1000 resultados para Mediterrània (Regió)


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Background: Polyphenols may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and other chronic diseases due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as their beneficial effects on blood pressure, lipids and insulin resistance. However, no previous epidemiological studies have evaluated the relationship between the intake of total polyphenols intake and polyphenol subclasses with overall mortality. Our aim was to evaluate whether polyphenol intake is associated with all-cause mortality in subjects at high cardiovascular risk. Methods: We used data from the PREDIMED study, a 7,447-participant, parallel-group, randomized, multicenter, controlled five-year feeding trial aimed at assessing the effects of the Mediterranean Diet in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Polyphenol intake was calculated by matching food consumption data from repeated food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) with the Phenol-Explorer database on the polyphenol content of each reported food. Hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) between polyphenol intake and mortality were estimated using time-dependent Cox proportional hazard models. Results: Over an average of 4.8 years of follow-up, we observed 327 deaths. After multivariate adjustment, we found a 37% relative reduction in all-cause mortality comparing the highest versus the lowest quintiles of total polyphenol intake (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.63; 95% CI 0.41 to 0.97; P for trend = 0.12). Among the polyphenol subclasses, stilbenes and lignans were significantly associated with reduced all-cause mortality (HR =0.48; 95% CI 0.25 to 0.91; P for trend = 0.04 and HR = 0.60; 95% CI 0.37 to 0.97; P for trend = 0.03, respectively), with no significant associations apparent in the rest (flavonoids or phenolic acids). Conclusions: Among high-risk subjects, those who reported a high polyphenol intake, especially of stilbenes and lignans, showed a reduced risk of overall mortality compared to those with lower intakes. These results may be useful to determine optimal polyphenol intake or specific food sources of polyphenols that may reduce the risk of all-cause mortality.


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El cautxú és un polímer d'origen biològic que s'obté del làtex, un fluid d'aspecte lletós que es pot extreure de diverses plantes i que es fa servir com a primera matèria per manufacturar molts productes. També es pot produir de manera sintètica a partir de derivats del petroli, però de moment el natural presenta avantatges importants, com ara que és més elàstic i resistent a l'abrasió. Un nou estudi ha trobat una nova font de làtex: els enciams. L'hortalissa mediterrània podria passar de ser només un producte per a l'amanida a tenir un interès industrial, com ara fer rodes.


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Species structure and composition in Mediterranean riparian forests are determined by hydrological features, longitudinal zonation, and riverbank topography. This study assesses the distribution of four native riparian plants along the riverbank topographic gradient in three river stretches in southern Spain, with special emphasis on the occupation of adult and young feet of each species. The studied stretches suffered minimal human disturbances, displayed semi-arid conditions, and had wide riparian areas to allow the development of the target species: black alder (Alnus glutinosa), salvia leaf willow (Salix salviifolia), narrow-leafed ash (Fraxinus angustifolia), and oleander (Nerium oleander). Thalweg height was used to define the riverbank topographic gradient. The results showed a preferential zone for black alder and salvia leaf willow in the range of 0-150 cm from the channel thalweg, with adult alders and willows being more common between 51 and 150 cm and young alders being more common under 50 cm. Conversely, narrow-leafed ash and oleander were much more frequent, and showed greater development, in the ranges of 151-200 cm and 201-250 cm, respectively, whereas the young feet of both species covered the entire topographic range. Adult feet of the four species were spatially segregated along the riverbank topographic gradient, indicating their differential ability to cope with water stress from the non-tolerant alders and willows to more tolerant narrow-leafed ash trees and oleanders. Young feet, however, showed a strategy more closely linked to the initial availability of colonisation sites within riparian areas to the dispersion strategy of each species and to the distribution of adult feet. In Mediterranean areas, where riparian management has traditionally faced great challenges, the incorporation of species preferences along riverbank gradients could improve the performance of restoration projects.


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Understanding how marine predators interact is a scientific challenge. In marine ecosystems, segregation in feeding habits has been largely described as a common mechanism to allow the coexistence of several competing marine predators. However, little is known about the feeding ecology of most species of chondrichthyans, which play a pivotal role in the structure of marine food webs worldwide. In this study, we examined the trophic ecology of 3 relatively abundant chondrichthyans coexisting in the Mediterranean Sea: the blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus , the velvet belly lanternshark Etmopterus spinax and the rabbit fish Chimaera monstrosa. To examine their trophic ecology and interspecific differences in food habits, we combined the analysis of stomach content and stable isotopes. Our results highlighted a trophic segregation between C. monstrosa and the other 2 species. G. melastomus showed a diet composed mainly of cephalopods, while E. spinax preyed mainly on shrimps and C. monstrosa on crabs. Interspecific differences in the trophic niche were likely due to different feeding capabilities and body size. Each species showed different isotopic niche space and trophic level. Specifically, C. monstrosa showed a higher trophic level than E. spinax and G. melastomus. The high trophic levels of the 3 species highlighted their important role as predators in the marine food web. Our results illustrate the utility of using complementary approaches that provide information about the feeding behaviour at short (stomach content) and long-term scales (stable isotopes), which could allow more efficient monitoring of marine food-web changes in the study area.


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El gènere Ophidion esta representat al Mediterrani per dues espècies, 0. barbatum L. i O.rochei Müller. Són dues espècies molt similars en aspecte i difícils d'identificar només apartir dels seus caràcters morfològics externs. El treball descriu en primer lloc, i a partir de dades obtingudes per tècniques electroforètiques, alguns marcadors bioquímics que permetendiferenciar les dues espècies. En segon lloc, i a partir del càlcul de la 'Distància Genèticade Nei', es fa una estimació del temps de divergència entre O. barbatum i 0. rochei


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Species composition and distribution of marine benthic communities from La Herradura (Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean) are described to characterise its rocky and sedimentary bottoms bionomically. Rocky bottoms were studied by means of several underwater transects and soft bottoms with fixed stations along a bathymetric gradient. The study of the floristic and faunistic composition of the rocky benthic communities highlights depth as the main axis of variation. Factorial Correspondence Analysis segregates deep-water communities below 25 m depth (circalittoral communities) from shallower communities (axis I), and communities thriving between 5 and 25 m depth (lower infralittoral communities) from communities thriving close to the surface (shallow infralittoral communities) (axis II). The study of the sedimentary bottoms also suggests that depth, together with physical sedimentary properties, is the main axis of variation in species distribution. Floristic and faunistic records show the particular composition of La Herradura benthic communities, compared to Mediterranean and Atlantic ones. Mixing of Mediterranean and Atlantic waters, together with deep water upwelling episodes typical of this area, probably determine the peculiar composition of the benthic communities


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Geographical distribution, habitat and reproductive phenology of the Genus Kallymenia (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from Catalonia, Spain


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The integration of ecological and evolutionary data is highly valuable for conservation planning. However, it has been rarely used in the marine realm, where the adequate design of marine protected areas (MPAs) is urgently needed. Here, we examined the interacting processes underlying the patterns of genetic structure and demographic strucuture of a highly vulnerable Mediterranean habitat-forming species (i.e. Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826)), with particular emphasis on the processes of contemporary dispersal, genetic drift, and colonization of a new population. Isolation by distance and genetic discontinuities were found, and three genetic clusters were detected; each submitted to variations in the relative impact of drift and gene flow. No founder effect was found in the new population. The interplay of ecology and evolution revealed that drift is strongly impacting the smallest, most isolated populations, where partial mortality of individuals was highest. Moreover, the eco-evolutionary analyses entailed important conservation implications for P. clavata. Our study supports the inclusion of habitat-forming organisms in the design of MPAs and highlights the need to account for genetic drift in the development of MPAs. Moreover, it reinforces the importance of integrating genetic and demographic data in marine conservation.


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Chironomidae spatial distribution was investigated at 63 near-pristine sites in 22 catchments of the Iberian Mediterranean coast. We used partial redundancy analysis to study Chironomidae community responses to a number of environmental factors acting at several spatial scales. The percentage of variation explained by local factors (23.3%) was higher than that explained by geographical (8.5%) or regional factors(8%). Catchment area, longitude, pH, % siliceous rocks in the catchment, and altitude were the best predictors of Chironomidae assemblages. We used a k-means cluster analysis to classified sites into 3 major groups based on Chironomidae assemblages. These groups were explained mainly by longitudinal zonation and geographical position, and were defined as 1) siliceous headwater streams, 2) mid-altitude streams with small catchment areas, and 3) medium-sized calcareous streams. Distinct species assemblages with associated indicator taxa were established for each stream category using IndVal analysis. Species responses to previously identified key environmental variables were determined, and optima and tolerances were established by weighted average regression. Distinct ecological requirements were observed among genera and among species of the same genus. Some genera were restricted to headwater systems (e.g., Diamesa), whereas others (e.g., Eukiefferiella) had wider ecological preferences but with distinct distributions among congenerics. In the present period of climate change, optima and tolerances of species might be a useful tool to predict responses of different species to changes in significant environmental variables, such as temperature and hydrology.


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We performed a study on the specific composition, structure, and dynamics of two Cystoseira mediterranea communities from the north-western Mediterranean submitted to different degrees of pollution. The structural complexity (species richness, specific distribution, and species and pattern diversity) and biomass production were lower in the polluted site. In this station, opportunistic algae (mainly Ulva rigida) loomed, and Mesophyllum lichenoides and some encrusting brown algae increased their cover. Other species (Jania rubens, and some Ceramiales) decreased their abundance when compared with the polluted site


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The reproductive and general health of exploited fish stocks is an essential element of sustainable and profitable fisheries. The main purpose of this study was to assess the relationships between reproduction and two important parameters of fish health (parasitism and energy reserves) in female specimens of red mullet, Mullus barbatus, from the western Mediterranean Sea. We present new data for this species on (i) the prevalence and intensity of infection by metazoan parasites; (ii) the total lipid content in muscle and gonads as a measure of condition and (iii) fecundity and egg quality as a measure of their reproductive capacity. The results show that M. barbatus is a batch spawner with an income breeding strategy, an asynchronous development of oocytes and indeterminate fecundity. The results also indicate that the three most abundant and prevalent parasites significantly affect the condition and reproduction of M. barbatus. Specifically, the digenean, Opecoeloides furcatus, causes a reduction in the female"s energy reserves, while the nematodes, Hysterothylacium fabri and H. aduncum, produce a rise in egg production but impair egg quality. These implications of the relationships between parasitism, fish health and fish reproduction should be taken into consideration in the assessment and management of exploited species


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Des de l'antiguitat, la construcció de vaixells ha estat fonamental per al desenvolupament dels pobles de la Mediterrània, tant per al transport de mercaderies com per a la creació de naus de guerra. A Sant Feliu de Guíxols, la importància de la indústria naval es pot documentar des del segle XIII, com també la participació de la vila en l’expansió marítima de la Corona d’Aragó


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Con el objetivo de introducir en la región del magdalena medio de Colombia nuevos clones de caucho (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Müll. Arg.) de alta productividad y con resistencia al Mal de las Hojas, se evaluaron materiales un jardín clonal establecido en Cimitarra, Colombia en la región del magdalena medio. Se evaluó la incidencia y la severidad del ataque de Microcyclus ulei (P. Henn.) von Arx. según Garcia et al. (1). Se encontró resistencia completa al mal de las hojas para los clones CDC 312, FDR 4575, FDR 5597, FDR 5788 y MDF 180 y resistencia parcial para los clones FX 3864 y CDC 32. Los clones RRIM 901, PB 235 y PB 260 se mostraron como susceptibles. De acuerdo con los resultados, los clones con resistencia total y parcial se podrán recomendar para zonas preferenciales con restricción para el cultivo, una vez este comportamiento se corroboré en campo clonal. En cuanto a los clones susceptibles se pueden recomendar para zonas de escape al mal de las hojas en el Magdalena Medio Colombiano.


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Ceratocystis sp. é um fungo que coloniza o xilema, agente causal de murcha e seca em diversas plantas lenhosas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo acompanhar a colonização deste fungo na superfície de plantas de eucalipto (Eucalyptus sp.). Foram utilizados 5 isolados de Ceratocystis de diferentes hospedeiros (eucalipto, cacau, manga, teca e atemóia). Para isso, plantas de eucaliptos (clone 219) tiveram parte do seu sistema vascular exposto. Nesta região foi depositada uma suspensão contendo 106 esporos. Como testemunha, uma planta foi inoculada somente com água destilada autoclavada. Após a inoculação, estas plantas foram mantidas em câmara úmida a 25 oC no escuro. Parte da área inoculada foi coletada em intervalos de tempo pré-determinados (6, 12 e 24 horas), e fixadas em solução de "Karnovsky". As amostras foram preparadas e analisadas ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Todos os isolados foram capazes de germinar, penetrar e se desenvolver nos elementos de vasos de plantas de eucalipto no período de 6 horas. O isolado de cacau foi o que aparentemente teve o desenvolvimento mais lento dentro dos períodos estudados. Foi observada a germinação de ascósporos, clamidósporos e de conídios do tipo cilíndrico neste período. Doze horas após a inoculação ocorreu aumento da quantidade de micélio de todos os isolados testados. Nos casos dos isolados de manga e eucalipto foi possível observar a formação de novos clamidósporos. Vinte e quatro horas após a inoculação, com exceção do isolado de cacau, todos os outros isolados já apresentavam a formação de conidióforos cilíndricos. Este estudo comprova que isolados deste fungo, mesmo que provindos de outros hospedeiros, são capazes de se desenvolver no xilema do eucalipto.


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Esta pesquisa investiga as percepções de acadêmicos sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem na disciplina de Anatomia Humana oferecida nos cursos de Ciências Biológicas e Enfermagem de uma universidade da Região Centro-Oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com caráter descritivo e exploratório, realizada com dez acadêmicos de cada um dos cursos envolvidos, regularmente matriculados na disciplina e frequentando o Laboratório de Anatomia Humana. Os depoimentos foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados à luz da análise de conteúdo. Emergiram percepções acerca do processo de ensino e aprendizagem da disciplina e da sua relevância para a formação profissional. Conclui-se que as percepções dos acadêmicos apontam obstáculos enfrentados para uma aprendizagem efetiva. As dificuldades despertam nos estudantes sentimentos de impotência e desânimo. Nesse contexto, surge um grande desafio: propor estudos que considerem a opinião dos acadêmicos, promovendo espaços de troca e construção coletiva do processo de formação.