990 resultados para Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873.


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The intent of this field mission was to continue ongoing efforts: (1) to spatially characterize and monitor the distribution, abundance and size of reef fishes, and the abundance of macroinvertebrates (conch, Diatema, lobster) within and around the waters of the Virgin Islands National Park (VIIS) and newly established Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument (VICR), (2) to correlate this information to in-situ data collected on associated habitat parameters, (3) to use this information to establish the knowledge base necessary for enacting management decisions in a spatial setting and (4) to establish the efficacy of those management decisions. An additional focus this year, was to evaluate a new habitat data collection method for RHA sites (MSR and some Coral Bay sites). There are concerns that the cylinder habitat data are not reflective of the fish transect habitat. To address this, we collected habitat data at 5x4 m increments along the transect in addition to data collected using the cylinder method. We are currently assessing the potential differences between these methods and preliminary results indicate that the average difference of coral cover estimates between the two methods was 4.1% (range 0-11%) based on 16 sample sites. In addition, Erinn Muller, a Nancy Foster Fellowship recipient, collaborated with the Biogeography Branch to examine the spatial distribution of coral diseases, to provide baseline information on disease prevalence over varying spatial scales and to establish spatial distributions of coral diseases around St. John.


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This report is a result of long-term fish monitoring studies supported by the National Park Service (NPS) at the Virgin Islands National Park since 1988 and is now a joint NPS and NOAA collaboration. Reef fish monitoring data collected from 1988 to 2006 within Virgin Islands National Park (VINP) and adjacent reefs around St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) were analyzed to provide information on the status of reef fishes during the monitoring period. Monitoring projects were initiated by the National Park Service (NPS) in the 1980s to provide useful data for evaluation of resources and for development of a long-term monitoring program. Monthly monitoring was conducted at two reef sites (Yawzi Point and Cocoloba Cay) starting in November 1988 for 2.5 years to document the monthly/seasonal variability in reef fish assemblages. Hurricane Hugo (a powerful Category 4 storm) struck the USVI in September 1989 resulting in considerable damage to the reefs around St. John. Abundance of fishes was lower at both sites following the storm, however, a greater effect was observed at Yawzi Point, which experienced a more direct impact from the hurricane. The storm affected species differently, with some showing only small, short-term declines in abundance, and others, such as the numerically abundant blue chromis (Chromis cyanea), a planktivorous damselfish, exhibiting a larger and longer recovery period. This report provides: 1) an evaluation of sampling methods, sample size, and methods used during the sampling period, 2) an evaluation of the spatial and temporal variability in reef fish assemblages at selected reef sites inside and outside of VINP, and 3) an evaluation of trends over 17 years of monitoring at the four reference sites. Comparisons of methods were conducted to standardize assessments among years. Several methods were used to evaluate sample size requirements for reef fish monitoring and the results provided a statistically robust justification for sample allocation.


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The intent of this field mission was to continue ongoing efforts: (1) to spatially characterize and monitor the distribution, abundance and size of both reef fishes and conch within and around the waters of the Virgin Islands National Park (VIIS) and newly established Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument (VICR), (2) to correlate this information to in-situ data collected on associated habitat parameters, (3) to use this information to establish the knowledge base necessary for enacting management decisions in a spatial setting and to establish the efficacy of those management decisions. This work is supported by the National Park Service and NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program’s Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring Project. The report highlights the successes of this mission.


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Biomicrocapsules mean microscopic living organisms which carry important nutrients, very essential for the growth and development of aquatic organisms as well as other animals. Among these biomicrocapsules, Chlorella ellipsoidea, an important green microalga (Chlorophyceae) which contains 40-45% crude protein, 12-16% crude lipid, 14-15% minerals, colour pigments, vitamins and carotene. The microalga, C. ellipsoidea was cultured in four different dilutions of supernatant of digested sugar mill effluent (DSME) i.e. 25, 50, 75 and 100% DSME and Bold basal medium (BBM) as control in laboratory condition. Maximum cell growth and chlorophyll a content of C. ellipsoidea were obtained on l0th day of culture in supernatant of 50% diluted DSME followed by those of this biomicrocapsule grown in BBM, and 75, 25 and 100% DSME at stationary phase. Cell number had highly (p<0.01) direct correlation with chlorophyll a (r = 0.889) of C. ellipsoidea, and optical density (r = 0.926) of media. Chlorophyll a was also highly (p<0.01) and directly correlated with optical density (r= 0.877) of media. The specific growth rates (µ/day) of cell and chlorophyll a of C. ellipsoidea grown in supernatant of 50% DSME were significantly (p<0.01) varied from those of C. ellipsoidea cultured in BBM followed by other DSME. Total biomass of C. ellipsoidea cultured in supernatant of 50% DSME was found significantly (p<0.01) higher than that of this microalga cultured in BBM, and supernatant of 25, 75 and 100% DSME. Similar trend was also observed in the case of optical density. The physico-chemical properties of media were varied with the growth of cell of this microalga. It was recorded that cell number, chlorophyll a of biomicrocapsule, and optical density of media were highly (p<0.01) and directly correlated with pH, hardness and alkalinity, and inversely correlated with nitrate-N. Crude protein and crude lipid of C. ellipsoidea grown in supernatant of 50% DSME were significantly (p<0.01) higher than those of C. ellipsoidea cultured in other DSME and BBM. Due to best growth performance exhibited by this microalga grown in supernatant of 50% DSME, it may be used to grow in supernatant of 50% DSME to get more essential nutrients than that cultured in supernatant of other DSME media.


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This paper presents the results of a project aimed at minimising fuel usage while maximising steam availability in the power and steam plant of a large newsprint mill. The approach taken was to utilise the better regulation and plant wide optimisation capabilities of Advanced Process Control, especially Model Predictive Control (MPC) techniques. These have recently made their appearance in the pulp and paper industry but are better known in the oil and petrochemical industry where they have been used for nearly 30 years. The issue in the power and steam plant is to ensure that sufficient steam is available when the paper machines require it and yet not to have to waste too much steam when one or more of the machines suffers an outage. This is a problem for which MPC is well suited. It allows variables to be kept within declared constraint ranges, a feature which has been used, effectively, to increase the steam storage capacity of the existing plant. This has resulted in less steam being condensed when it is not required and in significant reductions in the need for supplementary firing. The incidence of steam being dump-condensed while also supplementary firing the Combined Heat & Power (CHP) plant has been reduced by 95% and the overall use of supplementary firing is less than 30% of what it was. In addition the plant runs more smoothly and requires less operator time. The yearly benefit provided by the control system is greater than £200,000, measured in terms of 2005 gas prices.


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Plugging is well known to be a major cause of instability in industrial cement mills. A simple nonlinear model able to simulate the plugging phenomenon is presented. It is shown how a nonlinear robust controller can be designed in order to fully prevent the mill from plugging.


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Amblycipitidae Day, 1873 is an Asian family of catfishes (Siluriformes) usually considered to contain 28 species placed in three genera: Amblyceps (14 spp.), Liobagrus (12 spp.) and Xiurenbagrus (2 spp.). Morphology-based systematics has supported the monophyly of this family, with some authors placing Amblycipitidae within a larger group including Akysidae, Sisoridae and Aspredinidae, termed the Sisoroidea. Here we investigate the phylogenetic relationships among four species of Amblyceps, six species of Liobagrus and the two species of Xiurenbagrus with respect to other sisoroid taxa as well as other catfish groups using 6100 aligned base pairs of DNA sequence data from the rag1 and rag2 genes of the nuclear genome and from three regions (cyt b, COL ND4 plus tRNA-His and tRNA-Ser) of the mitochondrial genome. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of the data indicate strong support for a diphyletic Amblycipitidae in which the genus Amblyceps is the sister group to the Sisoridae and a clade formed by genera Liobagrus and Xiurenbagrus is the sister group to Akysidae. These taxa together form a well supported monophyletic group that assembles all Asian sisoroid taxa, but excludes the South American Aspredinidae. Results for aspredinids are consistent with previous molecular studies that indicate these catfishes are not sisoroids, but the sister group to the South American doradoid catfishes (Auchenipteridae + Doradidae). The redefined sisoroid clade plus Bagridae, Horabagridae and (Ailia + Laides) make up a larger monophyletic group informally termed "Big Asia." Likelihood-based SH tests and Bayes Factor comparisons of the rag and the mitochondrial data partitions considered separately and combined reject both the hypothesis of amblycipitid monophyly and the hypothesis of aspredinid inclusion within Sisoroidea. This result for amblycipitids conflicts with a number of well documented morphological synapomorphies that we briefly review. Possible nomenclatural changes for amblycipitid taxa are noted.


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选取长至6~8片真叶的健康番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)幼苗,分别进行蔗糖、硝普钠(sodium nitropresside,SNP,作为外源NO供体)及其体积比例组合(1∶1)处理;36h后施以NaCl胁迫,并分别于0h(胁迫前)、24h、48h和72h取样,进行相关生理生化指标测定。具体5个实验处理如下:A.蒸馏水(CK);B.100 mmol/L NaCl;C.0.1 mmol/L SNP+100 mmol/L NaCl;D.0.1 mmol/L SNP+1.0mmol/L蔗糖+100 mmol/L NaCl;E.1.0 mmol/L蔗糖+100 mmol/L NaCl。结果表明:与SNP和蔗糖单独处理相比,二者组合处理对缓解盐胁迫下番茄幼苗的氧化损伤存在正协同效应,主要表现在进一步增强了番茄幼苗超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)的活性;提高了脯氨酸(Pro)的含量,同时膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量显著降低(P〈0.05)。采用聚丙烯酰胺浓度梯度凝胶电泳对盐胁迫24 h和48 h材料的POD同功酶检测表明,当NaCl单独处理时,番茄幼苗叶片POD同功酶第V条带缺失,其它谱带酶量减少,抑制了POD同功酶的表达;SNP和蔗糖单独处理能够保护盐胁迫(24、48h)所导致的POD同功酶条带的完整;而组合处理既保证了POD同功酶条带的完整,又加强了酶量的表达。随着盐胁迫时间的延长,其氧化损伤程度愈烈,SNP和蔗糖组合处理能够更有效地缓解盐胁迫对番茄幼苗植株造成的氧化损伤。


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A pre-column derivatization method for the sensitive determination of aliphatic amines using the labeling reagent 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC) followed by HPLC with fluorescence detection and APCI/NIS identification in positive-ion mode has been developed. The chromophore of 2-(9-carbazole)-ethyl chloroformate (CEOC) reagent was replaced by the 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole functional group, which resulted in a sensitive fluorescence derivatizing reagent, BCEOC, that could easily and quickly label amines. Derivatives were stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by HPLC and showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [M + H](+) with APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The collision induced dissociation of the protonated molecular ion formed characteristic fragment ions at m/z 264.1, m/z 246.0 and m/z 218.1, corresponding to the cleavages of CH2CH2O-CO, CH2CH2-OCO, and N-CH2CH2O bonds. Studies on derivatization conditions demonstrated that excellent derivatization yields close to 100% were observed with a 3 to 4-fold molar reagent excess in acetonitrile solvent, in the presence of borate buffer (pH 9.0) at 40 degrees C for 10 min. In addition, the detection responses for BCEOC derivatives were compared with those obtained with CEOC and FMOC as labeling reagents. The ratios I-BCEOC/I-CEOC and I-BCEOC/I-FMOC were, respectively, 1.40-2.76 and 1.36-2.92 for fluorescence responses (here, I was the relative fluorescence intensity). Separation of the amine derivatives had been optimized on an Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. Detection limits calculated from an 0.10 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 18.65-38.82 fmol (injection volume 10 mu L for fluorescence detection. The relative standard deviations for intraday determination (n = 6) of standard amine derivatives (50 pmol) were 0.0063-0.037% for retention times and 3.36-6.93% for peak areas. The mean intra-and inter-assay precision for all amines were <5.4% and 5.8%, respectively. The recoveries of amines ranged from 96 to 113%. Excellent linear responses were observed with correlation coefficients of >0.9994. The established method provided a simple and highly sensitive technique for the quantitative analysis of trace amounts of aliphatic amines from biological and natural environmental samples.


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The Message-Driven Processor is a node of a large-scale multiprocessor being developed by the Concurrent VLSI Architecture Group. It is intended to support fine-grained, message passing, parallel computation. It contains several novel architectural features, such as a low-latency network interface, extensive type-checking hardware, and on-chip memory that can be used as an associative lookup table. This document is a programmer's guide to the MDP. It describes the processor's register architecture, instruction set, and the data types supported by the processor. It also details the MDP's message sending and exception handling facilities.


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Ireland, R. W., Cambrian Law Review, 34 pp.57-69 RAE2008


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Morgan, M. (2004). Bu fy mywyd yn un diliw o hapus: them?u yn Atgofion John Gwilym Jones. Y Traethodydd. 159, pp.235-251.


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Jones, David, '?The Lord did give me a particular honour to make [me] a peacemaker?: Howel Harris, John Wesley and Methodist infighting, 1739-1750', Bulletin of the John Rylands, University Library of Manchester (2003) 85(2-3) pp.73-88 RAE2008


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The purpose of the article is to present John Yench’s a priori language as a continuation of Leibniz’s idea. Before I proceed to show the project of the Inter-Disciplinary International Reference Language, I would like to discuss the development of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s view on artificial languages. I will try to show the evolution of Leibniz’s universal language: from its ideal conception to a tool which formalizes the whole of human knowledge. Also, I will show Leibniz’s influence on further ideas of artificial language. I will compare his projects with Yench’s language – Idirl. An analysis of Idirl’s main assumptions will be useful to show the degree of continuation of Leibniz’s ideas in the a priori language of John Yench.