972 resultados para Molecular diagnostic techniques


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The human epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is highly expressed in a variety of clinical tumour entities. Although an antibody against EpCAM has successfully been used as an adjuvant therapy in colon cancer, this therapy has never gained wide-spread use. We have therefore investigated the possibilities and limitations for EpCAM as possible molecular imaging target using a panel of preclinical cancer models. Twelve human cancer cell lines representing six tumour entities were tested for their EpCAM expression by qPCR, flow cytometry analysis and immunocytochemistry. In addition, EpCAM expression was analyzed in vivo in xenograft models for tumours derived from these cells. Except for melanoma, all cell lines expressed EpCAM mRNA and protein when grown in vitro. Although they exhibited different mRNA levels, all cell lines showed similar EpCAM protein levels upon detection with monoclonal antibodies. When grown in vivo, the EpCAM expression was unaffected compared to in vitro except for the pancreatic carcinoma cell line 5072 which lost its EpCAM expression in vivo. Intravenously applied radio-labelled anti EpCAM MOC31 antibody was enriched in HT29 primary tumour xenografts indicating that EpCAM binding sites are accessible in vivo. However, bound antibody could only be immunohistochemically detected in the vicinity of perfused blood vessels. Investigation of the fine structure of the HT29 tumour blood vessels showed that they were immature and prone for higher fluid flux into the interstitial space. Consistent with this hypothesis, a higher interstitial fluid pressure of about 12 mbar was measured in the HT29 primary tumour via "wick-in-needle" technique which could explain the limited diffusion of the antibody into the tumour observed by immunohistochemistry.


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The primary isolation of a Mycobacterium sp. of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex from an infected animal provides a definitive diagnosis of tuberculosis. However, as Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium caprae are difficult to isolate, particularly for animals in the early stages of disease, success is dependent on the optimal performance of all aspects of the bacteriological process, from the initial choice of tissue samples at post-mortem examination or clinical samples, to the type of media and conditions used to cultivate the microorganism. Each step has its own performance characteristics, which can contribute to sensitivity and specificity of the procedure, and may need to be optimized in order to achieve the gold standard diagnosis. Having isolated the slow-growing mycobacteria, species identification and fine resolution strain typing are keys to understanding the epidemiology of the disease and to devise strategies to limit transmission of infection. New technologies have emerged that can now even discriminate different isolates from the same animal. In this review we highlight the key factors that contribute to the accuracy of bacteriological diagnosis of M. bovis and M. caprae, and describe the development of advanced genotyping techniques that are increasingly used in diagnostic laboratories for the purpose of supporting detailed epidemiological investigations.


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Dislocation mobility —the relation between applied stress and dislocation velocity—is an important property to model the mechanical behavior of structural materials. These mobilities reflect the interaction between the dislocation core and the host lattice and, thus, atomistic resolution is required to capture its details. Because the mobility function is multiparametric, its computation is often highly demanding in terms of computational requirements. Optimizing how tractions are applied can be greatly advantageous in accelerating convergence and reducing the overall computational cost of the simulations. In this paper we perform molecular dynamics simulations of ½ 〈1 1 1〉 screw dislocation motion in tungsten using step and linear time functions for applying external stress. We find that linear functions over time scales of the order of 10–20 ps reduce fluctuations and speed up convergence to the steady-state velocity value by up to a factor of two.


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Powerpoint slides for Lesson 7.


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Powerpoint slides for Lesson 8.


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Powerpoint slides for Lesson 9.


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Powerpoint slides for Lesson 10.


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Protocol for the Genetics Laboratory practices.


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Slides for the Genetics Laboratory practices introduction.


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Exercises to be discussed and solved during the laboratory practices.


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Problems to be solved by the students.


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La richiesta di allergeni puri è in continuo aumento per scopi diagnostici, come standard per metodi di rilevamento e di quantificazione, per l'immunoterapia e per lo studio a livello molecolare dei meccanismi delle reazioni allergiche, al fine di facilitare lo sviluppo di possibili cure. In questa tesi di dottorato sono descritte diverse strategie per l’ottenimento di forme pure di non-specific Lipid Transfer Proteins (nsLTPs), le quali sono state riconosciute essere rilevanti allergeni alimentari in molti frutti e verdure comunemente consumati e sono state definite come modello di veri allergeni alimentari. Una LTP potenzialmente allergenica, non nota in precedenza, è stata isolata dalle mandorle, mentre una LTP dall’allergenicità nota contenuta nelle noci è stata prodotta mediante tecniche di DNA ricombinante. Oltre a questi approcci classici, metodi per la sintesi chimica totale di proteine sono stati applicati per la prima volta alla produzione di un allergene, utilizzando Pru p 3, la LTP prototipica e principale allergene della pesca nell'area mediterranea, come modello. La sintesi chimica totale di proteinepermette di controllarne completamente la sequenza e di studiare la loro funzione a livello atomico. La sua applicazione alla produzione di allergeni costituisce perciò un importante passo avanti nel campo della ricerca sulle allergie alimentari. La proteina Pru p 3 è stata prodotta nella sua intera lunghezza e sono necessari solo due passaggi finali di deprotezione per ottenere il target nella sua forma nativa. Le condizioni sperimentali per tali deprotezioni sono state messe a punto durante la produzione dei peptidi sPru p 3 (1-37) e sPru p 3 (38-91), componenti insieme l'intera proteina. Tecniche avanzate di spettrometria di massa sono state usate per caratterizzare tutti i composti ottenuti, mentre la loro allergenicità è stata studiata attraverso test immunologici o approcci in silico.


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The investigations described in this thesis concern the molecular interactions between polar solute molecules and various aromatic compounds in solution. Three different physical methods were employed. Nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectroscopy was used to determine the nature and strength of the interactions and the geometry of the transient complexes formed. Cryoscopic studies were used to provide information on the stoichiometry of the complexes. Dielectric constant studies were conducted in an attempt to confirm and supplement the spectroscopic investigations. The systems studied were those between nitromethane, chloroform, acetonitrile (solutes) and various methyl substituted benzenes. In the n.m.r. work the dependence of the solute chemical shift upon the compositions of the solutions was determined. From this the equilibrium quotients (K) for the formation of each complex and the shift induced in the solute proton by the aromatic in the complex were evaluated. The thermodynamic parameters for the interactions were obtained from the determination of K at several temperatures. The stoichiometries of the complexes obtained from cryoscopic studies were found to agree with those deduced from spectroscopic investigations. For most systems it is suggested that only one type of complex, of 1:1 stiochiometry, predominates except that for the acetonitrile-benzene system a 1:2 complex is formed. Two sets of dielectric studies were conducted, the first to show that the nature of the interaction is dipole-induced dipole and the second to calculate K. The equilibrium quotients obtained from spectroscopic and dielectric studies are compared. Time-averaged geometries of the complexes are proposed. The orientation of solute, with respect to the aromatic for the 1:1 complexes, appears to be the one in which the solute lies symmetrically about the aromatic six-fold axis whereas for the 1:2 complex, a sandwich structure is proposed. It is suggested that the complexes are formed through a dipole-induced dipole interaction and steric factors play some part in the complex formation.