeto de estudo a função de coordenação pedagógica na rede estadual paulista, com destaque para o trabalho do professor coordenador pedagógico (PCP). A partir de um estudo bibliográfico-documental, analisamos as principais resoluções publicadas pela Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo no período de 1996 a 2010. Para a definição do período de análise, foram consideradas as sucessivas medidas educacionais de natureza neoliberal ocorridas na referida rede de ensino. A partir das resoluções selecionadas, foram estabelecidas algumas categorias de análise relacionadas à função: denominação, justificativa e atribuições legais; requisitos necessários para os professores coordenadores e critérios de escolha; avaliação do trabalho realizado e bibliografia básica solicitada nos processos seletivos. A análise dos documentos legais permite identificar a apropriação da função pelas reformas educacionais recentes, reconhecendo as implicações para o trabalho docente e para a organização da escola. Influenciadas por princípios gerencialistas e performáticos, as reformas educacionais promoveram profundas alterações na natureza do trabalho do professor coordenador pedagógico, o qual, de articulador no âmbito da escola, passou a ser legalmente o sujeito responsável pela disseminação das medidas oficiais e pelo controle das atividades docentes.
As políticas públicas relacionadas ao ensino superior brasileiro atual vêm estabelecendo seus parâmetros nos moldes da globalização econômica, visando sua inserção no mundo moderno, a partir de um modelo econômico neoliberal assumido como inevitável. As novas formas de organização do trabalho deles decorrentes impuseram um novo tipo de formação, onde o domínio do conhecimento e o tempo de escolarização passaram a ser estratégicos. Porém, a aplicação das recomendações dos órgãos internacionais no Brasil neoliberal privilegia a formação de nível superior fora do sistema universitário público, apontado como atrasado devido aos seus custos, preferindo-se uma outra, onde os critérios de qualidade são os empresariais. As conseqüências são evidentes, acentuando-se o atraso econômico e tecnológico, distanciando-se cada vez mais o país da modernidade.
Neste artigo abordamos o crescimento das pesquisas e da produção de atlas escolares municipais e a relação entre pesquisadores e professores, considerando o atual contexto curricular e a concepção do trabalho docente segundo a racionalidade técnica que caracteriza as reformas educacionais na sociedade neoliberal. em uma análise dos trabalhos apresentados sobre o tema atlas escolares, nos cinco eventos científicos realizados no Brasil sobre cartografia para crianças, notamos que predomina a produção desses materiais por pesquisadores e especialistas, externa ao âmbito do trabalho dos professores.
Cet article cherche à dresser, sous la perspective historique, le bilan de la situation des pays périphériques dans les dernières trentes années. Pour cela, il aborde particulièrement les enjeux du développement dans la phase de la globalisation du capital. Ce travail s'appuie surtout sur les études de la vaste bibliographie publiée récemment. Dans quelle mesure la relance du développement concernant plusieurs secteurs stagnés de la périphérie deviendrait-elle une réelle possibilité? Autour de cette question, que nous trouvons centrale dans l'actuelle conjoncture, nous entamons quelques réflexions. Nous envisageons montrer que la stagnation économique à laquelle des nombreux pays non développés font face ne découle pas en partie d'une crise sociale et économique ouverte dans les années soixante-dix et qui s'élargit jusqu'à nos jours malgré les tentatives de restructuration de la société capitaliste. Les stratégies et les mesures politiques à caractère néo-liberal aussi auraient énormément contribué à cette situation étant donné qu'elles ont renforcé les amarres financières qui ont étranglé pour une part les économies périphériques. Outre ces difficultés, ces pays affronteraient les limites écologiques du capitalisme. La relance du développement dans un nouveau stade exigeant la croissance économique, la justice sociale et la préservation de la nature amènerait à une rupture face au capitalisme.
Em suas obras, os filósofos da teoria crítica desenvolveram reflexões muito importantes acerca da sociedade capitalista do pós-guerra, apresentando um potencial pedagógico intrínseco, especialmente por meio dos conceitos adornianos de semicultura e indústria cultural. Este trabalho pretende utilizar tais conceitos para analisar criticamente o conteúdo editorial da revista Nova Escola, da editora Abril. Como esse é um periódico de grande circulação nas escolas públicas brasileiras, essa análise poderá esclarecer a intersecção entre educação e indústria cultural, reflexão que se faz urgente quando consideramos que essa relação atualmente é condicionada pelos imperativos do Estado mínimo neoliberal.
Incluye Bibliografía
Incluye Bibliografía
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography