968 resultados para Microalgal cultivation


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The historical land use and land cover changes is one of the key issues in LUCC research. However, the achievement of China in this field doesn't match her position in the world yet. And the reliability of the quantitive records in Chinese historical literature, the basic data for historical land use research, has been doubted. This research focuses on Re-Cha-Sui, a typical area for the farming-pastoral region in the north of China, to make a detailed case study in this field. Based on a deep mining and calibration on the data from massive historical documents and land-use surveys, the author gives a detailed analysis on the administrative region evolution, historical population dynamics, reclamation policy, and the land statistic system. According to textual researches, parallel validation and physical geographical analysis, a unified land use series for recent 300 years, which founded on the results of modern land-use surveys, is constructed. And the thematic maps on the cultivation index for different counties in several temporal sections are plotted. Based on the endeavor above, the dynamic of forest and steppe is reconstructed as well. The temporal-spatial patterns of land use/land cover changes in the area is analyzed. And the influence of different driving forces are discussed. The main conclusions of the research are as followed: 1. The quantitive records in literatures on Re-Cha-Sui area are reflection of real amounts of croplands. It is practical to reconstruct a result comparable with the modern land-use surveys, based of a deep mining and considerate validation on historical documents. The unexceptional negative attitude towards the numerical records in historical documents is unnecessary. 2. In recent 300 years, 3 climax of reclamation appeared in Re-Cha-Sui area and altered the pure pastoral area into a farming-pastoral region. The interval were respectively the early time till mid time of the Qing dynasty, the end of the Qing dynasty till early time of the Republic of China(ROC), and the time after A.D. 1949. After the first expansion, the area of cropland in this region reached 2.0 million ha. Among them, Guisui area, which was most densely cultivated, had a cultivation index over 30%, which is similar with modern situation. The second expansion covered broader area, and the amount of cropland reached 3.5 million ha. The increase of farming area after 1949 is due to the recultivation of abandoned farmland. The current area of cropland in this region is 5.6 million ha. In the southern area where the land was reclaimed early, the amount on of the cropland has some fluctuation in 300 years. While in the new reclaimed area in the north, the area of cropland has kept the trend of increasing. 3. Due to the different natural conditions, most forests in Re-Cha-Sui area distribute in the mountain area of North Hebei province, and the upland of West Liaoning province, especially the former, which has a forest coverage near 70%. However, most of these forests were destroyed before the end of the Qing dynasty. In 1949, the natural forest near Chengde was nearly cleared up. They were partly renewed after 1949 due to plantation. 4. In the steppe zone such as northern Rehe, Suiyuan and Chahar, the area of steppe has a negative correlation with that of cropland. With the expansion of cropland, the percentage of steppe has shrunk from over 80% to 53%. In the mountain area of North Hebei province, steppe expanded with the shrinkage of forest, though cropland was expanding. The percentage once reached 60%, and then fell with the renew of forest. However, in the upland of West Liaoning province, the steppe shrink slowly from original 50% to current 26%, with the expansion of cropland. 5. The land use and land cover change in Re-Cha-Sui area in recent 300 years is driven by various factors, including human dimensions such as population, policy of the government, disorder of the society, cultural tradition, and natural factors such as climate change and natural disasters. Among them, pressure from surplus population is the basic driving force.


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A tecnologia de controle de nematóides nos solos de estufas, em uso, envolvem o uso de processos físicos(vapor), físicos/químicos e químicos que são onerosos, insalubres, de difíceis manuseio e poluidores do meio ambiente. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo adaptar o processo de solarização de solos, para as condições de plantio protegido de tomate do DF. Os testes com 6 cultivares desenvolvidas em áreas infestadas como Meloidogyne incognita raça 1 e Meloidogyne javanica e com solarização evidenciaram a eficácia da tecnologia de solarização no controle de nematóides de galhas.


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In this study, an in vitro multicellular tumor spheroid model was developed using microencapsulation, and the feasibility of using the microencapsulated. multicellular tumor spheroid (MMTS) to test the effect of chemotherapeutic drugs was investigated. Human MCF-7 breast cancer cells were encapsulated in alginate-poly-L-lysine-alginate (APA) microcapsules, and a single multicellular spheroid 150 mu m in diameter was formed in the microcapsule after 5 days of cultivation. The cell morphology, proliferation, and viability of the MMTS were characterized using phase contrast microscopy, BrdU-Iabeling, MTT stain, calcein AM/ED-2 stain, and H&E stain. It demonstrated that the MMTS was viable and that the proliferating cells were mainly localized to the periphery of the cell spheroid and the apoptotic cells were in the core. The MCF-7 MMTS was treated with mitomycin C (MC) at a concentration of 0.1, 1, or 10 times that of peak plasma concentration (ppc) for up to 72 h. The cytotoxicity was demonstrated. clearly by the reduction in cell spheroid size and the decrease in cell viability. The MMTS was further used to screen the anticancer effect of chemotherapeutic drugs, treated with MC, adriamycin (ADM) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) at concentrations of 0.1, 1, and 10 ppc for 24, 48, and 72 h. MCF-7 monolayer culture was used as control. Similar to monolayer culture, the cell viability of MMTS was reduced after treatment with anticancer drugs. However, the inhibition rate of cell viability in MMTS was much lower than that in monolayer culture. The MMTS was more resistant to anticancer drugs than monolayer culture. The inhibition rates of cell viability were 68.1%, 45.1%, and 46.8% in MMTS and 95.1%, 86.8%, and 91.6% in monolayer culture treated with MC, ADM, and 5-FU at 10 ppc for 72 h, respectively. MC showed the strongest cytotoxicity in both MMTS and monolayer, followed by 5-FU and ADM. It demonstrated that the MMTS has the potential to be a rapid and valid in vitro model to screen chemotherapeutic drugs with a feature to mimic in vivo three-dimensional (3-D) cell growth pattern.


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Selecao das cultivares Thap maeo e Caipira para recomendacao aos produtores amazonenses, envolvendo: a) caracteristicas e recomendacoes para Thape maeo e Caipira; b) espacamento e densidade populacional; c) adubacao, para as condicoes edafoclimaticas e Manaus-AM (Brasil).


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Foram avaliados, na colecao de fruteiras da Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental, cinco tipos de graviola (Morada, FAO II, Blanca, Lisa e B), com o objetivo de se verificar o desenvolvimento vegetativo, producao e caracteristicas do fruto. O plantio foi realizado em linha com dez plantas de cada tipo de graviola, em espacamento de 4m entre plantas e 8m entre linhas. As caracteristicas avaliadas foram: diametro do caule, diametro da copa, numero de frutos/planta, peso do fruto, peso da polpa, numero de sementes/fruto, peso das sementes, teor de solidos soluveis totais (°Brix) e periodo de frutificacao. No terceiro ano de plantio, Morada produziu, em media, 18 frutos/planta, com peso media de 2,82kg, e FAO II, 16 frutos/planta, com peso medio de 2,90kg, com producao estimada de 7,8t/ha e 7,2t/ha de frutos, respectivamente. Lisa apresentou a menor media de frutos/planta (duas unidades). Esses resultados indicam a viabilidade do cultivo de FAO II e Morada para as condicoes de Manaus.


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A producao de cafe em coco do cerrado aumentou 83 mil para 728 toneladas, enquanto a brasileira passou de 2,5 para 2,8 milhoes de toneladas, entre 1975 e 1996. nesse periodo, as taxas geometricas de crescimento anual da cultura no cerrado foram de 10,9% para a producao e de 5,6% para a rea colhida, ao passo que noconjunto das demais regioes produtoras do Pais essas taxas foram negativas. Os municipios produtores de cafe do cerrado foram agrupados em cinco regioes: Sul/Cerrado Mineiro; Alto Paranaiba; Nordeste Mineiro; Rondonia e Brasilia. Em 1996, a regiao Sul/Cerrado Mineiro produziu 44,0% do cafe do cerrado e possuia o efetivo de 396,6 milhoes de plantas; Alto Paranaiba contribuiu com 47,1% e contava com o efetivo de 343,3 milhoes de plantas; e a Nordeste Mineiro participou com 4,5% com o efetivo de 62,3 milhoes de plantas. Esta foi dividida em tres sub-regioes: Teofilo Otoni; Capelinha; e Montes Claros. A regiao de Rondonia produziu 1,5% e detinha o efetivo de 28,8 milhoes plantas. A de Brasilia participou com 1,7% da producao e seu efetivo era de 16,6 milhoes de plantas, foi dividida em tres sub-regioes: a do Distrito Federal, a Mineira e Cristalina/Catalao/Silvania. Nova regiao produtora esta surgindo com boas perspectivas no Sudoeste baiano.


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ABSTRACT: During the years 2003 and 2004, four experiments were conducted in the winter season, under irrigation and in the raining season in the experimental area of the Embrapa Cerrados Research Center at Planaltina, Federal District. The objective was to identify cultivars that presented the following characteristics: resistance to diseases, high yield, resistance to lodging, desirable plant height and good market acceptance, to be indicated for cultivation in the Federal District. It was concluded that the cultivar BRS Cometa is indicated for this region, due to its high yield characteristics, resistance to diseases and lodging, excellent cooking qualities and erect type.


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Introdução; Clima; Solos; Sistema de plantio; Propagação; Época de plantio; Variedades; Adubação; Cobertura morta; Tutoramento; Doenças; Pragas; Colheita.