999 resultados para Milner, Alfred Milner, Viscount, 1854-1925.


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This introduction to a special issue of Thesis Eleven devoted to science fiction begins by exploring the way the genre has been handled by German and French critical theory and their Anglophone equivalents. It proceeds to a discussion of the historical sociology of the genre and, thence, to an account of what it terms the dialectic of science fiction endangerment. Finally, it concludes with a brief overview of the various contributions to the issue.


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BACKGROUND: People with disabilities have difficulties in obtaining work. However, evidence suggests that those with disabilities derive substantial mental health benefits from employment. This paper assesses how the relationship between work and mental health is influenced by psychosocial job quality for people working with a disability. METHODS: The study design was a longitudinal cohort with 13 annual waves of data collection, yielding a sample of 122,883 observations from 21,848 people. Fixed-effects within-person regression was used to control for time invariant confounding. The Mental Component Summary (MCS) of the Short Form 36 (SF-36) measure was used as the primary outcome measure. The main exposure was a six-category measure of psychosocial job quality and employment status (including 'not in the labour force' [NILF] and unemployment). Disability status ('no waves of disability reported' and 'all contributed waves with reported disability') was assessed as an effect modifier. We also conducted a secondary analysis on respondents contributing both disability and non-disability waves. RESULTS: For those with no disability, the greatest difference in mental health (compared to optimal employment) occurs when people have the poorest quality jobs (-2.12, 95% CI -2.48, -1.75, p < 0.001). The relative difference in mental health was less in relation to NILF and unemployment (-0.39 and -0.66 respectively). For those with consistent disability, the difference in mental health when employed in an optimal job was similar between the poorest quality jobs (-2.25, 95% CI -3.84, -0.65, p = 0.006), NILF (-2.84, 95% CI -4.49, -1.20, p = 0.001) or unemployment (-2.56, 95% CI -4.32, -0.80, p = 0.004). These results were confirmed by the secondary analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Efforts to improve psychosocial job quality may have significant mental health benefits for people with disabilities. This will contribute to the economic viability of disability employment insurance schemes in Australia and other high-income countries.


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BACKGROUND: Acquisition of a disability in adulthood has been associated with a reduction in mental health. We tested the hypothesis that low wealth prior to disability acquisition is associated with a greater deterioration in mental health than for people with high wealth. METHODS: We assess whether level of wealth prior to disability acquisition modifies this association using 12 waves of data (2001-2012) from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey-a population-based cohort study of working-age Australians. Eligible participants reported at least two consecutive waves of disability preceded by at least two consecutive waves without disability (1977 participants, 13,518 observations). Fixed-effects linear regression was conducted with a product term between wealth prior to disability (in tertiles) and disability acquisition with the mental health component score of the SF-36 as the outcome. RESULTS: In models adjusted for time-varying confounders, there was evidence of negative effect measure modification by prior wealth of the association between disability acquisition and mental health (interaction term for lowest wealth tertile: -2.2 points, 95% CI -3.1 points, -1.2, p<0.001); low wealth was associated with a greater decline in mental health following disability acquisition (-3.3 points, 95% CI -4.0, -2.5) than high wealth (-1.1 points, 95% CI -1.7, -0.5). CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that low wealth prior to disability acquisition in adulthood results in a greater deterioration in mental health than among those with high wealth.


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BACKGROUND: Males employed in the construction industry have high rates of suicide. Although reasons underpinning this risk are multifaceted, poor help-seeking and stigma are represent major contributors. Males in the construction industry are also exposed to other risk factors for mental ill health and suicide, including unemployment. Sigma-reducing interventions that are accessible and attractive to recently unemployed males in the construction industry could therefore improve help-seeking, and address depression and suicidal behaviour in this population. METHODS/DESIGN: Contact&Connect will use a parallel individual randomized design to evaluate the effectiveness of a multimedia-based intervention aimed at reducing stigma. The intervention consists of a package of 12 brief contact interventions (BCIs) delivered over a six month period. BCIs will direct participants to informational programs and microsites. Content will address three major themes: debunking depression myths and stereotypes, normalisation, and empowerment. Target enrolment is 630 (315 in each arm), each to be followed for 12 months. Eligible participants will be males, between 30 and 64 years, unemployed at the time of recruitment, registered with Incolink (a social welfare trustee company for unemployed members of the construction industry), and own a smart phone with enabled internet connectivity. DISCUSSION: At present, there are no programs that have been shown to be effective in reducing stigma in the blue-collar male population. Contact&Connect promises to provide a tailored, efficient, and scalable approach to reducing stigma, depressive symptoms and suicidality among unemployed males. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Register ACTRN12615000792527  (date of registration: 30 July, 2015).


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BACKGROUND: Previous research showed an increase in Australian suicide rates during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). There has been no research investigating whether suicide rates by occupational class changed during the GFC. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the GFC-associated increase in suicide rates in employed Australians may have masked changes by occupational class.

METHODS: Negative binomial regression models were used to investigate Rate Ratios (RRs) in suicide by occupational class. Years of the GFC (2007, 2008, 2009) were compared to the baseline years 2001-2006.

RESULTS: There were widening disparities between a number of the lower class occupations and the highest class occupations during the years 2007, 2008, and 2009 for males, but less evidence of differences for females.

CONCLUSIONS: Occupational disparities in suicide rates widened over the GFC period. There is a need for programs to be responsive to economic downturns, and to prioritise the occupational groups most affected.


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BACKGROUND: In this paper, we present the protocol for a cluster-randomised trial to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of a workplace mental health intervention in the state-wide police department of the south-eastern Australian state of Victoria. n. The primary aims of the intervention are to improve psychosocial working conditions and mental health literacy, and secondarily to improve mental health and organisational outcomes.

METHODS/DESIGN: The intervention was designed collaboratively with Victoria Police based on a mixed methods pilot study, and combines multi-session leadership coaching for the senior officers within stations (e.g., Sergeants, Senior Sergeants) with tailored mental health literacy training for lower and upper ranks. Intervention effectiveness will be evaluated using a two-arm cluster-randomised trial design, with 12 police stations randomly assigned to the intervention and 12 to the non-intervention/usual care control condition. Data will be collected from all police members in each station (estimated at >20 per station). Psychosocial working conditions (e.g., supervisory support, job control, job demands), mental health literacy (e.g., knowledge, confidence in assisting someone who may have a mental health problem), and mental health will be assessed using validated measures. Organisational outcomes will include organisational depression disclosure norms, organisational cynicism, and station-level sickness absence rates. The trial will be conducted following CONSORT guidelines. Identifying data will not be collected in order to protect participant privacy and to optimise participation, hence changes in primary and secondary outcomes will be assessed using a two-sample t-test comparing summary measures by arm, with weighting by cluster size.

DISCUSSION: This intervention is novel in its integration of stressor-reduction and mental health literacy-enhancing strategies. Effectiveness will be rigorously evaluated, and if positive results are observed, the intervention will be adapted across Victoria Police (total employees ~16,500) as well as possibly in other policing contexts, both nationally and internationally.


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BACKGROUND: There is growing interest in brief contact interventions for self-harm and suicide attempt. AIMS: To synthesise the evidence regarding the effectiveness of brief contact interventions for reducing self-harm, suicide attempt and suicide. METHOD: A systematic review and random-effects meta-analyses were conducted of randomised controlled trials using brief contact interventions (telephone contacts; emergency or crisis cards; and postcard or letter contacts). Several sensitivity analyses were conducted to examine study quality and subgroup effects. RESULTS: We found 14 eligible studies overall, of which 12 were amenable to meta-analyses. For any subsequent episode of self-harm or suicide attempt, there was a non-significant reduction in the overall pooled odds ratio (OR) of 0.87 (95% CI 0.74-1.04, P = 0119) for intervention compared with control. The number of repetitions per person was significantly reduced in intervention v. control (incidence rate ratio IRR = 066, 95% CI 0.54-0.80, P<0001). There was no significant reduction in the odds of suicide in intervention compared with control (OR = 0.58, 95% CI 0.24-1.38). CONCLUSIONS: A non-significant positive effect on repeated self-harm, suicide attempt and suicide and a significant effect on the number of episodes of repeated self-harm or suicide attempts per person (based on only three studies) means that brief contact interventions cannot yet be recommended for widespread clinical implementation. We recommend further assessment of possible benefits in well-designed trials in clinical populations.


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BACKGROUND: Little research has been conducted into the cost and prevention of self-harm in the workplace. AIMS: To quantify the economic cost of self-harm and suicide among New South Wales (NSW) construction industry (CI) workers and to examine the potential economic impact of implementing Mates in Construction (MIC). METHOD: Direct and indirect costs were estimated. Effectiveness was measured using the relative risk ratio (RRR). In Queensland (QLD), relative suicide risks were estimated for 5-year periods before and after the commencement of MIC. For NSW, the difference between the expected (i.e., using NSW pre-MIC [2008-2012] suicide risk) and counterfactual suicide cases (i.e., applying QLD RRR) provided an estimate of potential suicide cases averted in the post-MIC period (2013-2017). Results were adjusted using the average uptake (i.e., 9.4%) of MIC activities in QLD. Economic savings from averted cases were compared with the cost of implementing MIC. RESULTS: The cost of self-harm and suicide in the NSW CI was AU $527 million in 2010. MIC could potentially avert 0.4 suicides, 1.01 full incapacity cases, and 4.92 short absences, generating annual savings of AU $3.66 million. For every AU $1 invested, the economic return is approximately AU $4.6. CONCLUSION: MIC represents a positive economic investment in workplace safety.


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Entre 1940 e 1943, na procura de uma imagem condizente com sua condição de Capital de Estado e tentando acompanhar as grandes transformações urbanas que ocorriam na época, Curitiba contrata o arquiteto e urbanista francês Donat-Alfred Agache (1875-1959), que recém executara o Plano do Rio de Janeiro (1927), para elaborar o Plano de Urbanização para Curitiba. Fato que acaba se tornando o primeiro grande impacto urbano-arquitetônico na sociedade paranaense do século XX. A presente dissertação contextualiza essa proposta urbanística, a partir da formação profissional de Agache na Europa, sua participação na Sociedade Francesa de Urbanistas, o modo didático de fazer urbanismo, sua experiência no Rio de Janeiro e demais trabalhos no Brasil. Além de um simples Plano de Urbanização para Curitiba, Agache demonstra técnica e habilidade em enfrentar problemas e hábitos sociais, características que impõem sua ampla visão de cidade. O processo desencadeado por Agache em 1943, comparado com a realidade urbana anterior, revoluciona a relação entre o homem e seu meio na forma de ver e fazer arquitetura urbana, acontecimento que deixa um legado cultural paradigmático, com inúmeros desdobramentos, fundamental para o urbanismo da Cidade de Curitiba.


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Este estudo analisou variações mensais na dinâmica populacional, biomassa aérea, taxas de crescimento e produção primária de Zizaniopsis bonariensis, uma macrófita aquática emergente, no Sistema Hidrológico do Taim, RS, durante o ano de 2004. Indivíduos fotossinteticamente ativos tiveram todas suas folhas etiquetadas, quantificações de incrementos em biomassa foram determinadas de modo não destrutivo através de quadros experimentais “in situ”. Variáveis alométricas foliares como comprimento de tecido clorofilado e senescente e diâmetro basal de centenas de indivíduos foram mensuradas em campo e convertidas em biomassa através da regressão da área da superfície foliar contra biomassa. Devido à emergência contínua de indivíduos de Z.bonariensis durante todo o ano, coortes mensais foram recrutadas e monitoradas. Variações na biomassa desta espécie também foram avaliadas de modo destrutivo através de blocos de colheita. Os dados obtidos foram utilizados para calcular a Produção Primária Aérea Anual (PPAA) com base em nove métodos de estimativa: Pico Anual de Biomassa; Pico Anual de Biomassa modificado; Milner & Hughes (IBP); Smalley; Valiela et al; Curva de Allen; Soma dos Máximos de Biomassa; Soma de Incrementos e Crescimento Instantâneo. A taxa media mensal de emergência de brotos foi de 11,7ind m-2, sem evidências de pulsos de emergência em função de mudanças sazonais. A densidade média foi de 48 ind m-2. A longevidade das coortes foi estimada em 10,5 meses, e taxa de mortalidade aumentou após o período reprodutivo, sugerindo preliminarmente influência da sazonalidade sobre estas variáveis A biomassa média das coortes aumentou durante o período reprodutivo, demonstrando alto investimento reprodutivo, sendo o maior valor registrado em outubro, 39,96 gPS m-2, pela coorte de janeiro. A taxa de crescimento relativo se mostrou maior durante o primeiro mês após emergência entre todas as coortes, 0,048 g PSm-2d-1. A biomassa clorofilada dos quadros experimentais decresceu no inverno, voltando a aumentar durante a primavera. A PPAA foi estimada em 2870 gPS m-2. Dos métodos utilizados, apenas o método de Milner & Hughes (não-destrutivo) se mostrou adequado, enquanto os baseados em dados de colheita (destrutivo) subestimaram a produção real de Z. bonariensis.


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Discute-se, na presente dissertação, a política comercial dos Estados Unidos da América, por meio do estudo da imposição de salvaguardas às suas importações de aço em 05 de março de 2002. A análise se dá a partir de variáveis sistêmicas, como a caracterização da posição do país em relação ao sistema internacional; e domésticas, pela descrição dos grupos de pressão da indústria siderúrgica norte-americana e dos mecanismos que utilização para influenciar a decisão do Presidente George W. Bush. Por meio da utilização do modelo de Helen Milner da associação entre níveis internacionais e interno de análise, pretende-se esclarecer as razões que levaram o Estado que foi o principal promotor da construção do regime internacional de comércio a adotar uma postura protecionista em relação ao seu setor siderúrgico. Nesse sentido, foi constatado que, mesmo diante do fortalecimento do referido regime após a criação do OMC, a imposição da medida se deu preponderantemente por questões internas, tais como as pressões e o alto nível de organização do lobbies do produtores de aço, as características específicas do mercado siderúrgico estadunidense, e os interesses políticos dos governantes daquele país. Pela conjunção desses e de outros fatores, os grupos de pressão do aço obtiveram bons resultados com suas iniciativas lobísticas, em detrimento dos interesses dos países exportadores de aço e dos consumidores norte-americanos, que passaram a pagar mais por alguns bens de consumo.


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Cette recherche s'inscrit dans la linguistique de texte et vise à identifier, décrire, analyser et interpréter les événements de l'anaphore pronominale et de la répétition, exposer le montant et le pourcentage dês phenoménes respectifs dans Le corpus étudiés, que l accent sur le fonctionnement cohérente de ces phénomènes dans la construction du texte en termes de continuité et de progression thématique. Nous avons utilisé des procédures ethnographiques pour construire notre corpus d'enquête, composé essentiellement de textes produits par les étudiants de 9 ans d'école élémentaire de l'Etat, a la ville de Santa Cruz / RN. La recherche a été menée à partir des études sur l'anaphore pronominale faites par Milner (1982), Koch e Marcuschi (1998), Marcuschi (2000; 2005 e 2008), Koch (2002), Antunes (2005) e Adam (2008), et par des études sur la répétition présentés par Halliday e Hassan (1976), Beaugrande e Dressler (1997), Marcuschi (1992) et Antunes (2005). Comme le support technique, ont également utilisé les notions de cohésion définis par Halliday e Hasan (1976), Beaugrande e Dressler (1997), Marcuschi (2008) e Koch (2003). Dans l'analyse des textes, nous avons constaté que l'incidence de l'anaphore pronominale et de la répétition a été importante parce que les ressources étaient principalement utilisés par les étudiants pour promouvoir l'articulation cohérente des textes. Constaté que dans les textes narratifs ou argumentatifs anaphore pronominale promu l'entretien et la progression thématique prévu. Sur la répétition, nous avons observé que le maintien et la progression thématiques ont été conditionnés à la connaissance du sujet en discussion. Même si nous avons constaté que la répétition excessive de ces phénomènes dans le même texte, bien que la relation de promouvoir la cohésion, peut affecter le degré de caractere informatif