1000 resultados para Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 1617-1682
En este trabajo investigó la consistencia interna y la estructura factorial, comparando tres modelos de medición, de una versión en español de 12 ítems de la Escala de Identidad Étnica Multigrupo de Phinney, en una muestra de 631 estudiantes mexicanos (301 indígenas y 330 mestizos) entre 17 y 40 años de edad. Los resultados apoyan la consistencia interna de la medida y apuntan a una estructura de dos factores de la identidad étnica: la afirmación o identificación étnica y la exploración étnica. Así mismo, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los grupos estudiados, siendo los indígenas quienes puntúan más alto en identidad étnica y sus componentes. Sugerimos que se necesitan más investigaciones para evaluar la identidad étnica y validar la medida y los factores de la identidad étnica a través de diversos grupos étnicos con otras muestras de adolescentes y adultos de habla hispana
El Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos establece el conocimiento y cumplimiento del código deontológico como requisito imprescindible para el ejercicio profesional de los psicólogos y psicólogas en sus distintos ámbitos de aplicación. El objetivo del trabajo que se presenta es comprobar los conocimientos de los estudiantes que están a punto de terminar la carrera de Psicología, en relación con distintas situaciones éticamente problemáticas en dos momentos temporales (antes y después de un programa de capacitación sobre ética y deontología). Se desarrolla un cuestionario que describe 5 situaciones profesionales. 51 estudiantes respondían dos preguntas asociadas a cada situación. Los resultados muestran una mejora significativa en las respuestas tras el programa educativo sobre ética aplicada. Se hace un llamamiento a desarrollar cursos en las Universidades de ética profesional con el fin de que los estudiantes dispongan de estrategias para identificar dilemas éticos y puedan llegar a posibles soluciones de acuerdo al Código Deontológico
En ciencias de la educación, las últimas décadas han estado marcadas por un interés en las ideas de Lev S. Vygotski. De hecho, a partir de esas ideas se han propuesto varias aplicaciones educativas. Una de ellas es el “Key to learning”. El artículo propone una visión general de este programa educativo desarrollado a partir de algunos trabajos e ideas de autores rusos contemporáneos. Primero, desarrollamos algunas ideas en torno a la noción de zona de desarrollo próximo (ZpD). Después, sugerimos la teoría de las habilidades de aprendizaje. En este sentido, el objetivo principal de “Key to learning” es mejorar las habilidades de aprendizaje cognitivas, comunicativas y directivas de niños de entre 3 a 7 años de edad. Para este propósito son creadas 12 unidades curriculares que componen el programa. Para concluir se enfatiza la creación de zonas de desarrollo próximo estructuradas como parte de un sistema de enseñanza y aprendizaje que vincula la actividad, la asistencia y la agencia
The purpose of the study, grounded in sociocultural theory, is to describe the funds of knowledge of a Moroccan family living in Catalonia (Spain) in order to document how teachers can use these funds of knowledge to make direct links between students' lives and classroom teaching. The funds of knowledge approach is based on a simple premise: regardless of any socio-economical and sociocultural "deficit" that people may or may not have all families accumulate bodies of beliefs, ideas, skills and abilities based on their experiences (in areas such as their occupation or their religion). The challenge consists in connecting these bodies of educational resources with teaching practice in order to connect the curriculum with students' lives. In doing so, qualitative research can be carried out using several techniques such as self portraits, self-definition tasks, assessment of family artefacts, documenting routines through photographs, or the analysis of a person's significant circle. The results in terms of teaching practices illustrate the variety of ways teachers can make connections between home and school in ways that assist learners in their academic development. In this article, we propose using the term funds of identity to complement the concept of funds of knowledge
El presente ensayo pretende analizar y comprender la importancia que tiene la identidad (personal y social) en la configuración de las personas y los colectivos en los escenarios contemporáneos. Para ello pretendemos justificar, primero, la relevancia sociopolítica y personal de dicho concepto. Segundo, proponer los dos ejes sobre los cuales pivotan nuestras vidas en la modernidad, para algunos “tardía” (Giddens, 1997), para otros “líquida” (Barman, 2000): la globalización económica y la pluralización de las formas de vida. En tercer lugar, apoyaremos la tesis de Touraine (2005) según la cual nuestro mundo no se puede ya analizar en términos sociales y cabe plantearlo en términos culturales. Finalmente, concluiremos marcando algunas características a tener en cuenta en el estudio y análisis de la identidad en el mundo de hoy, incierto, global y lleno de riesgos pero también nuevas posibilidades
En el presente trabajo se ha descrito el análisis y diseño que motiva el proyecto de migración de Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 a la versión SharePoint Server 2010 que desarrolla la intranet de uno de los mayores complejos hospitalarios de nuestro país.
En las últimas décadas ha incrementado considerablemente el contacto y la heterogeneidad de lenguas, culturas e identidades. La movilidad humana se ha convertido en una de las características estructurales de nuestras sociedades (Bauman, 1998) y la pluralización de las formas de vida (Berger y Luckman, 1997) en una de sus más destacadas consecuencias. El estudio que presentamos tiene el objetivo de explorar la función de la lengua en relación a la construcción narrativa de la identidad. Para ello se presentan diez historias de vida según la adaptación de la entrevista elaborada por Dan P. McAdams (2006). El análisis de los datos empíricos se ha realizado mediante el programa informático Atlas.ti (Muñoz, 2005). Se concluye que básicamente la lengua ejerce, en los sujetos entrevistados, tres funciones que responden a tres necesidades. Por un lado está la lengua familiar, identitaria o materna. Por otro, la lengua de intercomunicación sociolaboral que permite la comunicación en el trabajo o en los distintos escenarios socioculturales y, finalmente, la lengua de interconexión global, actualmente el inglés, presente en Internet y en los escenarios internacionales
During the period 1996-2000, forty-three heavy rainfall events have been detected in the Internal Basins of Catalonia (Northeastern of Spain). Most of these events caused floods and serious damage. This high number leads to the need for a methodology to classify them, on the basis of their surface rainfall distribution, their internal organization and their physical features. The aim of this paper is to show a methodology to analyze systematically the convective structures responsible of those heavy rainfall events on the basis of the information supplied by the meteorological radar. The proposed methodology is as follows. Firstly, the rainfall intensity and the surface rainfall pattern are analyzed on the basis of the raingauge data. Secondly, the convective structures at the lowest level are identified and characterized by using a 2-D algorithm, and the convective cells are identified by using a 3-D procedure that looks for the reflectivity cores in every radar volume. Thirdly, the convective cells (3-D) are associated with the 2-D structures (convective rainfall areas). This methodology has been applied to the 43 heavy rainfall events using the meteorological radar located near Barcelona and the SAIH automatic raingauge network.
The 10 June 2000 event was the largest flash flood event that occurred in the Northeast of Spain in the late 20th century, both as regards its meteorological features and its considerable social impact. This paper focuses on analysis of the structures that produced the heavy rainfalls, especially from the point of view of meteorological radar. Due to the fact that this case is a good example of a Mediterranean flash flood event, a final objective of this paper is to undertake a description of the evolution of the rainfall structure that would be sufficiently clear to be understood at an interdisciplinary forum. Then, it could be useful not only to improve conceptual meteorological models, but also for application in downscaling models. The main precipitation structure was a Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) that crossed the region and that developed as a consequence of the merging of two previous squall lines. The paper analyses the main meteorological features that led to the development and triggering of the heavy rainfalls, with special emphasis on the features of this MCS, its life cycle and its dynamic features. To this end, 2-D and 3-D algorithms were applied to the imagery recorded over the complete life cycle of the structures, which lasted approximately 18 h. Mesoscale and synoptic information were also considered. Results show that it was an NS-MCS, quasi-stationary during its stage of maturity as a consequence of the formation of a convective train, the different displacement directions of the 2-D structures and the 3-D structures, including the propagation of new cells, and the slow movement of the convergence line associated with the Mediterranean mesoscale low.
This paper presents an observational study of the tornado outbreak that took place on the 7 September 2005 in the Llobregat delta river, affecting a densely populated and urbanised area and the Barcelona International airport (NE Spain). The site survey confirmed at least five short-lived tornadoes. Four of them were weak (F0, F1) and the other one was significant (F2 on the Fujita scale). They started mostly as waterspouts and moved later inland causing extensive damage estimated in 9 million Euros, three injured people but fortunately no fatalities. Large scale forcing was provided by upper level diffluence and low level warm air advection. Satellite and weather radar images revealed the development of the cells that spawned the waterspouts along a mesoscale convergence line in a highly sheared and relatively low buoyant environment. Further analysis indicated characteristics that could be attributed indistinctively to non-supercell or to mini-supercell thunderstorms.
Monitoring thunderstorms activity is an essential part of operational weather surveillance given their potential hazards, including lightning, hail, heavy rainfall, strong winds or even tornadoes. This study has two main objectives: firstly, the description of a methodology, based on radar and total lightning data to characterise thunderstorms in real-time; secondly, the application of this methodology to 66 thunderstorms that affected Catalonia (NE Spain) in the summer of 2006. An object-oriented tracking procedure is employed, where different observation data types generate four different types of objects (radar 1-km CAPPI reflectivity composites, radar reflectivity volumetric data, cloud-to-ground lightning data and intra-cloud lightning data). In the framework proposed, these objects are the building blocks of a higher level object, the thunderstorm. The methodology is demonstrated with a dataset of thunderstorms whose main characteristics, along the complete life cycle of the convective structures (development, maturity and dissipation), are described statistically. The development and dissipation stages present similar durations in most cases examined. On the contrary, the duration of the maturity phase is much more variable and related to the thunderstorm intensity, defined here in terms of lightning flash rate. Most of the activity of IC and CG flashes is registered in the maturity stage. In the development stage little CG flashes are observed (2% to 5%), while for the dissipation phase is possible to observe a few more CG flashes (10% to 15%). Additionally, a selection of thunderstorms is used to examine general life cycle patterns, obtained from the analysis of normalized (with respect to thunderstorm total duration and maximum value of variables considered) thunderstorm parameters. Among other findings, the study indicates that the normalized duration of the three stages of thunderstorm life cycle is similar in most thunderstorms, with the longest duration corresponding to the maturity stage (approximately 80% of the total time).
The current operational very short-term and short-term quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) at the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC) is made by three different methodologies: Advection of the radar reflectivity field (ADV), Identification, tracking and forecasting of convective structures (CST) and numerical weather prediction (NWP) models using observational data assimilation (radar, satellite, etc.). These precipitation forecasts have different characteristics, lead time and spatial resolutions. The objective of this study is to combine these methods in order to obtain a single and optimized QPF at each lead time. This combination (blending) of the radar forecast (ADV and CST) and precipitation forecast from NWP model is carried out by means of different methodologies according to the prediction horizon. Firstly, in order to take advantage of the rainfall location and intensity from radar observations, a phase correction technique is applied to the NWP output to derive an additional corrected forecast (MCO). To select the best precipitation estimation in the first and second hour (t+1 h and t+2 h), the information from radar advection (ADV) and the corrected outputs from the model (MCO) are mixed by using different weights, which vary dynamically, according to indexes that quantify the quality of these predictions. This procedure has the ability to integrate the skill of rainfall location and patterns that are given by the advection of radar reflectivity field with the capacity of generating new precipitation areas from the NWP models. From the third hour (t+3 h), as radar-based forecasting has generally low skills, only the quantitative precipitation forecast from model is used. This blending of different sources of prediction is verified for different types of episodes (convective, moderately convective and stratiform) to obtain a robust methodology for implementing it in an operational and dynamic way.
Resumen: El artículo analiza los problemas de accesibilidad que actualmente presentan los artículos científicos en soporte digital. El estudio se centra en los aspectos de facilidad de uso del contenido de los documentos digitales según la forma en que se publiquen, sin entrar en el estudio de los distintos sistemas de recuperación. Se analizan los dos formatos más utilizados para la publicación de artículos científicos en soporte digital: HTML y PDF, estudiando el desempeño lector en relación a la presencia de sumarios o de tablas internas o vinculadas. El estudio se ha realizado con dos colectivos: 30 sujetos ciegos, usuarios de Jaws, contactados gracias a la mediación de la Fundación ONCE, y 30 sujetos no ciegos, profesores del Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad de Barcelona. El estudio muestra que la localización de los datos contenidos en tablas se ve facilitada en documentos HTML por la inclusión de un sumario que vincule con la tabla, así como la inclusión de tablas completas en el cuerpo del documento HTML facilita la actividad lectora por parte de los usuarios ciegos. A nivel metodológico la presente investigación aporta dos novedades relevantes respecto a la literatura existente en los estudios de usabilidad con ciegos: estudia la usabilidad del formato PDF y es un test de usabilidad cuantitativo; este último hecho dificulta su comparación con la mayoría de artículos publicados. Abstract: This paper analyses the problems of accessibility posed by scientific articles published in digital format, focusing on the ease of use of their content with respect to the form in which they are published (irrespective of the recovery system). The two most widely used formats for the publication of scientific articles in digital format, HTML and PDF, are analysed, examining reader performance in relation to the presence of contents lists or internal or linked tables. The study involved two groups: 30 blind subjects, all JAWS users, contacted through the ONCE Foundation, and 30 sighted subjects, lecturers in the Department of Librarianship and Documentation of the University of Barcelona. The results shows the location of data in tables is easier in HTML documents through the inclusion of a contents list linked to these tables. Further, the inclusion of complete tables in the body of HTML document facilitates the reading activity of blind users. At the methodological level, this work reports two novelties with respect to the existing literature on usability by blind people: it examines the usability of the PDF format, and discusses a quantitative usability test. The latter hinders comparison with the majority of published articles.