896 resultados para Medicine, Arab
MEDLINEplus: building and maintaining the National Library of Medicine's consumer health Web service
MEDLINEplus is a Web-based consumer health information resource, made available by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). MEDLINEplus has been designed to provide consumers with a well-organized, selective Web site facilitating access to reliable full-text health information. In addition to full-text resources, MEDLINEplus directs consumers to dictionaries, organizations, directories, libraries, and clearinghouses for answers to health questions. For each health topic, MEDLINEplus includes a preformulated MEDLINE search created by librarians. The site has been designed to match consumer language to medical terminology. NLM has used advances in database and Web technologies to build and maintain MEDLINEplus, allowing health sciences librarians to contribute remotely to the resource. This article describes the development and implementation of MEDLINEplus, its supporting technology, and plans for future development.
This study used the peer-reviewed biomedical literature to define the veterinary informatics knowledgebase and associated subspecialties, and assesses the level of activity in the field over the thirty-year period from 1966 through 1995. Grateful Med was used to search the MEDLINE bibliographic database for articles that shared one or more Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) keywords from the veterinary and medical informatics subject headings. Each of ninety-five MeSH medical informatics terms was assigned to one of twelve veterinary informatics subspecialties. The number of articles retrieved by each MeSH keyword and subspecialty was calculated. A total of 611 articles were retrieved, representing the contributions of 1,338 authors published in 153 journals. The field experienced slow growth over the twenty-year period from 1966 through 1985. In the following decade, the cumulative number of veterinary informatics articles almost tripled and the percentage of veterinary-related articles that included an informatics component increased almost two-and-one-half fold. Despite this recent growth, the number of veterinary-related articles with an informatics component has never exceeded 1% of either the veterinary or medical informatics literature over the past thirty years, and representation of veterinary subspecialties in the literature varied widely.
In October 1998, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) launched a pilot project to learn about the role of public libraries in providing health information to the public and to generate information that would assist NLM and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) in learning how best to work with public libraries in the future. Three regional medical libraries (RMLs), eight resource libraries, and forty-one public libraries or library systems from nine states and the District of Columbia were selected for participation. The pilot project included an evaluation component that was carried out in parallel with project implementation. The evaluation ran through September 1999. The results of the evaluation indicated that participating public librarians were enthusiastic about the training and information materials provided as part of the project and that many public libraries used the materials and conducted their own outreach to local communities and groups. Most libraries applied the modest funds to purchase additional Internet-accessible computers and/or upgrade their health-reference materials. However, few of the participating public libraries had health information centers (although health information was perceived as a top-ten or top-five topic of interest to patrons). Also, the project generated only minimal usage of NLM's consumer health database, known as MEDLINEplus, from the premises of the monitored libraries (patron usage from home or office locations was not tracked). The evaluation results suggested a balanced follow-up by NLM and the NN/LM, with a few carefully selected national activities, complemented by a package of targeted activities that, as of January 2000, are being planned, developed, or implemented. The results also highlighted the importance of building an evaluation component into projects like this one from the outset, to assure that objectives were met and that evaluative information was available on a timely basis, as was the case here.
The Vernacular Discourse of the "Arab Spring" is a project that bridges the divide between the East and the West by offering new readings to Arab subjectivities. Through an analysis of the "Arab Spring" through the lens of vernacular discourse, it challenges the Euro-Americo-centric legacies of Orientalism in Western academia and the new wave of extremism in the Arab world by offering alternative representations of Arab bodies and subjectivities. To offer this new reading of the "Arab Spring," it explores the foundations of critical rhetoric as a theory and a practice and argues for a turn towards a critical vernacular discourse. The turn towards critical vernacular discourse is important as it urges the analyses of different artifacts produced by marginalized groups in order to understand their perspectives that have largely been foreclosed in traditional cultural studies research. Building on embodied/performative critical rhetoric, the vernacular discourses of the Arab revolutionary body examines other forms of knowledge productions that are not merely textual; more specifically, through data gathered in the Lhbib Bourguiba, Tunisia. This analysis of the political revolutionary body unveils the complexity underlining the discussion around issues of identity, agency and representation in the Middle East and North Africa, and calls for a critical study towards these issues in the region beyond the binary approach that has been practiced and applied by academics and media analysts. Hence, by analyzing vernacular discourse, this research locates a method of examining and theorizing the dialectic between agency, citizenry, and subjectivity through the study of how power structure is recreated and challenged through the use of the vernacular in revolutionary movements, as well as how marginalized groups construct their own subjectivities through the use of vernacular discourse. Therefore, highlighting the political prominence of evaluating the Arab Spring as a vernacular discourse is important in creating new ways of understanding communication in postcolonial/neocolonial settings.
This research provides an institutional explanation of the practices of external intervention in the Arab state system from the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1922 to the Arab Spring. My explanation consists of two institutional variables: sovereignty and inter-state borders. I examine the changes in regional and international norms of sovereignty and their impact on the practices of external intervention in the Arab state system. I also examine the impact of the level of institutionalization of inter-state borders in the Arab World on the practices of external intervention. I argue that changes in regional and international norms of sovereignty and changes in the level of institutionalization of inter-state borders have constituted the significant variation over time in both the frequency and type of external intervention in the Arab state system from 1922 to the present. My institutional explanation and findings seriously challenge the traditional accounts of sovereignty and intervention in the Arab World, including the cultural perspectives that emphasize the conflict between sovereignty, Arabism, and Islam, the constructivist accounts that emphasize the regional norm of pan-Arabism, the comparative politics explanations that focus on the domestic material power of the Arab state, the post-colonial perspectives that emphasize the artificiality of the Arab state, and the realist accounts that focus on great powers and the regional distribution of power in the Middle East. This research also contributes to International Relations Theory. I construct a new analytical framework to study the relations between sovereignty, borders, and intervention, combining theoretical elements from the fields of Role Theory, Social Constructivism, and Institutionalization. Methodologically, this research includes both quantitative and qualitative analysis. I conduct content analysis of official documents of Arab states and the Arab League, Arabic press documents, and Arab political thought. I also utilize quantitative data sets on international intervention.
El estudio de Lakoff y Johnson Metáforas de la vida cotidiana (1980) ha dotado al campo de la metáfora de un renovado interés, y a éste siguieron numerosas publicaciones abordándolo desde diversas perspectivas. Lakoff y Johnson (1980) aseguran que la metáfora es, de hecho, una característica del pensamiento y, por consiguiente, ya no es una propiedad exclusiva del lenguaje. La metáfora sería en realidad un reflejo de cómo concebimos e interpretamos el mundo en que vivimos, en la medida en que está conformada por nuestras experiencias corporales, un fenómeno al que Lakoff y Johnson se refieren como la “mente corpórea”. La metáfora cumple la función de “comprender” y facilitar la interpretación de un ámbito o experiencia en los términos de otro ámbito o experiencia (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980: 36). Los conceptos abstractos son difíciles de ser pensados per se; consecuentemente, las personas recurren a la metáfora para concebirlos en los términos de otras nociones más concretas que están, en cierto grado, vinculadas a nuestras experiencias somáticas. Si bien no escasean las investigaciones en el campo de las metáforas, parece haber, sin embargo, cierto vacío en lo tocante a la manifestación de la metáfora en modos distintos del modo verbal. Forceville (2009: 19) afirma que uno de los principios fundamentales de la Teoría de la Metáfora Conceptual es la idea de que el variado empleo de metáforas por parte del ser humano sugiere “que piensa en gran medida metafóricamente”. Esto lleva a la conclusión de que la manifestación de la metáfora debería estar presente en los diversos modos del pensamiento, y no únicamente en el verbal. Estos otros modos de pensamiento incluyen, entre otros, las imágenes, la música, los sonidos y los gestos. Asimismo, la mayoría de estudios que se han realizado en el área de las metáforas multimodales ha sido aplicada al terreno de la publicidad. Los anunciantes parecen advertir el ! 2! poder que se invierte en las metáforas, y las usan profusamente para transmitir mensajes a los consumidores. No obstante, recientemente existe un nuevo interés por investigar el uso de metáforas multimodales en las caricaturas (véase, por ejemplo, El Refaie 2003, 2009; Schilperoord y Maes 2009; Yus 2009; Bergen 2003; Marin Aresse 2008). Las tiras cómicas se distinguen de los anuncios principalmente por el hecho de que las caricaturas transmiten una postura negativa frente a un sujeto particular, mientras que los anuncios presentan una actitud positiva. Igualmente, les diferencia el hecho de que las tiras cómicas requieren un conocimiento social y político específico. El presente escrito examina y compara el uso de metáforas multimodales en caricaturas políticas – tanto inglesas como árabes – que retratan la Primavera Árabe en Egipto, con el fin de determinar: (1) si la mayoría de caricaturas son conceptualmente específicas o culturalmente específicas; (2) los principales dominios fuente empleados por los caricaturistas ingleses y árabes para interpretar la Primavera Árabe; (3) si hay semejanzas o diferencias entre las caricaturas inglesas y las árabes en su elección del dominio meta; y (4) observar también cómo los distintos modos (aquí esencialmente los modos verbal y pictórico) contribuyen a representar la Primavera Árabe. El corpus para este estudio se compone de un total de 50 tiras cómicas, 25 de ellas inglesas y las 25 restantes árabes. En cada una de estas tiras debe haber al menos una metáfora que representa la Primavera Árabe o alguno de sus subtemas. Las tiras han sido seleccionadas aleatoriamente a través de Internet. Para el análisis, la investigadora ha seguido el marco teórico propuesto por Bounegru y Forceville (2011) en cuanto a la determinación de metáforas en general, así como la determinación de metáforas multimodales de tipo verbovisual en particular. Por cada tira cómica se ha llevado a cabo un análisis independiente, determinando el dominio fuente y el dominio meta, las metáforas, las asignaciones, qué se está representando verbalmente y qué se representa pictóricamente. Además, la autora ha analizado ! 3! posteriormente si estas metáforas son culturalmente específicas o no, y/o si están relacionadas con metáforas más genéricas o universales. El análisis que comprende este trabajo se divide en dos secciones. La primera parte es un estudio detallado de los dos corpora, abordando los distintos escenarios de los dominios fuente empleados por los dibujantes según su similitud. Esta sección presenta a su vez un análisis de los diversos modos que se utilizan para revelar el dominio fuente así como el dominio meta. Del mismo modo, se incluyen las metáforas específicas manejadas en cada tira cómica y, cuando se da el caso, aquellas metáforas genéricas o universales a las que remite. La segunda sección del análisis presenta una comparativa entre ambos corpora basada en el análisis expuesto en la primera parte. Además, trata varios de los fenómenos lingüísticos a los que han recurrido frecuentemente los dibujantes ingleses y árabes. Estos fenómenos son principalmente la metonimia y la personificación. Igualmente, en esta sección la autora investiga en mayor profundidad las metáforas usadas por los dibujantes ingleses y los árabes, determinando si son ora conceptualmente específicas, ora culturalmente específicas, a partir del hecho de que las metáforas sirven como herramienta para reconocer la forma en que personas distintas, o bien culturas distintas, interpretan varias cuestiones. Por ejemplo, a la hora de conceptualizar el futuro, algunas culturas lo representan espacialmente como delante del hablante, mientras que otras se refieren al mismo como localizado detrás del sujeto (Lakoff y Johnson 1980: 14). Este trabajo ha permitido varios hallazgos. En cuanto a las metáforas empleadas para representar la Primavera Árabe, tanto las tiras inglesas como las árabes han recurrido a una cierta variedad de metáforas. Algunas de las tiras presentan más de una metáfora operando a la vez. Los dibujantes ingleses y árabes parecen haberse apoyado siempre en el modo pictórico para presentar el dominio fuente, así como en el modo verbal para mostrar el dominio meta. ! 4! Además, respecto a la naturaleza de las metáforas que figuran en sendos corpora, casi todas las metáforas son conceptuales en cuanto que se corresponden con nuestras experiencias corporales; no hay, por otro lado, ninguna metáfora culturalmente específica. Asimismo, la única diferencia a este respecto entre ambos corpora es una variación en lo que constituye el prototipo de una categoría particular – aquí concretamente la categoría “primavera” en cada una de las culturas –. En las tiras inglesas, una flor es empleada para representar la primavera, mientras que en las árabes el elemento natural más frecuente para simbolizar la primavera es un árbol.
The work was financed by the Project: 'Antecedentes históricos de la nutrición comunitaria en España: los primeros intentos de institucionalización, 1923-1947' (HUM2005-04961-C03-01).
We analyzed plants that are traditionally used by wild bird hunters and breeders to capture and promote captive breeding of Fringillidae (finches or songbirds) in the province of Alicante, Spain. The majority of plants used in songbird breeding have medicinal properties in traditional human medicine (48 different uses); thus, another main goal was to show their relationships with human medical uses. We compiled a list of 97 plant species from 31 botanical families that are used to attract finches and identified 11 different use categories for these plants in finch keeping. The most common uses were for trapping birds and as a source of food for birds in captivity. Cannabis sativa has the greatest cultural importance index (CI = 1.158), and Phalaris canariensis (annual canary grass or alpist) was the most common species used to attract Fringillidae and was used by all informants (n = 158). Most of the 97 species are wild plants and mainly belong to the families Compositae, Gramineae, Cruciferae, and Rosaceae and also have medicinal properties for humans. In the study area, the intensification of agriculture and abandonment of traditional management practices have caused the population of many songbirds to decline, as well as the loss of popular ethnographic knowledge.
The purpose of this paper is to draw a map of the representation of the world and of Arab states as reflected by the countries of the region. To do so, we have analysed the news (4,093 news randomly collected on February and August 2005) produced by the governments of the Arab states through their national news agencies. Several regional and world maps had been constructed to show the official Arab representation of the World, the Arab countries conflict agenda, the persistence of colonial ties (with the European metropolis) and the emergence of new relationships (Asian countries). The representation of the world that appeared in the analysis focuses its interest on the USA, the war in Iraq, the Israel-Palestine conflict, the United Kingdom, France, and Iran. The Arab regional powers organise the flow of information (Saudi Arabia and Egypt) and the colonial past determines the current structure of communication (French-speaking bloc and English-speaking bloc).
Seven wild and cultivated Salvia species and two Phlomis species, used traditionally in Valencian medicine to treat a variety of external and internal ailments, were studied. New ethnobotanical data are provided, obtained from semistructured interviews with 34 people in the Valencian area. A seasonal characterization of the essential oil of a wild sage, Salvia blancoana Webb & Heldr. subsp. mariolensis Figuerola, by GC-FID and GC-MS was carried out as a means to ensure quality control of endemic traditional species such as this one, which has been commercialized by local industries. A comparison with the essential oil of Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl subsp.lavandulifolia allowed inclusion of the wild sage within the commercial 'Spanish sage' oil.
Ethnopharmacological relevance and background: “Dictamnus” was a popular name for a group of medicinal herbaceous plant species of the Rutaceae and Lamiaceae, which since the 4th century have been used for gynaecological problems and other illnesses BCE and still appear in numerous ethnobotanical records. Aims: This research has as four overarching aims: Determining the historical evolution of medical preparations labelled “Dictamnus” and the different factors affecting this long-standing herbal tradition. Deciphering and differentiating those medicinal uses of “Dictamnus” which strictly correspond to Dictamnus (Rutaceae), from those of Origanum dictamnus and other Lamiaceae species. Quantitatively assessing the dependence from herbal books, and pharmaceutical tradition, of modern Dictamnus ethnobotanical records. Determining whether differences between Western and Eastern Europe exist with regards to the Dictamnus albus uses in ethnopharmacology and ethnomedicine. Methods: An exhaustive review of herbals, classical pharmacopoeias, ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological literature was conducted. Systematic analysis of uses reported which were standardized according to International Classification of Diseases – 10 and multivariate analysis using factorial, hierarchical and neighbour joining methods was undertaken. Results and discussion: The popular concept “Dictamnus” includes Origanum dictamnus L., Ballota pseudodictamnus (L.) Benth. and B. acetabulosa (L.) Benth. (Lamiaceae), as well as Dictamnus albus L. and D. hispanicus Webb ex Willk. (Rutaceae), with 86 different types of uses. Between 1000 and 1700 CE numerous complex preparations with “Dictamnus” were used in the treatment of 35 different pathologies. On biogeographical grounds the widespread D. albus is a far more likely prototypical “Dictamnus” than the Cretan endemic Origanum dictamnus. However both form integral parts of the “Dictamnus” complex. Evidence exists for a sufficiently long and coherent tradition for D. albus and D. hispanicus, use to treat 47 different categories of diseases. Conclusions: This approach is a model for understanding the cultural history of plants and their role as resources for health care. “Dictamnus” shows how transmission of traditional knowledge about materia medica, over 26 centuries, represents remarkable levels of development and innovation. All this lead us to call attention to D. albus and D. hispanicus which are highly promising as potential herbal drug leads. The next steps of research should be to systematically analyse phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical evidence and to develop safety, pharmacology and toxicology profiles of the traditional preparations.