949 resultados para Narcotic mixtures


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This thesis is aimed at further understanding the uppermost lipid-filled membranous layer (i.e. surface amorphous layer (SAL)) of articular cartilage and to develop a scientific framework for re-introducing lipids onto the surface of lipid-depleted articular cartilage (i.e. "resurfacing"). The outcome will potentially contribute to knowledge that will facilitate the repair of the articular surface of cartilage where degradation is limited to the loss of the lipids of the SAL only. The surface amorphous layer is of utmost importance to the effective load-spreading, lubrication, and semipermeability (which controls its fluid management, nutrient transport and waste removal) of articular cartilage in the mammalian joints. However, because this uppermost layer of cartilage is often in contact during physiological function, it is prone to wear and tear, and thus, is the site for damage initiation that can lead to the early stages of joint condition like osteoarthritis, and related conditions that cause pain and discomfort leading to low quality of life in patients. It is therefore imperative to conduct a study which offers insight into remedying this problem. It is hypothesized that restoration (resurfacing) of the surface amorphous layer can be achieved by re-introducing synthetic surface-active phospholipids (SAPL) into the joint space. This hypothesis was tested in this thesis by exposing cartilage samples whose surface lipids had been depleted to individual and mixtures of synthetic saturated and unsaturated phospholipids. The surfaces of normal, delipidized, and relipidized samples of cartilage were characterized for their structural integrity and functionality using atomic force microscope (AFM), confocal microscope (COFM), Raman spectroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with image processing in the MATLAB® environment and mechanical loading experiments. The results from AFM imaging, confocal microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy revealed a successful deposition of new surface layer on delipidized cartilage when incubated in synthetic phospholipids. The relipidization resulted in a significant improvement in the surface nanostructure of the artificially degraded cartilage, with the complete SAPL mixture providing better outcomes in comparison to those created with the single SAPL components (palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine, POPC and dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine, DPPC). MRI analysis revealed that the surface created with the complete mixture of synthetic lipids was capable of providing semipermeability to the surface layer of the treated cartilage samples relative to the normal intact surface. Furthermore, deformation energy analysis revealed that the treated samples were capable of delivering the elastic properties required for load bearing and recovery of the tissue relative to the normal intact samples, with this capability closer between the normal and the samples incubated in the complete lipid mixture. In conclusion, this thesis has established that it is possible to deposit/create a potentially viable layer on the surface of cartilage following degradation/lipid loss through incubation in synthetic lipid solutions. However, further studies will be required to advance the ideas developed in this thesis, for the development of synthetic lipid-based injections/drugs for treatment of osteoarthritis and other related joint conditions.


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Injured bone initiates the healing process by forming a blood clot at the damaged site. However, in severe damage, synthetic bone implants are used to provide structural integrity and restore the healing process. The implant unavoidably comes into direct contact with whole blood, leading to a blood clot formation on its surface. Despite this, most research in bone tissue engineering virtually ignores the important role of a blood clot in supporting healing. Surface chemistry of a biomaterial is a crucial property in mediating blood-biomaterials interactions, and hence the formation of the resultant blood clot. Surfaces presenting mixtures of functional groups carboxyl (–COOH) and methyl (–CH3) have been shown to enhance platelet response and coagulation activation, leading to the formation of fibrin fibres. In addition, it has been shown that varying the compositions of these functional groups and the length of alkyl groups further modulate the immune complement response. In this study, we hypothesised that a biomaterial surface with mixture of –COOH/–CH3(methyl), –CH2CH3 (ethyl) or –(CH2)3CH3 (butyl) groups at different ratios would modulate blood coagulation and complement activation, and eventually tailor the structural and functional properties of the blood clot formed on the surface, which subsequently impacts new bone formation. Firstly, we synthesised a series of materials composed of acrylic acid (AA), and methyl (MMA), ethyl (EMA) or butyl methacrylates (BMA) at different ratios and coated on the inner surfaces of incubation vials. Our surface analysis showed that the amount of –COOH groups on the surface coatings was lower than the ratios of AA prepared in the materials even though the surface content of –COOH groups increased with increasing in AA ratios. It was indicated that the surface hydrophobicity increased with increasing alkyl chain length: –CH 3 > –CH2CH3 > –(CH2)3CH3, and decreased with increasing –COOH groups. No significant differences in surface hydrophobicity was found on surfaces with –CH3 and –CH2CH3 groups in the presence of –COOH groups. The material coating was as smooth as uncoated glass and without any major flaws. The average roughness of material-coated surface (3.99 ± 0.54 nm) was slightly higher than that of uncoated glass surface (2.22 ± 0.29 nm). However, no significant differences in surface average roughness was found among surfaces with the same functionalities at different –COOH ratios nor among surfaces with different alkyl groups but the same –COOH ratios. These suggested that the surface functional groups and their compositions had a combined effect on modulating surface hydrophobicity but not surface roughness. The second part of our study was to investigate the effect of surface functional groups and their compositions on blood cascade activation and structural properties of the formed clots. It was found that surfaces with –COOH/–(CH2)3CH3 induced a faster coagulation activation than those with –COOH/–CH3 and –CH2CH3, regardless of the –COOH ratios. An increase in –COOH ratios on –COOH/–CH3 and –CH2CH3 surfaces decreased the rate of activation. Moreover, all material-coated surfaces markedly reduced the complement activation compared to uncoated glass surfaces, and the pattern of complement activation was entirely similar to that of surface-induced coagulation, suggesting there is an interaction between two cascades. The clots formed on material-coated surfaces had thicker fibrin with a tighter network at the exterior when compared to uncoated glass surfaces. Compared to the clot exteriors, thicker fibrins with a loose network were found in clot interiors. Coated surfaces resulted in more rigid clots with a significantly slower fibrinolysis after 1 h of lysis when compared to uncoated glass surfaces. Significant differences in fibrinolysis after 1 h of lysis among clots on material-coated surfaces correlated well with the differences in fibrin thickness and density at clot exterior. In addition, more growth factors were released during clot formation than during clot lysis. From an intact clot, there was a correlation between the amount of PDGF-AB release and fibrin density. Highest amount of PDGF-AB was released from clots formed on surfaces with 40% –COOH/60% –CH 3 (i.e. 65MMA). During clot lysis, the release of PDGF-AB also correlated with the fibrinolytic rate while the release of TGF-â1 was influenced by the fibrin thickness. This suggested that different clot structures led to different release profiles of growth factors in clot intact and degrading stages. We further validated whether the clots formed on material-coatings provide the microenvironment for improved bone healing by using a rabbit femoral defect model. In this pilot study, the implantation of clots formed on 65MMA coatings significantly increased new bone formation with enhanced chondrogenesis, osteoblasts activity and vascularisation, but decreased inflammatory macrophage number at the defects after 4 weeks when compared to commercial bone grafts ChronOSTM â-TCP granules. Empty defects were observed when blood clot formation was inhibited. In summary, our study demonstrated that surface functional groups and their relative ratios on material coatings synergistically modulate activation of blood cascades, resultant fibrin architecture, rigidity, susceptibility to fibrinolysis as well as growth factor release of the formed clots, which ultimately alter the healing microenvironment of injured bones.


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The detailed characterization of protein N-glycosylation is very demanding given the many different glycoforms and structural isomers that can exist on glycoproteins. Here we report a fast and sensitive method for the extensive structure elucidation of reducing-end labeled N-glycan mixtures using a combination of capillary normal-phase HPLC coupled off-line to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and TOF/TOF-MS/MS. Using this method, isobaric N-glycans released from honey bee phospholipase A2 and Arabidopsis thaliana glycoproteins were separated by normal-phase chromatography and subsequently identified by key fragment ions in the MALDI-TOF/TOF tandem mass spectra. In addition, linkage and branching information were provided by abundant cross-ring and "elimination" fragment ions in the MALDI-CID spectra that gave extensive structural information. Furthermore, the fragmentation characteristics of N-glycans reductively aminated with 2-aminobenzoic acid and 2-aminobenzamide were compared. The identification of N-glycans containing 3-linked core fucose was facilitated by distinctive ions present only in the MALDI-CID spectra of 2-aminobenzoic acid-labeled oligosaccharides. To our knowledge, this is the first MS/MS-based technique that allows confident identification of N-glycans containing 3-linked core fucose, which is a major allergenic determinant on insect and plant glycoproteins.


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This thesis investigates condition monitoring (CM) of diesel engines using acoustic emission (AE) techniques. The AE signals recorded from a small size diesel engine are mixtures of multiple sources from multiple cylinders. Thus, it is difficult to interpret the information conveyed in the signals for CM purposes. This thesis develops a series of practical signal processing techniques to overcome this problem. Various experimental studies conducted to assess the CM capabilities of AE analysis for diesel engines. A series of modified signal processing techniques were proposed. These techniques showed promising results of capability for CM of multiple cylinders diesel engine using multiple AE sensors.


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Monitoring stream networks through time provides important ecological information. The sampling design problem is to choose locations where measurements are taken so as to maximise information gathered about physicochemical and biological variables on the stream network. This paper uses a pseudo-Bayesian approach, averaging a utility function over a prior distribution, in finding a design which maximizes the average utility. We use models for correlations of observations on the stream network that are based on stream network distances and described by moving average error models. Utility functions used reflect the needs of the experimenter, such as prediction of location values or estimation of parameters. We propose an algorithmic approach to design with the mean utility of a design estimated using Monte Carlo techniques and an exchange algorithm to search for optimal sampling designs. In particular we focus on the problem of finding an optimal design from a set of fixed designs and finding an optimal subset of a given set of sampling locations. As there are many different variables to measure, such as chemical, physical and biological measurements at each location, designs are derived from models based on different types of response variables: continuous, counts and proportions. We apply the methodology to a synthetic example and the Lake Eacham stream network on the Atherton Tablelands in Queensland, Australia. We show that the optimal designs depend very much on the choice of utility function, varying from space filling to clustered designs and mixtures of these, but given the utility function, designs are relatively robust to the type of response variable.


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Background Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass is a prerequisite for effective saccharification to produce fermentable sugars. We have previously reported an effective low temperature (90 °C) process at atmospheric pressure for pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse with acidified mixtures of ethylene carbonate (EC) and ethylene glycol (EG). In this study, “greener” solvent systems based on acidified mixtures of glycerol carbonate (GC) and glycerol were used to treat sugarcane bagasse and the roles of each solvent in deconstructing biomass were determined. Results Pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse at 90 °C for only 30 min with acidified GC produced a solid residue having a glucan digestibility of 90% and a glucose yield of 80%, which were significantly higher than a glucan digestibility of 16% and a glucose yield of 15% obtained for bagasse pretreated with acidified EC. Biomass compositional analyses showed that GC pretreatment removed more lignin than EC pretreatment (84% vs 54%). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that fluffy and size-reduced fibres were produced from GC pretreatment whereas EC pretreatment produced compact particles of reduced size. The maximal glucan digestibility and glucose yield of GC/glycerol systems were about 7% lower than those of EC/ethylene glycol (EG) systems. Replacing up to 50 wt% of GC with glycerol did not negatively affect glucan digestibility and glucose yield. The results from pretreatment of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) showed that (1) pretreatment with acidified alkylene glycol (AG) alone increased enzymatic digestibility compared to pretreatments with acidified alkylene carbonate (AC) alone and acidified mixtures of AC and AG, (2) pretreatment with acidified GC alone slightly increased, but with acidified EC alone significantly decreased, enzymatic digestibility compared to untreated MCC, and (3) there was a good positive linear correlation of enzymatic digestibility of treated and untreated MCC samples with congo red (CR) adsorption capacity. Conclusions Acidified GC alone was a more effective solvent for pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse than acidified EC alone. The higher glucose yield obtained with GC-pretreated bagasse is possibly due to the presence of one hydroxyl group in the GC molecular structure, resulting in more significant biomass delignification and defibrillation, though both solvent pretreatments reduced bagasse particles to a similar extent. The maximum glucan digestibility of GC/glycerol systems was less than that of EC/EG systems, which is likely attributed to glycerol being less effective than EG in biomass delignification and defibrillation. Acidified AC/AG solvent systems were more effective for pretreatment of lignin-containing biomass than MCC.


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2,2'-Biphenols are a large and diverse group of compounds with exceptional properties both as ligands and bioactive agents. Traditional methods for their synthesis by oxidative dimerisation are often problematic and lead to mixtures of ortho- and para-connected regioisomers. To compound these issues, an intermolecular dimerisation strategy is often inappropriate for the synthesis of heterodimers. The ‘acetal method’ provides a solution for these problems: stepwise tethering of two monomeric phenols enables heterodimer synthesis, enforces ortho regioselectivity and allows relatively facile and selective intramolecular reactions to take place. The resulting dibenzo[1,3]dioxepines have been analysed by quantum chemical calculations to obtain information about the activation barrier for ring flip between the enantiomers. Hydrolytic removal of the dioxepine acetal unit revealed the 2,2′-biphenol target.


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Ions formed from lipids during electrospray ionization of crude lipid extracts have been mass-selected within a quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer and allowed to react with ozone vapor. Gas-phase ion-molecule reactions between unsaturated lipid ions and ozone are found to yield two primary product ions for each carbon-carbon double bond within the molecule. The mass-to-charge ratios of these chemically induced fragments are diagnostic of the position of unsaturation within the precursor ion. This novel analytical technique, dubbed ozone-induced dissociation (OzID), can be applied both in series and in parallel with conventional collision-induced dissociation (CID) to provide near-complete structural assignment of unknown lipids within complex mixtures without prior fractionation or derivatization. In this study, OzID is applied to a suite of complex lipid extracts from sources including human lens, bovine kidney, and commercial olive oil, thus demonstrating the technique to be applicable to a broad range of lipid classes including both neutral and acidic glycerophospholipids, sphingomyelins, and triacylglycerols. Gas-phase ozonolysis reactions are also observed with different types of precursor ions including \[M + H](+), \[M + Li](+), \[M + Na](+), and \[M H](-): in each case yielding fragmentation data that allow double bond position to be unambiguously assigned. Within the human lens lipid extract, three sphingomyelin regioisomers, namely SM(d18:0/15Z-24:1), SM(d18:0/17Z-24:1), and SM(d18:0/19Z-24:1), and a novel phosphatidylethanolamine alkyl ether, GPEtn(11Z-18:1e/9Z18:1), are identified using a combination of CID and OzID. These discoveries demonstrate that lipid identification based on CID alone belies the natural structural diversity in lipid biochemistry and illustrate the potential of OzID as a complementary approach within automated, high-throughput lipid analysis protocols.


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An ongoing challenge in chemistry and crystal engineering is the synthesis of functional materials with predictable structures and customisable properties. This may be achieved by crystallising mixtures of different compounds. Co-crystals formed through this method have predictable structures and their properties may be tuned by varying the ratio of the compounds in the crystallising solution. This thesis examines single crystals formed by the co-crystallisation of metal complexes that have similar structures but different physical or chemical properties. A variety of new compounds with interesting properties were prepared, characterised and their significance in the context of crystal engineering was explored.


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Eleven new bisresorcinols including four mixtures each of two isomers and one resorcinol/phloroglucinol derivative, together with five known resorcinols have been isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of sterns of Grevillea whiteana. The new Compounds were identified as 4-(3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)grebustol-B (10a), 4'-(3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)grebustol-B (10b), 4-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)grebustol-B (2a) and 4'-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl) rebustol-B (2b), 2,2-dimethyldihydropyrano grebustol-B (11a) and iso-2,2-dimethyldihydropyranogrebustol-B (11b), 2,2-dimethyl-3 xi-hydroxydihydropyranogrebustol-B (7a) and iso-2,2-dimethyl-3 xi-hydroxydihydropyranogrebustol-B (7b), 15-(2-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)-resorcinol-5-yl)-1-(phloroglucinolyl )-9(Z)pentadecen-one (whiteanone) (4), 5,5'-(hexadecan-diyl)bisresorcinol (12) and 2-methyl-5,5'-(8(Z)hexadecen-1,16-diyl)bisresorcinol (9). This is the first record of pyranobisresorcinols in the genus and the first report of a phloroglucinol terminal Phenolic unit in any Grevillea species.


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We show, using the PDR1 element of pea, that dispersed repeated sequences of moderate copy number can be used simply and efficiently to generate markers linked to a trait of interest. Inspection of hybridization patterns of repeated sequences to DNA mixtures of pooled genotypes is a sensitive way of detecting such markers. The large number of bands in tracks of digests of these mixtures allows the simultaneous sampling of loci at many places in the genome, and the many unlinked loci serve as internal controls. It is also shown that intensity ratios calculated from these band differences can be used to give a rough estimate of linkage distance.


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For users of germplasm collections, the purpose of measuring characterization and evaluation descriptors, and subsequently using statistical methodology to summarize the data, is not only to interpret the relationships between the descriptors, but also to characterize the differences and similarities between accessions in relation to their phenotypic variability for each of the measured descriptors. The set of descriptors for the accessions of most germplasm collections consists of both numerical and categorical descriptors. This poses problems for a combined analysis of all descriptors because few statistical techniques deal with mixtures of measurement types. In this article, nonlinear principal component analysis was used to analyze the descriptors of the accessions in the Australian groundnut collection. It was demonstrated that the nonlinear variant of ordinary principal component analysis is an appropriate analytical tool because subspecies and botanical varieties could be identified on the basis of the analysis and characterized in terms of all descriptors. Moreover, outlying accessions could be easily spotted and their characteristics established. The statistical results and their interpretations provide users with a more efficient way to identify accessions of potential relevance for their plant improvement programs and encourage and improve the usefulness and utilization of germplasm collections.


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Nitrogenated carbon nanotips (NCNTPs) are synthesized by plasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition from the hydrogen, methane, and nitrogen gas mixtures with different flow rate ratios of hydrogen to nitrogen. The morphological, structural, compositional, and electron field emission (EFE) properties of the NCNTPs were investigated by field emissionscanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, x ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and EFE high-vacuum system. It is shown that the NCNTPs deposited at an intermediate flow rate ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen feature the best size/shape and pattern uniformity, the highest nanotip density, the highest nitrogen concentration, as well as the best electron field emission performance. Several factors that come into play along with the nitrogen incorporation, such as the combined effect of the plasma sputtering and etching, the transition of sp 3carbon clusters to sp 2carbon clusters, the increase of the size of the sp 2 clusters, as well as the reduction of the work function, have been examined to interpret these experimental findings. Our results are highly relevant to the development of the next generation electron field emitters, flat panel displays, atomic force microscope probes, and several other advanced applications.


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Highly efficient solar cells (conversion efficiency 11.9%, fill factor 70%) based on the vertically aligned single-crystalline nanostructures are fabricated without any pre-fabricated p-n junctions in a very simple, single-step process of Si nanoarray formation by etching p-type Si(100) wafers in low-temperature environment-friendly plasmas of argon and hydrogen mixtures.


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The possibility to discriminate between the relative importance of the fluxes of energy and matter in plasma-surface interaction is demonstrated by the energy flux measurements in low-temperature plasmas ignited by the radio frequency discharge (power and pressure ranges 50-250 W and 8-11.5 Pa) in Ar, Ar+ H2, and Ar+ H2 + CH4 gas mixtures typically used in nanoscale synthesis and processing of silicon- and carbon-based nanostructures. It is shown that by varying the gas composition and pressure, the discharge power, and the surface bias one can effectively control the surface temperature and the matter supply rates. The experimental findings are explained in terms of the plasma-specific reactions in the plasma bulk and on the surface.