921 resultados para Motor vehicles Motors Exhaust gas Environmental aspects
Previous studies in the United States and internationally suggest that low motorcycle conspicuity, or the inability of the motorcyclist to be seen by other road users, is thought to be an important factor associated with risk of motorcycle crashes. However, there has been limited research on motorcycle conspicuity in the United States in the past two decades, while at the same time; there has been a renewed interest from states in increasing motorcycle conspicuity and motorist awareness. As such, this research revisits the motorcycle conspicuity problem by analysis of helmet-use and motorcycle crash data. First, this study reviews previous studies on motorcycle conspicuity with a focus on the effectiveness of proposed measures for enhancing motorcycle conspicuity. The major trends in motorcycle helmet use by time of day and road type for motorcyclists, as indicated from three roadside observational roadside surveys in Iowa, are also discussed. Then, using motorcycle crash data for Iowa from 2001 to 2008, this research compares single-and two-vehicle motorcycle crashes and examines the distribution of conspicuity related factors in light and dark conditions in two-vehicle crashes that could potentially relate to a collision between a motorcycle and another vehicle. The limitations of examining motorcycle conspicuity by analysis of crash data are also discussed. Finally, this report outlines recommendations based on the key findings of the study.
El projecte es centra en analitzar les transformacions en els usos i cobertes del sòl al municipi de Sant Pere de Vilamajor, com a conseqüència d’un conjunt de forces inductores de canvi global. Primerament, s’ha realitzat la caracterització social, econòmica, demogràfica i ambiental de la zona d’estudi des de mitjans del segle passat fins a l’actualitat. Posteriorment, l’estudi es centra en l’anàlisi cartogràfica de la zona, realitzat a través de Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica (SIG), utilitzant el programa MiraMon, per tal de comparar els usos i cobertes del sòl entre 1956 i 2010. Les principals transformacions experimentades són la transició dels estatges de vegetació herbacis i matollars a bosc i la transformació dels cultius en sòl urbà. L’abandonament de les pràctiques agràries conjuntament amb el desenvolupament de les urbanitzacions a l’àmbit d’estudi són els principals agents de canvi, fruit del procés de la industrialització i terciarització de l’economia.
The purpose of the study was to review Iowa's public policy issues related to the state provision of overnight commercial truck parking and to make recommendations regarding the same. It was decided to limit the research and data gathering to a study of national trends in public commercial truck parking at facilities along and adjacent to Iowa's interstate highways.
The Equipment and Vehicle Revolving Fund report covers all equipment and vehicle purchases through the highway materials and equipment revolving fund during FY 2015.
The Iowa Clean Cities Coalition is a program that incorporates a variety of public and private stakeholders to coordinate education and technical assistance on alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies, especially for fleets.
The No Passing Zone sign (Wl0-4) was designed in 1958 for the purpose of informing the driver contemplating a passing maneuver of hazardous sight conditions ahead. This warning sign, of pennent shape design, was placed on the left side of the road so as to be more conspicuous to the intended driver. During the two year period 1959-1960, the Wl0-4 signs were erected throughout the Iowa Primary Road System.
Data tables describing the length and vehicle-miles of travel on Iowa's 1975 proposed interstate system, broken down by interstate. No text is available.
This report provides recommendations for the state of Iowa over the next five years in regards to automated vehicle policy development. These administrative, planning, legal, and community strategy recommendations for government agencies include: • Encouraging automation by preparing government agencies, infrastructure, leveraging procurement, and advocating for safety mandates • Adjusting long range planning processes by identifying and incorporating a wide range of new automation scenarios • Beginning to analyze and, as necessary, clarify existing law as it apples to automated driving • Auditing existing law • Enforcing existing laws • Ensuring vehicle owners and operators bear the true cost of driving • Embracing flexibility by giving agencies the statutory authority to achieve regulatory goals through different means, allowing them to make small-scale exemptions to statutory regimes and clarifying their enforcement discretion • Thinking locally and preparing publicly • Sharing the steps being taken to promote (as well as to anticipate and regulate) automated driving • Instituting public education about automated vehicle technologies.
The goal of this research was to recommend specific changes relating to service by intercity buses and third level air carriers to propose an appropriate state role in the implementation of changes. Changes contemplated in this research were to be directed to the increased use of intercity buses and third level air carriers in such manner as to exert a benefit to user as well as the general public. Specific objectives of the project included: (1) to analyze the potential for a system of express intercity bus routes in Iowa; (2) to estimate the demand for third level air carrier services in cities having populations under 50,000; (3) to forecast the relationship between economic costs and benefits from an intercity bus system emphasizing express routes between major population centers and supporting a subsystem of local and intraregional public transportation; (4) to estimate the economic feasibility of expanded third level air carrier service with emphasis upon those routes proposed as worth of further evaluation; and (5) to provide guidance for establishing the need for state and local subsidies to institute a system of express intercity buses and to expand third level air carrier services. In addition to passenger movements, enhancing package freight shipments was also to be considered in the evaluation of proposed improvements.
The purpose of this project is to develop an investment analysis model that integrates the capabilities of four types of analysis for use in evaluating interurban transportation system improvements. The project will also explore the use of new data warehousing and mining techniques to design the types of databases required for supporting such a comprehensive transportation model. The project consists of four phases. The first phase, which is documented in this report, involves development of the conceptual foundation for the model. Prior research is reviewed in Chapter 1, which is composed of three major sections providing demand modeling background information for passenger transportation, transportation of freight (manufactured products and supplies), and transportation of natural resources and agricultural commodities. Material from the literature on geographic information systems makes up Chapter 2. Database models for the national and regional economies and for the transportation and logistics network are conceptualized in Chapter 3. Demand forecasting of transportation service requirements is introduced in Chapter 4, with separate sections for passenger transportation, freight transportation, and transportation of natural resources and commodities. Characteristics and capacities of the different modes, modal choices, and route assignments are discussed in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 concludes with a general discussion of the economic impacts and feedback of multimodal transportation activities and facilities.
A resident of Silver City, Iowa requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Hazardous Waste Site Health Assessment Program to evaluate the health impacts of a petroleum release in Silver City, Iowa, and the health impacts from the presence of chemicals detected in wells utilized as the source of municipal water for the citizens of Silver City and in the treated municipal water supply. This health consultation addresses exposure to residents of Silver City to organic chemicals within the groundwater and water supply and potential health effects at the levels of exposure. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.
Lappeenrannan teknilliselle yliopistolle tehtävässä ympäristösuunnitelmassa tavoitteena on selvittää Senaatti-kiinteistöjen ympäristöjärjestelmän tavoitteiden toteutettavuus yliopistolla, löytää yliopiston merkittävimmät ympäristövaikutukset sekä asettaa ympäristöasioiden hoidolle päämääriä ja tavoitteita.Diplomityön on tarkoitus toimia jatkossa tukimateriaalina ympäristöasioiden hoidon kehittämiselle. Teoriaosassa on esitetty ympäristöjärjestelmän rakentaminen ja tavoitteet sekä käyty läpi ympäristösuunnitelman toteuttamista. Tutkimusosassa laaditaan Senaatti-kiinteistön ympäristöjärjestelmän toteuttamisen esittelyn jälkeen yliopiston ympäristösuunnitelma. Yliopiston tämänhetkiset ympäristökäytännöt kartoitetaan sekä toimintaa koskevat ympäristönäkökohdat tunnistetaan ja arvotetaan. Merkittävien ympäristönäkökohtien valitsemisen jälkeen yliopistolle on laadittu ehdotukset hankintoja, jätehuoltoa ja sähkön kulutusta koskevista ympäristöohjelmista. Ympäristöohjelmissa ehdotetaan päämääriä, tavoitteita sekä käytännön ohjeita ja seurantaa toimintojen kehittämistä varten.
L'objectiu del projecte és definir les característiques tècniques i les mesures derevegetació i adequació ambiental que s’han de portar a terme durant l’execució deles obres de recuperació de l’espai degradat per l’home, com a conseqüència dediverses actuacions realitzades, que han sotmès a un estat d’estrès la zona.Per a l’elaboració d’aquest projecte s’han tingut en compte les accions mésdeterminants que han comportat l’estat actual de la zona:- Activitat extractiva “Congostell”. Vilanova del Vallès (X,Y: 442527.2,4602558.8). Activitat extractiva establerta dins domini públic hidràulic. Ubicada, en la seva major part, al municipi de Vilanova del Vallès i enuna menor superfície, dins l’àmbit del projecte. Durant el període defuncionament de l’extractiva, es va extreure força material de la zona d’estudi. Actualment no està en actiu i no s’ha iniciat la restauració.- Obra civil “Projecte Artèria Planta del Ter – Estació de la Trinitat Tram II. LaRoca del Vallès – Montornés del Vallès”. És una obra consistent en el soterrament d’una canonada de diàmetre 2200mm per transport d’aigua i no contemplada en el Pla General d’Ordenació Municipal. - Obra civil “Projecte Artèria Planta del Ter – Estació de la Trinitat Tram II. La Roca del Vallès – Montornés del Vallès”. És una obra consistent en el soterrament d’una canonada de diàmetre 2200mm per transport d’aigua i no contemplada en el Pla General d’Ordenació Municipal. - Obra civil de la construcció del tren d’Alta Velocitat Espanyol (AVE),concretament la línia Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona-Frontera Francesa.S’utilitza part de l’àmbit d’estudi com acopi de terres sobrants de l’obra Aquestes activitats han afectat de forma desigual la zona on s’ubica el projecte. L’activitat extractiva i la canonada d’aigua han afectat directament el terreny, ja que tots els treballs de l’activitat han tingut lloc dins l’àmbit d’estudi, mentre que la construcció de l’AVE ha comportat el pas de camions per la zona i l’abocament de les terres.El promotor del projecte és l’Ajuntament de La Roca del Vallès (Vallès Oriental)
L'objecte del projecte és la construcció d'una hípica i el disseny de les seves instal•lacions utilitzant energies renovables i aprofitant al màxim els recursos d’una finca que està destinada principalment al cultiu de vinya i olivera. El terreny disposa d'una barraca de dues plantes de 36 metres quadrats cada una, una bassa d'aigua que només s'omple quan plou gràcies a un rec, un dipòsit d'aigua fet d'obra amb capacitat per a 50000 litres, un petit garatge de 10 metres quadrats i dos dipòsits metàl•lics de 25000 litres situats a una altura de 25 metres respecte el pla del terreny
Disseny i desenvolupament d’un sistema de monitorització en continu de la qualitat de l’aigua de riu
Disseny i muntatge d’un sistema de monitorització a temps real de la qualitat fisico-química de l’aigua en rius mediterranis, que sigui autònom telegestionat i de baix manteniment. Aquest sistema permet realitzar un seguiment de la dinàmica de la qualitat de l’aigua de riu, essent possible detectar episodis d’empitjorament sobtat de la qualitat. El desenvolupament de sensors per mesurar la qualitat de l’aigua en continu ha estat una realitat en la darrera dècada, millorant-ne la robustesa i baixant-ne els costos. Cada instrument cobreix diferents aplicacions dins el cicle de l’aigua, des d’aigües superficials de riu, aigües residuals o aigües potables. Actualment la dificultat no està en la sensorística, sinó en el desenvolupament d’estacions de monitorització autònomes i de baix manteniment